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Apache Synapse - Quick Start Guide
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Quick start guide
This guide will demonstrate two sample applications covering the basic and
the most common usage scenarios of Synapse; which is Message mediation and
Service mediation (i.e. using Proxy services). You will be guided through
a step by step approach to get a feeling about Synapse from the absolute
You should have following pre-requisites installed on your system to
follow through this guide
A Java 2 SE - JDK or JRE of version 1.4.2 or higher
Apache Ant
Note: To use the bundled https transport, you will need a Java 2 SE
runtime of version 1.5 or later. If you are using a J2SE below 1.5 and
does not require the https transport, you may comment out the following
section from your repository/conf/axis2.xml and
samples/axis2Server/repository/conf/axis2.xml configuration files.
<pre xml:space="preserve">...
&lt;transportReceiver name="https"...<br/> ...<br/> &lt;/transportReceiver&gt;
&lt;transportSender name="https"...<br/> ...<br/> &lt;/transportSender&gt;
Message Mediation
In this example Synapse will be used to simply log all the messages
passing through it. Although this simple scenario only performs logging,
it demonstrates the basics of message mediation, where the logging
functionality could be replaced with any combination of advanced
mediations such as transformations, content based routing as well as
bridging between different communication protocols etc. So, let's start
with the basics.
Our first task is to download Synapse. Open a web browser and access the
following URL: You will then
see the list of available releases. Click on the 1.0 version, and you will
be directed to the Synapse 1.0 release download page. Now download the
'Standard binary distribution' ZIP or tar.gz archive compatible with your
operating system.
Synapse can be installed just by extracting the downloaded binary
archive.. A directory named synapse-1.0 will be created in the selected
parent directory, containing all the files required for Synapse. We will
refer to this directory as &lt;synapse-home&gt; from now on.
Running the sample
Synapse ships with a set of sample clients and services to demonstrate
some of its core capabilities. Hence, you will need to run three programs
to get an idea of message mediation. The destination server that hosts the
ultimate service to be invoked to service the client, the client itself,
and Synapse, which acts as the intermediary to bridge between the client
and the server.
Starting the sample Axis2 server
In this case we are using a standalone Axis2 web services engine as the
server. You don't have to get it now, it is already bundled with your
Synapse distribution. But we have to deploy a sample service for which
client can send requests. Go to &lt;synapse-home&gt;/samples/axis2Server/src/SimpleStockQuoteService
directory. Run "ant" to build and deploy this service to the sample Axis2
<pre xml:space="preserve">user@host:/opt/synapse/samples/axis2Server$ cd src/SimpleStockQuoteService/
user@host:/opt/synapse/samples/axis2Server/src/SimpleStockQuoteService$ ant
Buildfile: build.xml
[delete] Deleting directory /home/asankha/java/synapse-1.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT/samples/axis2Server/src/SimpleStockQuoteService/temp
[mkdir] Created dir: /home/asankha/java/synapse-1.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT/samples/axis2Server/src/SimpleStockQuoteService/temp
[mkdir] Created dir: /home/asankha/java/synapse-1.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT/samples/axis2Server/src/SimpleStockQuoteService/temp/classes
[javac] Compiling 9 source files to /home/asankha/java/synapse-1.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT/samples/axis2Server/src/SimpleStockQuoteService/temp/classes
[mkdir] Created dir: /home/asankha/java/synapse-1.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT/samples/axis2Server/src/SimpleStockQuoteService/temp/SimpleStockQuote
[mkdir] Created dir: /home/asankha/java/synapse-1.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT/samples/axis2Server/src/SimpleStockQuoteService/temp/SimpleStockQuote/META-INF
[copy] Copying 1 file to /home/asankha/java/synapse-1.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT/samples/axis2Server/src/SimpleStockQuoteService/temp/SimpleStockQuote/META-INF
[copy] Copying 1 file to /home/asankha/java/synapse-1.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT/samples/axis2Server/src/SimpleStockQuoteService/temp/SimpleStockQuote/META-INF
[copy] Copying 9 files to /home/asankha/java/synapse-1.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT/samples/axis2Server/src/SimpleStockQuoteService/temp/SimpleStockQuote
[jar] Building jar: /home/asankha/java/synapse-1.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT/samples/axis2Server/repository/services/SimpleStockQuoteService.aar
Total time: 1 second</pre>
Now go to &lt;synapse-home&gt;/samples/axis2Server directory and start the
server using the following command. This will start Axis2 server on port
9000 (http).
