blob: 2fd857e64544200ac3e82fd4a34dec0954adfd0f [file] [log] [blame]
{"domain":"superset","locale_data":{"superset":{"":{"domain":"superset","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)","lang":"en"},"Time Column":[""],"second":[""],"minute":[""],"hour":[""],"day":[""],"week":[""],"month":[""],"quarter":[""],"year":[""],"week_start_monday":[""],"week_ending_saturday":[""],"week_start_sunday":[""],"5 minute":[""],"half hour":[""],"10 minute":[""],"[Superset] Access to the datasource %(name)s was granted":[""],"Viz is missing a datasource":[""],"From date cannot be larger than to date":[""],"Table View":[""],"Pick a granularity in the Time section or uncheck 'Include Time'":[""],"Choose either fields to [Group By] and [Metrics] or [Columns], not both":[""],"Pivot Table":[""],"Please choose at least one \"Group by\" field ":[""],"Please choose at least one metric":[""],"'Group By' and 'Columns' can't overlap":[""],"Markup":[""],"Separator":[""],"Word Cloud":[""],"Treemap":[""],"Calendar Heatmap":[""],"Box Plot":[""],"Bubble Chart":[""],"Pick a metric for x, y and size":[""],"Bullet Chart":[""],"Pick a metric to display":[""],"Big Number with Trendline":[""],"Pick a metric!":[""],"Big Number":[""],"Time Series - Line Chart":[""],"Pick a time granularity for your time series":[""],"Time Series - Dual Axis Line Chart":[""],"Pick a metric for left axis!":[""],"Pick a metric for right axis!":[""],"Please choose different metrics on left and right axis":[""],"Time Series - Bar Chart":[""],"Time Series - Percent Change":[""],"Time Series - Stacked":[""],"Distribution - NVD3 - Pie Chart":[""],"Histogram":[""],"Must have one numeric column specified":[""],"Distribution - Bar Chart":[""],"Can't have overlap between Series and Breakdowns":[""],"Pick at least one metric":[""],"Pick at least one field for [Series]":[""],"Sunburst":[""],"Sankey":[""],"Pick exactly 2 columns as [Source / Target]":[""],"There's a loop in your Sankey, please provide a tree. Here's a faulty link: {}":[""],"Directed Force Layout":[""],"Pick exactly 2 columns to 'Group By'":[""],"Country Map":[""],"World Map":[""],"Filters":[""],"Pick at least one filter field":[""],"iFrame":[""],"Parallel Coordinates":[""],"Heatmap":[""],"Horizon Charts":[""],"Mapbox":[""],"Must have a [Group By] column to have 'count' as the [Label]":[""],"Choice of [Label] must be present in [Group By]":[""],"Choice of [Point Radius] must be present in [Group By]":[""],"[Longitude] and [Latitude] columns must be present in [Group By]":[""],"Event flow":[""],"Time Series - Paired t-test":[""],"No data was returned.":[""],"List Druid Column":[""],"Show Druid Column":[""],"Add Druid Column":[""],"Edit Druid Column":[""],"Column":[""],"Type":[""],"Datasource":[""],"Groupable":[""],"Filterable":[""],"Count Distinct":[""],"Sum":[""],"Min":[""],"Max":[""],"Whether this column is exposed in the `Filters` section of the explore view.":[""],"List Druid Metric":[""],"Show Druid Metric":[""],"Add Druid Metric":[""],"Edit Druid Metric":[""],"Whether the access to this metric is restricted to certain roles. 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If you enter `7 days ago`, the distinct list of values in the filter will be populated based on the distinct value over the past week":[""],"Whether to populate the filter's dropdown in the explore view's filter section with a list of distinct values fetched from the backend on the fly":[""],"Redirects to this endpoint when clicking on the datasource from the datasource list":[""],"Associated Slices":[""],"Data Source":[""],"Owner":[""],"Is Hidden":[""],"Enable Filter Select":[""],"Default Endpoint":[""],"Time Offset":[""],"Cache Timeout":[""],"Druid Datasources":[""],"Scan New Datasources":[""],"Refresh Druid Metadata":[""],"Datetime column not provided as part table configuration and is required by this type of chart":[""],"Empty query?":[""],"Metric '{}' is not valid":[""],"Table [{}] doesn't seem to exist in the specified database, couldn't fetch column information":[""],"List Columns":[""],"Show Column":[""],"Add Column":[""],"Edit Column":[""],"Whether to make this column available as a [Time Granularity] option, column has to be DATETIME or DATETIME-like":[""],"The data type that was inferred by the database. It may be necessary to input a type manually for expression-defined columns in some cases. In most case users should not need to alter this.":[""],"Table":[""],"Expression":[""],"Is temporal":[""],"Datetime Format":[""],"Database Expression":[""],"List Metrics":[""],"Show Metric":[""],"Add Metric":[""],"Edit Metric":[""],"SQL Expression":[""],"D3 Format":[""],"Is Restricted":[""],"List Tables":[""],"Show Table":[""],"Add Table":[""],"Edit Table":[""],"Name of the table that exists in the source database":[""],"Schema, as used only in some databases like Postgres, Redshift and DB2":[""],"This fields acts a Superset view, meaning that Superset will run a query against this string as a subquery.":[""],"Predicate applied when fetching distinct value to populate the filter control component. Supports