blob: 5fd828d4e3eda3fbfcdb38af67368a7f2534bc52 [file] [log] [blame]
"domain": "superset",
"locale_data": {
"superset": {
"": {
"domain": "superset",
"plural_forms": "nplurals=1; plural=0",
"lang": "zh"
"Home": ["主页"],
"Annotation Layers": ["注释层"],
"Manage": ["管理"],
"Databases": ["数据库"],
"Data": ["数据"],
"Datasets": ["数据集"],
"Charts": ["图表"],
"Dashboards": ["看板"],
"Plugins": ["插件"],
"CSS Templates": ["CSS 模板"],
"Row level security": ["行级安全"],
"Security": ["安全"],
"Import Dashboards": ["导入看板"],
"SQL Editor": ["SQL 编辑器"],
"SQL Lab": ["SQL 工具箱"],
"Saved Queries": ["已保存查询"],
"Query History": ["历史查询"],
"Upload a CSV": ["上传CSV文件"],
"Upload Excel": ["上传Excel"],
"Action Log": ["操作日志"],
"Dashboard Emails": ["看板"],
"Chart Email Schedules": ["图表电子邮件时间表"],
"Alerts": ["警报"],
"Alerts & Reports": ["警报和报告"],
"Access requests": ["访问请求"],
"Druid Datasources": ["Druid 数据源"],
"Druid Clusters": ["Druid 集群"],
"Scan New Datasources": ["扫描新的数据源"],
"Refresh Druid Metadata": ["刷新 Druid 元数据"],
"Issue 1000 - The datasource is too large to query.": [
"Issue 1000 - 数据源太大,无法进行查询。"
"Issue 1001 - The database is under an unusual load.": [
"Issue 1001 - 数据库负载异常。"
"Issue 1002 - The database returned an unexpected error.": [
"Issue 1002 - 数据库返回意外错误。"
"Issue 1003 - There is a syntax error in the SQL query. Perhaps there was a misspelling or a typo.": [
"Issue 1003 - SQL查询中存在语法错误。可能是拼写错误或是打错关键字。"
"Issue 1004 - The column was deleted or renamed in the database.": [
"Issue 1004 - 该列已在数据库中删除或重命名。"
"Issue 1005 - The table was deleted or renamed in the database.": [
"Issue 1005 - 该表已在数据库中删除或重命名。"
"Issue 1006 - One or more parameters specified in the query are missing.": [
"Issue 1006 - 查询中指定的一个或多个参数丢失。"
"Invalid certificate": ["无效认证"],
"Unsafe return type for function %(func)s: %(value_type)s": [
"函数返回不安全的类型 %(func)s: %(value_type)s"
"Unsupported return value for method %(name)s": [
"方法的返回值不受支持 %(name)s"
"Unsafe template value for key %(key)s: %(value_type)s": [
"键的模板值不安全 %(key)s: %(value_type)s"
"Unsupported template value for key %(key)s": [
"键的模板值不受支持 %(key)s"
"Only `SELECT` statements are allowed against this database": [
"此数据库只允许使用 `SELECT` 语句"
"CTAS (create table as select) can only be run with a query where the last statement is a SELECT. Please make sure your query has a SELECT as its last statement. Then, try running your query again.": [
"CTA(create table as select)只能与最后一条语句为SELECT的查询一起运行。请确保查询的最后一个语句是SELECT。然后再次尝试运行查询。"
"CVAS (create view as select) can only be run with a query with a single SELECT statement. Please make sure your query has only a SELECT statement. Then, try running your query again.": [
"CVAS(createview as select)只能与带有单个SELECT语句的查询一起运行。请确保您的查询只有SELECT语句。然后再次尝试运行查询。"
"Viz is missing a datasource": ["Viz 缺少一个数据源"],
"Applied rolling window did not return any data. Please make sure the source query satisfies the minimum periods defined in the rolling window.": [
"应用的滚动窗口(rolling window)未返回任何数据。请确保源查询满足滚动窗口中定义的最小周期。"
"From date cannot be larger than to date": ["起始时间不可以大于当前时间"],
"Cached value not found": ["缓存的值未找到"],
"Columns missing in datasource: %(invalid_columns)s": [
"Table View": ["表视图"],
"You cannot use [Columns] in combination with [Group By]/[Metrics]/[Percentage Metrics]. Please choose one or the other.": [
"不能将 [列] 与 [分组]/[指标]/[百分比度量] 结合使用。请选择其中一个。"
"Pick a granularity in the Time section or uncheck 'Include Time'": [
"Time Table View": ["时间表视图"],
"Pick at least one metric": ["选择至少一个指标"],
"When using 'Group By' you are limited to use a single metric": [
"当使用“Group by”时,只限于使用单个度量。"
"Pivot Table": ["透视表"],
"Please choose at least one 'Group by' field ": [
"请至少选择一个分组字段 "
"Please choose at least one metric": ["请至少选择一个指标"],
"Group By' and 'Columns' can't overlap": ["“Group by”列和字段不能重叠"],
"Treemap": ["树状图"],
"Calendar Heatmap": ["时间热力图"],
"Bubble Chart": ["气泡图"],
"Please use 3 different metric labels": ["请在左右轴上选择不同的指标"],
"Pick a metric for x, y and size": ["为 x 轴,y 轴和大小选择一个指标"],
"Bullet Chart": ["子弹图"],
"Pick a metric to display": ["选择一个指标来显示"],
"Big Number with Trendline": ["数字和趋势线"],
"Pick a metric!": ["选择一个指标!"],
"Big Number": ["数字"],
"Time Series - Line Chart": ["时间序列-折线图"],
"Pick a time granularity for your time series": [
"An enclosed time range (both start and end) must be specified when using a Time Comparison.": [
"Time Series - Multiple Line Charts": ["时间序列-多线图"],
"Time Series - Dual Axis Line Chart": ["时间序列-双轴线图"],
"Pick a metric for left axis!": ["为左轴选择一个指标!"],
"Pick a metric for right axis!": ["为右轴选择一个指标!"],
"Please choose different metrics on left and right axis": [
"Time Series - Bar Chart": ["时间序列 - 柱状图"],
"Time Series - Period Pivot": ["时间序列 - 周期透视表"],
"Time Series - Percent Change": ["时间序列 - 百分比变化"],
"Time Series - Stacked": ["时间序列 - 堆积图"],
"Histogram": ["直方图"],
"Must have at least one numeric column specified": [
"Distribution - Bar Chart": ["分布 - 柱状图"],
"Can't have overlap between Series and Breakdowns": [
"Series 和 Breakdown 之间不能有重叠"
"Pick at least one field for [Series]": ["为 [序列] 选择至少一个字段"],
"Sunburst": ["环状层次图"],
"Sankey": ["蛇形图"],
"Pick exactly 2 columns as [Source / Target]": [
"为 [来源 / 目标] 选择两个列"
"There's a loop in your Sankey, please provide a tree. Here's a faulty link: {}": [
"Directed Force Layout": ["有向图"],
"Pick exactly 2 columns to 'Group By'": ["为 “Group By” 选择两个列"],
"Country Map": ["国家地图"],
"World Map": ["世界地图"],
"Filters": ["过滤"],
"Invalid filter configuration, please select a column": [
"Parallel Coordinates": ["平行坐标"],
"Heatmap": ["热力图"],
"Horizon Charts": ["水平图"],
"Mapbox": ["箱图"],
"[Longitude] and [Latitude] must be set": [
"[经度] 和 [纬度] 的选择项必须出现在 [Group By]"
"Must have a [Group By] column to have 'count' as the [Label]": [
"[Group By] 列必须要有 ‘count’字段作为 [标签]"
"Choice of [Label] must be present in [Group By]": [
"[标签] 的选择项必须出现在 [Group By]"
"Choice of [Point Radius] must be present in [Group By]": [
"[点半径] 的选择项必须出现在 [Group By]"
"[Longitude] and [Latitude] columns must be present in [Group By]": [
"[经度] 和 [纬度] 的选择项必须出现在 [Group By]"
" - Multiple Layers": ["多图层"],
"Bad spatial key": ["错误的空间字段"],
"Invalid spatial point encountered: %s": ["遇到无效的空间点:%s"],
"Encountered invalid NULL spatial entry, please consider filtering those out": [
"遇到无效的为 NULL 的空间条目,请考虑将其过滤掉"
" - Scatter plot": [" - 散点图"],
" - Screen Grid": [" - 屏幕网格"],
" - 3D Grid": [" - 3D网格"],
" - Paths": [" - 路径"],
" - Polygon": [" - 多角形"],
" - 3D HEX": [" - 3D六角曲面"],
" - GeoJSON": [" - GeoJson"],
" - Arc": [" - 弧度"],
"Event flow": ["事件流"],
"Time Series - Paired t-test": ["时间序列 - 配对t检验"],
"Time Series - Nightingale Rose Chart": ["时间序列 - 南丁格尔玫瑰图"],
"Partition Diagram": ["分区图"],
"Choose either fields to [Group By] and [Metrics] and/or [Percentage Metrics], or [Columns], not both": [
"Box Plot": ["箱线图"],
"Distribution - NVD3 - Pie Chart": ["分布 - NVD3 - 饼图"],
"iFrame": [""],
"Deleted %(num)d annotation layer": ["选择一个注释图层"],
"All Text": ["所有文本"],
"Deleted %(num)d annotation": ["选择一个注释图层"],
"End date must be after start date": ["起始时间不可以大于当前时间"],
"Short description must be unique for this layer": [
"Annotations could not be deleted.": ["无法删除注释。"],
"Annotation not found.": ["注释不存在。"],
"Annotation parameters are invalid.": ["注释层仍在加载。"],
"Annotation could not be created.": ["注释无法创建。"],
"Annotation could not be updated.": ["注释无法更新。"],
"Annotation delete failed.": ["注释与注释层"],
"Annotation layer parameters are invalid.": ["注释层仍在加载。"],
"Annotation layer could not be deleted.": ["注释层仍在加载。"],
"Annotation layer could not be created.": ["您的查询无法保存"],
"Annotation layer could not be updated.": ["您的查询无法保存"],
"Annotation layer not found.": ["注释层仍在加载。"],
"Annotation layer delete failed.": ["注释层仍在加载。"],
"Annotation layer has associated annotations.": ["注释层仍在加载。"],
"Name must be unique": ["名称必须是唯一的"],
"Deleted %(num)d chart": ["删除了 %(num)d 个图表"],
"Request is not JSON": ["请求不是JSON"],
"Request is incorrect: %(error)s": ["请求不正确: %(error)s"],
"`confidence_interval` must be between 0 and 1 (exclusive)": [
"`置信区间` 必须介于0和1之间(开区间)"
"lower percentile must be greater than 0 and less than 100. Must be lower than upper percentile.": [
"upper percentile must be greater than 0 and less than 100. Must be higher than lower percentile.": [
"`width` must be greater or equal to 0": ["`宽度` 必须大于或等于0"],
"`row_limit` must be greater than or equal to 1": [
"`行限制` 必须大于或等于1"
"`row_offset` must be greater than or equal to 0": [
"`行偏移量` 必须大于或等于0"
"There are associated alerts or reports: %s,": [
"Database does not exist": ["数据库不存在"],
"Dashboards do not exist": ["看板"],
"Datasource type is required when datasource_id is given": [
"Chart parameters are invalid.": ["图表参数无效。"],
"Chart could not be created.": ["您的查询无法保存。"],
"Chart could not be updated.": ["您的查询无法保存。"],
"Chart could not be deleted.": ["这个查询无法被加载。"],
"There are associated alerts or reports": ["存在关联的警报或报告"],
"Changing this chart is forbidden": ["禁止更改此图表"],
"Charts could not be deleted.": ["这个查询无法被加载"],
"Import chart failed for an unknown reason": ["导入图表失败,原因未知"],
"Owners are invalid": ["所有者无效"],
"Dataset does not exist": ["数据集不存在"],
"`operation` property of post processing object undefined": [
"Unsupported post processing operation: %(operation)s": [
"Adding new datasource [{}]": ["添加 Druid 数据源 [{}]"],
"Refreshing datasource [{}]": ["刷新数据源 [{}]"],
"Metric(s) {} must be aggregations.": ["度量(s) {} 必须是聚合。"],
"Unsupported extraction function: ": ["不支持的提取函数:"],
"Columns": ["列"],
"Show Druid Column": ["显示 Druid 列"],
"Add Druid Column": ["添加 Druid 列"],
"Edit Druid Column": ["编辑 Druid 列"],
"Column": ["列"],
"Type": ["类型"],
"Datasource": ["数据源"],
"Groupable": ["可分组"],
"Filterable": ["可过滤"],
"Whether this column is exposed in the `Filters` section of the explore view.": [
"Metrics": ["指标"],
"Show Druid Metric": ["显示 Druid 指标"],
"Add Druid Metric": ["添加 Druid 指标"],
"Edit Druid Metric": ["编辑 Druid 指标"],
"Metric": ["指标"],
"Description": ["描述"],
"Verbose Name": ["全称"],
"JSON": ["JSON"],
"Druid Datasource": ["Druid 数据源"],
"Warning Message": ["告警信息"],
"Show Druid Cluster": ["显示 Druid 集群"],
"Add Druid Cluster": ["添加 Druid 集群"],
"Edit Druid Cluster": ["编辑 Druid 集群"],
"Cluster Name": ["群集名称"],
"Broker Host": ["Broker的地址"],
"Broker Port": ["Broker的端口"],
"Broker Username": ["Broker的用户名"],
"Broker Password": ["Broker的密码"],
"Broker Endpoint": ["Broker的Endpoint"],
"Cache Timeout": ["缓存超时"],
"Metadata Last Refreshed": ["上次刷新的元数据"],
"Duration (in seconds) of the caching timeout for this cluster. A timeout of 0 indicates that the cache never expires. Note this defaults to the global timeout if undefined.": [
"Druid supports basic authentication. See [auth]( and druid-basic-security extension": [
"Druid支持基本的身份验证。可以参考 [auth]( 和 druid-basic-security 部分"
"Show Druid Datasource": ["显示 Druid 数据源"],
"Add Druid Datasource": ["添加 Druid 数据源"],
"Edit Druid Datasource": ["编辑 Druid 数据源"],
"The list of charts associated with this table. By altering this datasource, you may change how these associated charts behave. Also note that charts need to point to a datasource, so this form will fail at saving if removing charts from a datasource. If you want to change the datasource for a chart, overwrite the chart from the 'explore view'": [
"Timezone offset (in hours) for this datasource": [
"Time expression to use as a predicate when retrieving distinct values to populate the filter component. Only applies when `Enable Filter Select` is on. If you enter `7 days ago`, the distinct list of values in the filter will be populated based on the distinct value over the past week": [
"Whether to populate the filter's dropdown in the explore view's filter section with a list of distinct values fetched from the backend on the fly": [
"Redirects to this endpoint when clicking on the datasource from the datasource list": [
"Duration (in seconds) of the caching timeout for this datasource. A timeout of 0 indicates that the cache never expires. Note this defaults to the cluster timeout if undefined.": [
"Associated Charts": ["关联的图表"],
"Data Source": ["数据源"],
"Cluster": ["集群"],
"Owners": ["所有者"],
"Is Hidden": ["隐藏"],
"Enable Filter Select": ["启用过滤器选择"],
"Default Endpoint": ["默认端点"],
"Time Offset": ["时间偏移"],
"Datasource Name": ["数据库名称"],
"Fetch Values From": ["取值谓词"],
"Changed By": ["修改人"],
"Modified": ["已修改"],
"Refreshed metadata from cluster [{}]": ["从群集刷新元数据 [{}]"],
"Only `SELECT` statements are allowed": ["将 SELECT 语句复制到剪贴板"],
"Only single queries supported": ["仅支持单个查询"],
"Error in jinja expression in fetch values predicate: %(msg)s": [
"Error in jinja expression in FROM clause: %(msg)s": [
"Virtual dataset query cannot consist of multiple statements": [
"Virtual dataset query must be read-only": ["虚拟数据集查询必须是只读的"],
"Error in jinja expression in RLS filters: %(msg)s": [
