blob: 4cfd19d6e6f5ff1a1bd651bd9b5d8fb9c7c49260 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.orc.*;
import org.apache.orc.impl.*;
import org.apache.tajo.catalog.Column;
import org.apache.tajo.catalog.Schema;
import org.apache.tajo.catalog.SchemaBuilder;
import java.util.*;
public class OrcRecordReader implements Closeable {
private final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(OrcRecordReader.class);
private final Path path;
private final long firstRow;
private final List<StripeInformation> stripes = new ArrayList<>();
private OrcProto.StripeFooter stripeFooter;
private final long totalRowCount;
private final CompressionCodec codec;
private final List<OrcProto.Type> types;
private final int bufferSize;
private final boolean[] included;
private final long rowIndexStride;
private long rowInStripe = 0;
private int currentStripe = -1;
private long rowBaseInStripe = 0;
private long rowCountInStripe = 0;
private final Map<org.apache.orc.impl.StreamName, InStream> streams = new HashMap<>();
DiskRangeList bufferChunks = null;
private final TreeReaderFactory.DatumTreeReader[] reader;
private final OrcProto.RowIndex[] indexes;
private final OrcProto.BloomFilterIndex[] bloomFilterIndices;
private final Configuration conf;
private final MetadataReader metadata;
private final DataReader dataReader;
private final Tuple result;
public OrcRecordReader(List<StripeInformation> stripes,
FileSystem fileSystem,
Schema schema,
Column[] targets,
FileFragment fragment,
List<OrcProto.Type> types,
CompressionCodec codec,
int bufferSize,
long strideRate,
Reader.Options options,
Configuration conf,
TimeZone timeZone) throws IOException {
result = new VTuple(targets.length);
this.conf = conf;
this.path = fragment.getPath();
this.codec = codec;
this.types = types;
this.bufferSize = bufferSize;
this.included = new boolean[schema.size() + 1];
included[0] = targets.length > 0; // always include root column except when target schema size is 0
Schema targetSchema = SchemaBuilder.builder().addAll(targets).build();
for (int i = 1; i < included.length; i++) {
included[i] = targetSchema.contains(schema.getColumn(i - 1));
this.rowIndexStride = strideRate;
this.metadata = new MetadataReaderImpl(fileSystem, path, codec, bufferSize, types.size());
long rows = 0;
long skippedRows = 0;
long offset = fragment.getStartKey();
long maxOffset = fragment.getStartKey() + fragment.getLength();
for(StripeInformation stripe: stripes) {
long stripeStart = stripe.getOffset();
if (offset > stripeStart) {
skippedRows += stripe.getNumberOfRows();
} else if (stripeStart < maxOffset) {
rows += stripe.getNumberOfRows();
// TODO: we could change the ctor to pass this externally
this.dataReader = RecordReaderUtils.createDefaultDataReader(fileSystem, path, options.getUseZeroCopy(), codec);;
firstRow = skippedRows;
totalRowCount = rows;
reader = new DatumTreeReader[targets.length];
for (int i = 0; i < reader.length; i++) {
reader[i] = TreeReaderFactory.createTreeReader(timeZone, schema.getColumnId(targets[i].getQualifiedName()), targets[i],
indexes = new OrcProto.RowIndex[types.size()];
bloomFilterIndices = new OrcProto.BloomFilterIndex[types.size()];
advanceToNextRow(reader, 0L, true);
* Plan the ranges of the file that we need to read given the list of
* columns and row groups.
