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<author email="">Apache Syncope Documentation Team</author>
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<section name="Prerequisites">
<li>Java 1.6.23 or higher</li>
<a href="">Apache Maven</a> 3.0.3 or higher</li>
<a href="source-repository.html">Latest source code</a>
<section name="Building Syncope">
Before building Syncope, you need to setup an environment variable to give Maven more memory.<br/>
On Unix
<source>export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"</source>
On Windows
<source>set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m</source>
To build Syncope simply execute (from within the check-out directory):
<source>$ mvn install</source>
<source>$ mvn clean install</source>
for subsequent runs.<br/>
To build Syncope without running any test do:
<source>$ mvn -PskipTests</source>
<b>Important</b>: For subsequent builds (e.g., after code changes are made),
run <code>mvn clean</code> first to build from scratch, before using one of the <code>mvn install</code>
commands above.
(You may also wish to run <code>svn update</code> after running <code>mvn clean</code> but before running
<code>mvn install</code>.)
<section name="More build profiles">
Besides default, other Maven
<a href="">build profiles</a> are
provided, for developer convenience.<br/>
Such profiles are limited to a specific module, hence Maven needs to be invoked from the corresponding
subdirectory, not from top-level.
<subsection name="core">
Starts the full environment used by integration tests (with same components available when running new project
in <a href="">embedded mode</a>
but console) and enables remote JPDA debugging on port 8000 in the running JEE container (Tomcat).
<source>$ mvn -Pdebug</source>
Run all / some / single integration tests (but no unit tests) by empowering
<a href="">Maven Failsafe plugin</a>'s
selection features:
<source>$ mvn -Pdev
$ mvn -Pdev -Dit.test=UserTestITCase
$ mvn -Pdev -Dit.test=UserTestITCase#create</source>
Run the whole test suite by selecting the <em>NoOp</em> workflow adapter implementation;
by default, <a href="">Activiti</a> is configured instead.
<source>$ mvn -Pnoopworkflow</source>
After providing connection information in <code>src/test/resources/postgres/</code>,
perform the full test suite against a real <a href="">PostgreSQL</a> database via
<source>$ mvn -Ppostgres-it</source>
After providing connection information in <code>src/test/resources/mysql/</code>,
perform the full test suite against a real <a href="">MySQL</a> or
<a href="">MariaDB</a> database via
<source>$ mvn -Pmysql-it</source>
<h5>Oracle database</h5>
After providing connection information in <code>src/test/resources/oracle/</code>
and having <a href="">
set up the appropriate JDBC driver in your local Maven repository</a>, perform the full test suite
against a real <a href="">Oracle</a> database via
<source>$ mvn -Poracle-it</source>
<h5>MS SQL Server</h5>
After providing connection information in <code>src/test/resources/sqlserver/</code>
and having <a href="">
set up the appropriate JDBC driver in your local Maven repository</a>, perform the full test suite
against a real <a href="">MS SQL Server</a> database via
<source>$ mvn -Psqlserver-it</source>
<h4>JEE containers</h4>
Perform the full test suite by deploying Syncope core in
<a href="">Glassfish</a> via
<source>$ mvn -Pglassfish-it</source>
<h5>JBoss AS</h5>
Perform the full test suite by deploying Syncope core in
<a href="">JBoss AS</a> via
<source>$ mvn -Pjboss-it</source>
<h5>Oracle WebLogic</h5>
Either put local WebLogic installation under <code>/opt/weblogic-12.1.1</code> or
pass <code>-Dweblogic.home=...</code>, then perform the full test suite by deploying Syncope core in
<a href="">Oracle WebLogic</a> via
<source>$ mvn -Pweblogic-it</source>
<subsection name="console">
Starts the full environment used by core's integration tests (with same components available when running new project
in <a href="">embedded mode</a>,
including console) and enables remote JPDA debugging on port 8000 in the running JEE container (Tomcat).
<source>$ mvn -Pdebug</source>
Starts the full environment used by core's integration tests (with same components available when running new project
in <a href="">embedded mode</a>,
including console) and enables <a href="">JRebel</a>.
<source>export REBEL_HOME=/opt/jrebel
$ mvn -Pjrebel</source>
Perform the integration test suite based on <a href="">Selenium</a>; also supports
test selection.
<source>$ mvn -Pselenium
$ mvn -Pselenium -Dit.test=UserTestITCase</source>