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<title>Release Notes - Tajo - Version 0.10.0</title>
<h1>Release Notes - Tajo - Version 0.10.0</h1>
<h2>Changes since Tajo 0.9.0</h2>
<h2> Sub-task
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-324</a>] - Rename the prefix &#39;QueryUnit&#39; to Task
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-920</a>] - Add FIRST_VALUE and LAST_VALUE window functions
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1149</a>] - Implement direct read of DelimitedTextFile
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1151</a>] - Implement the ByteBuffer-based De/Serializer
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1152</a>] - RawFile ByteBuffer should be reuse
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1233</a>] - Merge hbase_storage branch to the master branch
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1260</a>] - Add ALTER TABLE ADD/DROP PARTITION statement to parser
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1262</a>] - Rename the prefix &#39;SubQuery&#39; to &#39;Stage&#39;
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1287</a>] - Repeated using of the same order by key in multiple window clauses should be supported
<h2> Bug
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-831</a>] - Project wrong column in the case of having same alias in subquery.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-930</a>] - Could not initialize class org.apache.tajo.QueryTestCaseBase during building
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1003</a>] - wrong converting to_timestamp(text, text)
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1063</a>] - Current_time() always returns UTC time
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1064</a>] - The hour values are different between current_time() and extract from current_time()
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1108</a>] - RawFile tableStats does not update in query processing
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1119</a>] - JDBC driver should support TIMESTAMP type.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1126</a>] - Join condition including functions throws IllegalArgumentException.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1139</a>] - ExternalSortExec should delete the intermediate files
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1150</a>] - Some weird methods in QueryClientImpl should be fixed
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1154</a>] - TajoCli doesn&#39;t pause while running the non-forwarded query.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1157</a>] - Required Java version in tutorial doc needs to be updated
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1158</a>] - Max Hadoop version in tutorial doc needs to be updated
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1162</a>] - to_char() returns &quot;-00&quot; second.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1166</a>] - S3 related storage causes compilation error in Hadoop 2.6.0-SNAPSHOT
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1179</a>] - Integration tests in TravisCI are occasionally failed due to log size.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1180</a>] - digitValue should throw Exception when char is not in valid range
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1181</a>] - Avro schema URL should support various protocols.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1183</a>] - Keep command execution even with errors.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1185</a>] - Default timezone should be UTC+0 instead of depending on JVM
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1188</a>] - Fix testcase testTimestampConstructor in TestTimestampDatum
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1190</a>] - INSERT INTO to partition tables may cause NPE.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1191</a>] - Change DateDatum timezone to UTC
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1192</a>] - testTimestampConstructor incorrectly compares a local time with a UTC time
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1194</a>] - &#39;INSERT OVERWRITE .. SELECT&#39; does not remove existing data when result is empty.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1197</a>] - Unit test failed: unable to create new native thread
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1200</a>] - Invalid shuffle data of multiple worker in same server
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1205</a>] - Remove possible memory leak in TajoMaster
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1208</a>] - Failure of create table using textfile on hivemeta
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1210</a>] - ByteBufLineReader does not handle the end of file, if newline is not appeared
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1211</a>] - Staging directory for CTAS and INSERT should be in the output dir.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1219</a>] - Files located in intermediate directories of partitioned table should be ignored
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1220</a>] - Implement createStatement() and setEscapeProcessing() in JdbcConnection
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1223</a>] - Wrong query verification against asterisk and more expressions in select list
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1224</a>] - When there is no projected column, json scan can be hang.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1225</a>] - Fix wrong schema name in JDBC driver
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1231</a>] - Implicit table properties in session are not stored in table property.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1232</a>] - Implicit groupby queries with LIMIT lead to wrong results.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1234</a>] - Rearrange timezone in date/time types
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1235</a>] - ByteBufLineReader can not read text line with CRLF
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1237</a>] - Fix missing maven-module for pullserver
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1239</a>] - ORDER BY with null column desc miss some data.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1242</a>] - Json scanner can not read some case of truncated text
