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<title>Extending Synapse</title>
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<h1>Extending Synapse<br>
<h2>Writing custom Mediator implementations</h2>
<p>The primary interface of the Synapse API is the MessageContext interface
defined below. This essentially defines the per-message context passed
through the chain of mediators, for each and every message received and
processed by Synapse. Each message instance is wrapped within a
MessageContext instance, and the message context is set with the references
to the SynapseConfiguration and SynapseEnvironments. The SynapseConfiguration
holds the global configuration model that defines mediation rules, local
registry entries and other and configuration, while the environment gives
access to the underlying SOAP implementation used - Axis2. A typical mediator
would need to manipulate the MessageContext by referring to the
SynapseConfiguration. However it is strongly recommended that the
SynapseConfiguration is not updated by mediator instances as it is shared by
all messages, and may be updated by Synapse administration or configuration
modules. Mediator instances may store local message properties into the
MessageContext for later retrieval by successive mediators.<br>
<pre>package org.apache.synapse;
import ...
public interface MessageContext {
* Get a reference to the current SynapseConfiguration
* @return the current synapse configuration
public SynapseConfiguration getConfiguration();
* Set or replace the Synapse Configuration instance to be used. May be used to
* programatically change the configuration at runtime etc.
* @param cfg The new synapse configuration instance
public void setConfiguration(SynapseConfiguration cfg);
* Returns a reference to the host Synapse Environment
* @return the Synapse Environment
public SynapseEnvironment getEnvironment();
* Sets the SynapseEnvironment reference to this context
* @param se the reference to the Synapse Environment
public void setEnvironment(SynapseEnvironment se);
* Get the value of a custom (local) property set on the message instance
* @param key key to look up property
* @return value for the given key
public Object getProperty(String key);
* Set a custom (local) property with the given name on the message instance
* @param key key to be used
* @param value value to be saved
public void setProperty(String key, Object value);
* Returns the Set of keys over the properties on this message context
* @return a Set of keys over message properties
public Set getPropertyKeySet();
* Get the SOAP envelope of this message
* @return the SOAP envelope of the message
public SOAPEnvelope getEnvelope();
* Sets the given envelope as the current SOAPEnvelope for this message
* @param envelope the envelope to be set
* @throws org.apache.axis2.AxisFault on exception
public void setEnvelope(SOAPEnvelope envelope) throws AxisFault;
* SOAP message related getters and setters
public ....get/set()...
<p>The MessageContext interface is based on the Axis2 <a>MessageContext</a>
interface, and uses the Axis2 <a>EndpointReference</a> and SOAPEnvelope
classes/interfaces. The purpose of this interface is to capture a message as
it flows through the system. As you will see the message payload is
represented using the SOAP infoset. Binary messages can be embedded in the
Envelope using MTOM or SwA attachments using the AXIOM object model.</p>
<p>The second key interface for mediator writers is the Mediator
<pre>package org.apache.synapse;
import org.apache.synapse.MessageContext;
* All Synapse mediators must implement this Mediator interface. As a message passes
* through the synapse system, each mediator's mediate() method is invoked in the
* sequence/order defined in the SynapseConfiguration.
public interface <span style="font-weight: bold;">Mediator </span>{
* Invokes the mediator passing the current message for mediation. Each
* mediator performs its mediation action, and returns true if mediation
* should continue, or false if further mediation should be aborted.
* @param synCtx the current message for mediation
* @return true if further mediation should continue
public boolean mediate(MessageContext synCtx);
* This is used for debugging purposes and exposes the type of the current
* mediator for logging and debugging purposes
* @return a String representation of the mediator type
public String getType();
<p>A mediator can read and/or modify the <a>SynapseMessage</a> in any
suitable manner - adjusting the routing headers or changing the message body.
