blob: 7a9eca77aead98ff6c830a9ad6988029495605ce [file] [log] [blame]
{"domain":"superset","locale_data":{"superset":{"":{"domain":"superset","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1)","lang":"fr"},"Time Column":["Colonne du temps"],"second":["seconde"],"minute":["minute"],"hour":["heure"],"day":["jour"],"week":["semaine"],"month":["mois"],"quarter":["trimestre"],"year":["année"],"week_start_monday":["semaine_commence_lundi"],"week_ending_saturday":["semaine_finit_samedi"],"week_start_sunday":["semande_commence_dimanche"],"5 minute":["5 minutes"],"half hour":["demi-heure"],"10 minute":["10 minutes"],"[Superset] Access to the datasource %(name)s was granted":["[Superset] Accès à la source de données %(name)s accordé"],"Viz is missing a datasource":["Viz est une source de données manquante"],"From date cannot be larger than to date":["From date ne peut être plus grand que to date"],"Table View":["Vue en table"],"Pick a granularity in the Time section or uncheck 'Include Time'":["Choississez une granularité dans Time ou décochez 'Include Time'"],"Choose either fields to [Group By] and [Metrics] or [Columns], not both":["Choisissez soit des champs dans [Grouper par] et [Métriques] ou dans [Colonnes], pas les deux"],"Pivot Table":["Table pivot"],"Please choose at least one \"Group by\" field ":["Choisissez au moins un champs \"Grouper par\""],"Please choose at least one metric":["Choississez au moins une métrique"],"'Group By' and 'Columns' can't overlap":["'Grouper par' et 'Colonnes' ne peuvent pas avoir de champs en commun"],"Markup":["Markup"],"Separator":["Séparateur"],"Word Cloud":["Nuage de mots"],"Treemap":["Treemap"],"Calendar Heatmap":["Calendrier Heatmap"],"Box Plot":["Boites à moustaches"],"Bubble Chart":["Bulles"],"Pick a metric for x, y and size":["Choisissez une métrique pour x, y, taille"],"Bullet Chart":["Points"],"Pick a metric to display":["Choisissez une métrique à afficher"],"Big Number with Trendline":["Gros nombre avec tendance"],"Pick a metric!":["Choisissez une métrique"],"Big Number":["Gros nombre"],"Time Series - Line Chart":["Séries temporelles - ligne"],"Pick a time granularity for your time series":["Choisissez une granularité pour vos séries temporelles"],"Time Series - Dual Axis Line Chart":["Séries temporelles - double axe"],"Pick a metric for left axis!":["Choisissez une métrique pour l'axe de gauche"],"Pick a metric for right axis!":["Choississez une métrique pour l'axe de droite"],"Please choose different metrics on left and right axis":["Choisissez des métriques différentes pour les axes gauches et droits"],"Time Series - Bar Chart":["Séries temporelles - histogramme"],"Time Series - Percent Change":["Séries temporelles - pourcentage de changement"],"Time Series - Stacked":["Séries temporelles - empilées"],"Distribution - NVD3 - Pie Chart":["Distribution - camembert"],"Histogram":["Histogramme"],"Must have one numeric column specified":["Il faut un moins une colonne numérique"],"Distribution - Bar Chart":["Distibution - histogramme"],"Can't have overlap between Series and Breakdowns":["Il ne faut pas d'élement en commun entre Serie et Breakdowns"],"Pick at least one metric":["Choisissez au moins une métrique"],"Pick at least one field for [Series]":["Choisissez au moins un champs pour [Séries]"],"Sunburst":["Camembert hiérarchique"],"Sankey":["Sankey"],"Pick exactly 2 columns as [Source / Target]":["Choisissez exactement 2 colonnes pour [Source / Target]"],"There's a loop in your Sankey, please provide a tree. 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Use Ctrl / Cmd + C!":[""],"Copied!":[""],"Title":["Title"],"click to edit title":[""],"You don't have the rights to alter this title.":[""],"Click to favorite/unfavorite":[""],"You have unsaved changes.":[""],"Click the":[""],"button on the top right to save your changes.":[""],"Served from data cached %s . 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If that is the case, we recommend that you summarize your data further.":[""],"Network error.":[""],"A reference to the [Time] configuration, taking granularity into account":[""],"Group by":[""],"One or many controls to group by":[""],"Datasource":["Source de données"],"Visualization Type":["Type de visualisation"],"The type of visualization to display":[""],"Metrics":[""],"One or many metrics to display":[""],"Y Axis Bounds":[""],"Bounds for the Y axis. When left empty, the bounds are dynamically defined based on the min/max of the data. Note that this feature will only expand the axis range. It won't narrow the data's extent.":[""],"Ordering":[""],"Annotation Layers":[""],"Annotation layers to overlay on the visualization":[""],"Select a annotation layer":[""],"Error while fetching annotation layers":[""],"Metric":["Métrique"],"Choose the metric":[""],"Right Axis Metric":[""],"Choose a metric for right axis":[""],"Stacked Style":[""],"Linear Color Scheme":[""],"Normalize Across":[""],"Color will be rendered based on a ratio of the cell against the sum of across this criteria":[""],"Horizon Color Scale":[""],"Defines how the color are attributed.":[""],"Rendering":[""],"image-rendering CSS attribute of the canvas object that defines how the browser scales up the image":[""],"XScale Interval":[""],"Number of steps to take between ticks when displaying the X scale":[""],"YScale Interval":[""],"Number of steps to take between ticks when