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1244</a>] - tajo.worker.tmpdir.locations should use a validator for a list of paths.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1246</a>] - HBase info port conflict occasionally causes unit test failures in Jenkins CI
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1249</a>] - Tajo should check if a file format given in DDL is supported.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1250</a>] - RawFileAppender occasionally causes BufferOverflowException
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1251</a>] - Query is hanging occasionally by shuffle report
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1252</a>] - PathValidator should allow hdfs paths which contain IP addresses
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1254</a>] - Fix getProgress race conditions in Query
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1257</a>] - ORDER BY with NULL FIRST misses some data
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1259</a>] - A title in catalog configuration document is different from others
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1265</a>] - min(), max() does not handle null properly
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1270</a>] - Fix typos
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1275</a>] - Optimizer pushs down non-equi filter as theta join qualifier
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1277</a>] - GreedyHeuristicJoinOrderAlgorithm sometimes wrongly assumes associativity of joins
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1278</a>] - Unit tests occasionally hang due to the invalid query status
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1283</a>] - ORDER BY with the first descending order causes wrong results
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1289</a>] - History reader fails to get the query information after a successful query execution
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1297</a>] - Tajo Web UI does not work after TAJO-1291
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1299</a>] - TB and PB representations in StorageUnit are overflow
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1303</a>] - CDH cannot pass hadoop version check test
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1304</a>] - Can not found TextFile in catalog
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1305</a>] - With metadata storage of MySQL, columns with the same character but difference case are not allowed
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1308</a>] - QueryInprogress can not release when query is QUERY_ERROR
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1312</a>] - Stage causes Invalid event error: SQ_SHUFFLE_REPORT at KILLED
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1313</a>] - Tajo-dump creates DDLs for information_schema tables
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1315</a>] - Invalid results are returned when a source table consists of multiple csv files
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1316</a>] - NPE occurs when performing window functions after join
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1318</a>] - Unit test failure after miniDFS cluster restart
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1319</a>] - Tajo can&#39;t find HBase configuration file.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1321</a>] - Cli prints wrong response time
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1322</a>] - Invalid stored caching on StorageManager
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1324</a>] - Remove warehouse directory rewriting in Unit Test
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1325</a>] - Invalid history cleaner timeout
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1336</a>] - Fix task failure of stopped task
<h2> Improvement
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-269</a>] - Protocol buffer De/Serialization for LogicalNode
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-784</a>] - Improve TpchTestBase to be more general.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1035</a>] - Add default TAJO_PULLSERVER_HEAPSIZE
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1053</a>] - ADD PARTITIONS for HCatalogStore
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1092</a>] - Improve the function system to allow other function implementation types
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1109</a>] - Separate SQL Statements from Catalog Stores
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1114</a>] - Improve ConfVars (SessionVar) to take a validator interface to check its input.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1125</a>] - Separate logical plan and optimizer into a maven module
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1128</a>] - Implement a select box for database at web interface
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1132</a>] - More detailed version info in tsql
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1133</a>] - Add &#39;bin/tajo version&#39; command
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1140</a>] - Separate TajoClient into fine grained parts.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1143</a>] - TajoMaster, TajoWorker, and TajoClient should have diagnosis phase at startup
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1145</a>] - Add &#39;bin/tajo --help&#39; command
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1159</a>] - Change tsql history behavior
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1160</a>] - Remove Hadoop dependency from tajo-client module
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1161</a>] - Remove joda time dependency from tajo-core
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1163</a>] - TableDesc should use URI instead of Path.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1165</a>] - Needs to show error messages on query_executor.jsp
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1169</a>] - Some older version of OpenJDK 1.6 does not get default timezone id
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1172</a>] - Remove Trevni storage type and its related classes
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1174</a>] - remove unnessary codes for blobdatum
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1176</a>] - Implements queryable virtual tables for catalog information