<div class="command">
Linux / Unix: .
Windows: axis2server.bat
You will see the following messages on the console.
<pre xml:space="preserve">user@host:/opt/synapse/samples/axis2Server$ ./
Using JAVA_HOME: /opt/jdk1.5_06
Using AXIS2 Repository : /home/asankha/java/synapse-1.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT/samples/axis2Server/repository
Using AXIS2 Configuration : /home/asankha/java/synapse-1.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT/samples/axis2Server/repository/conf/axis2.xml
[SimpleAxisServer] Using the Axis2 Repository : /home/asankha/java/synapse-1.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT/samples/axis2Server/repository
[SimpleAxisServer] Using the Axis2 Configuration File : /home/asankha/java/synapse-1.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT/samples/axis2Server/repository/conf/axis2.xml
[main] INFO HttpCoreNIOSender - HTTPS Sender starting
[main] INFO HttpCoreNIOSender - HTTP Sender starting
[main] INFO HttpCoreNIOListener - HTTPS Listener starting on port : 9002
[main] INFO HttpCoreNIOListener - HTTP Listener starting on port : 9000 </pre>
Starting Synapse
Now it's time to start Synapse. In this scenario we are starting Synapse
using the sample configuration found in synapse_sample_0.xml (i.e. in
repository/conf/sample) and listed below. It is configured to log and pass
through, all the messages.
<pre xml:space="preserve">&lt;definitions xmlns=""&gt;<br/> &lt;log level="full"/&gt; <br/> &lt;send/&gt;
&lt;/definitions&gt; </pre>
Go to &lt;synapse-home&gt;/bin directory and type the command given below.
Synapse will be started on port 8080 (http) and 8443 (https - under JDK
<div class="command">
Linux / Unix: . -sample 0
Windows: synapse.bat -sample 0
Following messages will be displayed on the console to indicate the
successfull startup of Synapse.
<pre xml:space="preserve">user@host:/opt/synapse/bin$ ./ -sample 0
Starting Synapse/Java ...
Using SYNAPSE_HOME: /opt/synapse
Using JAVA_HOME: /opt/jdk1.5_06
Using SYNAPSE_XML: -Dsynapse.xml=/opt/synapse/repository/conf/sample/synapse_sample_0.xml
[SynapseServer] Using the Axis2 Repository /opt/synapse/repository
[main] INFO SynapseModule - Initializing the Synapse configuration ...
[main] INFO SynapseConfigurationBuilder - Loaded Synapse configuration from : /opt/synapse/repository/conf/sample/synapse_sample_0.xml
[main] INFO SynapseModule - Deploying the Synapse service..
[main] INFO SynapseModule - Deploying Proxy services...
[main] INFO SynapseModule - Synapse initialized successfully...!
[main] ERROR SandeshaModule - Could not load module policies. Using default values.
[main] INFO HttpCoreNIOSender - HTTPS Sender starting
[main] INFO HttpCoreNIOSender - HTTP Sender starting
[main] INFO HttpCoreNIOListener - HTTPS Listener starting on port : 8443
[SynapseServer] Starting transport https on port 8443
[main] INFO HttpCoreNIOListener - HTTP Listener starting on port : 8080
[SynapseServer] Starting transport http on port 8080
[SynapseServer] Ready</pre>
Run the client
Now the final step, running the client. Go to &lt;synapse-home&gt;/samples/axis2Client
directory and type the following command
<pre xml:space="preserve">user@host:/opt/synapse/samples/axis2Client$ ant stockquote -Daddurl=http://localhost:9000/soap/SimpleStockQuoteService -Dtrpurl=http://localhost:8080 -Dmode=quote -Dsymbol=IBM
Buildfile: build.xml
[java] Standard :: Stock price = $175.56196739870038
This sends a request for a stock quote for the symbol IBM and sets the
transport URL to Synapse (http://localhost:8080) and the WS-Addressing EPR
set that of the actual server
(http://localhost:9000/soap/SimpleStockQuoteService). The actual wire
level http message sent by the client is as follows, and is sent over port
8080 to the Synapse instance on localhost.
