blob: c046aef7ab06ef9ce5dbd3c435f42a9d46a3c606 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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# under the License.
import inspect
import json
import urllib.parse
from typing import Any, Dict
from flask import current_app
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
from marshmallow import fields, Schema, validates_schema
from marshmallow.validate import Length, ValidationError
from sqlalchemy import MetaData
from sqlalchemy.engine.url import make_url
from sqlalchemy.exc import ArgumentError
from superset.exceptions import CertificateException
from superset.models.core import PASSWORD_MASK
from superset.utils.core import markdown, parse_ssl_cert
database_schemas_query_schema = {
"type": "object",
"properties": {"force": {"type": "boolean"}},
database_name_description = "A database name to identify this connection."
cache_timeout_description = (
"Duration (in seconds) of the caching timeout for charts of this database. "
"A timeout of 0 indicates that the cache never expires. "
"Note this defaults to the global timeout if undefined."
expose_in_sqllab_description = "Expose this database to SQLLab"
allow_run_async_description = (
"Operate the database in asynchronous mode, meaning "
"that the queries are executed on remote workers as opposed "
"to on the web server itself. "
"This assumes that you have a Celery worker setup as well "
"as a results backend. Refer to the installation docs "
"for more information."
allow_csv_upload_description = (
"Allow to upload CSV file data into this database"
"If selected, please set the schemas allowed for csv upload in Extra."
allow_ctas_description = "Allow CREATE TABLE AS option in SQL Lab"
allow_cvas_description = "Allow CREATE VIEW AS option in SQL Lab"
allow_dml_description = (
"Allow users to run non-SELECT statements "
"in SQL Lab"
allow_multi_schema_metadata_fetch_description = (
"Allow SQL Lab to fetch a list of all tables and all views across "
"all database schemas. For large data warehouse with thousands of "
"tables, this can be expensive and put strain on the system."
) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
impersonate_user_description = (
"If Presto, all the queries in SQL Lab are going to be executed as the "
"currently logged on user who must have permission to run them.<br/>"
"If Hive and hive.server2.enable.doAs is enabled, will run the queries as "
"service account, but impersonate the currently logged on user "
"via hive.server2.proxy.user property."
force_ctas_schema_description = (
"When allowing CREATE TABLE AS option in SQL Lab, "
"this option forces the table to be created in this schema"
encrypted_extra_description = markdown(
"JSON string containing additional connection configuration.<br/>"
"This is used to provide connection information for systems like "
"Hive, Presto, and BigQuery, which do not conform to the username:password "
"syntax normally used by SQLAlchemy.",
extra_description = markdown(
"JSON string containing extra configuration elements.<br/>"
"1. The ``engine_params`` object gets unpacked into the "
"sqlalchemy.create_engine) call, while the ``metadata_params`` "
"gets unpacked into the [sqlalchemy.MetaData]"
"#sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData) call.<br/>"
"2. The ``metadata_cache_timeout`` is a cache timeout setting "
"in seconds for metadata fetch of this database. Specify it as "
'**"metadata_cache_timeout": {"schema_cache_timeout": 600, '
'"table_cache_timeout": 600}**. '
"If unset, cache will not be enabled for the functionality. "
"A timeout of 0 indicates that the cache never expires.<br/>"
"3. The ``schemas_allowed_for_csv_upload`` is a comma separated list "
"of schemas that CSVs are allowed to upload to. "
'Specify it as **"schemas_allowed_for_csv_upload": '
'["public", "csv_upload"]**. '
"If database flavor does not support schema or any schema is allowed "
"to be accessed, just leave the list empty<br/>"
"4. the ``version`` field is a string specifying the this db's version. "
"This should be used with Presto DBs so that the syntax is correct<br/>"
"5. The ``allows_virtual_table_explore`` field is a boolean specifying "
"whether or not the Explore button in SQL Lab results is shown.",
get_export_ids_schema = {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "integer"}}
sqlalchemy_uri_description = markdown(
"Refer to the "
"[SqlAlchemy docs]"
"database-urls) "
"for more information on how to structure your URI.",
server_cert_description = markdown(
"Optional CA_BUNDLE contents to validate HTTPS requests. Only available "
"on certain database engines.",
def sqlalchemy_uri_validator(value: str) -> str:
Validate if it's a valid SQLAlchemy URI and refuse SQLLite by default
except (ArgumentError, AttributeError, ValueError):
raise ValidationError(
"Invalid connection string, a valid string usually follows: "
if current_app.config.get("PREVENT_UNSAFE_DB_CONNECTIONS", True) and value:
if value.startswith("sqlite"):
raise ValidationError(
"SQLite database cannot be used as a data source for "
"security reasons."
