blob: 8f26d212b1d4579f74af96a1f3afa454ef0727b5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.orc.CompressionKind;
import org.apache.orc.FileMetaInfo;
import org.apache.orc.FileMetadata;
import org.apache.orc.TypeDescription;
import org.apache.orc.impl.MemoryManager;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.TimeZone;
* Contains factory methods to read or write ORC files.
public final class OrcFile {
public static final String MAGIC = "ORC";
* Create a version number for the ORC file format, so that we can add
* non-forward compatible changes in the future. To make it easier for users
* to understand the version numbers, we use the Hive release number that
* first wrote that version of ORC files.
* Thus, if you add new encodings or other non-forward compatible changes
* to ORC files, which prevent the old reader from reading the new format,
* you should change these variable to reflect the next Hive release number.
* Non-forward compatible changes should never be added in patch releases.
* Do not make any changes that break backwards compatibility, which would
* prevent the new reader from reading ORC files generated by any released
* version of Hive.
public enum Version {
V_0_11("0.11", 0, 11),
V_0_12("0.12", 0, 12);
public static final Version CURRENT = V_0_12;
private final String name;
private final int major;
private final int minor;
private Version(String name, int major, int minor) { = name;
this.major = major;
this.minor = minor;
public static Version byName(String name) {
for(Version version: values()) {
if ( {
return version;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown ORC version " + name);
* Get the human readable name for the version.
public String getName() {
return name;
* Get the major version number.
public int getMajor() {
return major;
* Get the minor version number.
public int getMinor() {
return minor;
* Records the version of the writer in terms of which bugs have been fixed.
* For bugs in the writer, but the old readers already read the new data
* correctly, bump this version instead of the Version.
public enum WriterVersion {
HIVE_8732(1), // corrupted stripe/file maximum column statistics
HIVE_4243(2), // use real column names from Hive tables
HIVE_12055(3), // vectorized writer
// Don't use any magic numbers here except for the below:
FUTURE(Integer.MAX_VALUE); // a version from a future writer
private final int id;
public int getId() {
return id;
WriterVersion(int id) { = id;
private static final WriterVersion[] values;
static {
// Assumes few non-negative values close to zero.
int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for (WriterVersion v : WriterVersion.values()) {
if ( < 0) throw new AssertionError();
if ( > max && != {
max =;
values = new WriterVersion[max + 1];
for (WriterVersion v : WriterVersion.values()) {
if ( < values.length) {
values[] = v;
public static WriterVersion from(int val) {
if (val == return FUTURE; // Special handling for the magic value.
return values[val];
public static final WriterVersion CURRENT_WRITER = WriterVersion.HIVE_12055;
public enum EncodingStrategy {
public enum CompressionStrategy {
// unused
private OrcFile() {}
public static class ReaderOptions {
private final Configuration conf;
private FileSystem filesystem;
private FileMetaInfo fileMetaInfo; // TODO: this comes from some place.
private long maxLength = Long.MAX_VALUE;
private FileMetadata fullFileMetadata; // Propagate from LLAP cache.
public ReaderOptions(Configuration conf) {
this.conf = conf;
public ReaderOptions fileMetaInfo(FileMetaInfo info) {
fileMetaInfo = info;
return this;
public ReaderOptions filesystem(FileSystem fs) {
this.filesystem = fs;
return this;
public ReaderOptions maxLength(long val) {
maxLength = val;
return this;
public ReaderOptions fileMetadata(FileMetadata metadata) {
this.fullFileMetadata = metadata;
return this;
public Configuration getConfiguration() {
return conf;
public FileSystem getFilesystem() {
return filesystem;
public FileMetaInfo getFileMetaInfo() {
return fileMetaInfo;
public long getMaxLength() {
return maxLength;
public FileMetadata getFileMetadata() {
return fullFileMetadata;
public static ReaderOptions readerOptions(Configuration conf) {
return new ReaderOptions(conf);
public interface WriterContext {
Writer getWriter();
public interface WriterCallback {
void preStripeWrite(WriterContext context) throws IOException;
void preFooterWrite(WriterContext context) throws IOException;
* Options for creating ORC file writers.