<pre xml:space="preserve">POST / HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
SOAPAction: "urn:getQuote"
User-Agent: Axis2
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
&lt;?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?&gt;
&lt;soapenv:Envelope xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:soapenv=""&gt;
&lt;m0:getQuote xmlns:m0="http://services.samples/xsd"&gt;
Now take a look at the console running Synapse. You will see that all the
details of the mediation are logged along with all the SOAP messages
passed through Synapse - as Synapse is running on debug mode by default.
<pre xml:space="preserve">[I/O reactor worker thread 5] INFO PipeImpl - Using native OS Pipes for event-driven to stream IO bridging
[HttpServerWorker-1] DEBUG SynapseMessageReceiver - Synapse received a new message for message mediation...
[HttpServerWorker-1] DEBUG SynapseMessageReceiver - Received To: http://localhost:9000/soap/SimpleStockQuoteService
[HttpServerWorker-1] DEBUG SynapseMessageReceiver - SOAPAction: urn:getQuote
[HttpServerWorker-1] DEBUG SynapseMessageReceiver - WSA-Action: urn:getQuote
[HttpServerWorker-1] DEBUG SynapseMessageReceiver - Body :
&lt;?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?&gt;<br/>&lt;soapenv:Envelope xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:soapenv=""&gt;<br/>&lt;soapenv:Header&gt;<br/>&lt;wsa:To&gt;http://localhost:9000/soap/SimpleStockQuoteService&lt;/wsa:To&gt;<br/>&lt;wsa:MessageID&gt;urn:uuid:32748ED82860C9DBDE1177504004875&lt;/wsa:MessageID&gt;<br/>&lt;wsa:Action&gt;urn:getQuote&lt;/wsa:Action&gt;&lt;/soapenv:Header&gt;<br/>&lt;soapenv:Body&gt;&lt;m0:getQuote xmlns:m0="http://services.samples/xsd"&gt;&lt;m0:request&gt;&lt;m0:symbol&gt;IBM&lt;/m0:symbol&gt;&lt;/m0:request&gt;<br/>&lt;/m0:getQuote&gt;&lt;/soapenv:Body&gt;&lt;/soapenv:Envelope&gt;
[HttpServerWorker-1] DEBUG SequenceMediator - Sequence mediator &lt;main&gt; :: mediate()
[HttpServerWorker-1] DEBUG AbstractListMediator - Implicit Sequence &lt;SequenceMediator&gt; :: mediate()
[HttpServerWorker-1] DEBUG LogMediator - Log mediator :: mediate()
[HttpServerWorker-1] INFO LogMediator - To : http://localhost:9000/soap/SimpleStockQuoteService, <br/>MessageID : urn:uuid:32748ED82860C9DBDE1177504004875, Action : urn:getQuote, Envelope: <br/>&lt;?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?&gt;<br/>&lt;soapenv:Envelope xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:soapenv=""&gt;<br/>&lt;soapenv:Header&gt;<br/>&lt;wsa:To&gt;http://localhost:9000/soap/SimpleStockQuoteService&lt;/wsa:To&gt;<br/>&lt;wsa:MessageID&gt;urn:uuid:32748ED82860C9DBDE1177504004875&lt;/wsa:MessageID&gt;&lt;wsa:Action&gt;urn:getQuote&lt;/wsa:Action&gt;<br/>&lt;/soapenv:Header&gt;&lt;soapenv:Body&gt;&lt;m0:getQuote xmlns:m0="http://services.samples/xsd"&gt;&lt;m0:request&gt;&lt;m0:symbol&gt;IBM&lt;/m0:symbol&gt;<br/>&lt;/m0:request&gt;&lt;/m0:getQuote&gt;&lt;/soapenv:Body&gt;&lt;/soapenv:Envelope&gt;
[HttpServerWorker-1] DEBUG SendMediator - Send mediator :: mediate()
[HttpServerWorker-1] DEBUG SendMediator - Sending message using implicit message properties..
