blob: b4191391cb000fcd5d4d5d1ec5343c275fa76986 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.tajo.plan.joinorder;
import org.apache.tajo.algebra.JoinType;
import org.apache.tajo.catalog.Column;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.expr.EvalNode;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.expr.EvalTreeUtil;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.expr.EvalType;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.util.PlannerUtil;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
public class JoinOrderingUtil {
* Find join conditions which can be evaluated at the given join edge. The result depends on the isOnPredicate flag
* which represents the given set of predicates is from the on clause of not.
* @param candidates set of predicates
* @param edge join edge
* @param isOnPredicates flag to represent the candidates from the on clause of not
* @return predicates which can be evaluated at the given join edge
public static Set<EvalNode> findJoinConditionForJoinVertex(Set<EvalNode> candidates, JoinEdge edge,
boolean isOnPredicates) {
Set<EvalNode> conditionsForThisJoin = new HashSet<>();
for (EvalNode predicate : candidates) {
if (EvalTreeUtil.isJoinQual(predicate, false)
&& checkIfEvaluatedAtEdge(predicate, edge, isOnPredicates)) {
return conditionsForThisJoin;
* Check whether the given predicate can be evaluated at the given join edge or not. The result depends on
* the isOnPredicate flag which represents the given predicate is from the on clause of not.
* @param evalNode predicate
* @param edge join edge
* @param isOnPredicate flag to represent the candidates from the on clause of not
* @return true if the predicate can be evaluated at the given join edge
public static boolean checkIfEvaluatedAtEdge(EvalNode evalNode, JoinEdge edge, boolean isOnPredicate) {
Set<Column> columnRefs = EvalTreeUtil.findUniqueColumns(evalNode);
if (EvalTreeUtil.findDistinctAggFunction(evalNode).size() > 0) {
return false;
if (EvalTreeUtil.findEvalsByType(evalNode, EvalType.WINDOW_FUNCTION).size() > 0) {
return false;
if (columnRefs.size() > 0 && !edge.getSchema().containsAll(columnRefs)) {
return false;
// Currently, join filters cannot be evaluated at joins
if (PlannerUtil.isOuterJoinType(edge.getJoinType()) && !isOnPredicate) {
return false;
return true;
* Check the associativity between the given two join edges.
* For the associativity rules, please refer to the below isAssociativeJoinType() function.
* @param context join graph context
* @param leftEdge left join edge
* @param rightEdge right join edge
* @return true if two given join edges are associative.
public static boolean isAssociativeJoin(JoinGraphContext context, JoinEdge leftEdge, JoinEdge rightEdge) {
if (isAssociativeJoinType(leftEdge.getJoinType(), rightEdge.getJoinType())) {
// NOTE: There will be more predicates which are able to be evaluated at input join edges.
// In this case, the input edges are not considered as associative joins to evaluate those predicates at proper
// join edges, even though they have the associative relationship.
// Create a temporal left-deep join node to find the potentially evaluatable quals.
JoinedRelationsVertex tempLeftChild = new JoinedRelationsVertex(leftEdge);
JoinEdge tempEdge = context.getCachedOrNewJoinEdge(rightEdge.getJoinSpec(), tempLeftChild,
if ((rightEdge.getJoinType() != JoinType.INNER && rightEdge.getJoinType() != JoinType.CROSS
&& rightEdge.getJoinType() != JoinType.LEFT_SEMI && rightEdge.getJoinType() != JoinType.LEFT_ANTI)
|| (leftEdge.getJoinType() != JoinType.INNER && leftEdge.getJoinType() != JoinType.CROSS
&& leftEdge.getJoinType() != JoinType.LEFT_SEMI && leftEdge.getJoinType() != JoinType.LEFT_ANTI)) {
if (!findJoinConditionForJoinVertex(context.getCandidateJoinConditions(), tempEdge, true).isEmpty()) {
return false;
if (!findJoinConditionForJoinVertex(context.getCandidateJoinFilters(), tempEdge, true).isEmpty()) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
* Check two join types are associative according to the following rule.
* <h3>Associativity rules</h3>
* ==============================================================
* Left-Hand Bracketed | Right-Hand Bracketed | Equivalence
* ==============================================================
* (A inner B) inner C | A inner (B inner C) | Equivalent
* (A left B) inner C | A left (B inner C) | Not equivalent
* (A right B) inner C | A right (B inner C) | Equivalent
* (A full B) inner C | A full (B inner C) | Not equivalent
* (A inner B) left C | A inner (B left C) | Equivalent
* (A left B) left C | A left (B left C) | Equivalent
* (A right B) left C | A right (B left C) | Equivalent
* (A full B) left C | A full (B left C) | Equivalent
* (A inner B) right C | A inner (B right C) | Not equivalent
* (A left B) right C | A left (B right C) | Not equivalent
* (A right B) right C | A right (B right C) | Equivalent
* (A full B) right C | A full (B right C) | Not equivalent
* (A inner B) full C | A inner (B full C) | Not equivalent
* (A left B) full C | A left (B full C) | Not equivalent
* (A right B) full C | A right (B full C) | Equivalent
* (A full B) full C | A full (B full C) | Equivalent
* ==============================================================
* Cross, Semi and Anti joins follow the rule of the Inner join.