* @param streamList the list of streams available
* @param includedColumns which columns are needed
* @param doMergeBuffers
* @return the list of disk ranges that will be loaded
static DiskRangeList planReadPartialDataStreams
(List<OrcProto.Stream> streamList,
boolean[] includedColumns,
boolean doMergeBuffers) {
long offset = 0;
// figure out which columns have a present stream
DiskRangeList.CreateHelper list = new DiskRangeList.CreateHelper();
for (OrcProto.Stream stream : streamList) {
long length = stream.getLength();
int column = stream.getColumn();
OrcProto.Stream.Kind streamKind = stream.getKind();
// since stream kind is optional, first check if it exists
if (stream.hasKind() &&
(org.apache.orc.impl.StreamName.getArea(streamKind) == org.apache.orc.impl.StreamName.Area.DATA) &&
includedColumns[column]) {
RecordReaderUtils.addEntireStreamToRanges(offset, length, list, doMergeBuffers);
offset += length;
return list.extract();
void createStreams(List<OrcProto.Stream> streamDescriptions,
DiskRangeList ranges,
boolean[] includeColumn,
CompressionCodec codec,
int bufferSize,
Map<org.apache.orc.impl.StreamName, InStream> streams) throws IOException {
long streamOffset = 0;
for (OrcProto.Stream streamDesc : streamDescriptions) {
int column = streamDesc.getColumn();
if ((includeColumn != null && !includeColumn[column]) ||
streamDesc.hasKind() &&
(org.apache.orc.impl.StreamName.getArea(streamDesc.getKind()) != org.apache.orc.impl.StreamName.Area.DATA)) {
streamOffset += streamDesc.getLength();
List<DiskRange> buffers = RecordReaderUtils.getStreamBuffers(
ranges, streamOffset, streamDesc.getLength());
org.apache.orc.impl.StreamName name = new StreamName(column, streamDesc.getKind());
streams.put(name, InStream.create(name.toString(), buffers,
streamDesc.getLength(), codec, bufferSize));
streamOffset += streamDesc.getLength();
private void readPartialDataStreams(StripeInformation stripe) throws IOException {
List<OrcProto.Stream> streamList = stripeFooter.getStreamsList();
DiskRangeList toRead = planReadPartialDataStreams(streamList, included, true);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("chunks = " + RecordReaderUtils.stringifyDiskRanges(toRead));
bufferChunks = dataReader.readFileData(toRead, stripe.getOffset(), false);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("merge = " + RecordReaderUtils.stringifyDiskRanges(bufferChunks));
createStreams(streamList, bufferChunks, included, codec, bufferSize, streams);
* Skip over rows that we aren't selecting, so that the next row is
* one that we will read.
* @param nextRow the row we want to go to
* @throws IOException
private boolean advanceToNextRow(
TreeReaderFactory.TreeReader[] reader, long nextRow, boolean canAdvanceStripe)
throws IOException {
long nextRowInStripe = nextRow - rowBaseInStripe;
if (nextRowInStripe >= rowCountInStripe) {
if (canAdvanceStripe) {
return canAdvanceStripe;
if (nextRowInStripe != rowInStripe) {
if (rowIndexStride != 0) {
int rowGroup = (int) (nextRowInStripe / rowIndexStride);
seekToRowEntry(reader, rowGroup);
for (TreeReaderFactory.TreeReader eachReader : reader) {
eachReader.skipRows(nextRowInStripe - rowGroup * rowIndexStride);
} else {
for (TreeReaderFactory.TreeReader eachReader : reader) {
eachReader.skipRows(nextRowInStripe - rowInStripe);
rowInStripe = nextRowInStripe;
return true;
public boolean hasNext() throws IOException {
return rowInStripe < rowCountInStripe;
public Tuple next() throws IOException {
if (hasNext()) {
try {
for (int i = 0; i < reader.length; i++) {
result.put(i, reader[i].next());
// find the next row
rowInStripe += 1;
advanceToNextRow(reader, rowInStripe + rowBaseInStripe, true);
return result;
} catch (IOException e) {
// Rethrow exception with file name in log message
throw new IOException("Error reading file: " + path, e);
} else {
return null;
* Read the next stripe until we find a row that we don't skip.
* @throws IOException
private void advanceStripe() throws IOException {
rowInStripe = rowCountInStripe;
while (rowInStripe >= rowCountInStripe &&
currentStripe < stripes.size() - 1) {
currentStripe += 1;
* Read the current stripe into memory.