"jinja表达式中的 RLS filters 出错:%(msg)s"
"Datetime column not provided as part table configuration and is required by this type of chart": [
"Empty query?": ["查询为空?"],
"Metric '%(metric)s' does not exist": ["指标 '%(metric)s' 不存在"],
"Invalid filter operation type: %(op)s": ["选择框的操作类型无效: %(op)s"],
"Error in jinja expression in WHERE clause: %(msg)s": [
"Error in jinja expression in HAVING clause: %(msg)s": [
"Show Column": ["显示列"],
"Add Column": ["添加列"],
"Edit Column": ["编辑列"],
"Whether to make this column available as a [Time Granularity] option, column has to be DATETIME or DATETIME-like": [
"是否将此列作为[时间粒度]选项, 列中的数据类型必须是DATETIME"
"The data type that was inferred by the database. It may be necessary to input a type manually for expression-defined columns in some cases. In most case users should not need to alter this.": [
"Table": ["表"],
"Expression": ["表达式"],
"Is temporal": ["时间条件"],
"Datetime Format": ["时间格式"],
"Invalid date/timestamp format": ["无效的日期/时间戳格式"],
"Show Metric": ["显示指标"],
"Add Metric": ["添加指标"],
"Edit Metric": ["编辑指标"],
"SQL Expression": ["SQL表达式"],
"D3 Format": ["D3 格式"],
"Extra": ["扩展"],
"Row level security filter": ["行级安全过滤"],
"Show Row level security filter": ["显示行级安全过滤"],
"Add Row level security filter": ["添加行级安全过滤"],
"Edit Row level security filter": ["编辑行级安全过滤"],
"Regular filters add where clauses to queries if a user belongs to a role referenced in the filter. Base filters apply filters to all queries except the roles defined in the filter, and can be used to define what users can see if no RLS filters within a filter group apply to them.": [
"These are the tables this filter will be applied to.": [
"For regular filters, these are the roles this filter will be applied to. For base filters, these are the roles that the filter DOES NOT apply to, e.g. Admin if admin should see all data.": [
"Filters with the same group key will be ORed together within the group, while different filter groups will be ANDed together. Undefined group keys are treated as unique groups, i.e. are not grouped together. For example, if a table has three filters, of which two are for departments Finance and Marketing (group key = 'department'), and one refers to the region Europe (group key = 'region'), the filter clause would apply the filter (department = 'Finance' OR department = 'Marketing') AND (region = 'Europe').": [
"具有相同组key的过滤将在组中一起进行\"OR\"运算,而不同的过滤组将一起进行\"AND\"运算。未定义的组的key被视为唯一组,即不分组在一起。例如,如果表有三个过滤,其中两个用于财务部门和市场营销 (group key = 'department'),其中一个表示欧洲地区(group key = 'region'),filter子句将应用过滤 (department = 'Finance' OR department = 'Marketing') 和 (region = 'Europe')"
"This is the condition that will be added to the WHERE clause. For example, to only return rows for a particular client, you might define a regular filter with the clause `client_id = 9`. To display no rows unless a user belongs to a RLS filter role, a base filter can be created with the clause `1 = 0` (always false).": [
"这是将会添加到WHERE子句的条件。例如,要仅返回特定客户端的行,可以使用子句 `client_id = 9` 定义常规过滤。若要在用户不属于RLS过滤角色的情况下不显示行,可以使用子句 `1 = 0`(始终为false)创建基本过滤。"
"Tables": ["数据表"],
"Roles": ["角色"],
"Clause": ["从句"],
"Creator": ["作者"],
"Show Table": ["显示表"],
"Import a table definition": ["导入一个已定义的表"],
"Edit Table": ["编辑表"],
"Name of the table that exists in the source database": [
"Schema, as used only in some databases like Postgres, Redshift and DB2": [
"This fields acts a Superset view, meaning that Superset will run a query against this string as a subquery.": [
"Predicate applied when fetching distinct value to populate the filter control component. Supports jinja template syntax. Applies only when `Enable Filter Select` is on.": [
"Redirects to this endpoint when clicking on the table from the table list": [
"Whether the table was generated by the 'Visualize' flow in SQL Lab": [
"表是否由 sql 实验室中的 \"可视化\" 流生成"
"A set of parameters that become available in the query using Jinja templating syntax": [
"Duration (in seconds) of the caching timeout for this table. A timeout of 0 indicates that the cache never expires. Note this defaults to the database timeout if undefined.": [
"Database": ["数据库"],
"Last Changed": ["更新时间"],
"Schema": ["模式"],
"Offset": ["偏移"],
"Table Name": ["表名"],
"Fetch Values Predicate": ["取值谓词"],
"Main Datetime Column": ["主日期列"],
"SQL Lab View": ["SQL Lab 视图"],
"Template parameters": ["模板参数"],
"The table was created. As part of this two-phase configuration process, you should now click the edit button by the new table to configure it.": [
"Refresh Metadata": ["刷新元数据"],
"Refresh column metadata": ["刷新字段元数据"],
"Metadata refreshed for the following table(s): %(tables)s": [
"The following tables added new columns: %(tables)s": [
"The following tables removed columns: %(tables)s": [
"The following tables update column metadata: %(tables)s": [
"Unable to refresh metadata for the following table(s): %(tables)s": [
"为下表刷新元数据: %(tables)s"
"Deleted %(num)d css template": ["删除了 %(num)d 个css模板"],
"CSS template could not be deleted.": ["CSS模板不能被删除"],
"CSS template not found.": ["CSS模板未找到"],
"Deleted %(num)d dashboard": ["删除了 %(num)d 个看板"],
"Title or Slug": ["标题或者Slug"],
"Must be unique": ["需要唯一"],
"Dashboard parameters are invalid.": ["看板参数无效。"],
"Dashboard not found.": ["看板没有找到"],
"Dashboard could not be created.": ["看板无法被创建"],
"Dashboards could not be deleted.": ["看板无法被删除。"],
"Dashboard could not be updated.": ["看板无法更新。"],
"Dashboard could not be deleted.": ["看板无法被删除。"],
"Changing this Dashboard is forbidden": ["无法修改该看板"],
"Import dashboard failed for an unknown reason": [
"No data in file": ["文件中无数据"],
"Table name undefined": ["表名未定义"],
"Invalid connection string, a valid string usually follows: driver://user:password@database-host/database-name": [
"SQLite database cannot be used as a data source for security reasons.": [
"Field cannot be decoded by JSON. %(msg)s": [
"The metadata_params in Extra field is not configured correctly. The key %(key)s is invalid.": [
"额外字段中的元数据参数配置不正确。键 %(key)s 无效。"
"Database parameters are invalid.": ["数据库参数无效"],
"A database with the same name already exists": ["同名数据库已存在"],
"Field is required": ["字段是必需的"],
"Field cannot be decoded by JSON. %{json_error}s": [
"The metadata_params in Extra field is not configured correctly. The key %{key}s is invalid.": [
"额外字段中的元数据参数配置不正确。键 %{key}s 无效。"
"Database not found.": ["数据库没有找到"],
"Database could not be created.": ["数据库无法被创建"],
"Database could not be updated.": ["数据库无法更新"],
"Connection failed, please check your connection settings": [
"Cannot delete a database that has tables attached": [
"Database could not be deleted.": ["数据库不能删除。"],
"Stopped an unsafe database connection": ["已停止不安全的数据库连接"],
"Could not load database driver": ["无法加载数据库驱动程序"],
"Unexpected error occurred, please check your logs for details": [
"Import database failed for an unknown reason": [
"Could not load database driver: {}": ["无法加载数据库驱动程序:{}"],
"Deleted %(num)d dataset": ["已经删除 %(num)d 个数据集"],
"Null or Empty": ["Null或空"],
"Database not allowed to change": ["数据集不允许被修改"],
"One or more columns do not exist": ["一个或多个字段不存在"],
"One or more columns are duplicated": ["一个或多个列被复制"],
"One or more columns already exist": ["一个或多个列已存在"],
"One or more metrics do not exist": ["一个或多个指标不存在"],
"One or more metrics are duplicated": ["一个或多个指标重复"],
"One or more metrics already exist": ["一个或多个度量已存在"],
"Table [%(table_name)s] could not be found, please double check your database connection, schema, and table name": [
"找不到 [%(table_name)s] 表,请仔细检查您的数据库连接、Schema 和 表名"
"Dataset parameters are invalid.": ["数据集参数无效。"],
"Dataset could not be created.": ["无法创建数据集。"],
"Dataset could not be updated.": ["无法更新数据集。"],
"Dataset could not be deleted.": ["无法删除数据集"],
"Dataset(s) could not be bulk deleted.": ["数据集无法批量删除"],
"Changing this dataset is forbidden": ["没有权限更新此数据集"],
"Import dataset failed for an unknown reason": [
"Unknown Presto Error": ["未知 Presto 错误"],
"We can't seem to resolve the column \"%(column_name)s\" at line %(location)s.": [
"我们似乎无法解析行 %(location)s 所处的列 \"%(column_name)s\" 。"
"The table \"%(table_name)s\" does not exist. A valid table must be used to run this query.": [
"表 \"%(table_name)s\" 不存在。必须使用有效的表来运行此查询。"
"Deleted %(num)d saved query": ["已经删除 %(num)d 个保存的查询"],
"Saved queries could not be deleted.": ["保存的查询无法被删除"],
"Saved query not found.": ["保存的查询未找到"],
"Deleted %(num)d report schedule": ["已经删除了 %(num)d 个报告时间表"],
"Alert query returned more then one row. %s rows returned": [
"警报查询返回了多行。%s 行被返回"
"Alert query returned more then one column. %s columns returned": [
"警报查询返回多个列。%s 列被返回"
"Dashboard does not exist": ["看板不存在"],
"Chart does not exist": ["图表没有找到"],
"Database is required for alerts": ["警报需要数据库"],
"Type is required": ["类型是必需的"],
"Choose a chart or dashboard not both": [
"Report Schedule parameters are invalid.": ["报表计划参数无效。"],
"Report Schedule could not be deleted.": ["无法删除报表计划。"],
"Report Schedule could not be created.": ["无法创建报表计划。"],
"Report Schedule could not be updated.": ["无法更新报表计划。"],
"Report Schedule not found.": ["找不到报表计划。"],
"Report Schedule delete failed.": ["报表计划删除失败。"],
"Report Schedule log prune failed.": ["报表计划日志精简失败。"],
"Report Schedule execution failed when generating a screenshot.": [
"Report Schedule execution got an unexpected error.": [
"Report Schedule is still working, refusing to re-compute.": [
"Report Schedule reached a working timeout.": ["报表计划已超时。"],
"Alert query returned more then one row.": ["警报查询返回了多行。"],
"Alert validator config error.": ["错误的经纬度配置。"],
"Alert query returned more then one column.": ["警报查询返回多个列。"],
"Alert query returned a non-number value.": ["警报查询返回非数字值。"],
"Alert found an error while executing a query.": [
"Alert fired during grace period.": ["在宽限期内触发警报。"],
"Alert ended grace period.": ["警报已结束宽限期。"],
"Alert on grace period": ["警报宽限期"],
"Report Schedule sellenium user not found": [
"Report Schedule state not found": ["未找到报表计划状态"],
"Report schedule unexpected error": ["报告计划意外错误。"],
"Changing this report is forbidden": ["禁止更改此报告"],
"An error occurred while pruning logs ": ["精简日志时出错 "],
"\n <b><a href=\"%(url)s\">Explore in Superset</a></b><p></p>\n <img src=\"cid:%(msgid)s\">\n ": [
"\n <b><a href=\"%(url)s\">探索 Superset</a></b><p></p>\n <img src=\"cid:%(msgid)s\">\n "
"%(prefix)s %(title)s": [""],
"\n *%(name)s*\n\n <%(url)s|Explore in Superset>\n ": [
"\n *%(name)s*\n\n <%(url)s|探索 Superset>\n "
"\n *%(name)s*\n\n <%(url)s|Explore in Superset>\n ": [
"\n *%(name)s*\n\n <%(url)s|探索 Superset>\n "
"<b><a href=\"%(url)s\">Explore in Superset</a></b><p></p>": [
"<b><a href=\"%(url)s\">探索 Superset</a></b><p></p>"
"%(name)s.csv": [""],
"\n *%(slice_name)s*\n\n <%(slice_url_user_friendly)s|Explore in Superset>\n ": [
"\n *%(slice_name)s*\n\n <%(slice_url_user_friendly)s|探索 Superset>\n "
"[Alert] %(label)s": ["[警报] %(label)s"],
"New": ["新增"],
"SQL Query": ["SQL查询"],
"Chart": ["图表"],
"Dashboard": ["看板"],
"Profile": ["用户信息"],
"Info": ["信息"],
"Logout": ["退出"],
"Login": ["登录"],
"Record Count": ["记录数"],
"No records found": ["没有找到任何记录"],
"Filter List": ["过滤"],
"Search": ["搜索"],
"Refresh": ["刷新间隔"],
"Import dashboards": ["导入看板"],
"Import Dashboard(s)": ["导入看板"],
"File": ["文件"],
"Choose File": ["选择文件"],
"Upload": ["上传"],
"No Access!": ["不能访问!"],
"You do not have permissions to access the datasource(s): %(name)s.": [
"您没有权限访问该数据源: %(name)s。"
"Request Permissions": ["请求权限"],
"Cancel": ["取消"],
"Use the edit buttom to change this field": ["使用编辑按钮更改此字段"],
"Test Connection": ["测试连接"],
"[Superset] Access to the datasource %(name)s was granted": [
"[Superset] 允许访问数据源 %(name)s"
"Unable to find such a holiday: [{}]": ["找不到这样的假期:[{}]"],
"Referenced columns not available in DataFrame.": [
"Column referenced by aggregate is undefined: %(column)s": [
"Operator undefined for aggregator: %(name)s": [
"Invalid numpy function: %(operator)s": ["无效的numpy函数:%(operator)s"],
"Pivot operation requires at least one index": [
"Pivot operation must include at least one aggregate": [
"Undefined window for rolling operation": ["未定义滚动操作窗口"],
"Invalid rolling_type: %(type)s": ["无效的滚动类型:%(type)s"],
"Invalid options for %(rolling_type)s: %(options)s": [
"%(rolling_type)s 的选项无效:%(options)s"
"Invalid cumulative operator: %(operator)s": [
"Invalid geohash string": ["无效的geohash字符串"],
"Invalid longitude/latitude": ["无效的经度/纬度"],
"Invalid geodetic string": ["无效的 geodetic 字符串"],
"`fbprophet` package not installed": ["未安装程序包 `fbprophet`"],
"Time grain missing": ["时间粒度缺失"],
"Unsupported time grain: %(time_grain)s": [
"Periods must be a positive integer value": ["句点必须是正整数值"],
"Confidence interval must be between 0 and 1 (exclusive)": [
"DataFrame must include temporal column": [
