blob: 65d175915e9de5f0f8068901bc5beee2d33df200 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.tajo.plan;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.tajo.ConfigKey;
import org.apache.tajo.OverridableConf;
import org.apache.tajo.SessionVars;
import org.apache.tajo.algebra.JoinType;
import org.apache.tajo.catalog.CatalogService;
import org.apache.tajo.conf.TajoConf;
import org.apache.tajo.conf.TajoConf.ConfVars;
import org.apache.tajo.exception.TajoException;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.expr.*;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.joinorder.*;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.logical.*;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.rewrite.BaseLogicalPlanRewriteEngine;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.rewrite.LogicalPlanRewriteRuleContext;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.rewrite.LogicalPlanRewriteRuleProvider;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.util.PlannerUtil;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.visitor.BasicLogicalPlanVisitor;
import org.apache.tajo.util.ReflectionUtil;
import org.apache.tajo.util.graph.DirectedGraphCursor;
import java.util.*;
import static org.apache.tajo.plan.LogicalPlan.BlockEdge;
import static org.apache.tajo.plan.joinorder.GreedyHeuristicJoinOrderAlgorithm.getCost;
* This class optimizes a logical plan.
public class LogicalOptimizer {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(LogicalOptimizer.class.getName());
private final CatalogService catalog;
private final StorageService storage;
private BaseLogicalPlanRewriteEngine rulesBeforeJoinOpt;
private BaseLogicalPlanRewriteEngine rulesAfterToJoinOpt;
private JoinOrderAlgorithm joinOrderAlgorithm = new GreedyHeuristicJoinOrderAlgorithm();
public LogicalOptimizer(TajoConf conf, CatalogService catalog, StorageService storage) {
this.catalog = catalog; = storage;
// TODO: set the catalog instance to FilterPushdownRule
Class clazz = conf.getClassVar(ConfVars.LOGICAL_PLAN_REWRITE_RULE_PROVIDER_CLASS);
LogicalPlanRewriteRuleProvider provider = (LogicalPlanRewriteRuleProvider) ReflectionUtil.newInstance(clazz, conf);
rulesBeforeJoinOpt = new BaseLogicalPlanRewriteEngine(storage);
rulesAfterToJoinOpt = new BaseLogicalPlanRewriteEngine(storage);
public LogicalNode optimize(LogicalPlan plan) throws TajoException {
OverridableConf conf = new OverridableConf(new TajoConf(),
ConfigKey.ConfigType.SESSION, ConfigKey.ConfigType.QUERY, ConfigKey.ConfigType.SYSTEM);
return optimize(conf, plan);
public LogicalNode optimize(OverridableConf context, LogicalPlan plan) throws TajoException {
rulesBeforeJoinOpt.rewrite(new LogicalPlanRewriteRuleContext(context, plan, catalog, storage));
DirectedGraphCursor<String, BlockEdge> blockCursor =
new DirectedGraphCursor<>(plan.getQueryBlockGraph(), plan.getRootBlock().getName());
if (context == null || context.getBool(SessionVars.TEST_JOIN_OPT_ENABLED)) {
// default is true
while (blockCursor.hasNext()) {
optimizeJoinOrder(plan, blockCursor.nextBlock());
} else {"Skip join order optimization");
rulesAfterToJoinOpt.rewrite(new LogicalPlanRewriteRuleContext(context, plan, catalog, storage));
return plan.getRootBlock().getRoot();
private void optimizeJoinOrder(LogicalPlan plan, String blockName) throws TajoException {
LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block = plan.getBlock(blockName);
if (block.hasNode(NodeType.JOIN)) {
String originalOrder = JoinOrderStringBuilder.buildJoinOrderString(plan, block);
double nonOptimizedJoinCost = JoinCostComputer.computeCost(plan, block);
// finding relations and filter expressions
JoinGraphContext joinGraphContext = JoinGraphBuilder.buildJoinGraph(plan, block);
// finding join order and restore remaining filters
FoundJoinOrder order = joinOrderAlgorithm.findBestOrder(plan, block, joinGraphContext);
// replace join node with FoundJoinOrder.
JoinNode newJoinNode = order.getOrderedJoin();
LogicalNode newNode = handleRemainingFiltersIfNecessary(joinGraphContext, plan, block, newJoinNode);
JoinNode old = PlannerUtil.findTopNode(block.getRoot(), NodeType.JOIN);
JoinTargetCollector collector = new JoinTargetCollector();
Set<Target> targets = new LinkedHashSet<>();
collector.visitJoin(targets, plan, block, old, new Stack<>());
if (targets.size() == 0) {
} else {
newJoinNode.setTargets(new ArrayList<>(targets));
PlannerUtil.replaceNode(plan, block.getRoot(), old, newNode);
// End of replacement logic
String optimizedOrder = JoinOrderStringBuilder.buildJoinOrderString(plan, block);
block.addPlanHistory("Non-optimized join order: " + originalOrder + " (cost: " + nonOptimizedJoinCost + ")");
block.addPlanHistory("Optimized join order : " + optimizedOrder + " (cost: " + order.getCost() + ")");
* During join order optimization, every condition is checked whether it is a join condition or not.
