blob: 44dfc9f8f0ef1d0708ad57789cf41ab5756b72f0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.tajo.plan.util;
import org.apache.tajo.algebra.*;
import org.apache.tajo.annotation.Nullable;
import org.apache.tajo.catalog.*;
import org.apache.tajo.common.TajoDataTypes.DataType;
import org.apache.tajo.exception.TajoException;
import org.apache.tajo.exception.TajoInternalError;
import org.apache.tajo.exception.UndefinedTableException;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.LogicalPlan;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.Target;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.expr.*;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.logical.*;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.serder.PlanProto.ShuffleType;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.visitor.BasicLogicalPlanVisitor;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.visitor.ExplainLogicalPlanVisitor;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.visitor.SimpleAlgebraVisitor;
import org.apache.tajo.util.KeyValueSet;
import org.apache.tajo.util.StringUtils;
import org.apache.tajo.util.TUtil;
import java.util.*;
public class PlannerUtil {
public static final Column [] EMPTY_COLUMNS = new Column[] {};
public static final AggregationFunctionCallEval [] EMPTY_AGG_FUNCS = new AggregationFunctionCallEval[] {};
public static boolean checkIfSetSession(LogicalNode node) {
LogicalNode baseNode = node;
if (node instanceof LogicalRootNode) {
baseNode = ((LogicalRootNode) node).getChild();
return baseNode.getType() == NodeType.SET_SESSION;
public static boolean checkIfDDLPlan(LogicalNode node) {
LogicalNode baseNode = node;
if (node instanceof LogicalRootNode) {
baseNode = ((LogicalRootNode) node).getChild();
NodeType type = baseNode.getType();
type == NodeType.CREATE_DATABASE ||
type == NodeType.DROP_DATABASE ||
(type == NodeType.CREATE_TABLE && !((CreateTableNode) baseNode).hasSubQuery()) ||
type == NodeType.DROP_TABLE ||
type == NodeType.ALTER_TABLESPACE ||
type == NodeType.ALTER_TABLE ||
type == NodeType.TRUNCATE_TABLE ||
type == NodeType.CREATE_INDEX ||
type == NodeType.DROP_INDEX;
* Most update queries require only the updates to the catalog information,
* but some queries such as "CREATE INDEX" or CTAS requires distributed execution on multiple cluster nodes.
* This function checks whether the given DDL plan requires distributed execution or not.
* @param node the root node of a query plan
* @return Return true if the input query plan requires distributed execution. Otherwise, return false.
public static boolean isDistExecDDL(LogicalNode node) {
LogicalNode baseNode = node;
if (node instanceof LogicalRootNode) {
baseNode = ((LogicalRootNode) node).getChild();
NodeType type = baseNode.getType();
return type == NodeType.CREATE_INDEX && !((CreateIndexNode)baseNode).isExternal() ||
type == NodeType.CREATE_TABLE && ((CreateTableNode)baseNode).hasSubQuery();
* Checks whether the query is simple or not.
* The simple query can be as follows:
* <ul>
* <li><code>'select * from tb_name [LIMIT X]'</code></li>
* <li><code>'select length(name), name from tb_name [LIMIT X]'</code></li>
* </ul>
* @param plan The logical plan
* @return True if the query is a simple query.
