blob: 0d110d1b9d4a9418005f8a8ff5adf607a2ebf5e1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.tajo.engine.query;
import org.apache.tajo.IntegrationTest;
import org.apache.tajo.NamedTest;
import org.apache.tajo.TajoTestingCluster;
import org.apache.tajo.annotation.NotThreadSafe;
import org.apache.tajo.catalog.CatalogService;
import org.apache.tajo.catalog.CatalogUtil;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import static org.apache.tajo.TajoConstants.DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
* NOTE: Plan tests are disabled in TestJoinOnPartitionedTables.
* A plan reading partitioned table currently contains HDFS paths to input partitions.
* An example form of path to an input partition is hdfs://localhost:60305/tajo/warehouse/default/customer_parts/c_nationkey=1.
* Here, the different HDFS port is used for each test run, it is difficult to test query plans that read partitioned table.
public class TestJoinOnPartitionedTables extends TestJoinQuery {
public TestJoinOnPartitionedTables(String joinOption) throws Exception {
public static void setup() throws Exception {
client.executeQueryAndGetResult("CREATE TABLE if not exists customer_parts " +
"(c_custkey INT4, c_name TEXT, c_address TEXT, c_phone TEXT, c_acctbal FLOAT8, c_mktsegment TEXT, c_comment TEXT) " +
"PARTITION BY COLUMN (c_nationkey INT4) as " +
"SELECT c_custkey, c_name, c_address, c_phone, c_acctbal, c_mktsegment, c_comment, c_nationkey FROM customer;")
client.executeQueryAndGetResult("create table if not exists nation_partitioned (n_name text) " +
"partition by column(n_nationkey int4, n_regionkey int4) " +
"as select n_name, n_nationkey, n_regionkey from nation").close();
addEmptyDataFile("nation_partitioned", true);
public static void classTearDown() throws SQLException {
client.executeQuery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS customer_parts PURGE");
client.executeQuery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nation_partitioned PURGE");
@Option(withExplain = false, withExplainGlobal = false, parameterized = true)
public void testPartitionTableJoinSmallTable() throws Exception {
@Option(withExplain = false, withExplainGlobal = false, parameterized = true)
public void testNoProjectionJoinQual() throws Exception {
@Option(withExplain = false, withExplainGlobal = false, parameterized = true)
public void testPartialFilterPushDown() throws Exception {
@Option(withExplain = false, withExplainGlobal = false, parameterized = true)
public void testPartialFilterPushDownOuterJoin() throws Exception {
@Option(withExplain = false, withExplainGlobal = false, parameterized = true)
public void testPartialFilterPushDownOuterJoin2() throws Exception {
@Option(withExplain = false, withExplainGlobal = false, parameterized = true)
public void selfJoinOfPartitionedTable() throws Exception {
@Option(withExplain = false, withExplainGlobal = false, parameterized = true)
@SimpleTest(queries = {
@QuerySpec("select a.c_custkey, b.c_custkey from " +
" (select c_custkey, c_nationkey from customer_parts where c_nationkey < 0 " +
" union all " +
" select c_custkey, c_nationkey from customer_parts where c_nationkey < 0 " +
") a " +
"left outer join customer_parts b " +
"on a.c_custkey = b.c_custkey " +
"and a.c_nationkey > 0")
public void testPartitionMultiplePartitionFilter() throws Exception {
@Option(withExplain = false, withExplainGlobal = false, parameterized = true)
public void testFilterPushDownPartitionColumnCaseWhen() throws Exception {
@Option(withExplain = false, withExplainGlobal = false, parameterized = true, sort = true)
public void testMultiplePartitionedBroadcastDataFileWithZeroLength() throws Exception {
@Option(withExplain = false, withExplainGlobal = false, parameterized = true, sort = true)
public void testMultiplePartitionedBroadcastDataFileWithZeroLength2() throws Exception {
public final void testCasebyCase1() throws Exception {
// Left outer join with a small table and a large partition table which not matched any partition path.