return value
def server_cert_validator(value: str) -> str:
Validate the server certificate
if value:
except CertificateException:
raise ValidationError([_("Invalid certificate")])
return value
def encrypted_extra_validator(value: str) -> str:
Validate that encrypted extra is a valid JSON string
if value:
except json.JSONDecodeError as ex:
raise ValidationError(
[_("Field cannot be decoded by JSON. %(msg)s", msg=str(ex))]
return value
def extra_validator(value: str) -> str:
Validate that extra is a valid JSON string, and that metadata_params
keys are on the call signature for SQLAlchemy Metadata
if value:
extra_ = json.loads(value)
except json.JSONDecodeError as ex:
raise ValidationError(
[_("Field cannot be decoded by JSON. %(msg)s", msg=str(ex))]
metadata_signature = inspect.signature(MetaData)
for key in extra_.get("metadata_params", {}):
if key not in metadata_signature.parameters:
raise ValidationError(
"The metadata_params in Extra field "
"is not configured correctly. The key "
"%(key)s is invalid.",
return value
class DatabasePostSchema(Schema):
database_name = fields.String(
description=database_name_description, required=True, validate=Length(1, 250),
cache_timeout = fields.Integer(
description=cache_timeout_description, allow_none=True
expose_in_sqllab = fields.Boolean(description=expose_in_sqllab_description)
allow_run_async = fields.Boolean(description=allow_run_async_description)
allow_csv_upload = fields.Boolean(description=allow_csv_upload_description)
allow_ctas = fields.Boolean(description=allow_ctas_description)
allow_cvas = fields.Boolean(description=allow_cvas_description)
allow_dml = fields.Boolean(description=allow_dml_description)
force_ctas_schema = fields.String(
validate=Length(0, 250),
allow_multi_schema_metadata_fetch = fields.Boolean(
impersonate_user = fields.Boolean(description=impersonate_user_description)
encrypted_extra = fields.String(
extra = fields.String(description=extra_description, validate=extra_validator)
server_cert = fields.String(
sqlalchemy_uri = fields.String(
validate=[Length(1, 1024), sqlalchemy_uri_validator],
class DatabasePutSchema(Schema):
database_name = fields.String(
description=database_name_description, allow_none=True, validate=Length(1, 250),
cache_timeout = fields.Integer(
description=cache_timeout_description, allow_none=True
expose_in_sqllab = fields.Boolean(description=expose_in_sqllab_description)
allow_run_async = fields.Boolean(description=allow_run_async_description)
allow_csv_upload = fields.Boolean(description=allow_csv_upload_description)
allow_ctas = fields.Boolean(description=allow_ctas_description)
allow_cvas = fields.Boolean(description=allow_cvas_description)
allow_dml = fields.Boolean(description=allow_dml_description)
force_ctas_schema = fields.String(
validate=Length(0, 250),
allow_multi_schema_metadata_fetch = fields.Boolean(
impersonate_user = fields.Boolean(description=impersonate_user_description)
encrypted_extra = fields.String(
extra = fields.String(description=extra_description, validate=extra_validator)
server_cert = fields.String(
sqlalchemy_uri = fields.String(
validate=[Length(0, 1024), sqlalchemy_uri_validator],
class DatabaseTestConnectionSchema(Schema):
database_name = fields.String(
description=database_name_description, allow_none=True, validate=Length(1, 250),
impersonate_user = fields.Boolean(description=impersonate_user_description)
extra = fields.String(description=extra_description, validate=extra_validator)
encrypted_extra = fields.String(
server_cert = fields.String(
sqlalchemy_uri = fields.String(
validate=[Length(1, 1024), sqlalchemy_uri_validator],
class TableMetadataOptionsResponseSchema(Schema):
deferrable = fields.Bool()
initially = fields.Bool()
match = fields.Bool()
ondelete = fields.Bool()
onupdate = fields.Bool()