* So, after join order is optimized, there can be remaining conditions which are not join conditions.
* This function handles such remaining conditions. It creates a new selection node for those conditions if required
* or add them to the existing selection node.
* @param joinGraphContext join graph context
* @param plan logical plan
* @param block query block
* @param newJoinNode the top join node after join order optimization
* @return the top logical node after handling remaining conditions
private static LogicalNode handleRemainingFiltersIfNecessary(JoinGraphContext joinGraphContext,
LogicalPlan plan,
LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block,
JoinNode newJoinNode) {
// Gather filters from remaining join edges
Collection<JoinEdge> joinEdges = joinGraphContext.getJoinGraph().getEdgesAll();
Collection<EvalNode> markAsEvaluated = new HashSet<>(joinGraphContext.getEvaluatedJoinConditions());
Set<EvalNode> remainingQuals = new HashSet<>(joinGraphContext.getCandidateJoinFilters());
for (JoinEdge eachEdge : joinEdges) {
for (EvalNode eachQual : eachEdge.getJoinQual()) {
if (!markAsEvaluated.contains(eachQual)) {
if (!remainingQuals.isEmpty()) {
LogicalNode topParent = PlannerUtil.findTopParentNode(block.getRoot(), NodeType.JOIN);
if (topParent.getType() == NodeType.SELECTION) {
SelectionNode topParentSelect = (SelectionNode) topParent;
Set<EvalNode> filters = new HashSet<>();
filters.addAll(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(AlgebraicUtil.toConjunctiveNormalFormArray(topParentSelect.getQual()))));
filters.toArray(new EvalNode[filters.size()])));
return newJoinNode;
} else {
SelectionNode newSelection = plan.createNode(SelectionNode.class);
remainingQuals.toArray(new EvalNode[remainingQuals.size()])));
return newSelection;
return newJoinNode;
private static class JoinTargetCollector extends BasicLogicalPlanVisitor<Set<Target>, LogicalNode> {
public LogicalNode visitJoin(Set<Target> ctx, LogicalPlan plan, LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block, JoinNode node,
Stack<LogicalNode> stack)
throws TajoException {
super.visitJoin(ctx, plan, block, node, stack);
if (node.hasTargets()) {
for (Target target : node.getTargets()) {
return node;
* The first phase of the join order optimization is building a join graph from the given query.
* This initial join graph forms a tree which consists of only relation vertexes in an order of their occurrences in
* the query. For example, let me suppose the following query.
* default> select * from t1 inner join t2 left outer join t3 inner join t4;
* In this example, the initial join graph is:
* t1 - (inner join) - t2 - (left outer join) - t3 - (inner join) - t4.
* This means that the default join order is left to right. Join queries can be always processed with the
* default join order. This join order will be optimized by {@link JoinOrderAlgorithm}.
* JoinGraphBuilder builds an initial join graph as illustrated above.
private static class JoinGraphBuilder extends BasicLogicalPlanVisitor<JoinGraphContext, LogicalNode> {
private final static JoinGraphBuilder instance;
static {
instance = new JoinGraphBuilder();
* This is based on the assumtion that all join and filter conditions are placed on the right join and
* scan operators. In other words, filter push down must be performed before this method.
* Otherwise, this method may build incorrectly a join graph.
public static JoinGraphContext buildJoinGraph(LogicalPlan plan, LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block)
throws TajoException {
JoinGraphContext context = new JoinGraphContext();
instance.visit(context, plan, block);
return context;
public LogicalNode visit(JoinGraphContext context, LogicalPlan plan, LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block,
LogicalNode node, Stack<LogicalNode> stack) throws TajoException {
if (node.getType() != NodeType.TABLE_SUBQUERY) {
super.visit(context, plan, block, node, stack);
return node;
public LogicalNode visitFilter(JoinGraphContext context, LogicalPlan plan, LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block,
SelectionNode node, Stack<LogicalNode> stack) throws TajoException {
// all join predicate candidates must be collected before building the join tree except non-equality conditions
// TODO: non-equality conditions should also be considered as join conditions after TAJO-1554
List<EvalNode> candidateJoinQuals = new ArrayList<>();
for (EvalNode eachEval : AlgebraicUtil.toConjunctiveNormalFormArray(node.getQual())) {
if (EvalTreeUtil.isJoinQual(eachEval, false)) {
super.visitFilter(context, plan, block, node, stack);
return node;
public LogicalNode visitJoin(JoinGraphContext context, LogicalPlan plan, LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block,
JoinNode joinNode, Stack<LogicalNode> stack)
throws TajoException {
super.visitJoin(context, plan, block, joinNode, stack);
if (joinNode.getJoinType() == JoinType.LEFT_SEMI || joinNode.getJoinType() == JoinType.LEFT_ANTI) {
// In case of in-subquery, the left vertex must be the relation of the left column of the in qual.