"DataFrame include at least one series": [
"percentiles must be a list or tuple with two numeric values, of which the first is lower than the second value": [
"User": ["用户"],
"User Roles": ["用户角色"],
"Database URL": ["数据库URL"],
"Roles to grant": ["角色授权"],
"Created On": ["创建日期"],
"List Observations": ["观察结果列表"],
"Show Observation": ["显示观察结果"],
"Error Message": ["错误消息"],
"Log Retentions (days)": ["日志保留(天)"],
"A semicolon ';' delimited list of email addresses": [
"以分号 ';' 分隔的电子邮件地址列表"
"How long to keep the logs around for this alert": [
"Once an alert is triggered, how long, in seconds, before Superset nags you again.": [
"A SQL statement that defines whether the alert should get triggered or not. The query is expected to return either NULL or a number value.": [
"annotation start time or end time is required.": [
"Annotation end time must be no earlier than start time.": [
"Annotations": ["注释"],
"Show Annotation": ["查看注释"],
"Add Annotation": ["添加注释"],
"Edit Annotation": ["编辑注释"],
"Layer": ["层"],
"Label": ["标签"],
"Start": ["开始"],
"End": ["结束"],
"JSON Metadata": ["JSON 元数据"],
"Show Annotation Layer": ["查看注释层"],
"Add Annotation Layer": ["添加注释层"],
"Edit Annotation Layer": ["编辑注释层"],
"Name": ["名称"],
"Dataset %(name)s already exists": ["数据集 %(name)s 已存在"],
"Table [%{table}s] could not be found, please double check your database connection, schema, and table name, error: {}": [
"找不到 [%{table}s] 表,请仔细检查您的数据库连接、Schema 和 表名"
"json isn't valid": ["无效 JSON"],
"Export to YAML": ["导出到YAML"],
"Export to YAML?": ["导出到YAML?"],
"Delete": ["删除"],
"Delete all Really?": ["确定删除全部?"],
"Is favorite": ["收藏"],
"The data source seems to have been deleted": ["数据源已经被删除"],
"The user seems to have been deleted": ["用户已经被删除"],
"Access was requested": ["请求访问"],
"The access requests seem to have been deleted": ["访问请求已被删除"],
"%(user)s was granted the role %(role)s that gives access to the %(datasource)s": [
"授予 %(user)s %(role)s 角色来访问 %(datasource)s 数据库"
"Role %(r)s was extended to provide the access to the datasource %(ds)s": [
"扩展角色 %(r)s 以提供对 datasource %(ds)s 的访问"
"You have no permission to approve this request": [
"Cannot import dashboard: %(db_error)s.\nMake sure to create the database before importing the dashboard.": [
"无法导入看板:%(db_error)s 。\n请确保在导入看板之前创建数据库。"
"An unknown error occurred. Please contact your Superset administrator": [
"Error occurred when opening the chart: %(error)s": [
"打开图表时出错: %(error)s"
"You don't have the rights to ": ["您没有授权 "],
"alter this ": ["修改这个 "],
"chart": ["图表"],
"create a ": ["创建一个 "],
"Explore - %(table)s": ["查看 - %(table)s"],
"Chart [{}] has been saved": ["图表 [{}] 已经保存"],
"Chart [{}] has been overwritten": ["图表 [{}] 已经覆盖"],
"dashboard": ["看板"],
"Chart [{}] was added to dashboard [{}]": [
"图表 [{}] 已经添加到看板 [{}]"
"Dashboard [{}] just got created and chart [{}] was added to it": [
"看板 [{}] 刚刚被创建,并且图表 [{}] 已被添加到其中"
"This dashboard was changed recently. Please reload dashboard to get latest version.": [
"Could not load database driver: %(driver_name)s": [
"Invalid connection string, a valid string usually follows:\n'DRIVER://USER:PASSWORD@DB-HOST/DATABASE-NAME'": [
"Malformed request. slice_id or table_name and db_name arguments are expected": [
"格式错误的请求。需要使用 slice_id 或 table_name 和 db_name 参数"
"Chart %(id)s not found": ["图表 %(id)s 没有找到"],
"Table %(table)s wasn't found in the database %(db)s": [
"在数据库 %(db)s 中找不到表 %(table)s"
"Can't find User '%(name)s', please ask your admin to create one.": [
"Can't find DruidCluster with cluster_name = '%(name)s'": [
"不能找到具有 cluster_name = '%(name)s' 的 Druid 集群"
"Data could not be deserialized. You may want to re-run the query.": [
"%(validator)s was unable to check your query.\nPlease recheck your query.\nException: %(ex)s": [
"%(validator)s 无法检查您的查询。\n请重新检查您的查询。\n异常: %(ex)s"
"Failed to start remote query on a worker. Tell your administrator to verify the availability of the message queue.": [
"Query record was not created as expected.": ["查询记录没有按预期创建。"],
"The parameter %(parameters)s in your query is undefined.": [
"查询中的以下参数未定义:%(parameters)s 。"
"%(user)s's profile": ["%(user)s 的信息"],
"Show CSS Template": ["查看CSS模板"],
"Add CSS Template": ["新增CSS模板"],
"Edit CSS Template": ["编辑CSS模板"],
"Template Name": ["模板名称"],
"A human-friendly name": ["人性化的名称"],
"Used internally to identify the plugin. Should be set to the package name from the pluginʼs package.json": [
"在内部用于标识插件。应该在插件的 package.json 内被设置为包名。"
"A full URL pointing to the location of the built plugin (could be hosted on a CDN for example)": [
"Custom Plugins": ["自定义插件"],
"Custom Plugin": ["自定义插件"],
"Add a Plugin": ["添加插件"],
"Edit Plugin": ["编辑插件"],
"Schedule Email Reports for Dashboards": ["为看板添加电子邮件报告"],
"Manage Email Reports for Dashboards": ["管理看板的电子邮件报告"],
"Changed On": ["改变为"],
"Active": ["激活"],
"Crontab": [""],
"Recipients": ["收件人"],
"Slack Channel": ["Slack 频道"],
"Deliver As Group": ["作为组交付"],
"Delivery Type": ["交付类型"],
"Schedule Email Reports for Charts": ["为图表配置电子邮件报告"],
"Manage Email Reports for Charts": ["管理图表的电子邮件报告"],
"Email Format": ["电子邮件格式"],
"List Saved Query": ["保存的查询列表"],
"Show Saved Query": ["显示保存的查询"],
"Add Saved Query": ["添加保存的查询"],
"Edit Saved Query": ["编辑保存的查询"],
"End Time": ["结束时间"],
"Pop Tab Link": ["流行标签链接"],
"Changed on": ["改变为"],
"Could not determine datasource type": ["无法确定数据源类型"],
"Could not find viz object": ["找不到可视化对象"],
"Show Chart": ["显示图表"],
"Add Chart": ["添加图表"],
"Edit Chart": ["编辑图表"],
"These parameters are generated dynamically when clicking the save or overwrite button in the explore view. This JSON object is exposed here for reference and for power users who may want to alter specific parameters.": [
"Duration (in seconds) of the caching timeout for this chart. Note this defaults to the datasource/table timeout if undefined.": [
"Last Modified": ["最后修改"],
"Parameters": ["参数"],
"Visualization Type": ["可视化类型"],
"Show Dashboard": ["显示看板"],
"Add Dashboard": ["添加看板"],
"Edit Dashboard": ["编辑看板"],
"This json object describes the positioning of the widgets in the dashboard. It is dynamically generated when adjusting the widgets size and positions by using drag & drop in the dashboard view": [
"The CSS for individual dashboards can be altered here, or in the dashboard view where changes are immediately visible": [
"To get a readable URL for your dashboard": ["为看板生成一个可读的 URL"],
"This JSON object is generated dynamically when clicking the save or overwrite button in the dashboard view. It is exposed here for reference and for power users who may want to alter specific parameters.": [
"Owners is a list of users who can alter the dashboard.": [
"Determines whether or not this dashboard is visible in the list of all dashboards": [
"Title": ["标题"],
"Slug": ["Slug"],
"Published": ["已发布"],
"Position JSON": ["位置JSON"],
"CSS": ["CSS"],
"Underlying Tables": ["底层表"],
"Export": ["导出"],
"Export dashboards?": ["导出看板?"],
"Name of table to be created from csv data.": [
"CSV File": ["CSV文件"],
"Select a CSV file to be uploaded to a database.": [
"Only the following file extensions are allowed: %(allowed_extensions)s": [
"Specify a schema (if database flavor supports this).": [
"Delimiter": ["分隔符"],
"Delimiter used by CSV file (for whitespace use \\s+).": [
"CSV文件使用的分隔符 (空白请使用 \\s+)"
"Table Exists": ["表已存在处理"],
"If table exists do one of the following: Fail (do nothing), Replace (drop and recreate table) or Append (insert data).": [
"Fail": ["失败"],
"Replace": ["替换"],
"Append": ["追加"],
"Header Row": ["标题行"],
"Row containing the headers to use as column names (0 is first line of data). Leave empty if there is no header row.": [
"Index Column": ["索引字段"],
"Column to use as the row labels of the dataframe. Leave empty if no index column.": [
"Mangle Duplicate Columns": ["混合重复列"],
"Specify duplicate columns as \"X.0, X.1\".": [
"Skip Initial Space": ["跳过初始空格"],
"Skip spaces after delimiter.": ["在分隔符之后跳过空格。"],
"Skip Rows": ["跳过行"],
"Number of rows to skip at start of file.": ["在文件开始时跳过的行数。"],
"Rows to Read": ["读取的行"],
"Number of rows of file to read.": ["要读取的文件行数。"],
"Skip Blank Lines": ["跳过空白行"],
"Skip blank lines rather than interpreting them as NaN values.": [
"Parse Dates": ["解析日期"],
"A comma separated list of columns that should be parsed as dates.": [
"Infer Datetime Format": ["日期时间格式"],
"Use Pandas to interpret the datetime format automatically.": [
"Decimal Character": ["十进制字符"],
"Character to interpret as decimal point.": [
"Dataframe Index": ["Dataframe索引"],
"Write dataframe index as a column.": ["将dataframe index 作为列."],
"Column Label(s)": ["字段标签"],
"Column label for index column(s). If None is given and Dataframe Index is True, Index Names are used.": [
"索引列的列标签。如果为None, 并且数据框索引为 true, 则使用 \"索引名称\"。"
"Null values": ["空值"],
"Json list of the values that should be treated as null. Examples: [\"\"], [\"None\", \"N/A\"], [\"nan\", \"null\"]. Warning: Hive database supports only single value. Use [\"\"] for empty string.": [
"应视为null的值的Json列表。例如:[\"\"], [\"None\", \"N/A\"], [\"nan\", \"null\"]。警告:Hive数据库仅支持单个值。用 [\"\"] 代表空字符串。"
"Name of table to be created from excel data.": [
"Excel File": ["Excel文件"],
"Select a Excel file to be uploaded to a database.": [
"Sheet Name": ["Sheet名称"],
"Strings used for sheet names (default is the first sheet).": [
"Show Database": ["显示数据库"],
"Add Database": ["添加数据库"],
"Edit Database": ["编辑数据库"],
"Expose this DB in SQL Lab": ["在 SQL 工具箱中公开这个数据库"],
"Operate the database in asynchronous mode, meaning that the queries are executed on remote workers as opposed to on the web server itself. This assumes that you have a Celery worker setup as well as a results backend. Refer to the installation docs for more information.": [
"以异步模式操作数据库,这意味着查询是在远程工作人员上执行的,而不是在web服务器本身上执行的, 这假设您有一个Celery worker setup以及一个结果后端。有关更多信息,请参考安装文档。"
"Allow CREATE TABLE AS option in SQL Lab": [
"在 SQL 编辑器中允许 CREATE TABLE AS 选项"
"Allow CREATE VIEW AS option in SQL Lab": [
"在 SQL 编辑器中允许 CREATE TABLE AS 选项"
"Allow users to run non-SELECT statements (UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, ...) in SQL Lab": [
"允许用户在 SQL 编辑器中运行非 SELECT 语句(UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE,...)"
"When allowing CREATE TABLE AS option in SQL Lab, this option forces the table to be created in this schema": [
"当在 SQL 编辑器中允许 CREATE TABLE AS 选项时,此选项可以此模式中强制创建表"
"If Presto, all the queries in SQL Lab are going to be executed as the currently logged on user who must have permission to run them.<br/>If Hive and hive.server2.enable.doAs is enabled, will run the queries as service account, but impersonate the currently logged on user via hive.server2.proxy.user property.": [
"如果使用Presto,SQL 工具箱中的所有查询都将被当前登录的用户执行,并且这些用户必须拥有运行它们的权限。<br/>如果启用 Hive 和hive.server2.enable.doAs,将作为服务帐户运行查询,但会根据hive.server2.proxy.user的属性伪装当前登录用户。"
"Allow SQL Lab to fetch a list of all tables and all views across all database schemas. For large data warehouse with thousands of tables, this can be expensive and put strain on the system.": [
"允许 sql lab 获取所有数据库架构中的所有表和所有视图的列表。对于具有数千个表的大型数据仓库, 这可能会很耗费性能, 并给系统带来压力。"
"Duration (in seconds) of the caching timeout for charts of this database. A timeout of 0 indicates that the cache never expires. Note this defaults to the global timeout if undefined.": [
"If selected, please set the schemas allowed for csv upload in Extra.": [
"Expose in SQL Lab": ["在 SQL 工具箱中公开"],
"Allow DML": ["允许 DML"],
"CTAS Schema": ["CTAS 模式"],
"SQLAlchemy URI": ["SQLAlchemy URI"],
"Chart Cache Timeout": ["表缓存超时"],
"Secure Extra": ["安全"],
"Root certificate": ["根证书"],
"Async Execution": ["异步执行查询"],
"Impersonate the logged on user": ["模拟登录用户"],
"Allow Csv Upload": ["允许Csv上传"],
"Allow Multi Schema Metadata Fetch": ["允许多Schema元数据获取"],
"Backend": ["后端"],
"Extra field cannot be decoded by JSON. %(msg)s": [
"Invalid connection string, a valid string usually follows:'DRIVER://USER:PASSWORD@DB-HOST/DATABASE-NAME'<p>Example:'postgresql://user:password@your-postgres-db/database'</p>": [
"CSV to Database configuration": ["csv 到数据库配置"],
"Database \"%(database_name)s\" schema \"%(schema_name)s\" is not allowed for csv uploads. Please contact your Superset Admin.": [
"数据库 \"%(database_name)s\" schema \"%(schema_name)s\" 不允许用于csv上传。请联系管理员。"
"You cannot specify a namespace both in the name of the table: \"%(csv_table.table)s\" and in the schema field: \"%(csv_table.schema)s\". Please remove one": [
"不能同时在表名 \"%(csv_table.table)s\" 和schema字段 \"%(csv_table.schema)s\" 中指定命名空间。请删除一个。"
"Unable to upload CSV file \"%(filename)s\" to table \"%(table_name)s\" in database \"%(db_name)s\". Error message: %(error_msg)s": [
"无法将CSV文件 \"%(filename)s\" 上传到数据库 \"%(db_name)s\" 中的表 \"%(table_name)s\" 内。错误消息:%(error_msg)s"