jinja template syntax. Applies only when `Enable Filter Select` is on.":[""],"Redirects to this endpoint when clicking on the table from the table list":[""],"Changed By":[""],"Database":[""],"Last Changed":[""],"Schema":[""],"Offset":[""],"Table Name":[""],"Fetch Values Predicate":[""],"Main Datetime Column":[""],"Table [{}] could not be found, please double check your database connection, schema, and table name":[""],"The table was created. As part of this two phase configuration process, you should now click the edit button by the new table to configure it.":[""],"Tables":[""],"Profile":[""],"Logout":[""],"Login":[""],"Record Count":[""],"No records found":[""],"Add Filter":[""],"Import":[""],"No Access!":[""],"You do not have permissions to access the datasource(s): %(name)s.":[""],"Request Permissions":[""],"Cancel":[""],"Welcome!":[""],"Dashboards":[""],"Test Connection":[""],"Annotation Layers":[""],"Manage":[""],"Annotations":[""],"Datasource %(name)s already exists":[""],"json isn't valid":[""],"Delete":[""],"Delete all Really?":[""],"This endpoint requires the `all_datasource_access` permission":[""],"The datasource seems to have been deleted":[""],"The access requests seem to have been deleted":[""],"The user seems to have been deleted":[""],"You don't have access to this datasource":[""],"This view requires the database %(name)s or `all_datasource_access` permission":[""],"This endpoint requires the datasource %(name)s, database or `all_datasource_access` permission":[""],"List Databases":[""],"Show Database":[""],"Add Database":[""],"Edit Database":[""],"Expose this DB in SQL Lab":[""],"Allow users to run synchronous queries, this is the default and should work well for queries that can be executed within a web request scope (<~1 minute)":[""],"Allow users to run queries, against an async backend. This assumes that you have a Celery worker setup as well as a results backend.":[""],"Allow CREATE TABLE AS option in SQL Lab":[""],"Allow users to run non-SELECT statements (UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, ...) in SQL Lab":[""],"When allowing CREATE TABLE AS option in SQL Lab, this option forces the table to be created in this schema":[""],"All the queries in Sql Lab are going to be executed on behalf of currently authorized user.":[""],"Expose in SQL Lab":[""],"Allow CREATE TABLE AS":[""],"Allow DML":[""],"CTAS Schema":[""],"Creator":[""],"SQLAlchemy URI":[""],"Extra":[""],"Allow Run Sync":[""],"Allow Run Async":[""],"Impersonate queries to the database":[""],"Import Dashboards":[""],"Databases":[""],"User":[""],"User Roles":[""],"Database URL":[""],"Roles to grant":[""],"Created On":[""],"Access requests":[""],"Security":[""],"List Slices":[""],"Show Slice":[""],"Add Slice":[""],"Edit Slice":[""],"These parameters are generated dynamically when clicking the save or overwrite button in the explore view. This JSON object is exposed here for reference and for power users who may want to alter specific parameters.":[""],"Duration (in seconds) of the caching timeout for this slice.":[""],"Last Modified":[""],"Owners":[""],"Parameters":[""],"Slice":[""],"Name":[""],"Visualization Type":[""],"Slices":[""],"List Dashboards":[""],"Show Dashboard":[""],"Add Dashboard":[""],"Edit Dashboard":[""],"This json object describes the positioning of the widgets in the dashboard. It is dynamically generated when adjusting the widgets size and positions by using drag & drop in the dashboard view":[""],"The css for individual dashboards can be altered here, or in the dashboard view where changes are immediately visible":[""],"To get a readable URL for your dashboard":[""],"This JSON object is generated dynamically when clicking the save or overwrite button in the dashboard view. It is exposed here for reference and for power users who may want to alter specific parameters.":[""],"Owners is a list of users who can alter the dashboard.":[""],"Dashboard":[""],"Title":[""],"Slug":[""],"Modified":[""],"Position JSON":[""],"CSS":[""],"JSON Metadata":[""],"Underlying Tables":[""],"Export":[""],"Export dashboards?":[""],"Action":[""],"dttm":[""],"Action Log":[""],"Access was requested":[""],"%(user)s was granted the role %(role)s that gives access to the %(datasource)s":[""],"Role %(r)s was extended to provide the access to the datasource %(ds)s":[""],"You have no permission to approve this request":[""],"Malformed request. slice_id or table_name and db_name arguments are expected":[""],"Slice %(id)s not found":[""],"Table %(t)s wasn't found in the database %(d)s":[""],"Can't find User '%(name)s', please ask your admin to create one.":[""],"Can't find DruidCluster with cluster_name = '%(name)s'":[""],"Query record was not created as expected.":[""],"Template Name":[""],"CSS Templates":[""],"SQL Editor":[""],"SQL Lab":[""],"Query Search":[""],"Status":[""],"Start Time":[""],"End Time":[""],"Queries":[""],"List Saved Query":[""],"Show Saved Query":[""],"Add Saved Query":[""],"Edit Saved Query":[""],"Label":[""],"Pop Tab Link":[""],"Changed on":[""],"Saved Queries":[""]}}}