public static boolean checkIfSimpleQuery(LogicalPlan plan) {
LogicalRootNode rootNode = plan.getRootBlock().getRoot();
// one block, without where clause, no group-by, no-sort, no-join
boolean isOneQueryBlock = plan.getQueryBlocks().size() == 1;
boolean simpleOperator = rootNode.getChild().getType() == NodeType.LIMIT
|| rootNode.getChild().getType() == NodeType.SCAN || rootNode.getChild().getType() == NodeType.PARTITIONS_SCAN;
boolean noOrderBy = !plan.getRootBlock().hasNode(NodeType.SORT);
boolean noGroupBy = !plan.getRootBlock().hasNode(NodeType.GROUP_BY);
boolean noWhere = !plan.getRootBlock().hasNode(NodeType.SELECTION);
boolean noJoin = !plan.getRootBlock().hasNode(NodeType.JOIN);
boolean singleRelation =
(plan.getRootBlock().hasNode(NodeType.SCAN) || plan.getRootBlock().hasNode(NodeType.PARTITIONS_SCAN)) &&
PlannerUtil.getRelationLineage(plan.getRootBlock().getRoot()).length == 1;
boolean partitionWhere = false;
if (singleRelation) {
ScanNode scanNode = plan.getRootBlock().getNode(NodeType.SCAN);
if (scanNode == null) {
scanNode = plan.getRootBlock().getNode(NodeType.PARTITIONS_SCAN);
if (!noWhere && scanNode.getTableDesc().hasPartition()) {
EvalNode node = ((SelectionNode) plan.getRootBlock().getNode(NodeType.SELECTION)).getQual();
Schema partSchema = scanNode.getTableDesc().getPartitionMethod().getExpressionSchema();
if (EvalTreeUtil.checkIfPartitionSelection(node, partSchema)) {
partitionWhere = true;
return !checkIfDDLPlan(rootNode) &&
(simpleOperator && isOneQueryBlock &&
noOrderBy && noGroupBy && (noWhere || partitionWhere) && noJoin && singleRelation);
* Checks whether the target of this query is a virtual table or not.
* It will be removed after tajo storage supports catalog service access.
public static boolean checkIfQueryTargetIsVirtualTable(LogicalPlan plan) {
LogicalRootNode rootNode = plan.getRootBlock().getRoot();
boolean hasScanNode = plan.getRootBlock().hasNode(NodeType.SCAN);
LogicalNode[] scanNodes = findAllNodes(rootNode, NodeType.SCAN);
boolean isVirtualTable = scanNodes.length > 0;
ScanNode scanNode = null;
for (LogicalNode node: scanNodes) {
scanNode = (ScanNode) node;
isVirtualTable &= (scanNode.getTableDesc().getMeta().getDataFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("SYSTEM"));
return !checkIfDDLPlan(rootNode) && hasScanNode && isVirtualTable;
* Checks whether the query has 'from clause' or not.
* @param plan The logical plan
* @return True if a query does not have 'from clause'.
public static boolean checkIfNonFromQuery(LogicalPlan plan) {
LogicalNode node = plan.getRootBlock().getRoot();
// one block, without where clause, no group-by, no-sort, no-join
boolean isOneQueryBlock = plan.getQueryBlocks().size() == 1;
boolean noRelation = !plan.getRootBlock().hasAlgebraicExpr(OpType.Relation);
return !checkIfDDLPlan(node) && noRelation && isOneQueryBlock;
* Get all RelationNodes which are descendant of a given LogicalNode.
* @param from The LogicalNode to start visiting LogicalNodes.
* @return an array of all descendant RelationNode of LogicalNode.
public static String[] getRelationLineage(LogicalNode from) {
LogicalNode[] scans = findAllNodes(from, NodeType.SCAN, NodeType.PARTITIONS_SCAN);
String[] tableNames = new String[scans.length];
ScanNode scan;
for (int i = 0; i < scans.length; i++) {
scan = (ScanNode) scans[i];
tableNames[i] = scan.getCanonicalName();
return tableNames;
public static String getTopRelationInLineage(LogicalPlan plan, LogicalNode from) throws TajoException {
RelationFinderVisitor visitor = new RelationFinderVisitor(true);
visitor.visit(null, plan, null, from, new Stack<LogicalNode>());
if (visitor.getFoundRelations().isEmpty()) {
return null;
} else {
return visitor.getFoundRelations().iterator().next();
public static class RelationFinderVisitor extends BasicLogicalPlanVisitor<Object, LogicalNode> {
private Set<String> foundRelNameSet = Sets.newHashSet();
private boolean topOnly = false;
public RelationFinderVisitor(boolean topOnly) {
this.topOnly = topOnly;
public Set<String> getFoundRelations() {
return foundRelNameSet;
public LogicalNode visit(Object context, LogicalPlan plan, @Nullable LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block, LogicalNode node,
Stack<LogicalNode> stack) throws TajoException {
if (topOnly && foundRelNameSet.size() > 0) {
return node;
if (node.getType() != NodeType.TABLE_SUBQUERY) {
super.visit(context, plan, block, node, stack);
if (node instanceof RelationNode) {
foundRelNameSet.add(((RelationNode) node).getCanonicalName());
return node;
* Delete the logical node from a plan.