// In addition, the join qual can be evaluated only at the join node for in-subquery,
// we don't need to consider moving it to other joins.
BinaryEval joinQual = (BinaryEval) joinNode.getJoinQual();
Preconditions.checkArgument(joinQual.getLeftExpr().getType() == EvalType.FIELD ||
joinQual.getLeftExpr().getType() == EvalType.CAST);
FieldEval leftColumn = null;
if (joinQual.getLeftExpr().getType() == EvalType.FIELD) {
leftColumn = joinQual.getLeftExpr();
} else if (joinQual.getLeftExpr().getType() == EvalType.CAST) {
leftColumn = (FieldEval) ((CastEval)joinQual.getLeftExpr()).getOperand();
RelationNode leftChild = block.getRelation(leftColumn.getQualifier());
RelationNode rightChild = joinNode.getRightChild();
RelationVertex leftVertex = new RelationVertex(leftChild);
RelationVertex rightVertex = new RelationVertex(rightChild);
context.getJoinGraph().addJoin(context, joinNode.getJoinSpec(), leftVertex, rightVertex);
} else {
// given a join node, find the relations which are nearest to the join in the query.
RelationNode leftChild = findMostRightRelation(plan, block, joinNode.getLeftChild());
RelationNode rightChild = findMostLeftRelation(plan, block, joinNode.getRightChild());
RelationVertex leftVertex = new RelationVertex(leftChild);
RelationVertex rightVertex = new RelationVertex(rightChild);
JoinEdge edge = context.getJoinGraph().addJoin(context, joinNode.getJoinSpec(), leftVertex, rightVertex);
// find all possible predicates for this join edge
Set<EvalNode> joinConditions = new HashSet<>();
if (joinNode.hasJoinQual()) {
Set<EvalNode> originPredicates = joinNode.getJoinSpec().getPredicates();
for (EvalNode predicate : joinNode.getJoinSpec().getPredicates()) {
if (EvalTreeUtil.isJoinQual(block, leftVertex.getSchema(), rightVertex.getSchema(), predicate, false)) {
if (JoinOrderingUtil.checkIfEvaluatedAtEdge(predicate, edge, true)) {
} else {
// find predicates which cannot be evaluated at this join
joinConditions.addAll(JoinOrderingUtil.findJoinConditionForJoinVertex(context.getCandidateJoinConditions(), edge,
joinConditions.addAll(JoinOrderingUtil.findJoinConditionForJoinVertex(context.getCandidateJoinFilters(), edge,
if (edge.getJoinType() == JoinType.INNER && edge.getJoinQual().isEmpty()) {
if (PlannerUtil.isCommutativeJoinType(edge.getJoinType())) {
JoinEdge commutativeEdge = context.getCachedOrNewJoinEdge(edge.getJoinSpec(), edge.getRightVertex(),
context.getJoinGraph().addEdge(commutativeEdge.getLeftVertex(), commutativeEdge.getRightVertex(),
return joinNode;
public static class JoinOrderStringBuilder extends BasicLogicalPlanVisitor<StringBuilder, LogicalNode> {
private static final JoinOrderStringBuilder instance;
static {
instance = new JoinOrderStringBuilder();
public static JoinOrderStringBuilder getInstance() {
return instance;
public static String buildJoinOrderString(LogicalPlan plan, LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block) throws TajoException {
StringBuilder originalOrder = new StringBuilder();
instance.visit(originalOrder, plan, block);
return originalOrder.toString();
public LogicalNode visitJoin(StringBuilder sb, LogicalPlan plan, LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block, JoinNode joinNode,
Stack<LogicalNode> stack)
throws TajoException {
visit(sb, plan, block, joinNode.getLeftChild(), stack);
sb.append(" ").append(getJoinNotation(joinNode.getJoinType())).append(" ");
visit(sb, plan, block, joinNode.getRightChild(), stack);
return joinNode;
private static String getJoinNotation(JoinType joinType) {
switch (joinType) {
case CROSS: return "⋈";
case INNER: return "⋈θ";
case LEFT_OUTER: return "⟕";
case RIGHT_OUTER: return "⟖";
case FULL_OUTER: return "⟗";
case LEFT_SEMI: return "⋉";
case RIGHT_SEMI: return "⋊";
case LEFT_ANTI: return "▷";
return ",";
public LogicalNode visitTableSubQuery(StringBuilder sb, LogicalPlan plan, LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block,
TableSubQueryNode node, Stack<LogicalNode> stack) {
return node;
public LogicalNode visitScan(StringBuilder sb, LogicalPlan plan, LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block, ScanNode node,
Stack<LogicalNode> stack) {
