blob: a7900cf6677c87c8e336ee4d19a4d6e664d26c51 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
import logging
import math
from datetime import timedelta
from typing import Any, cast, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Union
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from flask_babel import gettext as _
from superset import app, db, is_feature_enabled
from superset.annotation_layers.dao import AnnotationLayerDAO
from superset.charts.dao import ChartDAO
from superset.common.query_object import QueryObject
from superset.connectors.base.models import BaseDatasource
from superset.connectors.connector_registry import ConnectorRegistry
from superset.exceptions import (
from superset.extensions import cache_manager, security_manager
from superset.stats_logger import BaseStatsLogger
from superset.utils import core as utils
from superset.utils.cache import generate_cache_key, set_and_log_cache
from superset.utils.core import DTTM_ALIAS
from superset.views.utils import get_viz
config = app.config
stats_logger: BaseStatsLogger = config["STATS_LOGGER"]
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class QueryContext:
The query context contains the query object and additional fields necessary
to retrieve the data payload for a given viz.
cache_type: ClassVar[str] = "df"
enforce_numerical_metrics: ClassVar[bool] = True
datasource: BaseDatasource
queries: List[QueryObject]
force: bool
custom_cache_timeout: Optional[int]
result_type: utils.ChartDataResultType
result_format: utils.ChartDataResultFormat
# TODO: Type datasource and query_object dictionary with TypedDict when it becomes
# a vanilla python type
def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
datasource: Dict[str, Any],
queries: List[Dict[str, Any]],
force: bool = False,
custom_cache_timeout: Optional[int] = None,
result_type: Optional[utils.ChartDataResultType] = None,
result_format: Optional[utils.ChartDataResultFormat] = None,
) -> None:
self.datasource = ConnectorRegistry.get_datasource(
str(datasource["type"]), int(datasource["id"]), db.session
self.queries = [QueryObject(**query_obj) for query_obj in queries]
self.force = force
self.custom_cache_timeout = custom_cache_timeout
self.result_type = result_type or utils.ChartDataResultType.FULL
self.result_format = result_format or utils.ChartDataResultFormat.JSON
self.cache_values = {
"datasource": datasource,
"queries": queries,
"force": force,
"result_type": result_type,
"result_format": result_format,
def get_query_result(self, query_object: QueryObject) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Returns a pandas dataframe based on the query object"""
# Here, we assume that all the queries will use the same datasource, which is
# a valid assumption for current setting. In the long term, we may
# support multiple queries from different data sources.
timestamp_format = None
if self.datasource.type == "table":
dttm_col = self.datasource.get_column(query_object.granularity)
if dttm_col:
timestamp_format = dttm_col.python_date_format
# The datasource here can be different backend but the interface is common
result = self.datasource.query(query_object.to_dict())
df = result.df
# Transform the timestamp we received from database to pandas supported
# datetime format. If no python_date_format is specified, the pattern will
# be considered as the default ISO date format
# If the datetime format is unix, the parse will use the corresponding
# parsing logic
if not df.empty:
if DTTM_ALIAS in df.columns:
if timestamp_format in ("epoch_s", "epoch_ms"):