* @param parent this node must be a parent node of one node to be removed.
* @param tobeRemoved this node must be a child node of the parent.
public static LogicalNode deleteNode(LogicalNode parent, LogicalNode tobeRemoved) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(tobeRemoved instanceof UnaryNode,
"ERROR: the logical node to be removed must be unary node.");
UnaryNode child = (UnaryNode) tobeRemoved;
LogicalNode grandChild = child.getChild();
if (parent instanceof UnaryNode) {
UnaryNode unaryParent = (UnaryNode) parent;
Preconditions.checkArgument(unaryParent.getChild() == child,
"ERROR: both logical node must be parent and child nodes");
} else if (parent instanceof BinaryNode) {
BinaryNode binaryParent = (BinaryNode) parent;
if (binaryParent.getLeftChild().deepEquals(child)) {
} else if (binaryParent.getRightChild().deepEquals(child)) {
} else {
throw new TajoInternalError("both logical node must be parent and child nodes");
} else {
throw new TajoInternalError("unexpected logical plan: " + parent);
return child;
public static void replaceNode(LogicalPlan plan, LogicalNode startNode, LogicalNode oldNode, LogicalNode newNode) {
LogicalNodeReplaceVisitor replacer = new LogicalNodeReplaceVisitor(oldNode, newNode);
try {
replacer.visit(new ReplacerContext(), plan, null, startNode, new Stack<LogicalNode>());
} catch (TajoException e) {
throw new TajoInternalError(e);
static class ReplacerContext {
boolean updateSchemaFlag = false;
public static class LogicalNodeReplaceVisitor extends BasicLogicalPlanVisitor<ReplacerContext, LogicalNode> {
private LogicalNode target;
private LogicalNode tobeReplaced;
public LogicalNodeReplaceVisitor(LogicalNode target, LogicalNode tobeReplaced) { = target;
this.tobeReplaced = tobeReplaced;
* If this node can have child, it returns TRUE. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
private static boolean checkIfVisitable(LogicalNode node) {
return node instanceof UnaryNode || node instanceof BinaryNode;
public LogicalNode visit(ReplacerContext context, LogicalPlan plan, @Nullable LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block,
LogicalNode node, Stack<LogicalNode> stack) throws TajoException {
LogicalNode left = null;
LogicalNode right = null;
if (node instanceof UnaryNode) {
UnaryNode unaryNode = (UnaryNode) node;
if (unaryNode.getChild().deepEquals(target)) {
left = tobeReplaced;
context.updateSchemaFlag = true;
} else if (checkIfVisitable(unaryNode.getChild())) {
left = visit(context, plan, null, unaryNode.getChild(), stack);
} else if (node instanceof BinaryNode) {
BinaryNode binaryNode = (BinaryNode) node;
if (binaryNode.getLeftChild().deepEquals(target)) {
left = tobeReplaced;
context.updateSchemaFlag = true;
} else if (checkIfVisitable(binaryNode.getLeftChild())) {
left = visit(context, plan, null, binaryNode.getLeftChild(), stack);
} else {
left = binaryNode.getLeftChild();
if (binaryNode.getRightChild().deepEquals(target)) {
right = tobeReplaced;
context.updateSchemaFlag = true;
} else if (checkIfVisitable(binaryNode.getRightChild())) {
right = visit(context, plan, null, binaryNode.getRightChild(), stack);
} else {
right = binaryNode.getRightChild();
// update schemas of nodes except for leaf node (i.e., RelationNode)
if (context.updateSchemaFlag) {
if (node instanceof Projectable) {
if (node instanceof BinaryNode) {
node.setInSchema(SchemaUtil.merge(left.getOutSchema(), right.getOutSchema()));
} else {
context.updateSchemaFlag = false;
} else {
return node;
public LogicalNode visitScan(ReplacerContext context, LogicalPlan plan, LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block, ScanNode node,
Stack<LogicalNode> stack) throws TajoException {
return node;
public LogicalNode visitPartitionedTableScan(ReplacerContext context, LogicalPlan plan, LogicalPlan.
