blob: 3bc31f0a006b36b2e4fff8b26f1a52eea726de0d [file] [log] [blame]
"""Views used by the SqlAlchemy connector"""
from flask import flash, Markup, redirect
from flask_appbuilder import CompactCRUDMixin, expose
from flask_appbuilder.actions import action
from flask_appbuilder.models.sqla.interface import SQLAInterface
from flask_babel import gettext as __
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
from past.builtins import basestring
from superset import appbuilder, db, security, sm, utils
from superset.connectors.base.views import DatasourceModelView
from superset.utils import has_access
from superset.views.base import (
DatasourceFilter, DeleteMixin, get_datasource_exist_error_mgs,
ListWidgetWithCheckboxes, SupersetModelView, YamlExportMixin,
from . import models
class TableColumnInlineView(CompactCRUDMixin, SupersetModelView): # noqa
datamodel = SQLAInterface(models.TableColumn)
list_title = _('List Columns')
show_title = _('Show Column')
add_title = _('Add Column')
edit_title = _('Edit Column')
can_delete = False
list_widget = ListWidgetWithCheckboxes
edit_columns = [
'column_name', 'verbose_name', 'description',
'type', 'groupby', 'filterable',
'table', 'count_distinct', 'sum', 'min', 'max', 'expression',
'is_dttm', 'python_date_format', 'database_expression']
add_columns = edit_columns
list_columns = [
'column_name', 'verbose_name', 'type', 'groupby', 'filterable', 'count_distinct',
'sum', 'min', 'max', 'is_dttm']
page_size = 500
description_columns = {
'is_dttm': _(
'Whether to make this column available as a '
'[Time Granularity] option, column has to be DATETIME or '
'filterable': _(
'Whether this column is exposed in the `Filters` section '
'of the explore view.'),
'type': _(
'The data type that was inferred by the database. '
'It may be necessary to input a type manually for '
'expression-defined columns in some cases. In most case '
'users should not need to alter this.'),
'expression': utils.markdown(
'a valid SQL expression as supported by the underlying backend. '
'Example: `substr(name, 1, 1)`', True),
'python_date_format': utils.markdown(Markup(
'The pattern of timestamp format, use '
'<a href="'
'python datetime string pattern</a> '
'expression. If time is stored in epoch '
'format, put `epoch_s` or `epoch_ms`. Leave `Database Expression` '
'below empty if timestamp is stored in '
'String or Integer(epoch) type'), True),
'database_expression': utils.markdown(
'The database expression to cast internal datetime '
'constants to database date/timestamp type according to the DBAPI. '
'The expression should follow the pattern of '
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S, based on different DBAPI. '
'The string should be a python string formatter \n'
"`Ex: TO_DATE('{}', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')` for Oracle "
'Superset uses default expression based on DB URI if this '
'field is blank.', True),
label_columns = {
'column_name': _('Column'),
'verbose_name': _('Verbose Name'),
'description': _('Description'),
'groupby': _('Groupable'),
'filterable': _('Filterable'),
'table': _('Table'),
'count_distinct': _('Count Distinct'),
'sum': _('Sum'),
'min': _('Min'),
'max': _('Max'),
'expression': _('Expression'),
'is_dttm': _('Is temporal'),
'python_date_format': _('Datetime Format'),
'database_expression': _('Database Expression'),
'type': _('Type'),
class SqlMetricInlineView(CompactCRUDMixin, SupersetModelView): # noqa
datamodel = SQLAInterface(models.SqlMetric)
list_title = _('List Metrics')
show_title = _('Show Metric')
add_title = _('Add Metric')
edit_title = _('Edit Metric')
list_columns = ['metric_name', 'verbose_name', 'metric_type']
edit_columns = [
'metric_name', 'description', 'verbose_name', 'metric_type',
'expression', 'table', 'd3format', 'is_restricted', 'warning_text']
description_columns = {
'expression': utils.markdown(
'a valid SQL expression as supported by the underlying backend. '
'Example: `count(DISTINCT userid)`', True),
'is_restricted': _('Whether the access to this metric is restricted '
'to certain roles. Only roles with the permission '
"'metric access on XXX (the name of this metric)' "
'are allowed to access this metric'),
'd3format': utils.markdown(
'd3 formatting string as defined [here]'
'( '
'For instance, this default formatting applies in the Table '
'visualization and allow for different metric to use different '
'formats', True,
add_columns = edit_columns
page_size = 500
label_columns = {
'metric_name': _('Metric'),
'description': _('Description'),
'verbose_name': _('Verbose Name'),
'metric_type': _('Type'),
'expression': _('SQL Expression'),
'table': _('Table'),