# Column has already been formatted as a timestamp.
df[DTTM_ALIAS] = df[DTTM_ALIAS].apply(pd.Timestamp)
df[DTTM_ALIAS] = pd.to_datetime(
df[DTTM_ALIAS], utc=False, format=timestamp_format
if self.datasource.offset:
df[DTTM_ALIAS] += timedelta(hours=self.datasource.offset)
df[DTTM_ALIAS] += query_object.time_shift
if self.enforce_numerical_metrics:
self.df_metrics_to_num(df, query_object)
df.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan)
df = query_object.exec_post_processing(df)
return {
"query": result.query,
"status": result.status,
"error_message": result.error_message,
"df": df,
def df_metrics_to_num(df: pd.DataFrame, query_object: QueryObject) -> None:
"""Converting metrics to numeric when pandas.read_sql cannot"""
for col, dtype in df.dtypes.items():
if dtype.type == np.object_ and col in query_object.metrics:
df[col] = pd.to_numeric(df[col], errors="coerce")
def get_data(self, df: pd.DataFrame,) -> Union[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:
if self.result_format == utils.ChartDataResultFormat.CSV:
include_index = not isinstance(df.index, pd.RangeIndex)
result = df.to_csv(index=include_index, **config["CSV_EXPORT"])
return result or ""
return df.to_dict(orient="records")
def get_single_payload(
self, query_obj: QueryObject, **kwargs: Any
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Returns a payload of metadata and data"""
force_cached = kwargs.get("force_cached", False)
if self.result_type == utils.ChartDataResultType.QUERY:
return {
"query": self.datasource.get_query_str(query_obj.to_dict()),
"language": self.datasource.query_language,
if self.result_type == utils.ChartDataResultType.SAMPLES:
row_limit = query_obj.row_limit or math.inf
query_obj = copy.copy(query_obj)
query_obj.orderby = []
query_obj.groupby = []
query_obj.metrics = []
query_obj.post_processing = []
query_obj.row_limit = min(row_limit, config["SAMPLES_ROW_LIMIT"])
query_obj.row_offset = 0
query_obj.columns = [o.column_name for o in self.datasource.columns]
payload = self.get_df_payload(query_obj, force_cached=force_cached)
df = payload["df"]
status = payload["status"]
if status != utils.QueryStatus.FAILED:
payload["data"] = self.get_data(df)
del payload["df"]
filters = query_obj.filter
filter_columns = cast(List[str], [flt.get("col") for flt in filters])
columns = set(self.datasource.column_names)
applied_time_columns, rejected_time_columns = utils.get_time_filter_status(
self.datasource, query_obj.applied_time_extras
payload["applied_filters"] = [
{"column": col} for col in filter_columns if col in columns
] + applied_time_columns
payload["rejected_filters"] = [
{"reason": "not_in_datasource", "column": col}
for col in filter_columns
if col not in columns
] + rejected_time_columns
if self.result_type == utils.ChartDataResultType.RESULTS:
return {"data": payload["data"]}
return payload
def get_payload(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]:
cache_query_context = kwargs.get("cache_query_context", False)
force_cached = kwargs.get("force_cached", False)
# Get all the payloads from the QueryObjects
query_results = [
self.get_single_payload(query_object, force_cached=force_cached)
for query_object in self.queries
return_value = {"queries": query_results}
if cache_query_context:
cache_key = self.cache_key()
{"data": self.cache_values},
return_value["cache_key"] = cache_key # type: ignore
return return_value
def cache_timeout(self) -> int:
if self.custom_cache_timeout is not None:
return self.custom_cache_timeout
if self.datasource.cache_timeout is not None:
return self.datasource.cache_timeout
if (
hasattr(self.datasource, "database")
and self.datasource.database.cache_timeout
) is not None:
return self.datasource.database.cache_timeout
return config["CACHE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT"]
def cache_key(self, **extra: Any) -> str:
The QueryContext cache key is made out of the key/values from
self.cached_values, plus any other key/values in `extra`. It includes only data
required to rehydrate a QueryContext object.