String tableName = CatalogUtil.normalizeIdentifier("largePartitionedTable");
"create table " + tableName + " (l_partkey int4, l_suppkey int4, l_linenumber int4, \n" +
"l_quantity float8, l_extendedprice float8, l_discount float8, l_tax float8, \n" +
"l_returnflag text, l_linestatus text, l_shipdate text, l_commitdate text, \n" +
"l_receiptdate text, l_shipinstruct text, l_shipmode text, l_comment text) \n" +
"partition by column(l_orderkey int4) ").close();
try {
executeString("insert overwrite into " + tableName +
" select l_partkey, l_suppkey, l_linenumber, \n" +
" l_quantity, l_extendedprice, l_discount, l_tax, \n" +
" l_returnflag, l_linestatus, l_shipdate, l_commitdate, \n" +
" l_receiptdate, l_shipinstruct, l_shipmode, l_comment, l_orderkey from lineitem");
ResultSet res = executeString(
"select a.l_orderkey as key1, b.l_orderkey as key2 from lineitem as a " +
"left outer join " + tableName + " b " +
"on a.l_partkey = b.l_partkey and b.l_orderkey = 1000 order by key1, key2"
String expected = "key1,key2\n" +
"-------------------------------\n" +
"1,null\n" +
"1,null\n" +
"2,null\n" +
"3,null\n" +
assertEquals(expected, resultSetToString(res));
} finally {
executeString("drop table " + tableName + " purge");
// TODO: This test should be reverted after resolving TAJO-1600
// @Test
public final void testBroadcastMultiColumnPartitionTable() throws Exception {
String tableName = CatalogUtil.normalizeIdentifier("testBroadcastMultiColumnPartitionTable");
ResultSet res = testBase.execute(
"create table " + tableName + " (col1 int4, col2 float4) partition by column(col3 text, col4 text) ");
TajoTestingCluster cluster = testBase.getTestingCluster();
CatalogService catalog = cluster.getMaster().getCatalog();
assertTrue(catalog.existsTable(DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME, tableName));
try {
res = executeString("insert overwrite into " + tableName
+ " select o_orderkey, o_totalprice, substr(o_orderdate, 6, 2), substr(o_orderdate, 1, 4) from orders");
res = executeString(
"select distinct a.col3 from " + tableName + " as a " +
"left outer join lineitem b " +
"on a.col1 = b.l_orderkey order by a.col3"
} finally {
executeString("drop table " + tableName + " purge");
public final void testSelfJoin() throws Exception {
String tableName = CatalogUtil.normalizeIdentifier("paritioned_nation");
ResultSet res = executeString(
"create table " + tableName + " (n_name text,"
+ " n_comment text, n_regionkey int8) USING text "
+ "WITH ('text.delimiter'='|')"
+ "PARTITION BY column(n_nationkey int8)");
assertTrue(catalog.existsTable(DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME, tableName));
try {
res = executeString(
"insert overwrite into " + tableName
+ " select n_name, n_comment, n_regionkey, n_nationkey from nation");
res = executeString(
"select a.n_nationkey, a.n_name from nation a join nation b on a.n_nationkey = b.n_nationkey"
+ " where a.n_nationkey in (1)");
String expected = resultSetToString(res);
res = executeString(
"select a.n_nationkey, a.n_name from " + tableName + " a join " + tableName +
" b on a.n_nationkey = b.n_nationkey "
+ " where a.n_nationkey in (1)");
String resultSetData = resultSetToString(res);
assertEquals(expected, resultSetData);
} finally {
executeString("drop table " + tableName + " purge");
public final void testSelfJoin2() throws Exception {
See the following case.
CREATE TABLE orders_partition
(o_orderkey INT8, o_custkey INT8, o_totalprice FLOAT8, o_orderpriority TEXT,
o_clerk TEXT, o_shippriority INT4, o_comment TEXT) USING TEXT WITH ('text.delimiter'='|')
PARTITION BY COLUMN(o_orderdate TEXT, o_orderstatus TEXT);
select a.o_orderstatus, count(*) as cnt
from orders_partition a
inner join orders_partition b
on a.o_orderdate = b.o_orderdate
and a.o_orderstatus = b.o_orderstatus
and a.o_orderkey = b.o_orderkey
where a.o_orderdate='1995-02-21'
and a.o_orderstatus in ('F')
group by a.o_orderstatus;
Because of the where condition[where a.o_orderdate='1995-02-21 and a.o_orderstatus in ('F')],
orders_partition table aliased a is small and broadcast target.
String tableName = CatalogUtil.normalizeIdentifier("partitioned_orders");
ResultSet res = executeString(
"create table " + tableName + " (o_orderkey INT8, o_custkey INT8, o_totalprice FLOAT8, o_orderpriority TEXT,\n" +
"o_clerk TEXT, o_shippriority INT4, o_comment TEXT) USING TEXT WITH ('text.delimiter'='|')\n" +
"PARTITION BY COLUMN(o_orderdate TEXT, o_orderstatus TEXT, o_orderkey_mod INT8)");
assertTrue(catalog.existsTable(DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME, tableName));
try {
res = executeString(
"insert overwrite into " + tableName +
" select o_orderkey, o_custkey, o_totalprice, " +
" o_orderpriority, o_clerk, o_shippriority, o_comment, o_orderdate, o_orderstatus, o_orderkey % 10 " +
" from orders ");
res = executeString(
"select a.o_orderdate, a.o_orderstatus, a.o_orderkey % 10 as o_orderkey_mod, a.o_totalprice " +
"from orders a " +
"join orders b on a.o_orderkey = b.o_orderkey " +
"where a.o_orderdate = '1993-10-14' and a.o_orderstatus = 'F' and a.o_orderkey % 10 = 1" +
" order by a.o_orderkey"
String expected = resultSetToString(res);
res = executeString(
"select a.o_orderdate, a.o_orderstatus, a.o_orderkey_mod, a.o_totalprice " +
"from " + tableName +
" a join " + tableName + " b on a.o_orderkey = b.o_orderkey " +
"where a.o_orderdate = '1993-10-14' and a.o_orderstatus = 'F' and a.o_orderkey_mod = 1 " +
" order by a.o_orderkey"
String resultSetData = resultSetToString(res);
assertEquals(expected, resultSetData);
} finally {
executeString("drop table " + tableName + " purge");
@Option(withExplain = false, withExplainGlobal = false, parameterized = true)
public final void testBroadcastPartitionTable() throws Exception {
// If all tables participate in the BROADCAST JOIN, there is some missing data.
executeDDL("customer_partition_ddl.sql", null);
ResultSet res = executeFile("insert_into_customer_partition.sql");
try {
} finally {
executeString("DROP TABLE customer_broad_parts PURGE");