"CSV file \"%(csv_filename)s\" uploaded to table \"%(table_name)s\" in database \"%(db_name)s\"": [
"csv 文件 \"%(csv_filename)s\" 上传到数据库 \"%(db_name)s\" 中的表 \"%(table_name)s\""
"Excel to Database configuration": ["Excel 到数据库配置"],
"Database \"%(database_name)s\" schema \"%(schema_name)s\" is not allowed for excel uploads. Please contact your Superset Admin.": [
"数据库 \"%(database_name)s\" schema \"%(schema_name)s\" 不允许用于excel上传。请联系管理员。"
"You cannot specify a namespace both in the name of the table: \"%(excel_table.table)s\" and in the schema field: \"%(excel_table.schema)s\". Please remove one": [
"不能同时在表名 \"%(excel_table.table)s\" 和schema字段 \"%(excel_table.schema)s\" 中指定命名空间。请删除一个。"
"Unable to upload Excel file \"%(filename)s\" to table \"%(table_name)s\" in database \"%(db_name)s\". Error message: %(error_msg)s": [
"无法将Excel文件 \"%(filename)s\" 上传到数据库 \"%(db_name)s\" 中的表 \"%(table_name)s\" 内。错误消息:%(error_msg)s"
"Excel file \"%(excel_filename)s\" uploaded to table \"%(table_name)s\" in database \"%(db_name)s\"": [
"Excel 文件 \"%(excel_filename)s\" 上传到数据库 \"%(db_name)s\" 中的表 \"%(table_name)s\""
"Logs": ["日志"],
"Show Log": ["查看日志"],
"Add Log": ["新增日志"],
"Edit Log": ["编辑日志"],
"Action": ["操作"],
"dttm": ["dttm"],
"Add item": ["增加条件"],
"The query couldn't be loaded": ["这个查询无法被加载"],
"Your query has been scheduled. To see details of your query, navigate to Saved queries": [
"Your query could not be scheduled": ["无法调度您的查询"],
"Failed at retrieving results": ["检索结果失败"],
"An error occurred while storing the latest query id in the backend. Please contact your administrator if this problem persists.": [
"Unknown error": ["未知错误"],
"Query was stopped.": ["查询被终止。"],
"Unable to migrate table schema state to backend. Superset will retry later. Please contact your administrator if this problem persists.": [
"Unable to migrate query state to backend. Superset will retry later. Please contact your administrator if this problem persists.": [
"Unable to migrate query editor state to backend. Superset will retry later. Please contact your administrator if this problem persists.": [
"Unable to add a new tab to the backend. Please contact your administrator.": [
"Copy of %s": ["%s 的副本"],
"An error occurred while setting the active tab. Please contact your administrator.": [
"An error occurred while fetching tab state": ["获取tab页状态时出错"],
"An error occurred while removing tab. Please contact your administrator.": [
"An error occurred while removing query. Please contact your administrator.": [
"An error occurred while setting the tab database ID. Please contact your administrator.": [
"An error occurred while setting the tab schema. Please contact your administrator.": [
"An error occurred while setting the tab autorun. Please contact your administrator.": [
"An error occurred while setting the tab title. Please contact your administrator.": [
"Your query was saved": ["您的查询已保存"],
"Your query could not be saved": ["您的查询无法保存"],
"Your query was updated": ["您的查询已保存"],
"Your query could not be updated": ["无法更新您的查询"],
"An error occurred while storing your query in the backend. To avoid losing your changes, please save your query using the \"Save Query\" button.": [
"在后端存储查询时出错。为避免丢失更改,请使用 \"保存查询\" 按钮保存查询。"
"An error occurred while setting the tab template parameters. Please contact your administrator.": [
"An error occurred while fetching table metadata": [
"An error occurred while fetching table metadata. Please contact your administrator.": [
"An error occurred while expanding the table schema. Please contact your administrator.": [
"An error occurred while collapsing the table schema. Please contact your administrator.": [
"An error occurred while removing the table schema. Please contact your administrator.": [
"Shared query": ["已分享的查询"],
"The datasource couldn't be loaded": ["这个查询无法被加载"],
"An error occurred while creating the data source": [
"SQL Lab uses your browser's local storage to store queries and results.\n Currently, you are using ${currentUsage.toFixed(\n 2,\n )} KB out of ${LOCALSTORAGE_MAX_USAGE_KB} KB. storage space.\n To keep SQL Lab from crashing, please delete some query tabs.\n You can re-access these queries by using the Save feature before you delete the tab. Note that you will need to close other SQL Lab windows before you do this.": [
"SQL Lab 使用浏览器的本地存储来存储查询和结果。\n目前,您正在使用${currentUsage.toFixed(\n 2,\n )} KB / ${LOCALSTORAGE_MAX_USAGE_KB} KB 的存储空间。\n为了防止SQLLab崩溃,请删除一些查询tab页。\n在删除tab页之前,可以使用 \"保存\" 功能重新访问这些查询。请注意,在执行此操作之前,需要关闭其他SQLLab窗口。"
"Estimate selected query cost": ["运行选定的查询"],
"Estimate cost": ["运行选定的查询"],
"Cost estimate": ["成本估算"],
"Creating a data source and creating a new tab": [
"An error occurred": ["发生了一个错误"],
"Explore the result set in the data exploration view": [
"Explore": ["探索"],
"This query took %s seconds to run, ": ["这个查询使用了 %s 秒去执行,"],
"and the explore view times out at %s seconds ": [
",浏览视图在 %s 秒超时"
"following this flow will most likely lead to your query timing out. ": [
"We recommend your summarize your data further before following that flow. ": [
"If activated you can use the ": ["如果激活,您可以使用 "],
"feature to store a summarized data set that you can then explore.": [
"Column name(s) ": ["列名"],
"cannot be used as a column name. The column name/alias \"__timestamp\"\n is reserved for the main temporal expression, and column aliases ending with\n double underscores followed by a numeric value (e.g. \"my_col__1\") are reserved\n for deduplicating duplicate column names. Please use aliases to rename the\n invalid column names.": [
"不能作为一个列名称使用。列名/别名 \"__timestamp\"\n 是为主要的时间表达式保留的,列别名以双下划线结尾\n 并后跟一个数值(例如 \"my_col__1\")。 这是为了\n 保留用于消除重复的列名。请使用别名来\n 重命名无效的列名。"
"Raw SQL": ["行 SQL"],
"Source SQL": ["源 SQL"],
"SQL": ["SQL"],
"No query history yet...": ["暂无历史查询..."],
"It seems you don't have access to any database": [
"An error occurred when refreshing queries": ["创建数据源时发生错误"],
"Filter by user": ["过滤用户"],
"Filter by database": ["过滤数据库"],
"Query search string": ["查询搜索字符串"],
"[From]-": ["[从]-"],
"[To]-": ["[至]-"],
"Filter by status": ["过滤状态"],
"Edit": ["编辑"],
"View results": ["展示结果"],
"Data preview": ["数据预览"],
"Overwrite text in the editor with a query on this table": [
"Run query in a new tab": ["在新标签中运行查询"],
"Remove query from log": ["从日志中删除查询"],
"An error occurred saving dataset": ["保存数据集时发生错误"],
".CSV": [".CSV"],
"Clipboard": ["复制到剪贴板"],
"Filter results": ["过滤结果"],
"Database error": ["数据库错误"],
"was created": ["已创建"],
"Query in a new tab": ["在新标签中查询"],
"The query returned no data": ["查询无结果"],
"Fetch data preview": ["获取数据预览"],
"Refetch results": ["重新获取结果"],
"Track job": ["跟踪任务"],
"Stop": ["停止"],
"Run selection": ["运行选定的查询"],
"Run": ["执行"],
"Stop running (Ctrl + x)": ["停止运行 (Ctrl + x)"],
"Run query (Ctrl + Return)": ["执行运行 (Ctrl + Return)"],
"Save & Explore": ["保存和浏览"],
"Overwrite & Explore": ["覆写和浏览"],
"Save or Overwrite Dataset": ["保存或覆盖数据集"],
"Save this query as a virtual dataset to continue exploring": [
"Overwrite existing": ["覆盖已有"],
"Select or type dataset name": ["选择或者键入数据集名称"],
"Are you sure you want to overwrite this dataset?": [
"Undefined": ["未命名"],
"Save": ["保存"],
"Save as": ["另存为"],
"Save query": ["保存查询"],
"Save as new": ["保存为新的"],
"Update": ["更新"],
"Label for your query": ["为您的查询设置标签"],
"Write a description for your query": ["为您的查询写一段描述"],
"Schedule query": ["分享查询"],
"Schedule": ["调度"],
"There was an error with your request": ["您的请求有错误"],
"Please save the query to enable sharing": ["请保存查询以启用共享"],
"Copy link": ["复制链接"],
"Copy query link to your clipboard": ["将查询链接复制到剪贴板"],
"Save the query to copy the link": ["保存查询以复制链接"],
"No stored results found, you need to re-run your query": [
"Run a query to display results here": ["运行一个查询,在此会显示结果"],
"Preview: `%s`": ["预览 %s"],
"Results": ["结果"],
"Query history": ["历史查询"],
"Run query": ["运行查询"],
"New tab": ["新Tab页"],
"Untitled query": ["未命名的查询"],
"Stop query": ["停止查询"],
"Schedule the query periodically": ["定期调度查询"],
"You must run the query successfully first": ["必须先成功运行查询"],
"It appears that the number of rows in the query results displayed\n was limited on the server side to\n the %s limit.": [
"服务器端显示的查询结果中的行数似乎限制在 %s 以内。"
"Estimate the cost before running a query": [
"Reset state": ["状态重置"],
"Enter a new title for the tab": ["输入标签的新标题"],
"Untitled Query %s": ["未命名的查询 %s"],
"Close tab": ["关闭标签"],
"Rename tab": ["重命名标签"],
"Expand tool bar": ["展开工具栏"],
"Hide tool bar": ["隐藏工具栏"],
"Close all other tabs": ["关闭其他tab页"],
"Duplicate tab": ["复制tab页"],
"Copy partition query to clipboard": ["将分区查询复制到剪贴板"],
"latest partition:": ["最新分区:"],
"Keys for table": ["表的键"],
"View keys & indexes (%s)": ["查看键和索引(%s)"],
"Sort columns alphabetically": ["对列按字母顺序进行排列"],
"Original table column order": ["原始表列顺序"],
"Copy SELECT statement to the clipboard": ["将 SELECT 语句复制到剪贴板"],
"Show CREATE VIEW statement": ["显示 CREATE VIEW 语句"],
"CREATE VIEW statement": ["CREATE VIEW 语句"],
"Remove table preview": ["删除表格预览"],
"Assign a set of parameters as": ["将一组参数指定为"],
"below (example:": ["以下(例如:"],
"), and they become available in your SQL (example:": [
") by using": [") 让它在SQL中可用"],
"Edit template parameters": ["编辑模板参数"],
"Invalid JSON": ["无效的JSON"],
"Create a new chart": ["创建新图表"],
"Choose a dataset": ["选择数据源"],
"If the dataset you are looking for is not available in the list, follow the instructions on how to add it in the Superset tutorial.": [
"Choose a visualization type": ["选择可视化类型"],
"Create new chart": ["创建新图表"],
"An error occurred while loading the SQL": ["创建数据源时发生错误"],
"Updating chart was stopped": ["更新图表已停止"],
"An error occurred while rendering the visualization: %s": [
"Network error.": ["网络异常。"],
"every": ["任意"],
"every month": ["每个月"],
"every day of the month": ["每月的每一天"],
"day of the month": ["一个月中的天数"],
"every day of the week": ["一周的每一天"],
"day of the week": ["一周的天数"],
"every hour": ["每小时"],
"every minute UTC": ["每分钟 UTC"],
"year": ["年"],
"month": ["月"],
"week": ["周"],
"day": ["天"],
"hour": ["小时"],
"minute": ["分"],
"reboot": ["重启"],
"Every": ["每"],
"in": [""],
"on": [""],
"and": [""],
"at": [""],
":": [""],
"minute(s) UTC": ["分钟 UTC"],
"Invalid cron expression": ["cron表达式无效"],
"Clear": ["清除"],
"Sunday": ["星期日"],
"Monday": ["星期一"],
"Tuesday": ["星期二"],
"Wednesday": ["星期三"],
"Thursday": ["星期四"],
"Friday": ["星期五"],
"Saturday": ["星期六"],
"January": ["一月"],
"February": ["二月"],
"March": ["三月"],
"April": ["四月"],
"May": ["五月"],
"June": ["六月"],
"July": ["七月"],
"August": ["八月"],
"September": ["九月"],
"October": ["十月"],
"November": ["十一月"],
"December": ["十二月"],
"SUN": ["星期日"],
"MON": ["星期一"],
"TUE": ["星期二"],
"WED": ["星期三"],
"THU": ["星期四"],
"FRI": ["星期五"],
"SAT": ["星期六"],
"JAN": ["一月"],
"FEB": ["二月"],
"MAR": ["三月"],
"APR": ["四月"],
"MAY": ["五月"],
"JUN": ["六月"],
"JUL": ["七月"],
"AUG": ["八月"],
"SEP": ["九月"],
"OCT": ["十月"],
"NOV": ["十一月"],
"DEC": ["十二月"],
"OK": ["确认"],
"Click to see difference": ["点击查看差异"],
"Altered": ["已更改"],
"Chart changes": ["图表变化"],
"Superset chart": ["选择图表"],
"Check out this chart in dashboard:": ["查看这个看板:%s"],
"Select ...": ["选择 ..."],
"Loaded data cached": ["数据缓存已加载"],
"Loaded from cache": ["从缓存中加载"],
"Click to force-refresh": ["点击强制刷新"],
"cached": ["已缓存"],
"Certified by %s": ["认证人 %s"],
"Copy to clipboard": ["复制到剪贴板"],
"Copied!": ["复制成功!"],
"Sorry, your browser does not support copying. Use Ctrl / Cmd + C!": [
"抱歉,您的浏览器不支持复制操作。使用 Ctrl / Cmd + C!"
"Error while fetching schema list": ["获取schema列表时出错"],
"Error while fetching database list": ["获取数据库列表时出错"],
"Database:": ["数据库:"],
"Select a database": ["选择一个数据库"],
"Force refresh schema list": ["强制刷新数据"],
"Select a schema (%s)": ["选择一个schema(%s)"],
"Schema:": [""],
"datasource": ["数据源"],
"schema": ["模式"],
"delete": ["删除"],
"Type \"%s\" to confirm": ["键入 \"%s\" 来确认"],
"DELETE": ["删除"],
"Click to edit": ["点击编辑"],
"You don't have the rights to alter this title.": [
"Unexpected error": ["意外错误。"],
"Click to favorite/unfavorite": ["点击 收藏/取消收藏"],
"An error occurred while fetching dashboards": ["获取看板时出错"],
"Error while fetching table list": ["获取表列表时出错"],
"Select table or type table name": ["选择表或输入表名"],
"Type to search ...": ["输入搜索条件 ..."],
"Select table ": ["选择表"],
"Force refresh table list": ["强制刷新数据"],
"See table schema": ["选择表"],
"%s%s": ["%s%s"],
"Share dashboard": ["分享看板"],
"This may be triggered by:": ["这可能由以下因素触发:"],
"Please reach out to the Chart Owner for assistance.": [
"Chart Owner: %s": ["图表所有者:%s"],
"%s Error": ["%s 异常"],
"See more": ["查看更多"],
"See less": ["查看更少"],
"Copy message": ["复制信息"],
"Close": ["关闭"],
"This was triggered by:": ["这是由以下因素引发的:"],
"Did you mean:": ["您的意思是:"],
"%(suggestion)s instead of \"%(undefinedParameter)s?\"": [
"用 %(suggestion)s 替换 \"%(undefinedParameter)s\" 吗?"