* @throws IOException
private void readStripe() throws IOException {
StripeInformation stripe = beginReadStripe();
// if we haven't skipped the whole stripe, read the data
if (rowInStripe < rowCountInStripe) {
// if we aren't projecting columns or filtering rows, just read it all
if (included == null) {
} else {
for (TreeReaderFactory.TreeReader eachReader : reader) {
eachReader.startStripe(streams, stripeFooter);
// if we skipped the first row group, move the pointers forward
if (rowInStripe != 0) {
seekToRowEntry(reader, (int) (rowInStripe / rowIndexStride));
private void clearStreams() throws IOException {
// explicit close of all streams to de-ref ByteBuffers
for (InStream is : streams.values()) {
if (bufferChunks != null) {
if (dataReader.isTrackingDiskRanges()) {
for (DiskRangeList range = bufferChunks; range != null; range = {
if (!(range instanceof BufferChunk)) {
dataReader.releaseBuffer(((BufferChunk) range).getChunk());
bufferChunks = null;
OrcProto.StripeFooter readStripeFooter(StripeInformation stripe) throws IOException {
return metadata.readStripeFooter(stripe);
private StripeInformation beginReadStripe() throws IOException {
StripeInformation stripe = stripes.get(currentStripe);
stripeFooter = readStripeFooter(stripe);
// setup the position in the stripe
rowCountInStripe = stripe.getNumberOfRows();
rowInStripe = 0;
rowBaseInStripe = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < currentStripe; ++i) {
rowBaseInStripe += stripes.get(i).getNumberOfRows();
// reset all of the indexes
for (int i = 0; i < indexes.length; ++i) {
indexes[i] = null;
return stripe;
private void readAllDataStreams(StripeInformation stripe) throws IOException {
long start = stripe.getIndexLength();
long end = start + stripe.getDataLength();
// explicitly trigger 1 big read
DiskRangeList toRead = new DiskRangeList(start, end);
bufferChunks = dataReader.readFileData(toRead, stripe.getOffset(), false);
List<OrcProto.Stream> streamDescriptions = stripeFooter.getStreamsList();
createStreams(streamDescriptions, bufferChunks, included, codec, bufferSize, streams);
public long getRowNumber() {
return rowInStripe + rowBaseInStripe + firstRow;
public float getProgress() {
return ((float) rowBaseInStripe + rowInStripe) / totalRowCount;
private int findStripe(long rowNumber) {
for (int i = 0; i < stripes.size(); i++) {
StripeInformation stripe = stripes.get(i);
if (stripe.getNumberOfRows() > rowNumber) {
return i;
rowNumber -= stripe.getNumberOfRows();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Seek after the end of reader range");
OrcIndex readRowIndex(
int stripeIndex, boolean[] included) throws IOException {
return readRowIndex(stripeIndex, included, null, null);
OrcIndex readRowIndex(int stripeIndex, boolean[] included, OrcProto.RowIndex[] indexes,
OrcProto.BloomFilterIndex[] bloomFilterIndex) throws IOException {
StripeInformation stripe = stripes.get(stripeIndex);
OrcProto.StripeFooter stripeFooter = null;
// if this is the current stripe, use the cached objects.
if (stripeIndex == currentStripe) {
stripeFooter = this.stripeFooter;
indexes = indexes == null ? this.indexes : indexes;
bloomFilterIndex = bloomFilterIndex == null ? this.bloomFilterIndices : bloomFilterIndex;
return metadata.readRowIndex(stripe, stripeFooter, included, indexes, null,
private void seekToRowEntry(TreeReaderFactory.TreeReader []reader, int rowEntry)
throws IOException {
PositionProvider[] index = new PositionProvider[indexes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < indexes.length; ++i) {
if (indexes[i] != null) {
index[i] = new PositionProviderImpl(indexes[i].getEntry(rowEntry));
for (TreeReaderFactory.TreeReader eachReader : reader) {;
public void seekToRow(long rowNumber) throws IOException {
if (rowNumber < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Seek to a negative row number " +
} else if (rowNumber < firstRow) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Seek before reader range " +
// convert to our internal form (rows from the beginning of slice)
rowNumber -= firstRow;
// move to the right stripe
int rightStripe = findStripe(rowNumber);
if (rightStripe != currentStripe) {
currentStripe = rightStripe;
readRowIndex(currentStripe, included);
// if we aren't to the right row yet, advance in the stripe.
advanceToNextRow(reader, rowNumber, true);
public long getNumBytes() {
return ((RecordReaderUtils.DefaultDataReader)dataReader).getReadBytes();
public void close() throws IOException {
public static final class PositionProviderImpl implements PositionProvider {
private final OrcProto.RowIndexEntry entry;
private int index;
public PositionProviderImpl(OrcProto.RowIndexEntry entry) {
this(entry, 0);
public PositionProviderImpl(OrcProto.RowIndexEntry entry, int startPos) {
this.entry = entry;
this.index = startPos;
public long getNext() {
return entry.getPositions(index++);