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1177</a>] - Reduce the use of Sun proprietary API
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1184</a>] - Upgrade netty-buffer to 4.0.24.Final
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1186</a>] - Table should have timezone as an table property
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1187</a>] - TajoCli should print time/timestamp values with timezone
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1189</a>] - *-site.xml.template should contain commented out default settings.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1195</a>] - Remove unused CachedDNSResolver Class
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1204</a>] - Remove unused ServerName class
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1209</a>] - Pluggable line (de)serializer for DelimitedTextFile
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1213</a>] - Implement CatalogStore::updateTableStats
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1221</a>] - HA TajoClient should not connect TajoMaster at the first.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1227</a>] - When a task is failed, ParquetAppender::close causes NPE.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1228</a>] - TajoClient should communicate with only TajoMaster without TajoWorker
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1230</a>] - Disable ipv6 support on JVM
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1236</a>] - Remove slow &#39;new String&#39; operation in parquet format
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1241</a>] - Change default client and table time zone behavior
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1243</a>] - *-site.xml.template should have default configs commented out.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1245</a>] - Add documentation about PostgreSQL and Oracle Catalog driver
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1247</a>] - Store type &#39;TEXTFILE&#39; should be TEXT while keeping enum &#39;TEXTFILE&#39; in protobuf
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1258</a>] - Close() for classes derived from FileAppender should be robust
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1261</a>] - Separate query and ddl execution codes from GlobalEngine
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1268</a>] - tajo-client module should not use UserGroupInformation
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1269</a>] - Separate cli from tajo-client
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1279</a>] - Cleanup TajoAsyncDispatcher and interrupt stop events
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1281</a>] - Remove hadoop-common dependency from tajo-rpc
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1282</a>] - Cleanup the relationship of QueryInProgress and QueryJobManager
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1285</a>] - Refactoring Magic Number to HAConstants
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1286</a>] - Remove netty dependency from tajo-jdbc
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1288</a>] - Refactoring org.apache.tajo.master package
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1290</a>] - Add HBase Storage Integration Documentation
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1291</a>] - Rename TajoMasterProtocol to QueryCoordinatorProtocol
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1293</a>] - Tajo have to accept hostname beginning with digits.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1306</a>] - HAServiceUtil should not directly use HDFS.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1307</a>] - HBaseStorageManager need to support for users to use hbase-site.xml file.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1309</a>] - Add missing break point in physical operator
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1317</a>] - Parallel Test Executions on Tajo Core Project
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1320</a>] - HBaseStorageManager need to support Zookeeper Client Port.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1328</a>] - Fix deprecated property names in the catalog configuration document
<h2> New Feature
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-233</a>] - Support PostgreSQL CatalogStore
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-235</a>] - Support Oracle CatalogStore
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1026</a>] - Implement Query history persistency manager.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1095</a>] - Implement Json file scanner
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1100</a>] - Refactor CSVFile to DelimitedLineTextFile
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1118</a>] - (Umbrella) HBase Storage Integration
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1199</a>] - EMR bootstrap script for Tajo
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1222</a>] - DelimitedTextFile should be tolerant against parsing errors.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1238</a>] - Add SET SESSION and RESET statement
<h2> Task
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1032</a>] - Improve TravisCI scripts to adjust log4j log level
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1129</a>] - Remove hadoop 2.2.0 support
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1141</a>] - Refactor the packages hierarchy of tajo-client
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1153</a>] - Merge off-heap package in block_iteration branch to master branch
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1229</a>] - rename tajo-yarn-pullserver to tajo-pullserver
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1267</a>] - Remove LazyTaskScheduler
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1274</a>] - Merge separate pages of getting started document into a single page
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1280</a>] - Update the roles of Hyoungjun and Jihun in web site
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1294</a>] - Add index documents
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1295</a>] - Remove legacy worker.dataserver package and its unit tests.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1296</a>] - Remove obsolete classes from tajo.master.container package.
<li>[<a href=''>TAJO-1323</a>] - Cleanup the unstable test case