[SYSTEMDS-2856] Multi-threaded binary matrix-matrix, matrix-scalar ops

This patch is a first step towards extended multi-threaded operations
support. So far binary operations were not multi-threaded because output
allocation dominates the runtime for many operations. With parallel
allocators, future in-place updates, increasing degree of parallelism,
and somewhat inefficient sparse-unsafe code paths this changes. In this
first step, we parallelize matrix-matrix unsafe operations, and
matrix-scalar safe operations which did not have a lot of special case
handling and thus could simply parallelize over row partitions.

On a scenario of a 1M x 1050 input matrix (mostly dense except one
one-hot encoded column), this patch improved the Kmeans runtime w/ 50
centroids, 1 run, MKL matrix multiply, and ~60 iterations from 177s to
109s (and relevant binary ops for <= and -2* from 87s to 15s).
13 files changed
tree: fd8792b6691a99d1083b8289b7d9f772106bbe7e
  1. .github/
  2. bin/
  3. conf/
  4. dev/
  5. docker/
  6. docs/
  7. notebooks/
  8. scripts/
  9. src/
  10. .gitattributes
  11. .gitignore
  12. .gitmodules
  15. NOTICE
  16. pom.xml
  17. README.md

Apache SystemDS

Overview: SystemDS is a versatile system for the end-to-end data science lifecycle from data integration, cleaning, and feature engineering, over efficient, local and distributed ML model training, to deployment and serving. To this end, we aim to provide a stack of declarative languages with R-like syntax for (1) the different tasks of the data-science lifecycle, and (2) users with different expertise. These high-level scripts are compiled into hybrid execution plans of local, in-memory CPU and GPU operations, as well as distributed operations on Apache Spark. In contrast to existing systems - that either provide homogeneous tensors or 2D Datasets - and in order to serve the entire data science lifecycle, the underlying data model are DataTensors, i.e., tensors (multi-dimensional arrays) whose first dimension may have a heterogeneous and nested schema.

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