'd3format': _('D3 Format'),
'is_restricted': _('Is Restricted'),
'warning_text': _('Warning Message'),
def post_add(self, metric):
if metric.is_restricted:
security.merge_perm(sm, 'metric_access', metric.get_perm())
def post_update(self, metric):
if metric.is_restricted:
security.merge_perm(sm, 'metric_access', metric.get_perm())
class TableModelView(DatasourceModelView, DeleteMixin, YamlExportMixin): # noqa
datamodel = SQLAInterface(models.SqlaTable)
list_title = _('List Tables')
show_title = _('Show Table')
add_title = _('Add Table')
edit_title = _('Edit Table')
list_columns = [
'link', 'database',
'changed_by_', 'modified']
order_columns = ['modified']
add_columns = ['database', 'schema', 'table_name']
edit_columns = [
'table_name', 'sql', 'filter_select_enabled', 'slices',
'fetch_values_predicate', 'database', 'schema',
'description', 'owner',
'main_dttm_col', 'default_endpoint', 'offset', 'cache_timeout']
show_columns = edit_columns + ['perm']
related_views = [TableColumnInlineView, SqlMetricInlineView]
base_order = ('changed_on', 'desc')
search_columns = (
'database', 'schema', 'table_name', 'owner',
description_columns = {
'slices': _(
'The list of slices associated with this table. By '
'altering this datasource, you may change how these associated '
'slices behave. '
'Also note that slices need to point to a datasource, so '
'this form will fail at saving if removing slices from a '
'datasource. If you want to change the datasource for a slice, '
"overwrite the slice from the 'explore view'"),
'offset': _('Timezone offset (in hours) for this datasource'),
'table_name': _(
'Name of the table that exists in the source database'),
'schema': _(
'Schema, as used only in some databases like Postgres, Redshift '
'and DB2'),
'description': Markup(
'Supports <a href="">'
'sql': _(
'This fields acts a Superset view, meaning that Superset will '
'run a query against this string as a subquery.',
'fetch_values_predicate': _(
'Predicate applied when fetching distinct value to '
'populate the filter control component. Supports '
'jinja template syntax. Applies only when '
'`Enable Filter Select` is on.',
'default_endpoint': _(
'Redirects to this endpoint when clicking on the table '
'from the table list'),
'filter_select_enabled': _(
"Whether to populate the filter's dropdown in the explore "
"view's filter section with a list of distinct values fetched "
'from the backend on the fly'),
base_filters = [['id', DatasourceFilter, lambda: []]]
label_columns = {
'slices': _('Associated Charts'),
'link': _('Table'),
'changed_by_': _('Changed By'),
'database': _('Database'),
'changed_on_': _('Last Changed'),
'filter_select_enabled': _('Enable Filter Select'),
'schema': _('Schema'),
'default_endpoint': _('Default Endpoint'),
'offset': _('Offset'),
'cache_timeout': _('Cache Timeout'),
'table_name': _('Table Name'),
'fetch_values_predicate': _('Fetch Values Predicate'),
'owner': _('Owner'),
'main_dttm_col': _('Main Datetime Column'),
'description': _('Description'),
def pre_add(self, table):
with db.session.no_autoflush:
table_query = db.session.query(models.SqlaTable).filter(
models.SqlaTable.table_name == table.table_name,
models.SqlaTable.schema == table.schema,
models.SqlaTable.database_id ==
if db.session.query(table_query.exists()).scalar():
raise Exception(
# Fail before adding if the table can't be found
if not table.database.has_table(table):
raise Exception(_(
'Table [{}] could not be found, '
'please double check your '
'database connection, schema, and '
'table name').format(
def post_add(self, table, flash_message=True):
security.merge_perm(sm, 'datasource_access', table.get_perm())
if table.schema:
security.merge_perm(sm, 'schema_access', table.schema_perm)
if flash_message:
'The table was created. '
'As part of this two phase configuration '
'process, you should now click the edit button by '
'the new table to configure it.'), 'info')
def post_update(self, table):
self.post_add(table, flash_message=False)
def _delete(self, pk):
DeleteMixin._delete(self, pk)
@expose('/edit/<pk>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def edit(self, pk):
"""Simple hack to redirect to explore view after saving"""
resp = super(TableModelView, self).edit(pk)
if isinstance(resp, basestring):
return resp
return redirect('/superset/explore/table/{}/'.format(pk))
__('Refresh Metadata'),
__('Refresh column metadata'),
def refresh(self, tables):
if not isinstance(tables, list):
tables = [tables]
for t in tables:
msg = _(
'Metadata refreshed for the following table(s): %(tables)s',
tables=', '.join([t.table_name for t in tables]))
flash(msg, 'info')
return redirect('/tablemodelview/list/')