key_prefix = "qc-"
cache_dict = self.cache_values.copy()
return generate_cache_key(cache_dict, key_prefix)
def query_cache_key(self, query_obj: QueryObject, **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[str]:
Returns a QueryObject cache key for objects in self.queries
extra_cache_keys = self.datasource.get_extra_cache_keys(query_obj.to_dict())
cache_key = (
if is_feature_enabled("ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY")
and self.datasource.is_rls_supported
else [],
if query_obj
else None
return cache_key
def get_native_annotation_data(query_obj: QueryObject) -> Dict[str, Any]:
annotation_data = {}
annotation_layers = [
for layer in query_obj.annotation_layers
if layer["sourceType"] == "NATIVE"
layer_ids = [layer["value"] for layer in annotation_layers]
layer_objects = { layer_object
for layer_object in AnnotationLayerDAO.find_by_ids(layer_ids)
# annotations
for layer in annotation_layers:
layer_id = layer["value"]
layer_name = layer["name"]
columns = [
layer_object = layer_objects[layer_id]
records = [
{column: getattr(annotation, column) for column in columns}
for annotation in layer_object.annotation
result = {"columns": columns, "records": records}
annotation_data[layer_name] = result
return annotation_data
def get_viz_annotation_data(
annotation_layer: Dict[str, Any], force: bool
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
chart = ChartDAO.find_by_id(annotation_layer["value"])
form_data = chart.form_data.copy()
if not chart:
raise QueryObjectValidationError("The chart does not exist")
viz_obj = get_viz(
payload = viz_obj.get_payload()
return payload["data"]
except SupersetException as ex:
raise QueryObjectValidationError(utils.error_msg_from_exception(ex))
def get_annotation_data(self, query_obj: QueryObject) -> Dict[str, Any]:
:param query_obj:
annotation_data: Dict[str, Any] = self.get_native_annotation_data(query_obj)
for annotation_layer in [
for layer in query_obj.annotation_layers
if layer["sourceType"] in ("line", "table")
name = annotation_layer["name"]
annotation_data[name] = self.get_viz_annotation_data(
annotation_layer, self.force
return annotation_data
def get_df_payload( # pylint: disable=too-many-statements,too-many-locals
self, query_obj: QueryObject, **kwargs: Any
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Handles caching around the df payload retrieval"""
force_cached = kwargs.get("force_cached", False)
cache_key = self.query_cache_key(query_obj)"Cache key: %s", cache_key)
is_loaded = False
stacktrace = None
df = pd.DataFrame()
cache_value = None
status = None
query = ""
annotation_data = {}
error_message = None
if cache_key and cache_manager.data_cache and not self.force:
cache_value = cache_manager.data_cache.get(cache_key)
if cache_value:
df = cache_value["df"]
query = cache_value["query"]
annotation_data = cache_value.get("annotation_data", {})
status = utils.QueryStatus.SUCCESS
is_loaded = True
except KeyError as ex:
"Error reading cache: %s", utils.error_msg_from_exception(ex)
)"Serving from cache")
if force_cached and not is_loaded:
"force_cached (QueryContext): value not found for key %s", cache_key
raise CacheLoadError("Error loading data from cache")
if query_obj and not is_loaded:
invalid_columns = [
for col in query_obj.columns
+ query_obj.groupby
+ utils.get_column_names_from_metrics(query_obj.metrics)
if col not in self.datasource.column_names
if invalid_columns:
raise QueryObjectValidationError(
"Columns missing in datasource: %(invalid_columns)s",
query_result = self.get_query_result(query_obj)
status = query_result["status"]
query = query_result["query"]
error_message = query_result["error_message"]
df = query_result["df"]
annotation_data = self.get_annotation_data(query_obj)
if status != utils.QueryStatus.FAILED:
if not self.force:
is_loaded = True
except QueryObjectValidationError as ex:
error_message = str(ex)
status = utils.QueryStatus.FAILED
except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except
if not error_message:
error_message = str(ex)
status = utils.QueryStatus.FAILED
stacktrace = utils.get_stacktrace()
if is_loaded and cache_key and status != utils.QueryStatus.FAILED:
{"df": df, "query": query, "annotation_data": annotation_data},
return {
"cache_key": cache_key,
"cached_dttm": cache_value["dttm"] if cache_value is not None else None,
"cache_timeout": self.cache_timeout,
"df": df,
"annotation_data": annotation_data,
"error": error_message,
"is_cached": cache_value is not None,
"query": query,
"status": status,
"stacktrace": stacktrace,
"rowcount": len(df.index),
def raise_for_access(self) -> None:
Raise an exception if the user cannot access the resource.
:raises SupersetSecurityException: If the user cannot access the resource