blob: e599553dde74132e05d1c974d1458bac40162f2b [file] [log] [blame]
name: Caching
menu: Installation and Configuration
route: /docs/installation/cache
index: 5
version: 1
## Caching
Superset uses [Flask-Caching]( for caching purpose. For security reasons,
there are two separate cache configs for Superset's own metadata (`CACHE_CONFIG`) and charting data queried from
connected datasources (`DATA_CACHE_CONFIG`). However, Query results from SQL Lab are stored in another backend
called `RESULTS_BACKEND`, See [Async Queries via Celery](/docs/installation/async-queries-celery) for details.
Configuring caching is as easy as providing `CACHE_CONFIG` and `DATA_CACHE_CONFIG` in your
`` that complies with [the Flask-Caching specifications](
Flask-Caching supports various caching backends, including Redis, Memcached, SimpleCache (in-memory), or the
local filesystem.
- Memcached: we recommend using [pylibmc]( client library as
`python-memcached` does not handle storing binary data correctly.
- Redis: we recommend the [redis]( Python package
Both of these libraries can be installed using pip.
For chart data, Superset goes up a “timeout search path”, from a slice's configuration
to the datasources, the databases, then ultimately falls back to the global default
defined in `DATA_CACHE_CONFIG`.
'CACHE_TYPE': 'redis',
'CACHE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT': 60 * 60 * 24, # 1 day default (in secs)
'CACHE_KEY_PREFIX': 'superset_results',
'CACHE_REDIS_URL': 'redis://localhost:6379/0',
Custom cache backends are also supported. See [here]( for specifics.
Superset has a Celery task that will periodically warm up the cache based on different strategies.
To use it, add the following to the `CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE` section in ``:
'cache-warmup-hourly': {
'task': 'cache-warmup',
'schedule': crontab(minute=0, hour='*'), # hourly
'kwargs': {
'strategy_name': 'top_n_dashboards',
'top_n': 5,
'since': '7 days ago',
This will cache all the charts in the top 5 most popular dashboards every hour. For other
strategies, check the `superset/tasks/` file.
### Caching Thumbnails
This is an optional feature that can be turned on by activating its feature flag on config:
For this feature you will need a cache system and celery workers. All thumbnails are stored on cache
and are processed asynchronously by the workers.
An example config where images are stored on S3 could be:
from flask import Flask
from s3cache.s3cache import S3Cache
class CeleryConfig(object):
BROKER_URL = "redis://localhost:6379/0"
CELERY_IMPORTS = ("superset.sql_lab", "superset.tasks", "superset.tasks.thumbnails")
CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = "redis://localhost:6379/0"
CELERY_CONFIG = CeleryConfig
def init_thumbnail_cache(app: Flask) -> S3Cache:
return S3Cache("bucket_name", 'thumbs_cache/')
THUMBNAIL_CACHE_CONFIG = init_thumbnail_cache
# Async selenium thumbnail task will use the following user
Using the above example cache keys for dashboards will be `superset_thumb__dashboard__{ID}`. You can
override the base URL for selenium using:
Additional selenium web drive configuration can be set using `WEBDRIVER_CONFIGURATION`. You can
implement a custom function to authenticate selenium. The default function uses the `flask-login`
session cookie. Here's an example of a custom function signature:
def auth_driver(driver: WebDriver, user: "User") -> WebDriver:
Then on configuration: