blob: 1eb6011bcada500e6a95179fdca1a37ef1c32d88 [file] [log] [blame]
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=== Configuration Parameters
Most run-time configuration options are available as parameters and can be tuned via the admin console:
* `password.cipher.algorithm` - which cipher algorithm shall be used for encrypting password values; supported
algorithms include `SHA-1`, `SHA-256`, `SHA-512`, `AES`, `S-MD5`, `S-SHA-1`, `S-SHA-256`, `S-SHA-512` and `BCRYPT`;
salting options are available in the `` file;
The value of the `security.secretKey` property in the `` file is used for AES-based encryption / decryption.
Besides password values, this is also used whenever reversible encryption is needed, throughout the whole system. +
When the `secretKey` value has length less than 16, it is right-padded by random characters during startup, to reach
such mininum value. +
It is *strongly* recommended to provide a value long at least 16 characters, in order to avoid unexpected behaviors
at runtime, expecially with high-availability.
* `jwt.lifetime.minutes` - validity of[JSON Web Token^] values used for
<<rest-authentication-and-authorization,authentication>> (in minutes);
* `notificationjob.cronExpression` -[cron^] expression describing how
frequently the pending <<tasks-notification,notification tasks>> are processed: empty means disabled;
Restarting the deployment is required when changing value for this parameter.
* `notification.maxRetries` - how many times the delivery of a given notification should be attempted before giving up;
Restarting the deployment is required when changing value for this parameter.
* `token.length` - the length of the random tokens that can be generated as part of various <<workflow,workflow>>
processes, including <<password-reset,password reset>>;
* `token.expireTime` - the time after which the generated random tokens expire;
* `selfRegistration.allowed` - whether self-registration (typically via the enduser application) is allowed;
* `passwordReset.allowed` - whether the <<password-reset,password reset>> feature (typically via the enduser
application) is allowed;
* `passwordReset.securityQuestion` - whether the <<password-reset,password reset>> feature involves security questions;
* `authentication.attributes` - the list of attributes whose values can be passed as login name for authentication,
defaults to `username`; please note that the related <<plain,plain schemas>> must impose the unique constraint, for this
mechanism to work properly;
* `authentication.statuses` - the list of <<workflow,workflow>> statuses for which users are allowed to authenticate;
Suspended Users are anyway not allowed to authenticate.
* `log.lastlogindate` - whether the system updates the `lastLoginDate` field of users upon authentication;
* `return.password.value` - whether the hashed password value and the hashed security answer (if any) value shall be
* `connector.test.timeout` - timeout (in seconds) to check connector connection in <<Admin Console>>;
`0` to skip any check;
This parameter is useful to avoid waiting for the default connector timeout, by setting a shorter value;
or to completely disable connector connection testing.
* `resource.test.timeout` - timeout (in seconds) to check resource connection in <<Admin Console>>;
`0` to skip any check;
This parameter is useful to avoid waiting for the default resource timeout, by setting a shorter value;
or to completely disable resource connection testing.
Besides this default set, new configuration parameters can be defined to support <<customization,custom>> code.