blob: 5d0d1b82582209072000db1dffeb9b76a06d4f70 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from croniter import croniter
from flask_appbuilder import CompactCRUDMixin
from flask_appbuilder.models.sqla.interface import SQLAInterface
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
from superset.constants import RouteMethod
from superset.models.alerts import (
from superset.tasks.alerts.validator import check_validator
from superset.utils import core as utils
from superset.utils.core import get_email_address_str, markdown
from ..exceptions import SupersetException
from .base import SupersetModelView
# TODO: access control rules for this module
class AlertLogModelView(
CompactCRUDMixin, SupersetModelView
): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
datamodel = SQLAInterface(AlertLog)
include_route_methods = {RouteMethod.LIST} | {"show"}
base_order = ("dttm_start", "desc")
list_columns = (
class AlertObservationModelView(
CompactCRUDMixin, SupersetModelView
): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
datamodel = SQLAInterface(SQLObservation)
include_route_methods = {RouteMethod.LIST} | {"show"}
base_order = ("dttm", "desc")
list_title = _("List Observations")
show_title = _("Show Observation")
list_columns = (
label_columns = {
"error_msg": _("Error Message"),
# TODO: add a button to the form to test if the SQL statment can run with no errors
class SQLObserverInlineView( # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
CompactCRUDMixin, SupersetModelView
datamodel = SQLAInterface(SQLObserver)
include_route_methods = RouteMethod.RELATED_VIEW_SET | RouteMethod.API_SET
list_title = _("SQL Observers")
show_title = _("Show SQL Observer")
add_title = _("Add SQL Observer")
edit_title = _("Edit SQL Observer")
edit_columns = [
add_columns = edit_columns
list_columns = ["alert.label", "database", "sql"]
label_columns = {
"alert": _("Alert"),
"database": _("Database"),
"sql": _("SQL"),
description_columns = {
"sql": _(
"A SQL statement that defines whether the alert should get triggered or "
"not. The query is expected to return either NULL or a number value."
def pre_add(self, item: "SQLObserverInlineView") -> None:
if item.alert.sql_observer and item.alert.sql_observer[0].id !=
raise SupersetException("Error: An alert should only have one observer.")
class ValidatorInlineView( # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
CompactCRUDMixin, SupersetModelView
datamodel = SQLAInterface(Validator)
include_route_methods = RouteMethod.RELATED_VIEW_SET | RouteMethod.API_SET
list_title = _("Validators")
show_title = _("Show Validator")
add_title = _("Add Validator")
edit_title = _("Edit Validator")
edit_columns = [
add_columns = edit_columns
list_columns = [
label_columns = {
"validator_type": _("Validator Type"),
"alert": _("Alert"),
description_columns = {
"validator_type": utils.markdown(
"Determines when to trigger alert based off value from SQLObserver query. "
"Alerts will be triggered with these validator types:"
"<ul><li>Not Null - When the return value is Not NULL, Empty, or 0</li>"
"<li>Operator - When `sql_return_value comparison_operator threshold`"
" is True e.g. `50 <= 75`<br>Supports the comparison operators <, <=, "
">, >=, ==, and !=</li></ul>",
"config": utils.markdown(
"JSON string containing values the validator will compare against. "
"Each validator needs the following values:"
"<ul><li>Not Null - Nothing. You can leave the config as it is.</li>"
'<li>Operator<ul><li>`"op": "operator"` with an operator from ["<", '
'"<=", ">", ">=", "==", "!="] e.g. `"op": ">="`</li>'
'<li>`"threshold": threshold_value` e.g. `"threshold": 50`'
'</li></ul>Example config:<br>{<br> "op":">=",<br>"threshold": 60<br>}'
def pre_add(self, item: "ValidatorInlineView") -> None:
if item.alert.validators and item.alert.validators[0].id !=
raise SupersetException(
"Error: Alerts currently only support 1 validator per alert."
item.validator_type = item.validator_type.lower()
check_validator(item.validator_type, item.config)
def pre_update(self, item: "ValidatorInlineView") -> None:
item.validator_type = item.validator_type.lower()
check_validator(item.validator_type, item.config)
class AlertModelView(SupersetModelView): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
datamodel = SQLAInterface(Alert)
route_base = "/alert"
include_route_methods = RouteMethod.CRUD_SET
list_columns = (
show_columns = (
order_columns = ["label", "last_eval_dttm", "last_state", "active"]
add_columns = (
# TODO: implement different types of alerts
# "alert_type",
# TODO: implement dashboard screenshots with alerts
# "dashboard",
label_columns = {
"log_retention": _("Log Retentions (days)"),
description_columns = {
"crontab": markdown(
"A CRON-like expression. "
"[Crontab Guru]( is "
"a helpful resource that can help you craft a CRON expression.",
"recipients": _("A semicolon ';' delimited list of email addresses"),
"log_retention": _("How long to keep the logs around for this alert"),
"grace_period": _(
"Once an alert is triggered, how long, in seconds, before "
"Superset nags you again."
edit_columns = add_columns
related_views = [
def pre_add(self, item: "AlertModelView") -> None:
item.recipients = get_email_address_str(item.recipients)
if not croniter.is_valid(item.crontab):
raise SupersetException("Invalid crontab format")
def post_update(self, item: "AlertModelView") -> None: