blob: 082c27c52453b7b56b0dde02254e767b083aa2b2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
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# pylint: disable=C,R,W
"""Compatibility layer for different database engines
This modules stores logic specific to different database engines. Things
like time-related functions that are similar but not identical, or
information as to expose certain features or not and how to expose them.
For instance, Hive/Presto supports partitions and have a specific API to
list partitions. Other databases like Vertica also support partitions but
have different API to get to them. Other databases don't support partitions
at all. The classes here will use a common interface to specify all this.
The general idea is to use static classes and an inheritance scheme.
import inspect
import pkgutil
from importlib import import_module
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Type
from superset.db_engine_specs.base import BaseEngineSpec
engines: Dict[str, Type[BaseEngineSpec]] = {}
for (_, name, _) in pkgutil.iter_modules([Path(__file__).parent]): # type: ignore
imported_module = import_module("." + name, package=__name__)
for i in dir(imported_module):
attribute = getattr(imported_module, i)
if (
and issubclass(attribute, BaseEngineSpec)
and attribute.engine != ""
engines[attribute.engine] = attribute