[HttpServerWorker-1] DEBUG SendMediator - Sending To: http://localhost:9000/soap/SimpleStockQuoteService
[HttpServerWorker-1] DEBUG SendMediator - SOAPAction: urn:getQuote
[HttpServerWorker-1] DEBUG SendMediator - Body :
&lt;?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?&gt;&lt;soapenv:Envelope xmlns:wsa="" <br/>xmlns:soapenv=""&gt;&lt;soapenv:Header&gt;<br/>&lt;wsa:To&gt;http://localhost:9000/soap/SimpleStockQuoteService&lt;/wsa:To&gt;<br/>&lt;wsa:MessageID&gt;urn:uuid:32748ED82860C9DBDE1177504004875&lt;/wsa:MessageID&gt;&lt;wsa:Action&gt;urn:getQuote&lt;/wsa:Action&gt;&lt;/soapenv:Header&gt;<br/>&lt;soapenv:Body&gt;&lt;m0:getQuote xmlns:m0="http://services.samples/xsd"&gt;&lt;m0:request&gt;&lt;m0:symbol&gt;IBM&lt;/m0:symbol&gt;&lt;/m0:request&gt;<br/>&lt;/m0:getQuote&gt;&lt;/soapenv:Body&gt;&lt;/soapenv:Envelope&gt;
[HttpServerWorker-1] DEBUG Axis2FlexibleMEPClient - sending [add = false] [sec = false] [rm = false] <br/>[ to Address: http://localhost:9000/soap/SimpleStockQuoteService]
[HttpClientWorker-1] DEBUG SynapseCallbackReceiver - Synapse received an asynchronous response message
[HttpClientWorker-1] DEBUG SynapseCallbackReceiver - Received To: null
[HttpClientWorker-1] DEBUG SynapseCallbackReceiver - SOAPAction: null
[HttpClientWorker-1] DEBUG SynapseCallbackReceiver - WSA-Action: null
[HttpClientWorker-1] DEBUG SynapseCallbackReceiver - Body :
&lt;?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?&gt;&lt;soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""&gt;<br/>&lt;soapenv:Body&gt;&lt;soapenv:Envelope&gt;&lt;soapenv:Body&gt;&lt;ns:getQuoteResponse xmlns:ns="http://services.samples/xsd"&gt;<br/>&lt;ns:return&gt;&lt;ns:change&gt;3.9759712191629117&lt;/ns:change&gt;&lt;ns:earnings&gt;-9.463240695957264&lt;/ns:earnings&gt;<br/>&lt;ns:high&gt;97.0893936590198&lt;/ns:high&gt;&lt;ns:last&gt;93.87052890651084&lt;/ns:last&gt;<br/>&lt;ns:lastTradeTimestamp&gt;Wed Apr 25 18:26:46 LKT 2007&lt;/ns:lastTradeTimestamp&gt;&lt;ns:low&gt;96.4856592398509&lt;/ns:low&gt;<br/>&lt;ns:marketCap&gt;5.572519121414568E7&lt;/ns:marketCap&gt;&lt;ns:name&gt;IBM Company&lt;/ns:name&gt;&lt;ns:open&gt;-92.43795414108462&lt;/ns:open&gt;<br/>&lt;ns:peRatio&gt;-18.381880013551893&lt;/ns:peRatio&gt;<br/>&lt;ns:percentageChange&gt;-4.5174961332793435&lt;/ns:percentageChange&gt;&lt;ns:prevClose&gt;-88.01271991962221&lt;/ns:prevClose&gt;<br/>&lt;ns:symbol&gt;IBM&lt;/ns:symbol&gt;&lt;ns:volume&gt;15381&lt;/ns:volume&gt;&lt;/ns:return&gt;&lt;/ns:getQuoteResponse&gt;&lt;/soapenv:Body&gt;<br/>&lt;/soapenv:Envelope&gt;&lt;/soapenv:Body&gt;&lt;/soapenv:Envelope&gt;
[HttpClientWorker-1] DEBUG SequenceMediator - Sequence mediator &lt;main&gt; :: mediate()
[HttpClientWorker-1] DEBUG AbstractListMediator - Implicit Sequence &lt;SequenceMediator&gt; :: mediate()
[HttpClientWorker-1] DEBUG LogMediator - Log mediator :: mediate()