QueryBlock block, PartitionedTableScanNode node, Stack<LogicalNode> stack) {
return node;
public LogicalNode visitIndexScan(ReplacerContext context, LogicalPlan plan, LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block,
IndexScanNode node, Stack<LogicalNode> stack) throws TajoException {
return node;
public static void replaceNode(LogicalNode plan, LogicalNode newNode, NodeType type) {
LogicalNode parent = findTopParentNode(plan, type);
Preconditions.checkArgument(parent instanceof UnaryNode);
Preconditions.checkArgument(!(newNode instanceof BinaryNode));
UnaryNode parentNode = (UnaryNode) parent;
LogicalNode child = parentNode.getChild();
if (child instanceof UnaryNode) {
((UnaryNode) newNode).setChild(((UnaryNode) child).getChild());
* Find the top logical node matched to type from the given node
* @param node start node
* @param type to find
* @return a found logical node
public static <T extends LogicalNode> T findTopNode(LogicalNode node, NodeType type) {
LogicalNodeFinder finder = new LogicalNodeFinder(type);
if (finder.getFoundNodes().size() == 0) {
return null;
return (T) finder.getFoundNodes().get(0);
* Find the most bottom logical node matched to type from the given node
* @param node start node
* @param type to find
* @return a found logical node
public static <T extends LogicalNode> T findMostBottomNode(LogicalNode node, NodeType type) {
LogicalNodeFinder finder = new LogicalNodeFinder(type);
if (finder.getFoundNodes().size() == 0) {
return null;
return (T) finder.getFoundNodes().get(finder.getFoundNodes().size() - 1);
* Find the all logical node matched to type from the given node
* @param node start node
* @param type to find
* @return a found logical node
public static LogicalNode[] findAllNodes(LogicalNode node, NodeType... type) {
LogicalNodeFinder finder = new LogicalNodeFinder(type);
if (finder.getFoundNodes().size() == 0) {
return new LogicalNode[]{};
List<LogicalNode> founds = finder.getFoundNodes();
return founds.toArray(new LogicalNode[founds.size()]);
* Find a parent node of a given-typed operator.
* @param node start node
* @param type to find
* @return the parent node of a found logical node
public static <T extends LogicalNode> T findTopParentNode(LogicalNode node, NodeType type) {
ParentNodeFinder finder = new ParentNodeFinder(type);
if (finder.getFoundNodes().size() == 0) {
return null;
return (T) finder.getFoundNodes().get(0);
private static class LogicalNodeFinder implements LogicalNodeVisitor {
private List<LogicalNode> list = new ArrayList<LogicalNode>();
private final NodeType[] tofind;
private boolean topmost = false;
private boolean finished = false;
public LogicalNodeFinder(NodeType... type) {
this.tofind = type;
public LogicalNodeFinder(NodeType[] type, boolean topmost) {
this.topmost = topmost;
public void visit(LogicalNode node) {
if (!finished) {
for (NodeType type : tofind) {
if (node.getType() == type) {
if (topmost && list.size() > 0) {
finished = true;
public List<LogicalNode> getFoundNodes() {
return list;
public LogicalNode[] getFoundNodeArray() {
return list.toArray(new LogicalNode[list.size()]);
private static class ParentNodeFinder implements LogicalNodeVisitor {
private List<LogicalNode> list = new ArrayList<LogicalNode>();
private NodeType tofind;
public ParentNodeFinder(NodeType type) {
this.tofind = type;
public void visit(LogicalNode node) {
if (node instanceof UnaryNode) {
UnaryNode unary = (UnaryNode) node;
if (unary.getChild().getType() == tofind) {
} else if (node instanceof BinaryNode) {
BinaryNode bin = (BinaryNode) node;
if (bin.getLeftChild().getType() == tofind ||
bin.getRightChild().getType() == tofind) {
public List<LogicalNode> getFoundNodes() {
return list;
public static Target[] schemaToTargets(Schema schema) {
Target[] targets = new Target[schema.size()];
FieldEval eval;
for (int i = 0; i < schema.size(); i++) {
eval = new FieldEval(schema.getColumn(i));
targets[i] = new Target(eval);
return targets;
public static SortSpec[] schemaToSortSpecs(Schema schema) {
return columnsToSortSpecs(schema.toArray());
public static SortSpec[] columnsToSortSpecs(Column[] columns) {
SortSpec[] specs = new SortSpec[columns.length];
for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
specs[i] = new SortSpec(columns[i], true, false);
return specs;
public static SortSpec[] columnsToSortSpecs(Collection<Column> columns) {
return columnsToSortSpecs(columns.toArray(new Column[columns.size()]));
public static Schema sortSpecsToSchema(SortSpec[] sortSpecs) {
Schema schema = new Schema();
for (SortSpec spec : sortSpecs) {
return schema;
public static SortSpec[][] getSortKeysFromJoinQual(EvalNode joinQual, Schema outer, Schema inner) {
// It is used for the merge join executor. The merge join only considers the equi-join.
