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=== Commands
A Command is defined via an <<implementations,Implementation>> of type `COMMAND`, providing a Java or Groovy class
for the
ifeval::["{snapshotOrRelease}" == "release"]{docVersion}/core/idrepo/logic/src/main/java/org/apache/syncope/core/logic/api/[Command^],
ifeval::["{snapshotOrRelease}" == "snapshot"][Command^],
interface, designed to optionally take parameters.
The typical use case is to encapsulate, in a single logical unit, the equivalent of two or more <<rest,REST>> calls.
Once defined, Commands can be executed via dedicated REST endpoints, or via <<engagements,Console UI>>.
=== Tasks
Tasks control the effective operations that are ongoing in the <<core>>.
Whilst tasks define what and how to perform, they are supposed to be run by some entity (depending on the actual task
type, see below for details); their execution result can be saved for later examination.
==== Propagation
A propagation task encapsulates all the information that is required - according to the defined <<mapping,mapping>> - to create,
update or delete a given User, Group or Any Object, to / from a certain Identity Store:
* operation - `CREATE`, `UPDATE` or `DELETE`
* connObjectKey - value for ConnId[unique identifier^]
on the Identity Store
* oldConnObjectKey - the former unique identifier on the Identity Store: bears value only during updates involving the
unique identifier
* attributes - set of ConnId[attributes^] built
upon internal identity data and configured mapping
* resource - related <<external-resources,external resource>>
* objectClass - ConnId[object class^]
* entity - reference to the internal identity: User, Group or Any Object
Propagation tasks are automatically generated via the configured
ifeval::["{snapshotOrRelease}" == "release"]{docVersion}/core/provisioning-java/src/main/java/org/apache/syncope/core/provisioning/java/propagation/[PropagationManager^],
ifeval::["{snapshotOrRelease}" == "snapshot"][PropagationManager^],
executed (by default) via the
ifeval::["{snapshotOrRelease}" == "release"]{docVersion}/core/provisioning-java/src/main/java/org/apache/syncope/core/provisioning/java/propagation/[PriorityPropagationTaskExecutor^]
ifeval::["{snapshotOrRelease}" == "snapshot"][PriorityPropagationTaskExecutor^]
during the <<propagation,propagation>> process, and are permanently saved - for later re-execution or for examining
the execution details - depending on the trace levels set on the related
<<external-resource-details,external resource>>.
Automatic retry in case of failure can be configured by mean of a <<policies-propagation,propagation policy>>, for the
related external resource.
==== Pull
Pull tasks are required to define and trigger the <<provisioning-pull,pull>> process from Identity Stores.
When defining a pull task, the following information must be provided:
* related <<external-resources,external resource>>
* chosen <<pull-mode,pull mode>>
* destination <<realms,Realm>> - where entities selected for creation are going to be placed
* whether creation, update or deletion on internal storage are allowed or not
* whether <<remediation,remediation>> is enabled
* whether to synchronize the status information from the related identity store
* selected <<provisioning-pull,matching and unmatching rules>>
* optional <<pullactions,pull action(s)>>
* <<pull-templates,entity templates>>
* scheduling information:
** when to start
**[cron expression^]
Pull tasks are executed, either upon request or due to a schedule, via the
ifeval::["{snapshotOrRelease}" == "release"]{docVersion}/core/provisioning-java/src/main/java/org/apache/syncope/core/provisioning/java/pushpull/[PullJobDelegate^]
ifeval::["{snapshotOrRelease}" == "snapshot"][PullJobDelegate^]
during the <<provisioning-pull,pull>> process, and are permanently saved - for later re-execution or for examining
the execution details - depending on the trace level set on the related
<<external-resource-details,external resource>>.
It is possible to simulate the execution of a pull (or push) task without performing any actual modification by
selecting the _DryRun_ option. The execution results will be still available for examination.
.Concurrent Pull Task Executions
By default, pull tasks are set to accept and sequentially process the objects received from the configured External
Resource; it is also possible to configure a pull task to work on several objects at once in order to speed up the
overall execution time.