[HttpClientWorker-1] INFO LogMediator - Envelope: &lt;?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?&gt;<br/>&lt;soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""&gt;&lt;soapenv:Body&gt;&lt;soapenv:Envelope&gt;&lt;soapenv:Body&gt;<br/>&lt;ns:getQuoteResponse xmlns:ns="http://services.samples/xsd"&gt;&lt;ns:return&gt;&lt;ns:change&gt;3.9759712191629117&lt;/ns:change&gt;<br/>&lt;ns:earnings&gt;-9.463240695957264&lt;/ns:earnings&gt;&lt;ns:high&gt;97.0893936590198&lt;/ns:high&gt;&lt;ns:last&gt;93.87052890651084&lt;/ns:last&gt;<br/>&lt;ns:lastTradeTimestamp&gt;Wed Apr 25 18:26:46 LKT 2007&lt;/ns:lastTradeTimestamp&gt;&lt;ns:low&gt;96.4856592398509&lt;/ns:low&gt;<br/>&lt;ns:marketCap&gt;5.572519121414568E7&lt;/ns:marketCap&gt;&lt;ns:name&gt;IBM Company&lt;/ns:name&gt;&lt;ns:open&gt;-92.43795414108462&lt;/ns:open&gt;<br/>&lt;ns:peRatio&gt;-18.381880013551893&lt;/ns:peRatio&gt;<br/>&lt;ns:percentageChange&gt;-4.5174961332793435&lt;/ns:percentageChange&gt;&lt;ns:prevClose&gt;-88.01271991962221&lt;/ns:prevClose&gt;<br/>&lt;ns:symbol&gt;IBM&lt;/ns:symbol&gt;&lt;ns:volume&gt;15381&lt;/ns:volume&gt;&lt;/ns:return&gt;&lt;/ns:getQuoteResponse&gt;&lt;/soapenv:Body&gt;&lt;/soapenv:Envelope&gt;<br/>&lt;/soapenv:Body&gt;&lt;/soapenv:Envelope&gt;
[HttpClientWorker-1] DEBUG SendMediator - Send mediator :: mediate()
[HttpClientWorker-1] DEBUG SendMediator - Sending message using implicit message properties..
[HttpClientWorker-1] DEBUG SendMediator - Sending To: null
[HttpClientWorker-1] DEBUG SendMediator - SOAPAction: null
[HttpClientWorker-1] DEBUG SendMediator - Body :
&lt;?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?&gt;&lt;soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""&gt;<br/>&lt;soapenv:Body&gt;&lt;soapenv:Envelope&gt;&lt;soapenv:Body&gt;&lt;ns:getQuoteResponse xmlns:ns="http://services.samples/xsd"&gt;<br/>&lt;ns:return&gt;&lt;ns:change&gt;3.9759712191629117&lt;/ns:change&gt;&lt;ns:earnings&gt;-9.463240695957264&lt;/ns:earnings&gt;<br/>&lt;ns:high&gt;97.0893936590198&lt;/ns:high&gt;&lt;ns:last&gt;93.87052890651084&lt;/ns:last&gt;<br/>&lt;ns:lastTradeTimestamp&gt;Wed Apr 25 18:26:46 LKT 2007&lt;/ns:lastTradeTimestamp&gt;&lt;ns:low&gt;96.4856592398509&lt;/ns:low&gt;<br/>&lt;ns:marketCap&gt;5.572519121414568E7&lt;/ns:marketCap&gt;&lt;ns:name&gt;IBM Company&lt;/ns:name&gt;&lt;ns:open&gt;-92.43795414108462&lt;/ns:open&gt;<br/>&lt;ns:peRatio&gt;-18.381880013551893&lt;/ns:peRatio&gt;<br/>&lt;ns:percentageChange&gt;-4.5174961332793435&lt;/ns:percentageChange&gt;&lt;ns:prevClose&gt;-88.01271991962221&lt;/ns:prevClose&gt;<br/>&lt;ns:symbol&gt;IBM&lt;/ns:symbol&gt;&lt;ns:volume&gt;15381&lt;/ns:volume&gt;&lt;/ns:return&gt;&lt;/ns:getQuoteResponse&gt;&lt;/soapenv:Body&gt;<br/>&lt;/soapenv:Envelope&gt;&lt;/soapenv:Body&gt;&lt;/soapenv:Envelope&gt;</pre>
You have successfully completed the first part of this guide. Now let's
look at the next scenario, proxy services.
