blob: 9c36efcdba8772c678d266f001ecad94aee8b388 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# pylint: disable=C,R,W
""" Superset wrapper around pandas.DataFrame.
TODO(bkyryliuk): add support for the conventions like: *_dim or dim_*
dimensions, *_ts, ts_*, ds_*, *_ds - datetime, etc.
TODO(bkyryliuk): recognize integer encoded enums.
import logging
from datetime import date, datetime
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas.core.common import maybe_box_datetimelike
from pandas.core.dtypes.dtypes import ExtensionDtype
from superset.utils.core import JS_MAX_INTEGER
def dedup(l, suffix="__", case_sensitive=True):
"""De-duplicates a list of string by suffixing a counter
Always returns the same number of entries as provided, and always returns
unique values. Case sensitive comparison by default.
>>> print(','.join(dedup(['foo', 'bar', 'bar', 'bar', 'Bar'])))
>>> print(
','.join(dedup(['foo', 'bar', 'bar', 'bar', 'Bar'], case_sensitive=False))
new_l = []
seen = {}
for s in l:
s_fixed_case = s if case_sensitive else s.lower()
if s_fixed_case in seen:
seen[s_fixed_case] += 1
s += suffix + str(seen[s_fixed_case])
seen[s_fixed_case] = 0
return new_l
def is_numeric(dtype):
if hasattr(dtype, "_is_numeric"):
return dtype._is_numeric
return np.issubdtype(dtype, np.number)
class SupersetDataFrame(object):
# Mapping numpy dtype.char to generic database types
type_map = {
"b": "BOOL", # boolean
"i": "INT", # (signed) integer
"u": "INT", # unsigned integer
"l": "INT", # 64bit integer
"f": "FLOAT", # floating-point
"c": "FLOAT", # complex-floating point
"m": None, # timedelta
"M": "DATETIME", # datetime
"O": "OBJECT", # (Python) objects
"S": "BYTE", # (byte-)string
"U": "STRING", # Unicode
"V": None, # raw data (void)
def __init__(self, data, cursor_description, db_engine_spec):
data = data or []
column_names = []
dtype = None
if cursor_description:
# get deduped list of column names
column_names = dedup([col[0] for col in cursor_description])
# fix cursor descriptor with the deduped names
cursor_description = [
tuple([column_name, *list(description)[1:]])
for column_name, description in zip(column_names, cursor_description)
# get type for better type casting, if possible
dtype = db_engine_spec.get_pandas_dtype(cursor_description)
self.column_names = column_names
if dtype:
# put data in a 2D array so we can efficiently access each column;
# the reshape ensures the shape is 2D in case data is empty
array = np.array(data, dtype="object").reshape(-1, len(column_names))
# convert each column in data into a Series of the proper dtype; we
# need to do this because we can not specify a mixed dtype when
# instantiating the DataFrame, and this allows us to have different
# dtypes for each column.
data = {
column: pd.Series(array[:, i], dtype=dtype[column])
for i, column in enumerate(column_names)
self.df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=column_names)
self.df = pd.DataFrame(list(data), columns=column_names).infer_objects()
self._type_dict = {}
# The driver may not be passing a cursor.description
self._type_dict = {
col: db_engine_spec.get_datatype(cursor_description[i][1])
for i, col in enumerate(column_names)
if cursor_description
except Exception as e:
def raw_df(self):
return self.df
def size(self):
return len(self.df.index)
def data(self):
return self.format_data(self.df)
def format_data(cls, df):
# work around for
data = [
(k, maybe_box_datetimelike(v))
for k, v in zip(df.columns, np.atleast_1d(row))
for row in df.values
for d in data:
for k, v in list(d.items()):
# if an int is too big for Java Script to handle
# convert it to a string
if isinstance(v, int):
if abs(v) > JS_MAX_INTEGER:
d[k] = str(v)
return data
def db_type(cls, dtype):
"""Given a numpy dtype, Returns a generic database type"""
if isinstance(dtype, ExtensionDtype):
return cls.type_map.get(dtype.kind)
elif hasattr(dtype, "char"):
return cls.type_map.get(dtype.char)
def datetime_conversion_rate(cls, data_series):
success = 0
total = 0
for value in data_series:
total += 1
success += 1
except Exception:
return 100 * success / total
def is_date(np_dtype, db_type_str):
def looks_daty(s):
if isinstance(s, str):
return any([s.lower().startswith(ss) for ss in ("time", "date")])
return False
if looks_daty(db_type_str):
return True
if np_dtype and and looks_daty(
return True
return False
def is_dimension(cls, dtype, column_name):
if cls.is_id(column_name):
return False
return in ("object", "bool")
def is_id(cls, column_name):
return column_name.startswith("id") or column_name.endswith("id")
def agg_func(cls, dtype, column_name):
# consider checking for key substring too.
if cls.is_id(column_name):
return "count_distinct"
if (
hasattr(dtype, "type")
and issubclass(dtype.type, np.generic)
and is_numeric(dtype)
return "sum"
return None
def columns(self):
"""Provides metadata about columns for data visualization.
:return: dict, with the fields name, type, is_date, is_dim and agg.
if self.df.empty:
return None
columns = []
sample_size = min(INFER_COL_TYPES_SAMPLE_SIZE, len(self.df.index))
sample = self.df
if sample_size:
sample = self.df.sample(sample_size)
for col in self.df.dtypes.keys():
db_type_str = self._type_dict.get(col) or self.db_type(self.df.dtypes[col])
column = {
"name": col,
"agg": self.agg_func(self.df.dtypes[col], col),
"type": db_type_str,
"is_date": self.is_date(self.df.dtypes[col], db_type_str),
"is_dim": self.is_dimension(self.df.dtypes[col], col),
if not db_type_str or db_type_str.upper() == "OBJECT":
v = sample[col].iloc[0] if not sample[col].empty else None
if isinstance(v, str):
column["type"] = "STRING"
elif isinstance(v, int):
column["type"] = "INT"
elif isinstance(v, float):
column["type"] = "FLOAT"
elif isinstance(v, (datetime, date)):
column["type"] = "DATETIME"
column["is_date"] = True
column["is_dim"] = False
# check if encoded datetime
if (
column["type"] == "STRING"
and self.datetime_conversion_rate(sample[col])
column.update({"is_date": True, "is_dim": False, "agg": None})
# 'agg' is optional attribute
if not column["agg"]:
column.pop("agg", None)
return columns