"Parameter error": ["参数错误"],
"We’re having trouble loading this visualization. Queries are set to timeout after %s second.": [
"加载此可视化效果时遇到问题。查询设置为 %s 秒后超时。"
"We’re having trouble loading these results. Queries are set to timeout after %s second.": [
"加载结果时遇到问题。查询设置为 %s 秒后超时。"
"Timeout error": ["超时错误"],
"Cell content": ["单元格内容"],
"The import was successful": ["导入成功"],
"OVERWRITE": ["覆盖"],
"Overwrite": ["覆盖"],
"Import": ["导入"],
"Import %s": ["导入 %s"],
"Last Updated %s": ["上次更新 %s"],
"%s Selected": ["%s 已选定"],
"Deselect all": ["反选所有"],
"%s-%s of %s": ["%s-%s 总计 %s"],
"Settings": ["设置"],
"About": ["关于"],
"SQL query": ["SQL查询"],
"There is not enough space for this component. Try decreasing its width, or increasing the destination width.": [
"Can not move top level tab into nested tabs": [
"This chart has been moved to a different filter scope.": [
"There was an issue fetching the favorite status of this dashboard.": [
"There was an issue favoriting this dashboard.": [
"This dashboard is now ${nowPublished}": ["当前看板 ${nowPublished}"],
"You do not have permissions to edit this dashboard.": [
"This dashboard was saved successfully.": ["该看板已成功保存。"],
"Could not fetch all saved charts": ["无法获取所有保存的图表"],
"Sorry there was an error fetching saved charts: ": [
"Visualization": ["可视化模式"],
"Data source": ["数据源"],
"Added": ["已添加"],
"Components": ["组件"],
"Any color palette selected here will override the colors applied to this dashboard's individual charts": [
"Color scheme": ["配色方案"],
"Load a template": ["加载一个模板"],
"Load a CSS template": ["加载一个 CSS 模板"],
"Live CSS editor": ["即时 CSS 编辑器"],
"You have unsaved changes.": ["您有一些未保存的修改。"],
"This dashboard is currently force refreshing; the next force refresh will be in %s.": [
"此看板当前正在强制刷新;下一次强制刷新将在 %s 内执行。"
"Your dashboard is too large. Please reduce the size before save it.": [
"Discard changes": ["放弃更改"],
"An error occurred while fetching available CSS templates": [
"Superset dashboard": ["看板"],
"Check out this dashboard: ": ["查看此看板:"],
"Refresh dashboard": ["刷新看板"],
"Set auto-refresh interval": ["设置自动刷新"],
"Set filter mapping": ["设置过滤映射"],
"Edit dashboard properties": ["编辑看板属性"],
"Edit CSS": ["编辑CSS"],
"Download as image": ["下载为图片"],
"Toggle fullscreen": ["切换全屏"],
"There is no chart definition associated with this component, could it have been deleted?": [
"Delete this container and save to remove this message.": [
"An error has occurred": ["发生了一个错误"],
"You do not have permission to edit this dashboard": [
"A valid color scheme is required": ["需要有效的配色方案"],
"The dashboard has been saved": ["该看板已成功保存。"],
"Apply": ["应用"],
"Dashboard properties": ["看板属性"],
"Basic information": ["基本情况"],
"URL slug": ["使用 Slug"],
"A readable URL for your dashboard": ["为看板生成一个可读的 URL"],
"Access": ["访问"],
"Owners is a list of users who can alter the dashboard. Searchable by name or username.": [
"Colors": ["颜色"],
"Advanced": ["进阶"],
"JSON metadata": ["JSON 元数据"],
"This dashboard is not published, it will not show up in the list of dashboards. Click here to publish this dashboard.": [
"This dashboard is not published which means it will not show up in the list of dashboards. Favorite it to see it there or access it by using the URL directly.": [
"This dashboard is published. Click to make it a draft.": [
"Draft": ["草稿"],
"Don't refresh": ["不要刷新"],
"10 seconds": ["10秒钟"],
"30 seconds": ["30秒钟"],
"1 minute": ["1分钟"],
"5 minutes": ["5分钟"],
"30 minutes": ["30分钟"],
"1 hour": ["1小时"],
"6 hours": ["6小时"],
"12 hours": ["12小时"],
"24 hours": ["24 小时"],
"Refresh interval": ["刷新间隔"],
"Refresh frequency": ["刷新频率"],
"Are you sure you want to proceed?": ["您确定要继续执行吗?"],
"Save for this session": ["保存此会话"],
"You must pick a name for the new dashboard": [
"Save dashboard": ["保存看板"],
"Overwrite Dashboard [%s]": ["覆盖看板 [%s]"],
"Save as:": ["另存为:"],
"[dashboard name]": ["[看板名称]"],
"also copy (duplicate) charts": ["同时复制图表"],
"Filter your charts": ["过滤您的图表"],
"Annotation layers are still loading.": ["注释层仍在加载。"],
"One ore more annotation layers failed loading.": [
"Cached %s": ["缓存于%s"],
"Fetched %s": ["刷新于 %s"],
"Minimize chart": ["最小化图表"],
"Maximize chart": ["最大化图表"],
"Force refresh": ["强制刷新"],
"Toggle chart description": ["切换图表说明"],
"View chart in Explore": ["查看图表"],
"Share chart": ["共享图表"],
"Export CSV": ["导出 CSV"],
"Applied Filters (%d)": ["应用的条件 (%d)"],
"Incompatible Filters (%d)": ["不兼容的条件 (%d)"],
"Unset Filters (%d)": ["未选择的条件 (%d)"],
"Search...": ["搜索..."],
"No filter is selected.": ["未选择过滤条件。"],
"Editing 1 filter:": ["编辑1个过滤条件:"],
"Batch editing %d filters:": ["批量编辑 %d 个过滤条件:"],
"Configure filter scopes": ["配置过滤范围"],
"There are no filters in this dashboard.": ["此看板中没有过滤条件。"],
"Expand all": ["全部展开"],
"Collapse all": ["全部折叠"],
"This markdown component has an error.": ["此 markdown 组件有错误。"],
"This markdown component has an error. Please revert your recent changes.": [
"此 markdown 组件有错误。请还原最近的更改。"
"Delete dashboard tab?": ["是否删除tab页?"],
"Divider": ["分隔"],
"Header": ["标题行"],
"Row": ["行"],
"Tabs": [""],
"Preview": ["预览"],
"Yes, cancel": ["是的,取消"],
"Keep editing": ["继续编辑"],
"Select parent filters": ["选择父级过滤"],
"Reset all": ["全部重置"],
"You have removed this filter.": ["您已删除此过滤条件。"],
"Restore filter": ["还原过滤条件"],
"Filter name": ["过滤值"],
"Name is required": ["需要名称"],
"Datasource is required": ["需要数据源"],
"Field": ["字段"],
"Parent filter": ["父级过滤"],
"None": ["空"],
"Apply changes instantly": ["立即应用更改"],
"Allow multiple selections": ["允许多选"],
"Inverse selection": ["反选"],
"Required": ["必填"],
"Are you sure you want to cancel?": ["您确定要取消吗?"],
"will not be saved.": ["不会被保存。"],
"Filter configuration and scoping": ["过滤配置和范围"],
"Add filter": ["增加过滤条件"],
"(Removed)": ["(已删除)"],
"Undo?": ["撤消?"],
"Scoping": ["范围"],
"Apply to all panels": ["应用于所有面板"],
"Apply to specific panels": ["应用于特定面板"],
"Only selected panels will be affected by this filter": [
"All panels with this column will be affected by this filter": [
"All filters": ["所有过滤"],
"All charts": ["所有图表"],
"Warning! Changing the dataset may break the chart if the metadata does not exist.": [
"Changing the dataset may break the chart if the chart relies on columns or metadata that does not exist in the target dataset": [
"dataset": ["数据集"],
"Change dataset": ["修改数据集"],
"Warning!": ["警告!"],
"Search / Filter": ["搜索 / 过滤"],
"Physical (table or view)": ["物理(表或视图)"],
"Virtual (SQL)": ["虚拟(SQL)"],
"SQL expression": ["SQL表达式"],
"Data type": ["数据类型"],
"Datetime format": ["时间格式"],
"The pattern of timestamp format. For strings use ": [
"时间戳格式的模式。供字符串使用 "
"Python datetime string pattern": ["Python日期格式模板"],
" expression which needs to adhere to the ": [" 表达式并基于 "],
"ISO 8601": [""],
" standard to ensure that the lexicographical ordering\n coincides with the chronological ordering. If the\n timestamp format does not adhere to the ISO 8601 standard\n you will need to define an expression and type for\n transforming the string into a date or timestamp. Note\n currently time zones are not supported. If time is stored\n in epoch format, put `epoch_s` or `epoch_ms`. If no pattern\n is specified we fall back to using the optional defaults on a per\n database/column name level via the extra parameter.": [
"来确保字符的表达顺序与时间顺序一致的标准。如果时间戳格式不符合 ISO 8601 标准,则需要定义表达式和类型,以便将字符串转换为日期或时间戳。注意:当前不支持时区。如果时间以epoch格式存储,请输入 `epoch_s` or `epoch_ms` 。如果没有指定任何模式,我们可以通过额外的参数在每个数据库/列名级别上使用可选的默认值。"
"Is dimension": ["维度"],
"Is filterable": ["可被过滤"],
"Modified columns: %s": ["修改的列:%s"],
"Removed columns: %s": ["删除的列:%s"],
"New columns added: %s": ["新增的列:%s"],
"Metadata has been synced": ["元数据已同步"],
"Column name [%s] is duplicated": ["列名 [%s] 重复"],
"Metric name [%s] is duplicated": ["指标名称 [%s] 重复"],
"Calculated column [%s] requires an expression": [
"计算列 [%s] 需要一个表达式"
"Basic": ["基础"],
"Default URL": ["默认URL"],
"Default URL to redirect to when accessing from the dataset list page": [
"Autocomplete filters": ["自适配过滤条件"],
"Whether to populate autocomplete filters options": [
"Autocomplete query predicate": ["自动补全查询谓词"],
"When using \"Autocomplete filters\", this can be used to improve performance of the query fetching the values. Use this option to apply a predicate (WHERE clause) to the query selecting the distinct values from the table. Typically the intent would be to limit the scan by applying a relative time filter on a partitioned or indexed time-related field.": [
"当使用 \"自适配过滤条件\" 时,这可以用来提高获取查询数据的性能。使用此选项可将谓词(WHERE子句)应用于从表中进行选择不同值的查询。通常,这样做的目的是通过对分区或索引的相关时间字段配置相对应的过滤时间来限制扫描。"
"Extra data to specify table metadata. Currently supports certification data of the format: `{ \"certification\": { \"certified_by\": \"Data Platform Team\", \"details\": \"This table is the source of truth.\" } }`.": [
"指定表元数据的额外内容。目前支持的认证数据格式为:`{ \"certification\": { \"certified_by\": \"Data Platform Team\", \"details\": \"This table is the source of truth.\" } }`."
"Owners of the dataset": ["数据集的所有者"],
"Cache timeout": ["缓存时间"],
"The duration of time in seconds before the cache is invalidated": [
"Hours offset": ["小时偏移"],
"Spatial": ["空间"],
"virtual": ["虚拟信息"],
"Dataset name": ["数据集名称"],
"When specifying SQL, the datasource acts as a view. Superset will use this statement as a subquery while grouping and filtering on the generated parent queries.": [
"The JSON metric or post aggregation definition.": [
"Physical": ["物理信息"],
"The pointer to a physical table (or view). Keep in mind that the chart is associated to this Superset logical table, and this logical table points the physical table referenced here.": [
"Click the lock to make changes.": ["单击锁以进行更改。"],
"Click the lock to prevent further changes.": [
"D3 format": ["D3 格式"],
"Warning message": ["告警信息"],
"Warning message to display in the metric selector": [
"Certified by": ["认证"],
"Person or group that has certified this metric": [
"Certification details": ["认证细节"],
"Details of the certification": ["认证详情"],
"Be careful.": ["小心。"],
"Changing these settings will affect all charts using this dataset, including charts owned by other people.": [
"Source": ["来源"],
"Sync columns from source": ["从源同步列"],
"Calculated columns": ["计算列"],
"The dataset has been saved": ["数据集已保存"],
"The dataset configuration exposed here\n affects all the charts using this dataset.\n Be mindful that changing settings\n here may affect other charts\n in undesirable ways.": [
"Are you sure you want to save and apply changes?": [
"Confirm save": ["确认保存"],
"Edit Dataset ": ["编辑数据集"],
"Use legacy datasource editor": ["使用旧数据源编辑器"],
"Time range": ["时间范围"],
"Time column": ["时间列"],
"Time grain": ["时间粒度(grain)"],
"Origin": ["起点"],
"Time granularity": ["时间粒度(granularity)"],
"A reference to the [Time] configuration, taking granularity into account": [
"对 [时间] 配置的引用,会将粒度考虑在内"
"Group by": ["分组"],
"One or many controls to group by": ["一个或多个控件来分组"],
"One or many metrics to display": ["一个或多个指标显示"],
"Dataset": ["数据集"],
"Visualization type": ["可视化类型"],
"The type of visualization to display": ["要显示的可视化类型"],
"Fixed color": ["固定颜色"],
"Use this to define a static color for all circles": [
"Right axis metric": ["右轴指标"],
"Choose a metric for right axis": ["为右轴选择一个指标"],
"Linear color scheme": ["线性颜色方案"],
"Color metric": ["颜色指标"],
"A metric to use for color": ["用于颜色的指标"],
"One or many controls to pivot as columns": ["一个或多个控件作为主列"],
"Defines the origin where time buckets start, accepts natural dates as in `now`, `sunday` or `1970-01-01`": [
"定义时间桶的起点,接受 `now`,`sunday` 或 `1970-01-01` 等格式的日期表达"
"The time granularity for the visualization. Note that you can type and use simple natural language as in `10 seconds`, `1 day` or `56 weeks`": [
"可视化的时间粒度。请注意,您可以输入和使用简单的日期表达方式,如 `10 seconds`, `1 day` or `56 weeks`"
"The time column for the visualization. Note that you can define arbitrary expression that return a DATETIME column in the table. Also note that the filter below is applied against this column or expression": [
"The time granularity for the visualization. This applies a date transformation to alter your time column and defines a new time granularity. The options here are defined on a per database engine basis in the Superset source code.": [
"可视化的时间粒度。这将应用日期转换来更改时间列,并定义新的时间粒度。这里的选项是在 Superset 源代码中的每个数据库引擎基础上定义的。"
"Last week": ["上周"],
"The time range for the visualization. All relative times, e.g. \"Last month\", \"Last 7 days\", \"now\", etc. are evaluated on the server using the server's local time (sans timezone). All tooltips and placeholder times are expressed in UTC (sans timezone). The timestamps are then evaluated by the database using the engine's local timezone. Note one can explicitly set the timezone per the ISO 8601 format if specifying either the start and/or end time.": [
"可视化的时间范围。所有相关的时间,例如\"上个月\"、\"过去7天\"、\"现在\"等,都在服务器上使用服务器的本地时间(sans时区)进行计算。所有工具提示和占位符时间均以UTC(无时区)表示。然后,数据库使用引擎的本地时区来评估时间戳。注:如果指定开始时间和、或者结束时间,可以根据ISO 8601格式显式设置时区。"
"Row limit": ["行限制"],
"Series limit": ["序列限制"],
"Limits the number of time series that get displayed. A sub query (or an extra phase where sub queries are not supported) is applied to limit the number of time series that get fetched and displayed. This feature is useful when grouping by high cardinality dimension(s).": [
"Sort by": ["排序 "],
"Metric used to define the top series": ["用于定义顶级序列的指标"],
"Series": ["序列"],
"Defines the grouping of entities. Each series is shown as a specific color on the chart and has a legend toggle": [
"Entity": ["实体"],
"This defines the element to be plotted on the chart": [
"X Axis": ["X 轴"],
"Metric assigned to the [X] axis": ["分配给 [X] 轴的指标"],
"Y Axis": ["Y 轴"],
"Metric assigned to the [Y] axis": ["分配给 [Y] 轴的指标"],
"Bubble size": ["气泡尺寸"],
"Y Axis Format": ["Y 轴格式化"],
"When `Calculation type` is set to \"Percentage change\", the Y Axis Format is forced to `.1%`": [
"The color scheme for rendering chart": ["绘制图表的配色方案"],
"Color map": ["彩色地图"],
"description": ["描述"],
"bolt": ["螺栓"],
"Changing this control takes effect instantly": ["更改此控件立即生效。"],
"Customize": ["定制化配置"],
"rows retrieved": ["行被检索到"],
"Sorry, An error occurred": ["抱歉,发生错误"],
"No data": ["没有数据"],
"View samples": ["查看样例"],
"Search Metrics & Columns": ["搜索指标和列"],
"Showing %s of %s": ["显示 %s个 总计 %s个"],
"New chart": ["新增图表"],
"Edit properties": ["编辑属性"],
"View query": ["检查查询"],
"Run in SQL Lab": ["在 SQL 工具箱中执行"],
"Height": ["高度"],
"Width": ["宽度"],
"Export to .json": ["导出到 .json"],
"Export to .csv format": ["导出为 .csv 格式"],
"%s - untitled": ["%s - 无标题"],
"Edit chart properties": ["编辑图表属性"],
"Control labeled ": ["控件名称为 "],
"Open Datasource tab": ["打开数据源tab"],
"You do not have permission to edit this chart": [
"The description can be displayed as widget headers in the dashboard view. Supports markdown.": [
"Configuration": ["配置"],
"Duration (in seconds) of the caching timeout for this chart. Note this defaults to the dataset's timeout if undefined.": [
"A list of users who can alter the chart. Searchable by name or username.": [
"rows": ["行"],
"Limit reached": ["达到限制"],
"**Select** a dashboard OR **create** a new one": [
"**选择** 一个看板或者 **创建** 一个看板"
"Please enter a chart name": ["请输入图表名称"],
"Save chart": ["图表保存"],
"Save & go to dashboard": ["保存并转到看板"],