If the mediate() method returns false, it signals to the Synapse processing
model to stop further processing of the message. For example, if the mediator
is a security agent it may decide that this message is dangerous and should
not be processed further. This is generally the exception as mediators are
usually designed to co-operate to process the message onwards.</p>
<h3>Leaf and Node Mediators, List mediators and Filter mediators</h3>
<p>Mediators may be Node mediators (i.e. these that can contain child
mediators) or Leaf mediators (mediators that does not hold any other child
mediators). A Node mediator  must implement the
org.apache.synapse.api.ListMediator interface listed below, or extend from
the org.apache.synapse.mediators.AbstractListMediator. </p>
ListMediator interface</a></h4>
<pre>package org.apache.synapse.mediators;
import java.util.List;
* The List mediator executes a given sequence/list of child mediators
public interface ListMediator extends Mediator {
* Appends the specified mediator to the end of this mediator's (children) list
* @param m the mediator to be added
* @return true (as per the general contract of the Collection.add method)
public boolean addChild(Mediator m);
* Appends all of the mediators in the specified collection to the end of this mediator's (children)
* list, in the order that they are returned by the specified collection's iterator
* @param c the list of mediators to be added
* @return true if this list changed as a result of the call
public boolean addAll(List c);
* Returns the mediator at the specified position
* @param pos index of mediator to return
* @return the mediator at the specified position in this list
public Mediator getChild(int pos);
* Removes the first occurrence in this list of the specified mediator
* @param m mediator to be removed from this list, if present
* @return true if this list contained the specified mediator
public boolean removeChild(Mediator m);
* Removes the mediator at the specified position in this list
* @param pos the index of the mediator to remove
* @return the mediator previously at the specified position
public Mediator removeChild(int pos);
* Return the list of mediators of this List mediator instance
* @return the child/sub mediator list
public List getList();
<p>A ListMediator implementation should call super.mediate(synCtx) to process
its sub mediator sequence. A FilterMediator is a ListMediator which executes
its sequence of sub mediators on successful outcome of a test condition. The
Mediator instance which performs filtering should implement the
FilterMediator interface. </p>
<pre>package org.apache.synapse.mediators;
import org.apache.synapse.MessageContext;
* The filter mediator is a list mediator, which executes the given (sub) list of mediators
* if the specified condition is satisfied
* @see FilterMediator#test(org.apache.synapse.MessageContext)
public interface <span style="font-weight: bold;">FilterMediator </span>extends ListMediator {
* Should return true if the sub/child mediators should execute. i.e. if the filter
* condition is satisfied
* @param synCtx
* @return true if the configured filter condition evaluates to true
public boolean test(MessageContext synCtx);
<h2>Writing custom Configuration implementations for mediators</h2>
<p>You may write your own custom configurator for the Mediator implementation
you write without relying on the Class mediator or Spring extension for its
initialization. You could thus write a MediatorFactory implementation which
defines how to digest a custom XML configuration element to be used to create
and configure the custom mediator instance. A MediatorSerializer
implementation defines how a configuration should be serialized back into an
XML configuration. The custom MediatorFactory &amp; MediatorSerializer
implementations and the mediator class/es must be bundled in a JAR file
conforming to the J2SE Service Provider model (See the description for
Extensions below for more details and examples) and placed into the
SYNAPSE_HOME/lib folder, so that the Synapse runtime could find and load the
definition. Essentially this means that a custom JAR file must bundle your
class implementing the Mediator interface, and the MediatorFactory
implementation class and contain two text files named
"org.apache.synapse.config.xml.MediatorFactory" and
"org.apache.synapse.config.xml.MediatorSerializer" which will contain the
fully qualified name(s) of your MediatorFactory and MediatorSerializer
implementation classes. You should also place any dependency JARs into the
same lib folder so that the correct classpath references could be made. The
MediatorFactory interface listing is given below, which you should implement,
and its getTagQName() method must define the fully qualified element of
interest for custom configuration. The Synapse initialization will call back
to this MediatorFactory instance through the createMediator(OMElement elem)
method passing in this XML element, so that an instance of the mediator could
be created utilizing the custom XML specification and returned. See the
ValidateMediator and the ValidateMediatorFactory classes under
modules/extensions in the Synapse source distribution for examples. </p>
MediatorFactory interface</a></h4>
<pre>package org.apache.synapse.config.xml;
import ...
* A mediator factory capable of creating an instance of a mediator through a given
* XML should implement this interface
public interface MediatorFactory {
* Creates an instance of the mediator using the OMElement
* @param elem
* @return the created mediator
public Mediator createMediator(OMElement elem);
* The QName of this mediator element in the XML config
* @return QName of the mediator element
public QName getTagQName();
MediatorSerializer interface</a></h4>
<pre>package org.apache.synapse.config.xml;
import ...
* Interface which should be implemented by mediator serializers. Does the
* reverse of the MediatorFactory
public interface MediatorSerializer {
* Return the XML representation of this mediator
* @param m mediator to be serialized
* @param parent the OMElement to which the serialization should be attached
* @return the serialized mediator XML
public OMElement serializeMediator(OMElement parent, Mediator m);
* Return the class name of the mediator which can be serialized
* @return the class name
public String getMediatorClassName();
<h2>Configuring mediators</h2>
<p>Mediators could access the Synapse registry to load resources and
configure the local behaviour. Refer to the Spring mediator and Script
mediator implementations for examples on how this could be achieved. </p>
<h4>Loading of Extensions by the Synapse runtime</h4>
<p>Synapse loads available extensions from the runtime classpath using the <a
Service Provider model</a>. This essentially iterates over the available JAR
files, for  a META-INF/services directory within each file,  and looks for a
text file with the name org.apache.synapse.config.xml.MediatorFactory which
contains a list of fully qualified classname that implement the above
interface, listing each class in a separate line. e.g. The built-in
synapse-extensions.jar contains the following structure</p>
/... the implementation classes as usual...</pre>