class TableMetadataColumnsResponseSchema(Schema):
keys = fields.List(fields.String(), description="")
longType = fields.String(description="The actual backend long type for the column")
name = fields.String(description="The column name")
type = fields.String(description="The column type")
duplicates_constraint = fields.String(required=False)
class TableMetadataForeignKeysIndexesResponseSchema(Schema):
column_names = fields.List(
description="A list of column names that compose the foreign key or index"
name = fields.String(description="The name of the foreign key or index")
options = fields.Nested(TableMetadataOptionsResponseSchema)
referred_columns = fields.List(fields.String())
referred_schema = fields.String()
referred_table = fields.String()
type = fields.String()
class TableMetadataPrimaryKeyResponseSchema(Schema):
column_names = fields.List(
fields.String(description="A list of column names that compose the primary key")
name = fields.String(description="The primary key index name")
type = fields.String()
class TableMetadataResponseSchema(Schema):
name = fields.String(description="The name of the table")
columns = fields.List(
description="A list of columns and their metadata",
foreignKeys = fields.List(
description="A list of foreign keys and their metadata",
indexes = fields.List(
description="A list of indexes and their metadata",
primaryKey = fields.Nested(
TableMetadataPrimaryKeyResponseSchema, description="Primary keys metadata"
selectStar = fields.String(description="SQL select star")
class SelectStarResponseSchema(Schema):
result = fields.String(description="SQL select star")
class SchemasResponseSchema(Schema):
result = fields.List(fields.String(description="A database schema name"))
class DatabaseRelatedChart(Schema):
id = fields.Integer()
slice_name = fields.String()
viz_type = fields.String()
class DatabaseRelatedDashboard(Schema):
id = fields.Integer()
json_metadata = fields.Dict()
slug = fields.String()
title = fields.String()
class DatabaseRelatedCharts(Schema):
count = fields.Integer(description="Chart count")
result = fields.List(
fields.Nested(DatabaseRelatedChart), description="A list of dashboards"
class DatabaseRelatedDashboards(Schema):
count = fields.Integer(description="Dashboard count")
result = fields.List(
fields.Nested(DatabaseRelatedDashboard), description="A list of dashboards"
class DatabaseRelatedObjectsResponse(Schema):
charts = fields.Nested(DatabaseRelatedCharts)
dashboards = fields.Nested(DatabaseRelatedDashboards)
class ImportV1DatabaseExtraSchema(Schema):
metadata_params = fields.Dict(keys=fields.Str(), values=fields.Raw())
engine_params = fields.Dict(keys=fields.Str(), values=fields.Raw())
metadata_cache_timeout = fields.Dict(keys=fields.Str(), values=fields.Integer())
schemas_allowed_for_csv_upload = fields.List(fields.String)
cost_estimate_enabled = fields.Boolean()
class ImportV1DatabaseSchema(Schema):
database_name = fields.String(required=True)
sqlalchemy_uri = fields.String(required=True)
password = fields.String(allow_none=True)
cache_timeout = fields.Integer(allow_none=True)
expose_in_sqllab = fields.Boolean()
allow_run_async = fields.Boolean()
allow_ctas = fields.Boolean()
allow_cvas = fields.Boolean()
allow_csv_upload = fields.Boolean()
extra = fields.Nested(ImportV1DatabaseExtraSchema)
uuid = fields.UUID(required=True)
version = fields.String(required=True)
# pylint: disable=no-self-use, unused-argument
def validate_password(self, data: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""If sqlalchemy_uri has a masked password, password is required"""
uri = data["sqlalchemy_uri"]
password = urllib.parse.urlparse(uri).password
if password == PASSWORD_MASK and data.get("password") is None:
raise ValidationError("Must provide a password for the database")