"Save as new chart": ["创建新图表"],
"Save (Overwrite)": ["保存(覆盖)"],
"Save as ...": ["另存为"],
"Chart name": ["图表名称"],
"Add to dashboard": ["添加到看板"],
"Display configuration": ["显示配置"],
"Configure your how you overlay is displayed here.": [
"Style": ["风格"],
"Opacity": ["不透明度"],
"Color": ["颜色"],
"Line width": ["线宽"],
"Layer configuration": ["配置Layer"],
"Configure the basics of your Annotation Layer.": ["注释层基本配置"],
"Mandatory": ["必填参数"],
"Hide layer": ["隐藏Layer"],
"Choose the annotation layer type": ["选择注释层类型"],
"Annotation layer type": ["注释层类型"],
"Remove": ["删除"],
"Edit annotation layer": ["添加注释层"],
"Add annotation layer": ["添加注释层"],
"`Min` value should be numeric or empty": ["最小值应该是数字或空的"],
"`Max` value should be numeric or empty": ["最大值应该是数字或空的"],
"Min": ["最小值"],
"Max": ["最大值"],
"Edit dataset": ["编辑数据集"],
"View in SQL Lab": ["在 SQL 工具箱中公开"],
"More dataset related options": ["更多数据集相关选项"],
"Superset supports smart date parsing. Strings like `3 weeks ago`, `last sunday`, or `2 weeks from now` can be used.": [
"系统支持智能的时间格式化。文本类似 `last sunday` 或者 `last october`这样的语句也可以被识别。"
"Default": ["默认"],
"(optional) default value for the filter, when using the multiple option, you can use a semicolon-delimited list of options.": [
"Sort metric": ["排序指标"],
"Metric to sort the results by": ["按照指标的结果进行排序"],
"Sort ascending": ["升序排序"],
"Check for sorting ascending": ["按照升序进行排序"],
"Multiple selections allowed, otherwise filter is limited to a single value": [
"Search all filter options": ["搜索所有过滤选项"],
"By default, each filter loads at most 1000 choices at the initial page load. Check this box if you have more than 1000 filter values and want to enable dynamically searching that loads filter values as users type (may add stress to your database).": [
"User must select a value for this filter": [
"Filter configuration": ["过滤配置"],
"Error while fetching data": ["获取数据时出错"],
"No results found": ["未找到结果"],
"%s option(s)": ["%s 个选项"],
"Invalid lat/long configuration.": ["错误的经纬度配置。"],
"Reverse lat/long ": ["经纬度互换"],
"Longitude & Latitude columns": ["经纬度字段"],
"Delimited long & lat single column": ["经度&纬度单列限定"],
"Multiple formats accepted, look the geopy.points Python library for more details": [
"Geohash": ["Geo哈希"],
"textarea": ["文本区域"],
"in modal": ["(在模型中)"],
"Time series columns": ["时间序列的列"],
"This visualization type is not supported.": ["选择可视化类型"],
"Click to change visualization type": ["选择一个可视化类型"],
"Select a visualization type": ["选择一个可视化类型"],
"Failed to verify select options: %s": ["验证选择选项失败:%s"],
"RANGE TYPE": ["范围类型"],
"Actual time range": ["实际时间范围"],
"CANCEL": ["取消"],
"APPLY": ["应用"],
"Edit time range": ["编辑时间范围"],
"Configure advanced time range": ["配置高级时间范围"],
"START": ["开始"],
"END": ["结束"],
"Configure Time Range: Previous...": ["配置时间范围:前一(Previous).."],
"Configure Time Range: Last...": ["配置时间范围:上一(Last).."],
"Configure custom time range": ["配置自定义时间范围"],
"Relative quantity": ["相对量"],
"Anchor to": ["锚定到"],
"NOW": ["现在"],
"Date/Time": ["日期/时间"],
"Simple": ["简单配置"],
"Custom SQL": ["自定义SQL"],
"No such column found. To filter on a metric, try the Custom SQL tab.": [
"%s column(s) and metric(s)": ["%s 列与计量指标"],
"%s column(s)": ["%s 列"],
"To filter on a metric, use Custom SQL tab.": [
"%s operators(s)": ["%s 运算符"],
"Type a value here": ["在这里键入一个值"],
"Filter value (case sensitive)": ["过滤值(区分大小写)"],
"choose WHERE or HAVING...": ["选择WHERE或HAVING子句..."],
"Filters by columns": ["按列过滤"],
"Filters by metrics": ["按指标过滤"],
"\n This filter was inherited from the dashboard's context.\n It won't be saved when saving the chart.\n ": [
"%s aggregates(s)": ["%s 聚合"],
"%s saved metric(s)": ["%s 列与计量指标"],
"Saved": ["保存"],
"Saved metric": ["保存的指标"],
"column": ["列"],
"aggregate": ["合计"],
"My metric": ["我的指标"],
"Add metric": ["添加指标"],
"Code": ["代码"],
"Markup type": ["Markup 格式"],
"Pick your favorite markup language": ["选择您最爱的 Markup 语言"],
"Put your code here": ["把您的代码放在这里"],
"Query": ["查询"],
"URL": ["URL 地址"],
"Templated link, it's possible to include {{ metric }} or other values coming from the controls.": [
"Time": ["时间"],
"Time related form attributes": ["时间相关的表单属性"],
"Chart type": ["图表类型"],
"Chart ID": ["图表 ID"],
"The id of the active chart": ["活动图表的ID"],
"Cache Timeout (seconds)": ["缓存超时(秒)"],
"The number of seconds before expiring the cache": [
"URL parameters": ["URL 参数"],
"Extra parameters for use in jinja templated queries": [
"Time range endpoints": ["时间范围端点"],
"Time range endpoints (SIP-15)": ["时间范围端点 (SIP-15)"],
"Annotations and layers": ["注释与注释层"],
"Sort descending": ["降序"],
"Whether to sort descending or ascending": ["是降序还是升序排序"],
"Contribution": ["贡献"],
"Compute the contribution to the total": ["计算对总数的贡献值"],
"Advanced analytics": ["高级分析"],
"This section contains options that allow for advanced analytical post processing of query results": [
"Rolling window": ["滚动窗口"],
"Rolling function": ["滚动函数"],
"Defines a rolling window function to apply, works along with the [Periods] text box": [
"定义要应用的滚动窗口函数,与 [期限] 文本框一起使用"
"Periods": ["周期"],
"Defines the size of the rolling window function, relative to the time granularity selected": [
"Min periods": ["最小周期"],
"The minimum number of rolling periods required to show a value. For instance if you do a cumulative sum on 7 days you may want your \"Min Period\" to be 7, so that all data points shown are the total of 7 periods. This will hide the \"ramp up\" taking place over the first 7 periods": [
"显示值所需的滚动周期的最小值。例如,如果您想累积 7 天的总额,您可能希望您的“最小周期”为 7,以便显示的所有数据点都是 7 个区间的总和。这将隐藏掉前 7 个阶段的“加速”效果"
"Time comparison": ["时间比较"],
"Time shift": ["时间偏移"],
"Overlay one or more timeseries from a relative time period. Expects relative time deltas in natural language (example: 24 hours, 7 days, 52 weeks, 365 days). Free text is supported.": [
"Calculation type": ["计算类型"],
"How to display time shifts: as individual lines; as the absolute difference between the main time series and each time shift; as the percentage change; or as the ratio between series and time shifts.": [
"Python functions": ["Python函数"],
"Rule": ["规则"],
"Pandas resample rule": ["Pandas 重新采样的规则"],
"Method": ["方法"],
"Pandas resample method": ["Pandas 重新采样的填充方法"],
"Favorites": ["收藏"],
"Created content": ["创建的内容"],
"Recent activity": ["近期活动"],
"Security & Access": ["安全 & 访问"],
"No charts": ["没有图表"],
"No dashboards": ["没有看板"],
"No favorite charts yet, go click on stars!": [
"No favorite dashboards yet, go click on stars!": [
"Profile picture provided by Gravatar": ["资料图片由 Gravatar 提供"],
"joined": ["已加入"],
"id:": ["id:"],
"There was an error fetching your recent activity:": [
"Deleted: %s": ["已删除:%s"],
"There was an issue deleting: %s": ["删除时出现问题:%s"],
"There was an issue deleting %s: %s": ["删除 %s 时出现问题:%s"],
"report": ["报告"],
"alert": ["警报"],
"reports": ["报告"],
"alerts": ["警报"],
"There was an issue deleting the selected %s: %s": [
"删除所选 %s 时出现问题: %s"
"Last run": ["上次执行"],
"Notification method": ["通知方式"],
"Execution log": ["操作日志"],
"Actions": ["操作"],
"Bulk select": ["批量选择"],
"No %s yet": ["还没有相关的%s数据"],
"Created by": ["创建人"],
"An error occurred while fetching created by values: %s": [
"Status": ["状态"],
"Working": ["正在执行"],
"Error": ["错误"],
"Not triggered": ["没有触发"],
"On Grace": ["在宽限期内"],
"Alerts & reports": ["警报和报告"],
"Reports": ["报告"],
"This action will permanently delete %s.": ["此操作将永久删除 %s 。"],
"Delete %s?": ["需要删除 %s 吗?"],
"Please confirm": ["请确认"],
"Are you sure you want to delete the selected %s?": [
"确实要删除选定的 %s 吗?"
"< (Smaller than)": ["< (小于)"],
"> (Larger than)": ["> (大于)"],
"<= (Smaller or equal)": ["<= (小于等于)"],
">= (Larger or equal)": [">= (大于等于)"],
"== (Is equal)": ["== (等于)"],
"!= (Is not equal)": ["!= (不等于)"],
"Not null": ["非空"],
"30 days": ["30天"],
"60 days": ["60天"],
"90 days": ["90天"],
"Add notification method": ["添加注释层"],
"Add delivery method": ["添加通知方法"],
"Recipients are separated by \",\" or \";\"": [
"收件人之间用 \",\" 或者 \";\" 隔开"
"Add": ["新增"],
"Edit ${isReport ? 'Report' : 'Alert'}": [
"编辑 ${isReport ? '报告' : '警报'}"
"Add ${isReport ? 'Report' : 'Alert'}": [
"新增 ${isReport ? '报告' : '警报'}"
"Report name": ["报告名称"],
"Alert name": ["警报名称"],
"Alert condition": ["警报状态"],
"Trigger Alert If...": ["如果 ... 则触发警报"],
"Value": ["值"],
"Report schedule": ["报告时间表"],
"Alert condition schedule": ["警报条件计划"],
"Schedule settings": ["计划设置"],
"Log retention": ["日志保留"],
"Working timeout": ["执行超时"],
"Time in seconds": ["时间(秒)"],
"Grace period": ["宽限期"],
"Message content": ["消息内容"],
"log": ["日志"],
"State": ["状态"],
"Scheduled at": ["计划时间"],
"Start at": ["开始/从"],
"Duration": ["持续时间"],
"Error message": ["错误信息"],
"${alertResource?.type}": [""],
"CRON expression": ["CRON表达式"],
"Report sent": ["已发送报告"],
"Alert triggered, notification sent": ["警报已触发,通知已发送"],
"Report sending": ["报告发送"],
"Alert running": ["警报运行"],
"Report failed": ["报告失败"],
"Alert failed": ["警报失败"],
"Nothing triggered": ["无触发"],
"Alert Triggered, In Grace Period": ["警报已触发,在宽限期内"],
"Email": [""],
"Slack": [""],
"annotation": ["注释"],
"There was an issue deleting the selected annotations: %s": [
"Edit annotation": ["编辑注释"],
"Delete annotation": ["删除注释"],
"Annotation": ["注释"],
"No annotation yet": ["没有注释"],
"Annotation Layer ${annotationLayerName}": [
"注释层 ${annotationLayerName}"
"Are you sure you want to delete ${annotationCurrentlyDeleting?.short_descr}?": [
"请确认您想删除 ${annotationCurrentlyDeleting?.short_descr}?"
"Delete Annotation?": ["删除注释?"],
"Are you sure you want to delete the selected annotations?": [
"Add annotation": ["添加注释"],
"Annotation name": ["注释名称"],
"date": ["日期"],
"Additional information": ["附加信息"],
"Description (this can be seen in the list)": ["说明(见列表)"],
"annotation_layer": ["注释层"],
"Edit annotation layer properties": ["编辑注释图层属性"],
"Annotation layer name": ["注释层名称"],
"Annotation layers": ["注解层"],
"There was an issue deleting the selected layers: %s": [
"Last modified": ["最后修改"],
"Created on": ["创建日期"],
"Edit template": ["编辑模板"],
"Delete template": ["删除模板"],
"Annotation layer": ["注释层"],
"An error occurred while fetching dataset datasource values: %s": [
"获取数据集数据源信息时出错: %s"
"No annotation layers yet": ["没有注释层"],
"This action will permanently delete the layer.": [
"Delete Layer?": ["确定删除图层?"],
"Are you sure you want to delete the selected layers?": [
"Are you sure you want to delete": ["确定要删除吗"],
"Last modified %s": ["最后修改 %s"],
"The passwords for the databases below are needed in order to import them together with the charts. Please note that the \"Secure Extra\" and \"Certificate\" sections of the database configuration are not present in export files, and should be added manually after the import if they are needed.": [
"需要以下数据库的密码才能将其与图表一起导入。请注意,数据库配置的 \"Secure Extra\" 和 \"Certificate\" 部分不在导出文件中,如果需要,应在导入后手动添加。"
"You are importing one or more charts that already exist. Overwriting might cause you to lose some of your work. Are you sure you want to overwrite?": [
"There was an issue deleting the selected charts: %s": [
"Modified by": ["修改人"],
"Owner": ["所有者"],
"An error occurred while fetching chart owners values: %s": [
"获取图表所有者时出错 %s"
"An error occurred while fetching chart created by values: %s": [
"Viz type": ["可视化类型"],
"An error occurred while fetching chart dataset values: %s": [
"Favorite": ["收藏"],
"Yes": ["是"],
"No": ["否"],
"Are you sure you want to delete the selected charts?": [
"css_template": ["css模板"],
"Edit CSS template properties": ["编辑CSS属性属性"],
"Add CSS template": ["新增CSS模板"],
"CSS template name": ["CSS模板名称"],
"css": [""],
"CSS templates": ["CSS 模板"],
"There was an issue deleting the selected templates: %s": [
"Last modified by %s": ["上次修改人 %s"],
"CSS template": ["CSS 模板"],
"This action will permanently delete the template.": [
"Delete Template?": ["删除模板?"],
"Are you sure you want to delete the selected templates?": [
"The passwords for the databases below are needed in order to import them together with the dashboards. Please note that the \"Secure Extra\" and \"Certificate\" sections of the database configuration are not present in export files, and should be added manually after the import if they are needed.": [
"需要以下数据库的密码才能将它们与仪表板一起导入。请注意,数据库配置的 \"Secure Extra\" 和 \"Certificate\" 部分不在导出文件中,如果需要,应在导入后手动添加。"
"You are importing one or more dashboards that already exist. Overwriting might cause you to lose some of your work. Are you sure you want to overwrite?": [
"An error occurred while fetching dashboards: %s": [
"There was an issue deleting the selected dashboards: ": [
"An error occurred while fetching dashboard owner values: %s": [
"An error occurred while fetching dashboard created by values: %s": [
"Unpublished": ["未发布"],
"Are you sure you want to delete the selected dashboards?": [
"Sorry, your browser does not support copying.": [
"抱歉,您的浏览器不支持复制操作。使用 Ctrl / Cmd + C!"
"SQL Copied!": ["SQL复制成功!"],
"The passwords for the databases below are needed in order to import them. Please note that the \"Secure Extra\" and \"Certificate\" sections of the database configuration are not present in export files, and should be added manually after the import if they are needed.": [
"需要以下数据库的密码才能导入它们。请注意,数据库配置的 \"Secure Extra\" 和 \"Certificate\" 部分不在导出文件中。如果需要,应在导入后手动添加。"
"You are importing one or more databases that already exist. Overwriting might cause you to lose some of your work. Are you sure you want to overwrite?": [
"database": ["数据库"],
"An error occurred while fetching database related data: %s": [
"Asynchronous query execution": ["异步执行查询"],
"AQE": ["AQE(异步执行查询)"],
"Allow data manipulation language": ["允许数据操作语言"],
"DML": ["DML(数据操作语言)"],
"CSV upload": ["CSV上传"],
"Delete database": ["删除数据库"],
"The database %s is linked to %s charts that appear on %s dashboards. Are you sure you want to continue? Deleting the database will break those objects.": [
"数据库 %s 已经关联了 %s 图表和 %s 看板。确定要继续吗?删除数据库将破坏这些对象。"
"Delete Database?": ["确定删除数据库?"],
"Please enter a SQLAlchemy URI to test": ["请输入要测试的SQLAlchemy URI"],
"Connection looks good!": ["连接测试成功!"],
"ERROR: Connection failed. ": ["错误:连接失败。"],
"Sorry there was an error fetching database information: %s": [
"Edit database": ["编辑数据库"],
"Add database": ["添加数据库"],
"Connection": ["测试连接"],
"Database name": ["数据库名称"],
"Name your dataset": ["命名数据集"],
"dialect+driver://username:password@host:port/database": [""],
"Test connection": ["测试连接"],
"Refer to the ": ["参考 "],
"SQLAlchemy docs": ["SQLAlchemy 文档"],
" for more information on how to structure your URI.": [
" 来查询有关如何构造URI的更多信息。"
"Performance": ["性能"],
"Chart cache timeout": ["图表缓存超时"],
"Operate the database in asynchronous mode, meaning that the queries are executed on remote workers as opposed to on the web server itself. This assumes that you have a Celery worker setup as well as a results backend. Refer to the installation docs for more information.": [
"以异步模式操作数据库,这意味着查询是在远程worker上执行的,而不是在web服务器本身上执行的, 这假设您有一个Celery worker setup以及一个执行后端。有关更多信息,请参考安装文档。"
"SQL Lab settings": ["SQL Lab 设置"],
"Allow users to run non-SELECT statements (UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, ...)": [
"允许用户在 SQL 编辑器中运行非 SELECT 语句(UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE,...)"