// So, theta-join flag must be false.
List<Column[]> joinKeyPairs = getJoinKeyPairs(joinQual, outer, inner, false);
SortSpec[] outerSortSpec = new SortSpec[joinKeyPairs.size()];
SortSpec[] innerSortSpec = new SortSpec[joinKeyPairs.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < joinKeyPairs.size(); i++) {
outerSortSpec[i] = new SortSpec(joinKeyPairs.get(i)[0]);
innerSortSpec[i] = new SortSpec(joinKeyPairs.get(i)[1]);
return new SortSpec[][]{outerSortSpec, innerSortSpec};
* @return the first array contains left table's columns, and the second array contains right table's columns.
public static Column[][] joinJoinKeyForEachTable(EvalNode joinQual, Schema leftSchema,
Schema rightSchema, boolean includeThetaJoin) {
List<Column[]> joinKeys = getJoinKeyPairs(joinQual, leftSchema, rightSchema, includeThetaJoin);
Column[] leftColumns = new Column[joinKeys.size()];
Column[] rightColumns = new Column[joinKeys.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < joinKeys.size(); i++) {
leftColumns[i] = joinKeys.get(i)[0];
rightColumns[i] = joinKeys.get(i)[1];
return new Column[][]{leftColumns, rightColumns};
public static List<Column[]> getJoinKeyPairs(EvalNode joinQual, Schema leftSchema, Schema rightSchema,
boolean includeThetaJoin) {
JoinKeyPairFinder finder = new JoinKeyPairFinder(includeThetaJoin, leftSchema, rightSchema);
return finder.getPairs();
public static class JoinKeyPairFinder implements EvalNodeVisitor {
private boolean includeThetaJoin;
private final List<Column[]> pairs = Lists.newArrayList();
private Schema[] schemas = new Schema[2];
public JoinKeyPairFinder(boolean includeThetaJoin, Schema outer, Schema inner) {
this.includeThetaJoin = includeThetaJoin;
schemas[0] = outer;
schemas[1] = inner;
public void visit(EvalNode node) {
if (EvalTreeUtil.isJoinQual(null, schemas[0], schemas[1], node, includeThetaJoin)) {
BinaryEval binaryEval = (BinaryEval) node;
Column[] pair = new Column[2];
for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { // access left, right sub expression
Column column = EvalTreeUtil.findAllColumnRefs(binaryEval.getChild(i)).get(0);
for (int j = 0; j < schemas.length; j++) {
// check whether the column is for either outer or inner
// 0 is outer, and 1 is inner
if (schemas[j].contains(column.getQualifiedName())) {
pair[j] = column;
if (pair[0] == null || pair[1] == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Wrong join key: " + node);
public List<Column[]> getPairs() {
return this.pairs;
public static Schema targetToSchema(Collection<Target> targets) {
return targetToSchema(targets.toArray(new Target[targets.size()]));
public static Schema targetToSchema(Target[] targets) {
Schema schema = new Schema();
for (Target t : targets) {
DataType type = t.getEvalTree().getValueType();
String name;
if (t.hasAlias()) {
name = t.getAlias();
} else {
name = t.getEvalTree().getName();
if (!schema.containsByQualifiedName(name)) {
schema.addColumn(name, type);
return schema;
* It removes all table names from FieldEvals in targets
* @param sourceTargets The targets to be stripped
* @return The stripped targets
public static Target[] stripTarget(Target[] sourceTargets) {
Target[] copy = new Target[sourceTargets.length];
for (int i = 0; i < sourceTargets.length; i++) {
try {
copy[i] = (Target) sourceTargets[i].clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new InternalError(e.getMessage());
if (copy[i].getEvalTree().getType() == EvalType.FIELD) {
FieldEval fieldEval = copy[i].getEvalTree();
if (fieldEval.getColumnRef().hasQualifier()) {
return copy;
public static <T extends LogicalNode> T clone(LogicalPlan plan, LogicalNode node) {
try {
T copy = (T) node.clone();
if (plan == null) {
} else {
if (node instanceof DistinctGroupbyNode) {
DistinctGroupbyNode dNode = (DistinctGroupbyNode)copy;
for (GroupbyNode eachNode: dNode.getSubPlans()) {
return copy;
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public static boolean isCommutativeJoinType(JoinType joinType) {
// Full outer join is also commutative.
