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<h1>Apache SystemDS<sup id="trademark">&trade;</sup></h1>
<p>An open source ML system for the end-to-end data science lifecycle</p>
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<h3>SystemML is now SystemDS</h3>
<p>To reflect the change of focus to the end-to-end data science lifecycle
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<h2><bdi>What is SystemDS?</bdi></h2>
<p>SystemDS is an open source ML system for the end-to-end data science lifecycle from
data integration, cleaning, and feature engineering, over efficient, local and distributed
ML model training, to deployment and serving. To this end, it provides a stack of declarative
languages with R-like syntax for (1) the different tasks of the data-science lifecycle, and
(2) users with different expertise. These high-level scripts are compiled into hybrid execution
plans of local, in-memory CPU and GPU operations, as well as distributed operations on Apache Spark
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<h2>Install SystemDS</h2>
<p>New to Apache SystemDS? Try our quick install guide that will walk you through setting up your environment and
getting you up and going with SystemDS.</p>
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<h3>VLDB 2016 Best Paper</h3>
<p>Read Compressed Linear Algebra for Large-Scale Machine Learning.<a
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