"Allow multi schema metadata fetch": ["允许多Schema元数据获取"],
"CTAS schema": ["CTAS 模式"],
"When allowing CREATE TABLE AS option in SQL Lab, this option forces the table to be created in this schema.": [
"当在 SQL 编辑器中允许 CREATE TABLE AS 选项时,此选项可以此模式中强制创建表"
"Secure extra": ["安全"],
"JSON string containing additional connection configuration.": [
"This is used to provide connection information for systems like Hive, Presto, and BigQuery, which do not conform to the username:password syntax normally used by SQLAlchemy.": [
"这用于为SQLAlchemy提供Hive、Presto和BigQuery等不符合 用户名:密码 的语法规范。"
"Optional CA_BUNDLE contents to validate HTTPS requests. Only available on certain database engines.": [
"用于验证HTTPS请求的可选 CA_BUNDLE 内容。仅在某些数据库引擎上可用。"
"Impersonate Logged In User (Presto & Hive)": [
"模拟登录用户 (Presto & Hive)"
"If Presto, all the queries in SQL Lab are going to be executed as the currently logged on user who must have permission to run them. If Hive and hive.server2.enable.doAs is enabled, will run the queries as service account, but impersonate the currently logged on user via hive.server2.proxy.user property.": [
"如果使用Presto,SQL 工具箱中的所有查询都将被当前登录的用户执行,并且这些用户必须拥有运行它们的权限。如果启用 Hive 和 hive.server2.enable.doAs,将作为服务帐户运行查询,但会根据 hive.server2.proxy.user 的属性伪装当前登录用户。"
"Allow data upload": ["允许数据上传"],
"If selected, please set the schemas allowed for data upload in Extra.": [
"JSON string containing extra configuration elements.": [
"1. The engine_params object gets unpacked into the sqlalchemy.create_engine call, while the metadata_params gets unpacked into the sqlalchemy.MetaData call.": [
"1. engine_params 对象在调用 sqlalchemy.create_engine 时被引用, metadata_params 在调用 sqlalchemy.MetaData 时被引用。"
"2. The metadata_cache_timeout is a cache timeout setting in seconds for metadata fetch of this database. Specify it as \"metadata_cache_timeout\": {\"schema_cache_timeout\": 600, \"table_cache_timeout\": 600}. If unset, cache will not be enabled for the functionality. A timeout of 0 indicates that the cache never expires.": [
"2. metadata_cache_timeout 是获取该数据库元数据的缓存超时设置(秒)。可以这样进行设置:\"metadata_cache_timeout\": {\"schema_cache_timeout\": 600, \"table_cache_timeout\": 600}。如果未设置,则不会为该功能启用缓存。如果超时时间设置为0,则表示缓存永不过期。"
"3. The schemas_allowed_for_csv_upload is a comma separated list of schemas that CSVs are allowed to upload to. Specify it as \"schemas_allowed_for_csv_upload\": [\"public\", \"csv_upload\"]. If database flavor does not support schema or any schema is allowed to be accessed, just leave the list empty.": [
"3. schemas_allowed_for_csv_upload 是CSV文件允许上传的schema,该结构以逗号进行分割。 可以这样进行设置:\"schemas_allowed_for_csv_upload\": [\"public\", \"csv_upload\"]。如果数据库风格不支持schema或任何schema都被允许,请将列表留空。"
"4. The version field is a string specifying this db's version. This should be used with Presto DBs so that the syntax is correct.": [
"4. version 字段是指定此数据库版本的字符串。这应该与Presto DBs一起使用,以便语法正确。"
"5. The allows_virtual_table_explore field is a boolean specifying whether or not the Explore button in SQL Lab results is shown.": [
"5. allows_virtual_table_explore 字段是一个布尔值,它指定是否显示 SQL Lab 结果中的explore按钮。"
"Error while saving dataset: %s": ["保存数据集时出错:%s"],
"Add dataset": ["添加数据集"],
"The passwords for the databases below are needed in order to import them together with the datasets. Please note that the \"Secure Extra\" and \"Certificate\" sections of the database configuration are not present in export files, and should be added manually after the import if they are needed.": [
"需要以下数据库的密码才能将其与数据集一起导入。请注意,数据库配置的 \"Secure Extra\" 和 \"Certificate\" 部分不在导出文件中,如果需要,应在导入后手动添加。"
"You are importing one or more datasets that already exist. Overwriting might cause you to lose some of your work. Are you sure you want to overwrite?": [
"An error occurred while fetching dataset related data": [
"An error occurred while fetching dataset related data: %s": [
"Physical dataset": ["物化数据集"],
"Virtual dataset": ["虚拟数据集"],
"An error occurred while fetching dataset owner values: %s": [
"An error occurred while fetching datasets: %s": ["获取数据集时出错:%s"],
"An error occurred while fetching schema values: %s": [
"There was an issue deleting the selected datasets: %s": [
"The dataset %s is linked to %s charts that appear on %s dashboards. Are you sure you want to continue? Deleting the dataset will break those objects.": [
"数据集 %s 已经链接到 %s 图表和 %s 看板内。确定要继续吗?删除数据集将破坏这些对象。"
"Delete Dataset?": ["确定删除数据集?"],
"Are you sure you want to delete the selected datasets?": [
"0 Selected": ["0个被选中"],
"%s Selected (Virtual)": ["%s 个被选中(虚拟)"],
"%s Selected (Physical)": ["%s 个被选中(物理)"],
"%s Selected (%s Physical, %s Virtual)": [
"%s 个被选中 (%s 个物理, %s 个虚拟)"
"There was an issue previewing the selected query. %s": [
"Success": ["成功"],
"Failed": ["失败"],
"Running": ["正在执行"],
"Offline": ["离线"],
"Scheduled": ["被调度"],
"Duration: %s": ["持续时间:%s"],
"Tab name": ["tab名"],
"TABLES": ["表"],
"Rows": ["行"],
"Open query in SQL Lab": ["在 SQL 工具箱中打开查询"],
"An error occurred while fetching database values: %s": [
"Search by query text": ["按查询文本搜索"],
"Query preview": ["查询预览"],
"Previous": ["之前"],
"Next": ["之后"],
"Open in SQL Lab": ["在 SQL 工具箱中打开"],
"User query": ["用户查询"],
"Executed query": ["已执行查询"],
"Saved queries": ["已保存查询"],
"There was an issue previewing the selected query %s": [
"预览所选查询时出现问题 %s"
"Link Copied!": ["链接成功!"],
"There was an issue deleting the selected queries: %s": [
"Edit query": ["编辑查询"],
"Copy query URL": ["复制查询URL"],
"Delete query": ["删除查询"],
"This action will permanently delete the saved query.": [
"Delete Query?": ["确定删除查询?"],
"Are you sure you want to delete the selected queries?": [
"Query name": ["查询名称"],
"Edited": ["已编辑"],
"Created": ["已创建"],
"Viewed": ["已查看"],
"Examples": ["示例"],
"Mine": ["我的编辑"],
"Recently viewed charts, dashboards, and saved queries will appear here": [
"Recently created charts, dashboards, and saved queries will appear here": [
"Recent example charts, dashboards, and saved queries will appear here": [
"Recently edited charts, dashboards, and saved queries will appear here": [
"DASHBOARD": ["看板"],
"CHART": ["图表"],
"You don't have any favorites yet!": ["您还没有任何的收藏!"],
"SQL Lab queries": ["SQL工具箱查询"],
"See all": ["查看所有"],
"saved queries": ["已保存查询"],
"dashboards": ["看板"],
"charts": ["图表"],
"query": ["查询"],
"Share": ["分享"],
"Last run %s": ["上次执行 %s"],
"Recents": ["最近"],
"Select start and end date": ["选择开始和结束时间"],
"Type or Select [%s]": ["键入或选择 [%s]"],
"Filter box": ["过滤器"],
"Filters configuration": ["过滤配置"],
"Filter configuration for the filter box": ["过滤条件的过滤配置"],
"Date filter": ["日期过滤器"],
"Whether to include a time filter": ["是否包含时间过滤器"],
"Instant filtering": ["即时过滤"],
"Check to apply filters instantly as they change instead of displaying [Apply] button": [
"选中可在过滤条件更改时立即应用过滤,而不是使用 [应用] 按钮"
"Show SQL granularity dropdown": ["显示SQL时间粒度下拉列表"],
"Check to include SQL granularity dropdown": [
"Show SQL time column": ["显示SQL时间列"],
"Check to include time column dropdown": ["检查包含时间列下拉列表"],
"Show Druid granularity dropdown": ["显示Druid时间粒度下拉列表"],
"Check to include Druid granularity dropdown": [
"Show Druid time origin": ["显示Druid原始时间"],
"Check to include time origin dropdown": ["检查包含时间原点的下拉列表"],
"Limit selector values": ["限制选择器值"],
"These filters apply to the values available in the dropdowns": [
"Time-series Table": ["时间序列-表格"],
"All": ["所有"],
"Any": ["所有"],
"Line Chart": ["多线图"],
"Bar Chart": ["条形图"],
"Area Chart": ["面积图"],
" Polygon": [" 多边形图层"],
" Scatterplot": [" 散点图"],
" 3D Hexagon": [" 3D 六角图层"],
"Time-series Period Pivot": ["时间序列-周期轴"],
" Arc": [" 弧形图层"],
" Grid": [" 网格图层"],
" Screen Grid": [" 筛网图层"],
"Dual Line Chart": ["双线图"],
"Multiple Line Charts": ["复合折线图"],
"Sunburst Chart": ["旭日/太阳图"],
"Sankey Diagram": ["桑基图"],
"MapBox": ["MapBox地图"],
"Nightingale Rose Chart": ["南丁格尔玫瑰图"],
" Geojson": [" Geojson"],
"Horizon Chart": ["地平线图"],
" Multiple Layers": [" 复合图层"],
"Time-series Percent Change": ["时间序列-百分比变化"],
"Partition Chart": ["分区图"],
"Event Flow": ["事件流"],
" Path": [" 路线图层"],
"Force-directed Graph": ["力导向图"],
"Paired t-test Table": ["配对T检测表"],
"Time-series Chart": ["时间序列图"],
"Time-series Bar Chart": ["时间序列-条形图"],
"Word Cloud": ["词汇云"],
"Chord Diagram": ["弦图"],
"Pie Chart": ["饼图"],
"Range filter plugin": ["范围过滤器"],
"Select filter plugin": ["选择过滤器"],
"Anhui": ["安徽"],
"Beijing": ["北京"],
"Chongqing": ["重庆"],
"Fujian": ["福建"],
"Gansu": ["甘肃"],
"Guangdong": ["广东"],
"Guangxi": ["广西"],
"Guizhou": ["贵州"],
"Hainan": ["海南"],
"Hebei": ["河北"],
"Heilongjiang": ["黑龙江"],
"Henan": ["河南"],
"Hubei": ["湖北"],
"Hunan": ["湖南"],
"Jiangsu": ["江苏"],
"Jiangxi": ["江西"],
"Jilin": ["吉林"],
"Liaoning": ["辽宁"],
"Nei Mongol": ["内蒙古"],
"Ningxia Hui": ["宁夏"],
"Qinghai": ["青海"],
"Shaanxi": ["陕西"],
"Shandong": ["山东"],
"Shanghai": ["上海"],
"Shanxi": ["山西"],
"Sichuan": ["四川"],
"Tianjin": ["天津"],
"Xinjiang Uygur": ["新疆"],
"Xizang": ["西藏"],
"Yunnan": ["云南"],
"Zhejiang": ["浙江"],
"Taiwan": ["台湾"],
"Hong Kong": ["香港"],
"Macao": ["澳门"],
"Sort:": ["排序:"],
"Alphabetical": ["按字母顺序排列"],
"Recently modified": ["最近修改"],
"Least recently modified": ["最远修改"],
"[ untitled dashboard ]": ["[ 未命名看板 ]"],
"published": ["已发布"],
"draft": ["草稿"],
"Recent": ["最近"],
"Sort by %s": ["排序 %s"],
"Missing dataset": ["丢失数据集"],
"The dataset linked to this chart may have been deleted.": [
"Autocomplete": ["自动补全"],
"Failed at stopping query. ": ["停止查询时候出错。 "],
"-- Note: Unless you save your query, these tabs will NOT persist if you clear your cookies or change browsers.": [
"-- 注意:除非您保存查询,否则如果清除cookie或更改浏览器时,这些选项卡将不会保留。"
"New tab (Ctrl + t)": ["新建Tab页 (Ctrl + t)"],
"Last Edited: %s": ["最后编辑时间:%s"],
"View All »": ["查看所有 »"],
"Add an item": ["新增一行"],
"remove item": ["删除该行"],
"last day": ["上一(昨)天"],
"last week": ["上一周"],
"last month": ["上一月"],
"last quarter": ["上一季度"],
"last year": ["上一年"],
"previous calendar week": ["前一周"],
"previous calendar month": ["前一月"],
"previous calendar year": ["前一年"],
"Configure Advanced Time Range ": ["配置进阶时间范围"],
"Specific Date/Time": ["具体日期/时间"],
"Relative Date/Time": ["相对日期/时间"],
"Now": ["现在"],
"Midnight": ["凌晨(当天)"],
"Seconds": ["秒"],
"Minutes": ["分钟"],
"Hours": ["小时"],
"Days": ["天"],
"Weeks": ["周"],
"Months": ["月"],
"Quarters": ["季度"],
"Years": ["年"],
"Before": ["之前"],
"Unexpected time range: %(error)s": ["时间范围异常: %(error)s"],
"Return to specific datetime.": ["返回指定的日期时间。"],
"Syntax": ["语法"],
"Example": ["例子"],
"Moves the given set of dates by a specified interval.": [
"Truncates the specified date to the accuracy specified by the date unit.": [
"Get the last date by the date unit.": ["按日期单位获取最后的日期。"],
"Get the specify date for the holiday": ["获取指定节假日的日期"],
"Loading...": ["加载中..."],
"Transparent": ["透明"],
"White": ["白色"],
"background": ["背景"],
"New header": ["新标题"],
"Fixed": ["固定值"],
"Based on a metric": ["基于指标"],
"week_start_sunday": ["周日为一周结束"],
"week_start_monday": ["周一为一周开始"],
"duration": ["执行时间"],
"state": ["状态"],
"started": ["开始时间"],
"progress": ["进度"],
"output": ["输出"],
"actions": ["操作"],
"success": ["成功"],
"failed": ["失败"],
"cannot be empty": ["不能为空"],
"Options": ["设置"],
"Time Column": ["时间列"],
"Time Range": ["时间范围"],
"Color Scheme": ["配色方案"],
"Datasource & Chart Type": ["数据源 & 图表类型"],
"URL Parameters": ["URL参数"],
"Annotations and Layers": ["注释与注释层"],
"Time Grain": ["时间粒度(Grain)"],
"Time Granularity": ["时间粒度(Granularity)"],
"Minimum Font Size": ["最小字体大小"],
"Maximum Font Size": ["最大字体大小"],
"Word Rotation": ["单词旋转"],
"Rotation to apply to words in the cloud": [
"Font size for the smallest value in the list": [
"Font size for the biggest value in the list": ["列表中最大值的字体大小"],
"D3 time format syntax:": [
"D3 format syntax:": [
"Whether to apply filter to dashboards when table cells are clicked": [
"Adaptative formating": ["自动匹配格式化"],
"Aggregate": ["聚合"],
"Raw Records": ["原始记录"],
"Query Mode": ["查询模式"],
"Columns to display": ["要显示的字段"],
"Percentage Metrics": ["百分比度量"],
"Metrics for which percentage of total are to be displayed": [
"Ordering": ["排序"],
"Include Time": ["包含时间"],
"Sort Descending": ["降序"],
"Table Timestamp Format": ["表时间戳格式"],
"Timestamp Format": ["时间戳格式"],
"Page Length": ["页面长度"],
"Rows per page, 0 means no pagination": ["每页行数,0 表示没有分页"],
"Search Box": ["搜索框"],
"Whether to include a client-side search box": ["是否包含客户端搜索框"],
"Emit Filter Events": ["触发筛选器事件"],
"Align +/-": ["对齐 +/-"],
"Whether to align the background chart for +/- values": [
"是否 +/- 对齐背景图数值"
"Color +/-": ["色彩 +/-"],
"Whether to color +/- values": ["是否 +/- 颜色数值"],
"Show Cell Bars": ["显示单元格的栏"],
"Enable to display bar chart background elements in table columns": [
"X Tick Layout": ["X轴记号图层"],
"The way the ticks are laid out on the X-axis": ["X轴记号的排列显示方式"],
"Number format": ["数字格式化"],
"Distribute across": ["基于某列进行分布"],
"Categories to group by on the x-axis.": ["要在x轴上分组的类别。"],
"Columns to calculate distribution across. Defaults to temporal column if left empty.": [
"Determines how whiskers and outliers are calculated.": [
"Whisker/outlier options": ["箱须/离群值选项"],
"Chart Options": ["图表选项"],
"Sort By": ["排序"],
"Whether to include the time granularity as defined in the time section": [
"No filter": ["无筛选"],
"Last": ["上一"],
"Custom": ["自定义"],
"custom_start_end": ["自定义起始时间"],
"custom_range": ["自定义区间"],
"Legend": ["图示"],
"Whether to display the legend (toggles)": ["是否显示图示(切换)"],
"Show Metric Names": ["显示指标名"],
"Whether to display the metric name as a title": [
"Number Format": ["数字格式"],
"Pivot Options": ["透视表选项"],
"Domain": ["主域"],
"The time unit used for the grouping of blocks": ["用于块分组的时间单位"],
"Subdomain": ["子域"],
"The time unit for each block. Should be a smaller unit than domain_granularity. Should be larger or equal to Time Grain": [
"Cell Size": ["单元尺寸"],
"The size of the square cell, in pixels": [
"Cell Padding": ["单元填充"],
"The distance between cells, in pixels": [
"Cell Radius": ["单元格半径"],
"The pixel radius": ["像素半径"],
"Color Steps": ["色彩 Steps"],