public static class WriterOptions {
private final Configuration configuration;
private FileSystem fileSystemValue = null;
private TypeDescription schema = null;
private long stripeSizeValue;
private long blockSizeValue;
private int rowIndexStrideValue;
private int bufferSizeValue;
private boolean blockPaddingValue;
private CompressionKind compressValue;
private MemoryManager memoryManagerValue;
private Version versionValue;
private WriterCallback callback;
private EncodingStrategy encodingStrategy;
private CompressionStrategy compressionStrategy;
private double paddingTolerance;
private String bloomFilterColumns;
private double bloomFilterFpp;
protected WriterOptions(Properties tableProperties, Configuration conf) {
configuration = conf;
memoryManagerValue = getStaticMemoryManager(conf);
stripeSizeValue = org.apache.orc.OrcConf.STRIPE_SIZE.getLong(tableProperties, conf);
blockSizeValue = org.apache.orc.OrcConf.BLOCK_SIZE.getLong(tableProperties, conf);
rowIndexStrideValue =
(int) org.apache.orc.OrcConf.ROW_INDEX_STRIDE.getLong(tableProperties, conf);
bufferSizeValue = (int) org.apache.orc.OrcConf.BUFFER_SIZE.getLong(tableProperties,
blockPaddingValue =
org.apache.orc.OrcConf.BLOCK_PADDING.getBoolean(tableProperties, conf);
compressValue =
String versionName = org.apache.orc.OrcConf.WRITE_FORMAT.getString(tableProperties,
versionValue = Version.byName(versionName);
String enString = org.apache.orc.OrcConf.ENCODING_STRATEGY.getString(tableProperties,
encodingStrategy = EncodingStrategy.valueOf(enString);
String compString =
org.apache.orc.OrcConf.COMPRESSION_STRATEGY.getString(tableProperties, conf);
compressionStrategy = CompressionStrategy.valueOf(compString);
paddingTolerance =
org.apache.orc.OrcConf.BLOCK_PADDING_TOLERANCE.getDouble(tableProperties, conf);
bloomFilterColumns = org.apache.orc.OrcConf.BLOOM_FILTER_COLUMNS.getString(tableProperties,
bloomFilterFpp = org.apache.orc.OrcConf.BLOOM_FILTER_FPP.getDouble(tableProperties,
* Provide the filesystem for the path, if the client has it available.
* If it is not provided, it will be found from the path.
public WriterOptions fileSystem(FileSystem value) {
fileSystemValue = value;
return this;
* Set the stripe size for the file. The writer stores the contents of the
* stripe in memory until this memory limit is reached and the stripe
* is flushed to the HDFS file and the next stripe started.
public WriterOptions stripeSize(long value) {
stripeSizeValue = value;
return this;
* Set the file system block size for the file. For optimal performance,
* set the block size to be multiple factors of stripe size.
public WriterOptions blockSize(long value) {
blockSizeValue = value;
return this;
* Set the distance between entries in the row index. The minimum value is
* 1000 to prevent the index from overwhelming the data. If the stride is
* set to 0, no indexes will be included in the file.
public WriterOptions rowIndexStride(int value) {
rowIndexStrideValue = value;
return this;
* The size of the memory buffers used for compressing and storing the
* stripe in memory.
public WriterOptions bufferSize(int value) {
bufferSizeValue = value;
return this;
* Sets whether the HDFS blocks are padded to prevent stripes from
* straddling blocks. Padding improves locality and thus the speed of
* reading, but costs space.
public WriterOptions blockPadding(boolean value) {
blockPaddingValue = value;
return this;
* Sets the encoding strategy that is used to encode the data.
public WriterOptions encodingStrategy(EncodingStrategy strategy) {
encodingStrategy = strategy;
return this;
* Sets the tolerance for block padding as a percentage of stripe size.
public WriterOptions paddingTolerance(double value) {
paddingTolerance = value;
return this;
* Comma separated values of column names for which bloom filter is to be created.
public WriterOptions bloomFilterColumns(String columns) {
bloomFilterColumns = columns;
return this;
* Specify the false positive probability for bloom filter.