return node;
private static class CostContext {
double accumulatedCost = 0;
public static class JoinCostComputer extends BasicLogicalPlanVisitor<CostContext, LogicalNode> {
private static final JoinCostComputer instance;
static {
instance = new JoinCostComputer();
public static double computeCost(LogicalPlan plan, LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block) throws TajoException {
CostContext costContext = new CostContext();
instance.visit(costContext, plan, block);
return costContext.accumulatedCost;
public LogicalNode visitJoin(CostContext joinGraphContext, LogicalPlan plan, LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block,
JoinNode joinNode, Stack<LogicalNode> stack)
throws TajoException {
super.visitJoin(joinGraphContext, plan, block, joinNode, stack);
double filterFactor = 1;
if (joinNode.hasJoinQual()) {
EvalNode [] quals = AlgebraicUtil.toConjunctiveNormalFormArray(joinNode.getJoinQual());
filterFactor = Math.pow(GreedyHeuristicJoinOrderAlgorithm.DEFAULT_SELECTION_FACTOR, quals.length);
if (joinNode.getLeftChild() instanceof RelationNode) {
joinGraphContext.accumulatedCost = getCost((RelationNode)joinNode.getLeftChild()) *
getCost((LogicalNode)joinNode.getRightChild())* filterFactor;
} else {
joinGraphContext.accumulatedCost = joinGraphContext.accumulatedCost +
(joinGraphContext.accumulatedCost * getCost((RelationNode)joinNode.getRightChild()) * filterFactor);
return joinNode;
* Find the most left relation node in the join tree. For the join tree, please refer to {@link JoinGraphBuilder}.
* @param plan logical plan
* @param block query block in which the given join node is involved
* @param from logical node where the search starts
* @return found relation
* @throws TajoException
public static RelationNode findMostLeftRelation(LogicalPlan plan, LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block, LogicalNode from)
throws TajoException {
RelationNodeFinderContext context = new RelationNodeFinderContext();
context.findMostLeft = true;
RelationNodeFinder finder = new RelationNodeFinder();
finder.visit(context, plan, block, from, new Stack<>());
return context.founds.isEmpty() ? null : context.founds.iterator().next();
* Find the most right relation node in the join tree. For the join tree, please refer to {@link JoinGraphBuilder}.
* @param plan logical plan
* @param block query block in which the given join node is involved
* @param from logical node where the search starts
* @return found relation
* @throws TajoException
public static RelationNode findMostRightRelation(LogicalPlan plan, LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block, LogicalNode from)
throws TajoException {
RelationNodeFinderContext context = new RelationNodeFinderContext();
context.findMostRight = true;
RelationNodeFinder finder = new RelationNodeFinder();
finder.visit(context, plan, block, from, new Stack<>());
return context.founds.isEmpty() ? null : context.founds.iterator().next();
private static class RelationNodeFinderContext {
private Set<RelationNode> founds = new HashSet<>();
private boolean findMostLeft;
private boolean findMostRight;
* RelationNodeFinder finds the most left/right vertex from the given node in the join graph.
private static class RelationNodeFinder extends BasicLogicalPlanVisitor<RelationNodeFinderContext,LogicalNode> {
public LogicalNode visit(RelationNodeFinderContext context, LogicalPlan plan, LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block,
LogicalNode node, Stack<LogicalNode> stack) throws TajoException {
if (node.getType() != NodeType.TABLE_SUBQUERY) {
super.visit(context, plan, block, node, stack);
if (node instanceof RelationNode) {
context.founds.add((RelationNode) node);
return node;
public LogicalNode visitJoin(RelationNodeFinderContext context, LogicalPlan plan, LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block,
JoinNode node, Stack<LogicalNode> stack) throws TajoException {
LogicalNode result = null;
if (context.findMostLeft) {
result = visit(context, plan, block, node.getLeftChild(), stack);
if (context.findMostRight) {
result = visit(context, plan, block, node.getRightChild(), stack);
return result;