The primary SystemDS documentation is written in markdown (*.md) and can be converted to HTML using Jekyll.
The Documentation is separated into different parts by sub folders.
. ├── _layouts │ ├── global.html # The Default content layout and html file. │ ├── site.html # The Default content layout for docs pages contained in site folder ├── _site # If run locally a _site folder is generated containing the compiled site. ├── _config.yml # The configuration for jekyll to construct the site. ├── Gemfile.yml # The dependency list for the documentation ├── # The main entry File ├── css # The style files folder ├── img # The Images folder ├── js # The JavaScript folder ├── site # The different pages in the documentation ├── api # Contains autogenerated files. Don't touch manually │ ├── java # The generated Java docs from source code. │ ├── python # The generated Python docs from source code.
Install Ruby development environment Jekyll on Ubuntu.
Install Jekyll inside the Ruby environment.
gem install jekyll jekyll-redirect-from bundler pygments.rb
and /var/lib/gems/2.5.0
.Install python dependencies (Optionally).
pip install Sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme
pip install Pygments numpy pandas py4j
and install any other missing packages
Make sure Maven and Java 11 and above are installed.
mvn --version
Now, update the API docs (Optional)
Launch the Documentation locally
jekyll serve -w
brew install ruby gem install jekyll gem install jekyll-redirect-from gem install bundler brew install python gem install pygments.rb
pip install Sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme Pygments numpy pandas py4j
and install any missing Python packages.
To generate SystemDS documentation in HTML, navigate to the docs
folder, the root directory of the documentation. From there, you can have Jekyll convert the markdown files to HTML. If you run in server mode, Jekyll will serve up the generated documentation by default at Modifications to *.md files will be converted to HTML and can be viewed in a web browser.
jekyll serve -w