* @param leftType
* @param rightType
* @return true if two join types are associative.
public static boolean isAssociativeJoinType(JoinType leftType, JoinType rightType) {
if (leftType == rightType) {
return true;
boolean isLeftInner = leftType == JoinType.INNER || leftType == JoinType.CROSS
|| leftType == JoinType.LEFT_SEMI || leftType == JoinType.LEFT_ANTI;
boolean isRightInner = rightType == JoinType.INNER || rightType == JoinType.CROSS
|| rightType == JoinType.LEFT_SEMI || rightType == JoinType.LEFT_ANTI;
if (isLeftInner && isRightInner) {
return true;
if (leftType == JoinType.RIGHT_OUTER) {
return true;
if (leftType == JoinType.LEFT_OUTER) {
// When the left type is the left outer join, input join types are associative
// if the right type is also the left outer join.
// This case is already checked above.
return false;
if (isLeftInner) {
if (rightType == JoinType.LEFT_OUTER) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
if (leftType == JoinType.FULL_OUTER) {
if (rightType == JoinType.LEFT_OUTER) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
return false;
* Find all interchangeable vertexes from the given vertex.
* Join edges between relations are found at runtime.
* <H3>Vertex interchange rules</H3>
* - A vertex is interchangeable with the start vertex if it is reachable.
* - A vertex is reachable from the start vertex if it is able to replace another vertex which is connected to the start vertex.
* - A vertex is able to replace another vertex if they are connected without violating join commutativity or join associativity.
* @param context join graph context
* @param from start vertex
* @return
public static Set<JoinVertex> getAllInterchangeableVertexes(JoinGraphContext context, JoinVertex from) {
Set<JoinVertex> founds = new HashSet<>();
getAllInterchangeableVertexes(founds, context, from);
return founds;
public static void getAllInterchangeableVertexes(Set<JoinVertex> founds, JoinGraphContext context, JoinVertex vertex) {
Set<JoinVertex> foundAtThis = new HashSet<>();
List<JoinEdge> candidateEdges = context.getJoinGraph().getOutgoingEdges(vertex);
if (candidateEdges != null) {
for (JoinEdge candidateEdge : candidateEdges) {
// Evaluatable quals must be added to check the associativity of join edges.
candidateEdge = updateQualIfNecessary(context, candidateEdge);
if (!founds.contains(candidateEdge.getRightVertex())) {
List<JoinEdge> rightEdgesOfCandidate = context.getJoinGraph().getOutgoingEdges(candidateEdge.getRightVertex());
boolean reacheable = false;
if (rightEdgesOfCandidate != null) {
reacheable = true;
for (JoinEdge rightEdgeOfCandidate : rightEdgesOfCandidate) {
// Evaluatable quals must be added to check the associativity of join edges.
rightEdgeOfCandidate = updateQualIfNecessary(context, rightEdgeOfCandidate);
if (!isAssociativeJoin(context, candidateEdge, rightEdgeOfCandidate)) {
reacheable = false;
if (reacheable) {
for (JoinVertex v : foundAtThis) {
getAllInterchangeableVertexes(founds, context, v);
* Check the given two join edges are equal or symmetric.
* @param edge1
* @param edge2
* @return True if two join edges are equal or symmetric.
public static boolean isEqualsOrSymmetric(JoinEdge edge1, JoinEdge edge2) {
if (edge1.equals(edge2) || isSymmetric(edge1, edge2)) {
return true;
return false;
* Given two join edges e1 and e2, they are <b>symmetric</b> whey they satisfy the follwing conditions.
* <ul>
* <li>e1 and e2 have the same commutative join type.</li>
* <li>e1 and e2 have the same join condition.</li>
* <li>The left and right vertexes of e1 are the right and left vertexes of e2, respectively.</li>
* </ul>
* @param edge1
* @param edge2
* @return True if two join edges are symmetric.
public static boolean isSymmetric(JoinEdge edge1, JoinEdge edge2) {
if (edge1.getLeftVertex().equals(edge2.getRightVertex()) &&
edge1.getRightVertex().equals(edge2.getLeftVertex()) &&
edge1.getJoinSpec().equals(edge2.getJoinSpec()) &&
PlannerUtil.isCommutativeJoinType(edge1.getJoinType())) {
return true;
return false;
* If there are predicates which can be evaluated at the given join edge, push those predicates to the join edge.
* @param context
* @param edge
* @return
public static JoinEdge updateQualIfNecessary(JoinGraphContext context, JoinEdge edge) {
Set<EvalNode> additionalPredicates = findJoinConditionForJoinVertex(
context.getCandidateJoinConditions(), edge, true);
context.getCandidateJoinFilters(), edge, false));
return edge;
* Find all edges that are associative with the given edge.
* @param context
* @param edge
* @return
public static Set<JoinEdge> getAllAssociativeEdges(JoinGraphContext context, JoinEdge edge) {
Set<JoinEdge> associativeEdges = new HashSet<>();
JoinVertex start = edge.getRightVertex();
List<JoinEdge> candidateEdges = context.getJoinGraph().getOutgoingEdges(start);
if (candidateEdges != null) {
for (JoinEdge candidateEdge : candidateEdges) {
candidateEdge = updateQualIfNecessary(context, candidateEdge);
if (!isEqualsOrSymmetric(edge, candidateEdge) &&
isAssociativeJoin(context, edge, candidateEdge)) {
return associativeEdges;