return joinType == JoinType.INNER || joinType == JoinType.CROSS || joinType == JoinType.FULL_OUTER;
public static boolean isOuterJoinType(JoinType joinType) {
return joinType == JoinType.LEFT_OUTER || joinType == JoinType.RIGHT_OUTER || joinType==JoinType.FULL_OUTER;
public static boolean existsAggregationFunction(Expr expr) throws TajoException {
AggregationFunctionFinder finder = new AggregationFunctionFinder();
AggFunctionFoundResult result = new AggFunctionFoundResult();
finder.visit(result, new Stack<Expr>(), expr);
return result.generalSetFunction;
public static boolean existsDistinctAggregationFunction(Expr expr) throws TajoException {
AggregationFunctionFinder finder = new AggregationFunctionFinder();
AggFunctionFoundResult result = new AggFunctionFoundResult();
finder.visit(result, new Stack<Expr>(), expr);
return result.distinctSetFunction;
static class AggFunctionFoundResult {
boolean generalSetFunction;
boolean distinctSetFunction;
static class AggregationFunctionFinder extends SimpleAlgebraVisitor<AggFunctionFoundResult, Object> {
public Object visitCountRowsFunction(AggFunctionFoundResult ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, CountRowsFunctionExpr expr)
throws TajoException {
ctx.generalSetFunction = true;
return super.visitCountRowsFunction(ctx, stack, expr);
public Object visitGeneralSetFunction(AggFunctionFoundResult ctx, Stack<Expr> stack, GeneralSetFunctionExpr expr)
throws TajoException {
ctx.generalSetFunction = true;
ctx.distinctSetFunction = expr.isDistinct();
return super.visitGeneralSetFunction(ctx, stack, expr);
public static Collection<String> toQualifiedFieldNames(Collection<String> fieldNames, String qualifier) {
List<String> names = TUtil.newList();
for (String n : fieldNames) {
String[] parts = n.split("\\.");
if (parts.length == 1) {
names.add(qualifier + "." + parts[0]);
} else {
names.add(qualifier + "." + parts[1]);
return names;
* Generate an explain string of a LogicalNode and its descendant nodes.
* @param node The LogicalNode instance to be started
* @return A pretty print explain string
public static String buildExplainString(LogicalNode node) {
ExplainLogicalPlanVisitor explain = new ExplainLogicalPlanVisitor();
StringBuilder explains = new StringBuilder();
try {
ExplainLogicalPlanVisitor.Context explainContext = explain.getBlockPlanStrings(null, node);
while (!explainContext.explains.empty()) {
ExplainLogicalPlanVisitor.printDepthString(explainContext.getMaxDepth(), explainContext.explains.pop()));
} catch (TajoException e) {
throw new TajoInternalError(e);
return explains.toString();
public static String getShuffleType(ShuffleType shuffleType) {
if (shuffleType == null) return ShuffleType.NONE_SHUFFLE.toString();
return shuffleType.toString();
public static ShuffleType getShuffleType(String shuffleType) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(shuffleType)) return ShuffleType.NONE_SHUFFLE;
return ShuffleType.valueOf(shuffleType);
public static boolean isFileStorageType(String storageType) {
if (storageType.equalsIgnoreCase("hbase")) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
public static String getDataFormat(LogicalPlan plan) {
LogicalRootNode rootNode = plan.getRootBlock().getRoot();
NodeType nodeType = rootNode.getChild().getType();
if (nodeType == NodeType.CREATE_TABLE) {
return ((CreateTableNode)rootNode.getChild()).getStorageType();
} else if (nodeType == NodeType.INSERT) {
return ((InsertNode)rootNode.getChild()).getStorageType();
} else {
return null;
public static String getStoreTableName(LogicalPlan plan) {
