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=== Notifications
Apache Syncope can be instructed to send out notification e-mails when certain <<notification-events,events>> occur.
Every notification generates one or more <<tasks-notification,notification tasks>>, holding the actual
e-mails to be sent. The tasks are ordinarily scheduled for execution according to the value provided for
`notificationjob.cronExpression` - see <<configuration-parameters, below>> for details - and can be saved for later
When defining a notification, the following information must be provided:
* <<notification-templates,notification template>> - template for e-mail generation
* sender - e-mail address appearing in the `From` field of the generated e-mail(s)
* subject - text used as e-mail subject
* recipient e-mail attribute - which user attribute shall be considered as e-mail address for delivery (as users might
in principle have different e-mail attributes)
* recipient(s) - the actual e-mail recipient(s) which can be specified either as:
** list of static e-mail addresses
** matching condition to be applied to available users
** Java class implementing the
ifeval::["{snapshotOrRelease}" == "release"]{docVersion}/core/provisioning-api/src/main/java/org/apache/syncope/core/provisioning/api/notification/[NotificationRecipientsProvider^]
ifeval::["{snapshotOrRelease}" == "snapshot"][NotificationRecipientsProvider^]
* <<notification-events,notification event(s)>> - event(s) triggering the enclosing notification
* about - the condition matching Users, Groups or Any Objects which are evaluated for the specified events; for users,
the matching entities can be also considered as additional recipients
* trace level - control how much tracing (including logs and execution details) shall be carried over during execution
of the generated <<tasks-notification,notification tasks>>
==== Notification Events
Notification (and <<audit-events,Audit>>) events are essentially a means of identifying the invocation of specific methods
within the <<core>>, in line with _join points_ in the[Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)^].
An event is identified by the following five coordinates:
. type - which can be one of
** `LOGIC`
** `TASK`
** `PULL`
** `PUSH`
. category - the possible values depend on the selected type: for `LOGIC` the <<logic>> components available,
for `TASK` the various <<tasks-custom, Custom Tasks>> configured, for `PROPAGATION`, `PULL` and `PUSH` the defined Any Types
. subcategory - completes category with external resource name, when selecting `PROPAGATION`, `PULL` or `PUSH`
. event type - the final identification of the event; depends on the other coordinates
. success or failure - whether the current event shall be considered in case of success or failure
The admin console provides <<console-configuration-notifications,tooling>> to assist with the specification of valid events.
An event is uniquely identified by a string of the following form:
[type]:[category]:[subcategory]:[event type]:[SUCCESS|FAILURE]
Some samples:
* `[PushTask]:[group]:[resource-db-scripted]:[matchingrule_deprovision]:[SUCCESS]` +
successful Group <<provisioning-push,push>> to the external resource `resource-db-scripted`, when deprovisioning
matching entities
* `[LOGIC]:[RealmLogic]:[]:[create]:[FAILURE]` +
unsuccessful Realm creation
* `[CUSTOM]:[]:[]:[unexpected identification]:[SUCCESS]` +
successful execution of the event identified by the `unexpected identification` string
Custom events can be used to trigger notifications from non-predefined joint points, as BPMN `userTask`
instances within the <<flowable-user-workflow-adapter>>, <<propagationactions>>, <<pushactions>>, <<pullactions>> or
other custom code.
==== Notification Templates
A notification template is defined as a pair of[JEXL^] expressions,
to be used respectively for plaintext and HTML e-mails, and is available for selection in the notification specification.
Notification templates can be easily managed either via the <<console-configuration-notifications,admin console>>
or the <<netbeans-ide-plugin>>.
The full power of JEXL expressions - see[reference^]
and[some examples^] - is available. +
For example, the `user` variable, an instance of
ifeval::["{snapshotOrRelease}" == "release"]{docVersion}/common/lib/src/main/java/org/apache/syncope/common/lib/to/[UserTO^]
ifeval::["{snapshotOrRelease}" == "snapshot"][UserTO^]
with actual value matching the _about_ condition as introduced above, can be used.
.Plaintext notification template
Hi ${user.getPlainAttr("firstname").get().values[0]} ${user.getPlainAttr("surname").get().values[0]},
welcome to Syncope!
Your username is ${user.username}.
Your email address is ${user.getPlainAttr("email").get().values[0]}.
Best regards.
.HTML notification template
<h3>Hi ${user.getPlainAttr("firstname").get().values[0]} ${user.getPlainAttr("surname").get().values[0]},
welcome to Syncope!</h3>
<p>Your username is ${user.username}.<br/>
Your email address is ${user.getPlainAttr("email").get().values[0]}.</p>
<p>Best regards.</p>