* @param fpp - false positive probability
* @return this
public WriterOptions bloomFilterFpp(double fpp) {
bloomFilterFpp = fpp;
return this;
* Sets the generic compression that is used to compress the data.
public WriterOptions compress(CompressionKind value) {
compressValue = value;
return this;
* Set the schema for the file. This is a required parameter.
* @param schema the schema for the file.
* @return this
public WriterOptions setSchema(TypeDescription schema) {
this.schema = schema;
return this;
* Sets the version of the file that will be written.
public WriterOptions version(Version value) {
versionValue = value;
return this;
* Add a listener for when the stripe and file are about to be closed.
* @param callback the object to be called when the stripe is closed
* @return this
public WriterOptions callback(WriterCallback callback) {
this.callback = callback;
return this;
* A package local option to set the memory manager.
protected WriterOptions memory(MemoryManager value) {
memoryManagerValue = value;
return this;
public boolean getBlockPadding() {
return blockPaddingValue;
public long getBlockSize() {
return blockSizeValue;
public String getBloomFilterColumns() {
return bloomFilterColumns;
public FileSystem getFileSystem() {
return fileSystemValue;
public Configuration getConfiguration() {
return configuration;
public TypeDescription getSchema() {
return schema;
public long getStripeSize() {
return stripeSizeValue;
public CompressionKind getCompress() {
return compressValue;
public WriterCallback getCallback() {
return callback;
public Version getVersion() {
return versionValue;
public MemoryManager getMemoryManager() {
return memoryManagerValue;
public int getBufferSize() {
return bufferSizeValue;
public int getRowIndexStride() {
return rowIndexStrideValue;
public CompressionStrategy getCompressionStrategy() {
return compressionStrategy;
public EncodingStrategy getEncodingStrategy() {
return encodingStrategy;
public double getPaddingTolerance() {
return paddingTolerance;
public double getBloomFilterFpp() {
return bloomFilterFpp;
* Create a set of writer options based on a configuration.
* @param conf the configuration to use for values
* @return A WriterOptions object that can be modified
public static ORCAppender.WriterOptions writerOptions(Configuration conf) {
return new ORCAppender.WriterOptions(null, conf);
* Create a set of write options based on a set of table properties and
* configuration.
* @param tableProperties the properties of the table
* @param conf the configuration of the query
* @return a WriterOptions object that can be modified
public static WriterOptions writerOptions(Properties tableProperties,
Configuration conf) {
return new WriterOptions(tableProperties, conf);
private static synchronized MemoryManager getStaticMemoryManager(
final Configuration conf) {
if (memoryManager == null) {
memoryManager = new ThreadLocal<MemoryManager>() {
protected MemoryManager initialValue() {
return new MemoryManager(conf);
return memoryManager.get();
* Create an ORC file writer. This is the public interface for creating
* writers going forward and new options will only be added to this method.
* @param path filename to write to
* @param opts the options
* @return a new ORC file writer
* @throws IOException
public static Writer createWriter(Path path,
WriterOptions opts,
TimeZone timeZone
) throws IOException {
FileSystem fs = opts.getFileSystem() == null ?
path.getFileSystem(opts.getConfiguration()) : opts.getFileSystem();
return new WriterImpl(fs, path, opts, timeZone);
private static ThreadLocal<MemoryManager> memoryManager = null;
private static synchronized MemoryManager getMemoryManager(final Configuration conf) {
if (memoryManager == null) {
memoryManager = new ThreadLocal<MemoryManager>() {
protected MemoryManager initialValue() {
return new MemoryManager(conf);
return memoryManager.get();