LogicalRootNode rootNode = plan.getRootBlock().getRoot();
NodeType nodeType = rootNode.getChild().getType();
if (nodeType == NodeType.CREATE_TABLE) {
return ((CreateTableNode)rootNode.getChild()).getTableName();
} else if (nodeType == NodeType.INSERT) {
return ((InsertNode)rootNode.getChild()).getTableName();
} else {
return null;
public static TableDesc getOutputTableDesc(LogicalPlan plan) {
LogicalNode [] found = findAllNodes(plan.getRootNode().getChild(), NodeType.CREATE_TABLE, NodeType.INSERT);
if (found.length == 0) {
return new TableDesc(null, plan.getRootNode().getOutSchema(), "TEXT", new KeyValueSet(), null);
} else {
StoreTableNode storeNode = (StoreTableNode) found[0];
return new TableDesc(
public static TableDesc getTableDesc(CatalogService catalog, LogicalNode node) throws UndefinedTableException {
if (node.getType() == NodeType.ROOT) {
node = ((LogicalRootNode)node).getChild();
if (node.getType() == NodeType.CREATE_TABLE) {
return createTableDesc((CreateTableNode)node);
String tableName = null;
InsertNode insertNode = null;
if (node.getType() == NodeType.INSERT) {
insertNode = (InsertNode)node;
tableName = insertNode.getTableName();
} else {
return null;
if (tableName != null) {
String[] tableTokens = tableName.split("\\.");
if (tableTokens.length >= 2) {
if (catalog.existsTable(tableTokens[0], tableTokens[1])) {
return catalog.getTableDesc(tableTokens[0], tableTokens[1]);
} else {
if (insertNode.getUri() != null) {
//insert ... location
return createTableDesc(insertNode);
return null;
private static TableDesc createTableDesc(CreateTableNode createTableNode) {
TableMeta meta = new TableMeta(createTableNode.getStorageType(), createTableNode.getOptions());
TableDesc tableDescTobeCreated =
new TableDesc(
createTableNode.getUri() != null ? createTableNode.getUri() : null);
if (createTableNode.hasPartition()) {
return tableDescTobeCreated;
private static TableDesc createTableDesc(InsertNode insertNode) {
TableMeta meta = new TableMeta(insertNode.getStorageType(), insertNode.getOptions());
TableDesc tableDescTobeCreated =
new TableDesc(
insertNode.getUri() != null ? insertNode.getUri() : null);
if (insertNode.hasPartition()) {
return tableDescTobeCreated;
* Extract all in-subqueries from the given qual.
* @param qual
* @return
public static List<Expr> extractInSubquery(Expr qual) {
List<Expr> inSubqueries = TUtil.newList();
for (Expr eachIn : ExprFinder.findsInOrder(qual, OpType.InPredicate)) {
InPredicate inPredicate = (InPredicate) eachIn;
if (inPredicate.getInValue().getType() == OpType.SimpleTableSubquery) {
return inSubqueries;
* Return a list of integers, maps input schema and projected columns.
* Each integer value means a column index of input schema corresponding to each project column
* @param inputSchema Input Schema
* @param targets Columns to be projected
* @return A list of integers, each of which is an index number of input schema corresponding
* to each projected column.
public static int [] getTargetIds(Schema inputSchema, Column...targets) {
int [] targetIds = new int[targets.length];
for (int i = 0; i < targetIds.length; i++) {
targetIds[i] = inputSchema.getColumnId(targets[i].getQualifiedName());
return targetIds;
public static List<EvalNode> getAllEqualEvals(EvalNode qual) {
EvalTreeUtil.EvalFinder finder = new EvalTreeUtil.EvalFinder(EvalType.EQUAL);
finder.visit(null, qual, new Stack<EvalNode>());
return finder.getEvalNodes();
public static boolean hasAsterisk(NamedExpr [] namedExprs) {
for (NamedExpr eachTarget : namedExprs) {
if (eachTarget.getExpr().getType() == OpType.Asterisk) {
return true;
return false;