==== Push
Push tasks are required to define and trigger the <<provisioning-push,push>> process to Identity Stores.
When defining a push task, the following information must be provided:
* related <<external-resources,external resource>>
* source <<realms,Realm>> - where entities to push will be read from
* filter information for selecting which internal entities will be pushed onto the identity store
* whether creation, update or deletion on the identity store are allowed or not
* whether to synchronize the status information with internal storage
* selected <<provisioning-push,matching and unmatching rules>>
* optional <<pushactions,push action(s)>>
* scheduling information:
** when to start
**[cron expression^]
Push tasks are executed, either upon request or due to a schedule, via the
ifeval::["{snapshotOrRelease}" == "release"]{docVersion}/core/provisioning-java/src/main/java/org/apache/syncope/core/provisioning/java/pushpull/[PushJobDelegate^]
ifeval::["{snapshotOrRelease}" == "snapshot"][PushJobDelegate^]
during the <<provisioning-push,push>> process, and are permanently saved - for later re-execution or for examining
the execution details - depending on the trace level set on the related
<<external-resource-details,external resource>>.
.Concurrent Push Task Executions
By default, push tasks are set to sequentially send items to the configured External Resource; it is also possible to
configure a push task to work on several objects at once in order to speed up the overall execution time.
==== Notification
A notification task encapsulates all the information that is required to send out a notification e-mail, according to the
specification provided in a given <<notifications,notification>>:
* entity - reference to the internal identity - User, Group or Any Object - the notification task refers to
* sender e-mail address
* e-mail subject
* effective e-mail recipient(s)
* e-mail body as plaintext and / or HTML
Notification tasks are automatically generated via the
ifeval::["{snapshotOrRelease}" == "release"]{docVersion}/core/provisioning-java/src/main/java/org/apache/syncope/core/provisioning/java/notification/[NotificationManager^],
ifeval::["{snapshotOrRelease}" == "snapshot"][NotificationManager^],
executed via the
ifeval::["{snapshotOrRelease}" == "release"]{docVersion}/core/provisioning-java/src/main/java/org/apache/syncope/core/provisioning/java/job/notification/[NotificationJob^]
ifeval::["{snapshotOrRelease}" == "snapshot"][NotificationJob^]
and are permanently saved - for later re-execution or for examining the execution details - depending on the trace level
set on the related <<notifications,notification>>.
==== Macros
Macro tasks are meant to group one or more <<commands>> into a given execution sequence, alongside with
arguments required to run.
When defining a macro task, the following information must be provided:
* commands to run, with their args
* <<realms,Realm>> for <<delegated-administration,delegated administration>> to restrict the set of users entitled to
list, update or execute the given macro task
* scheduling information:
** when to start
**[cron expression^]
===== MacroActions
Macro task execution can be decorated with custom logic to be invoked around task execution, by associating
macro tasks to one or more <<implementations,implementations>> of the
ifeval::["{snapshotOrRelease}" == "release"]{docVersion}/core/idrepo/logic/src/main/java/org/apache/syncope/core/logic/api/[MacroActions^]
ifeval::["{snapshotOrRelease}" == "snapshot"][MacroActions^]
==== Scheduled
Scheduled tasks allow for the injection of custom logic into the <<core>> in the area of execution and scheduling.
When defining a scheduled task, the following information must be provided:
* job delegate class: Java class extending
ifeval::["{snapshotOrRelease}" == "release"]{docVersion}/core/provisioning-java/src/main/java/org/apache/syncope/core/provisioning/java/job/[AbstractSchedTaskJobDelegate^]
ifeval::["{snapshotOrRelease}" == "snapshot"][AbstractSchedTaskJobDelegate^]
providing the custom logic to execute
* scheduling information:
** when to start
**[cron expression^]
Scheduled tasks are ideal for implementing periodic checks or clean-up operations, possibly in coordination with other
components; some examples:
* move users from "pending delete" to "deleted" status 15 days after they reached the "pending delete" status (requires
interaction with <<flowable-user-workflow-adapter>>)
* send out notification e-mails to users whose password is about to expire on an Identity Store
* disable all users not logging into the system for the past 6 months