"The number color \"steps\"": ["色彩 \"Steps\" 数字"],
"Time Format": ["时间格式"],
"Show Values": ["显示值"],
"Whether to display the numerical values within the cells": [
"Aggregate function to apply when pivoting and computing the total rows and columns": [
"Show totals": ["显示总计"],
"Display total row/column": ["显示总行 / 列"],
"Combine Metrics": ["整合指标"],
"Display metrics side by side within each column, as opposed to each column being displayed side by side for each metric.": [
"Transpose Pivot": ["转置透视图"],
"Swap Groups and Columns": ["交换组和列"],
"Date format": ["日期格式化"],
"Labels": ["标签"],
"Label Type": ["标签类型"],
"Whether to display a legend for the chart": [
"What should be shown on the label?": ["标签上需要显示的内容"],
"Only applies when \"Label Type\" is set to show values.": [
"Show Labels": ["显示标签"],
"Whether to display the labels.": ["是否显示标签。"],
"Put labels outside": ["外侧显示标签"],
"Put the labels outside of the pie?": ["是否将标签显示在饼图外侧?"],
"Label Line": ["标签线"],
"Draw line from Pie to label when labels outside?": [
"Pie shape": ["饼图形状"],
"Outer Radius": ["外缘"],
"Outer edge of Pie chart": ["饼图外缘"],
"Donut": ["圆环圈"],
"Do you want a donut or a pie?": ["是否用圆环圈替代饼图?"],
"Inner Radius": ["内半径"],
"Inner radius of donut hole": ["圆环圈内部空洞的内径"],
"Show percentage": ["显示百分比"],
"Whether to include the percentage in the tooltip": [
"Normalized": ["标准化"],
"Whether to normalize the histogram": ["是否规范化直方图"],
"Sort X Axis": ["排序X轴"],
"Sort Y Axis": ["排序Y轴"],
"Value Format": ["数值格式"],
"Value bounds": ["值边界"],
"Hard value bounds applied for color coding. Is only relevant and applied when the normalization is applied against the whole heatmap.": [
"Bottom Margin": ["底部边距"],
"Bottom margin, in pixels, allowing for more room for axis labels": [
"Left Margin": ["左边距"],
"Left margin, in pixels, allowing for more room for axis labels": [
"Normalize Across": ["标准化通过"],
"Color will be rendered based on a ratio of the cell against the sum of across this criteria": [
"Rendering": ["渲染"],
"image-rendering CSS attribute of the canvas object that defines how the browser scales up the image": [
"图像渲染画布对象的 CSS 属性,它定义了浏览器如何放大图像"
"YScale Interval": ["Y轴比例尺间隔"],
"Number of steps to take between ticks when displaying the Y scale": [
"显示 Y 刻度时,在刻度之间表示的步骤数"
"XScale Interval": ["X轴比例尺间隔"],
"Number of steps to take between ticks when displaying the X scale": [
"显示 X 刻度时,在刻度之间表示的步骤数"
"Margin": ["边距(margin)"],
"Additional padding for legend.": ["图示附加的padding值。"],
"Legend type": ["图示类型"],
"Orientation": ["方向"],
"Axis ascending": ["轴线升序"],
"Axis descending": ["轴线降序"],
"Metric ascending": ["指标升序"],
"Metric descending": ["指标降序"],
"Series Height": ["序列高度"],
"Pixel height of each series": ["每个序列的像素高度"],
"Value Domain": ["值域"],
"series: Treat each series independently; overall: All series use the same scale; change: Show changes compared to the first data point in each series": [
"Ratio": ["比率"],
"Target aspect ratio for treemap tiles.": ["树形图中图块的目标高宽比。"],
"Country Field Type": ["国家字段的类型"],
"The country code standard that Superset should expect to find in the [country] column": [
"Superset 希望能够在 [国家] 栏中找到的 国家 / 地区 的标准代码"
"Show Bubbles": ["显示气泡"],
"Whether to display bubbles on top of countries": [
"Max Bubble Size": ["最大气泡的尺寸"],
"Country Column": ["国家字段"],
"3 letter code of the country": ["国家3字母代码"],
"Metric for Color": ["颜色指标"],
"Metric that defines the color of the country": ["定义国家度量的颜色"],
"Bubble Size": ["气泡大小"],
"Metric that defines the size of the bubble": ["定义指标的气泡大小"],
"Bubble Color": ["气泡颜色"],
"Country Color Scheme": ["国家颜色方案"],
"Linear Color Scheme": ["线性颜色方案"],
"Heatmap Options": ["热图选项"],
"Advanced Analytics": ["高级分析"],
"Rolling Window": ["滚动窗口"],
"Rolling Function": ["滚动函数"],
"Min Periods": ["最小周期"],
"Time Comparison": ["时间比对"],
"Time Shift": ["时间偏移"],
"Python Functions": ["Python函数"],
"Bad formula.": ["错误公式。"],
"Select the Annotation Layer you would like to use.": [
"Formula": ["公式"],
"Automatic Color": ["自动上色"],
"Choose the source of your annotations": ["选择您的注释来源"],
"Annotation Source": ["注释来源"],
"No options": ["没有选项"],
"Superset annotation": ["Superset注释"],
"Use a pre defined Superset Chart as a source for annotations and overlays. your chart must be one of these visualization types:": [
"Expects a formula with depending time parameter 'x'\n in milliseconds since epoch. mathjs is used to evaluate the formulas.\n Example: '2x+5'": [
"需要一个从Epoch(1970年1月1日00:00:00 UTC)时间点开始的时间参数“x”,并以此来计算的公式(以毫秒为单位)。我们使用“mathjs”来进行公式的计算。例如:'2x+5'"
"No of Bins": ["直方图容器数"],
"Select number of bins for the histogram": ["选择直方图的容器数"],
"X Axis Label": ["X 轴标签"],
"Y Axis Label": ["Y 轴标签"],
"Right Axis Format": ["右轴格式化"],
"Show Markers": ["显示标记"],
"Show data points as circle markers on the lines": [
"Y bounds": ["Y界限"],
"Whether to display the min and max values of the Y-axis": [
"Line Style": ["线条样式"],
"Line interpolation as defined by d3.js": ["由 d3.js 定义的线插值"],
"Show Range Filter": ["显示范围过滤器"],
"Whether to display the time range interactiWhether to display the legend (toggles)ve selector": [
"Extra Controls": ["额外控件"],
"Whether to show extra controls or not. Extra controls include things like making mulitBar charts stacked or side by side.": [
"X Axis Format": ["X 轴格式化"],
"Y Log Scale": ["Y经度标度"],
"Use a log scale for the Y-axis": ["使用Y轴的对数刻度"],
"Y Axis Bounds": ["Y 轴界限"],
"Bounds for the Y axis. When left empty, the bounds are dynamically defined based on the min/max of the data. Note that this feature will only expand the axis range. It won't narrow the data's extent.": [
"X bounds": ["X界限"],
"Whether to display the min and max values of the X-axis": [
"Rich Tooltip": ["详细提示"],
"The rich tooltip shows a list of all series for that point in time": [
"Bar Values": ["条形栏的值"],
"Show the value on top of the bar": ["显示栏上的值"],
"Stacked Bars": ["堆叠条形图"],
"Reduce X ticks": ["减少 X 轴的刻度"],
"Reduces the number of X-axis ticks to be rendered. If true, the x-axis will not overflow and labels may be missing. If false, a minimum width will be applied to columns and the width may overflow into an horizontal scroll.": [
"Time series": ["时间序列"],
"Interval": ["间隔"],
"Event": ["事件"],
"Hierarchy": ["层次"],
"This defines the level of the hierarchy": ["该选项定义了层次级别"],
"Primary Metric": ["主计量指标"],
"The primary metric is used to define the arc segment sizes": [
"Secondary Metric": ["次计量指标"],
"When only a primary metric is provided, a categorical color scale is used.": [
"When a secondary metric is provided, a linear color scale is used.": [
"[optional] this secondary metric is used to define the color as a ratio against the primary metric. When omitted, the color is categorical and based on labels": [
"Stacked Style": ["堆积样式"],
"Subheader": ["子标题"],
"Description text that shows up below your Big Number": [
"Big Number Font Size": ["数字的字体大小"],
"Subheader Font Size": ["子标题的字体大小"],
"Tiny": ["微小"],
"Small": ["小"],
"Normal": ["正常"],
"Large": ["大"],
"Medium": ["中"],
"Huge": ["巨大"],
"Breakdowns": ["分解"],
"Defines how each series is broken down": ["定义每个序列是如何被分解的"],
"Sort Bars": ["排序条形栏"],
"Sort bars by x labels.": ["按 x 标签排序。"],
"Source / Target": ["源/目标"],
"Choose a source and a target": ["选择一个源和一个目标"],
"Sort by metric": ["排序指标"],
"Whether to sort results by the selected metric in descending order.": [
"Left Axis Metric": ["左轴指标"],
"Choose a metric for left axis": ["选择左轴的计量指标"],
"Left Axis Format": ["左轴格式化"],
"Right Axis Metric": ["右轴指标"],
"Propagate": ["传播"],
"Send range filter events to other charts": [
"Aggregation function": ["聚合功能"],
"Y Axis Left": ["Y轴左侧"],
"Left Axis chart(s)": ["左轴图表"],
"Choose one or more charts for left axis": ["为左轴选择一个或多个图表"],
"Prefix metric name with slice name": ["用图表名称作为指标名称的前缀"],
"Y Axis Right": ["Y轴右侧"],
"Right Axis chart(s)": ["右轴图表"],
"Choose one or more charts for right axis": ["为右轴选择一个或多个图表"],
"X Log Scale": ["X经度标度"],
"Use a log scale for the X axis": ["X轴使用经度刻度"],
"Longitude": ["经度"],
"Column containing longitude data": ["包含经度数据的列"],
"Latitude": ["纬度"],
"Column containing latitude data": ["包含纬度数据的列"],
"Clustering Radius": ["簇半径"],
"The radius (in pixels) the algorithm uses to define a cluster. Choose 0 to turn off clustering, but beware that a large number of points (>1000) will cause lag.": [
"Point Radius Scale": ["点半径比例尺"],
"The radius of individual points (ones that are not in a cluster). Either a numerical column or `Auto`, which scales the point based on the largest cluster": [
"Point Radius Unit": ["点半径单位"],
"The unit of measure for the specified point radius": [
"label": ["标签"],
"`count` is COUNT(*) if a group by is used. Numerical columns will be aggregated with the aggregator. Non-numerical columns will be used to label points. Leave empty to get a count of points in each cluster.": [
"如果分组被使用 `count` 表示 COUNT(*)。数值列将与聚合器聚合。非数值列将用于维度列。留空以获得每个簇中的点计数。"
"Cluster label aggregator": ["集群标签聚合器"],
"Aggregate function applied to the list of points in each cluster to produce the cluster label.": [
"Live render": ["实时渲染"],
"Points and clusters will update as viewport is being changed": [
"Map Style": ["地图样式"],
"Base layer map style": ["地图基本层样式"],
"Opacity of all clusters, points, and labels. Between 0 and 1.": [
"RGB Color": ["RGB颜色"],
"The color for points and clusters in RGB": ["点和簇的颜色(RGB)"],
"Default longitude": ["默认经度"],
"Longitude of default viewport": ["默认视口经度"],
"Default latitude": ["默认纬度"],
"Latitude of default viewport": ["默认视口纬度"],
"Zoom": ["缩放"],
"Zoom level of the map": ["地图缩放等级"],
"One or many controls to group by. If grouping, latitude and longitude columns must be present.": [
"Visual Tweaks": ["视觉调整"],
"Labelling": ["标签"],
"Points": ["点配置"],
"Point Radius": ["点半径"],
"Link Length": ["连接长度"],
"Link length in the force layout": ["在力布局中的连接长度"],
"Charge": ["电荷数(作用力)"],
"Charge in the force layout": ["在力导向图中的电荷数(作用力)"],
"Longitude & Latitude": ["经纬度"],
"Ignore null locations": ["忽略空位置"],
"Whether to ignore locations that are null": ["是否忽略空位置"],
"Viewport": ["视口"],
"Parameters related to the view and perspective on the map": [
"Auto Zoom": ["自动缩放"],
"When checked, the map will zoom to your data after each query": [
"Map": ["地图"],
"Point Size": ["点大小"],
"Fixed point radius": ["固定的点半径"],
"Point Unit": ["点单位"],
"Minimum Radius": ["最小半径"],
"Minimum radius size of the circle, in pixels. As the zoom level changes, this insures that the circle respects this minimum radius.": [
"Maximum Radius": ["最大半径"],
"Maxium radius size of the circle, in pixels. As the zoom level changes, this insures that the circle respects this maximum radius.": [
"Multiplier": ["乘数"],
"Factor to multiply the metric by": ["因子乘以度量指标"],
"Point Color": ["点颜色"],
"Categorical Color": ["分类颜色"],
"Fixed Color": ["固定颜色"],
"Legend Position": ["图示位置"],
"Choose the position of the legend": ["选择图示的位置"],
"Legend Format": ["图示格式化"],
"Choose the format for legend values": ["选择图示值的格式化方式"],
"Dimension": ["维度"],
"Select a dimension": ["选择一个维度"],
"Extra data for JS": ["额外的JS数据"],
"List of extra columns made available in Javascript functions": [
"Javascript tooltip generator": ["JavaScript工具提示生成器"],
"Define a function that receives the input and outputs the content for a tooltip": [
"This functionality is disabled in your environment for security reasons.": [
"Javascript onClick href": ["Javascript onClick事件触发转跳地址"],
"Define a function that returns a URL to navigate to when user clicks": [
"Grid": ["网格"],
"Grid Size": ["网格大小"],
"Defines the grid size in pixels": ["定义网格像素大小"],
"GeoJson Column": ["GeoJson 列"],
"Select the geojson column": ["选择 GeoJson 列"],
"GeoJson Settings": ["GeoJson设置"],
"Fill Color": ["填充颜色"],
" Set the opacity to 0 if you do not want to override the color specified in the GeoJSON": [
"Stroke Color": ["笔划颜色"],
"Filled": ["填充"],
"Whether to fill the objects": ["是否填充对象"],
"Stroked": ["笔划"],
"Whether to display the stroke": ["是否显示笔划"],
"Extruded": ["突出"],
"Whether to make the grid 3D": ["是否将网格设置为3D"],
"Reverse Lat & Long": ["反向经纬度"],
"Lines column": ["线列"],
"The database columns that contains lines information": [
"Lines encoding": ["线编码"],
"The encoding format of the lines": ["线的编码格式"],
"Polygon Settings": ["多边形设置"],
"Number of buckets to group data": ["分组数据的桶数量"],
"How many buckets should the data be grouped in.": [
"Bucket break points": ["桶断点"],
"List of n+1 values for bucketing metric into n buckets.": [
"Multiple filtering": ["多重过滤"],
"Allow sending multiple polygons as a filter event": [
"Whether to apply filter when items are clicked": [
"Start Longitude & Latitude": ["开始经纬度"],
"End Longitude & Latitude": ["经纬度结束"],
"Point to your spatial columns": ["指向您的空间列"],
"Arc": ["弧"],
"Target Color": ["目标颜色"],
"Color of the target location": ["目标位置的颜色"],
"Javascript data interceptor": ["JavaScript数据拦截器"],
"Define a javascript function that receives the data array used in the visualization and is expected to return a modified version of that array. This can be used to alter properties of the data, filter, or enrich the array.": [
"No database is allowed for your csv upload": [
"Failed to fetch schemas allowed for csv upload in this database! Please contact your Superset Admin!": [
"One or many columns to group by": ["需要进行分组的一列或多列"],
"One or many columns to pivot as columns": [
"Square meters": ["平方米"],
"Square kilometers": ["平方千米"],
"quarter": ["季度"],
"second": ["秒"],
"Last day": ["昨天"],
"Last month": ["上个月"],
"Last quarter": ["上个季度"],
"Last year": ["去年"],
"Defaults": ["默认"],
"Start / end": ["开始 / 结束"],
"Relative to today": ["相对于今天"],
"seconds": ["秒"],
"minutes": ["分钟"],
"hours": ["小时"],
"days": ["天"],
"weeks": ["周"],
"months": ["月"],
"years": ["年"],
"Ok": ["确认"],
"No Results": ["无结果"],
"No results were returned for this query. If you expected results to be returned, ensure any filters are configured properly and the datasource contains data for the selected time range.": [