Proxy Services
As the name implies, a proxy service acts as a service hosted in Synapse,
and typically fronts an existing service endpoint. A proxy service can be
created and exposed on a different transport, schema, WSDL, or QoS (such
as WS-Security, WS-Reliable Messaging) aspect than the real service and
could mediate the messages before being delivered to the actual endpoint,
and the responses before they reach the client.
Clients can send requests for proxy services directly to Synapse, as the
client sees as if they are hosted on it, and for example can perform ?wsdl
and view the WSDL of the virtual proxy service. But in the Synapse
configuration, such requests can be handled in anyway you like. Most
obvious thing would be to do some processing to the message and send it to
the actual service, probably running on a different computer. But it is
not neccessary to always send the message to the actual service. You may
list any combination of tasks to be performed on the messages received for
the proxy service and terminate the flow or send some messge back to the
client even without sending it to an actual service. Let's explore a
simple proxy services scenario step by step to get a better feeling. As
you have downloaded and installed Synapse in the previous section, now you
can start directly on the sample.
Running the sample
As in the previous section, there should be three entities running to
demonstrate proxy services, the server, client and Synapse. Let's start
with the server.
Starting the sample Axis2 server
As you have built and deployed the SimpleStockQuote service in the
previous section, you can simply start the server by switching to the &lt;synapse-home&gt;/samples/axis2Server
directory and running the following command.
<div class="command">
Linux / Unix: .
Windows: axis2server.bat
You can see the console messages as in the previous section.
Starting Synapse
We have to start Synapse with a configuration containing a proxy service
definition. In this case we are using the synapse_sample_100.xml, so that
you don't have to write the configuration your self.
<pre xml:space="preserve">&lt;definitions xmlns=""&gt;
&lt;proxy name="StockQuoteProxy"&gt;
&lt;address uri="http://localhost:9000/soap/SimpleStockQuoteService"/&gt;
&lt;publishWSDL uri="file:repository/conf/sample/resources/proxy/sample_proxy_1.wsdl"/&gt;
The above configuration will expose a proxy service named StockQuoteProxy
and specifies an endpoint
(http://localhost:9000/soap/SimpleStockQuoteService) as the target for the
proxy service. Therefore, messages coming to the proxy service will be
directed to the address http://localhost:9000/soap/SimpleStockQuoteService
specified in the endpoint. There is also an out sequence for the proxy
service, which is applicable for response messages. In the out sequence,
we just send the messages back to the client. The publishWSDL tag
specifies an WSDL to be published for this proxy service. Let's start
Synapse with this sample configuration by running the below command from
the &lt;synapse-home&gt;/bin directory. It is possible to specify a
sequence of mediation for incoming messages instead of a target endpoint,
and many other possibilities and options are available to configure proxy
services. These are explained in the samples and configuration guides.
<div class="command">
Linux / Unix: . -sample 100
Windows: synapse.bat -sample 100
Synapse will display a set of messages as in the previous section
describing the steps of starting procedure. Before running the client, it
is time to observe another feature of proxy services. That is diplaying
the published WSDL. Just open a web browser and point it to the address
http://localhost:8080/soap/StockQuoteProxy?wsdl. You will see the
sample_proxy_1.wsdl specified in the configuration but containing the
correct EPR for the service over http/s.
Run the client
Now it is time to see it in action. Go to the &lt;synapse-home&gt;/samples/axis2Clients
directory and type the following command:
<div class="command">
ant stockquote -Dtrpurl=http://localhost:8080/soap/StockQuoteProxy
-Dmode=quote -Dsymbol=IBM
The above command sends a stockquote request directly to the provided
transport endpoint at: http://localhost:8080/soap/StockQuoteProxy. You
will see the response from the server displayed on the console as follows:
<div class="consoleOutput">
Standard :: Stock price = $165.32687331383468
This quick guide illustrates the simple use case of proxy services. Please
refer to samples #100 and above in the Samples guide, for indepth coverage
of more advanced use cases.
Yes, you are done with a quick look at Synapse. Now it is time to go
deeper and reveal the advanced features of Synapse. You can browse through
the samples for your interested areas. If you have any issue regarding
Synapse as a user, feel free ask it in the Synapse user mailing list