displaying the Y scale":[""],"Include Time":[""],"Whether to include the time granularity as defined in the time section":[""],"Stacked Bars":[""],"Show totals":[""],"Display total row/column":[""],"Show Markers":[""],"Show data points as circle markers on the lines":[""],"Bar Values":[""],"Show the value on top of the bar":[""],"Sort Bars":[""],"Sort bars by x labels.":[""],"Combine Metrics":[""],"Display metrics side by side within each column, as opposed to each column being displayed side by side for each metric.":[""],"Extra Controls":[""],"Whether to show extra controls or not. Extra controls include things like making mulitBar charts stacked or side by side.":[""],"Reduce X ticks":[""],"Reduces the number of X axis ticks to be rendered. If true, the x axis wont overflow and labels may be missing. If false, a minimum width will be applied to columns and the width may overflow into an horizontal scroll.":[""],"Include Series":[""],"Include series name as an axis":[""],"Color Metric":[""],"A metric to use for color":[""],"Country Name":[""],"The name of country that Superset should display":[""],"Country Field Type":[""],"The country code standard that Superset should expect to find in the [country] column":[""],"Columns":[""],"One or many controls to pivot as columns":[""],"Columns to display":[""],"Origin":[""],"Defines the origin where time buckets start, accepts natural dates as in `now`, `sunday` or `1970-01-01`":[""],"Bottom Margin":[""],"Bottom margin, in pixels, allowing for more room for axis labels":[""],"Left Margin":[""],"Left margin, in pixels, allowing for more room for axis labels":[""],"Time Granularity":[""],"The time granularity for the visualization. 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The options here are defined on a per database engine basis in the Superset source code.":[""],"Resample Rule":[""],"Pandas resample rule":[""],"Resample How":[""],"Pandas resample how":[""],"Resample Fill Method":[""],"Pandas resample fill method":[""],"Since":[""],"7 days ago":[""],"Until":[""],"Max Bubble Size":[""],"Whisker/outlier options":[""],"Determines how whiskers and outliers are calculated.":[""],"Ratio":[""],"Target aspect ratio for treemap tiles.":[""],"Number format":[""],"Row limit":[""],"Series limit":[""],"Limits the number of time series that get displayed":[""],"Sort By":[""],"Metric used to define the top series":[""],"Rolling":[""],"Defines a rolling window function to apply, works along with the [Periods] text box":[""],"Periods":[""],"Defines the size of the rolling window function, relative to the time granularity selected":[""],"Min Periods":[""],"The minimum number of rolling periods required to show a value. 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You can include complex expression, parenthesis and anything else supported by the backend it is directed towards.":[""],"Custom HAVING clause":[""],"The text in this box gets included in your query's HAVING clause, as an AND to other criteria. You can include complex expression, parenthesis and anything else supported by the backend it is directed towards.":[""],"Comparison Period Lag":[""],"Based on granularity, number of time periods to compare against":[""],"Comparison suffix":[""],"Suffix to apply after the percentage display":[""],"Table Timestamp Format":[""],"Timestamp Format":[""],"Series Height":[""],"Pixel height of each series":[""],"Page Length":[""],"Rows per page, 0 means no pagination":[""],"X Axis Format":[""],"Y Axis Format":[""],"Right Axis Format":[""],"Markup Type":[""],"Pick your favorite markup language":[""],"Rotation":[""],"Rotation to apply to words in the cloud":[""],"Line Style":[""],"Line interpolation as defined by d3.js":[""],"Label Type":[""],"What should be shown on the label?":[""],"Code":[""],"Put your code here":[""],"Aggregation function":[""],"Aggregate function to apply when pivoting and computing the total rows and columns":[""],"Font Size From":[""],"Font size for the smallest value in the list":[""],"Font Size To":[""],"Font size for the biggest value in the list":[""],"Instant Filtering":[""],"Range Filter":[""],"Whether to display the time range interactive selector":[""],"Date Filter":[""],"Whether to include a time filter":[""],"Data Table":[""],"Whether to display the interactive data table":[""],"Search Box":[""],"Whether to include a client side search box":[""],"Table Filter":[""],"Whether to apply filter when table cell is clicked":[""],"Show Bubbles":[""],"Whether to display bubbles on top of countries":[""],"Legend":[""],"Whether to display the legend (toggles)":[""],"X bounds":[""],"Whether to display the min and max values of the X axis":[""],"Y bounds":[""],"Whether to display the min and max values of the Y axis":[""],"Rich Tooltip":[""],"The rich tooltip shows a list of all series for that point in time":[""],"Y Log Scale":[""],"Use a log scale for the Y axis":[""],"X Log Scale":[""],"Use a log scale for the X axis":[""],"Donut":[""],"Do you want a donut or a pie?":[""],"Put labels outside":[""],"Put the labels outside the pie?":[""],"Contribution":[""],"Compute the contribution to the total":[""],"Period Ratio":[""],"[integer] Number of period to compare against, this is relative to the granularity selected":[""],"Period Ratio Type":[""],"`factor` means (new/previous), `growth` is ((new/previous) - 1), `value` is (new-previous)":[""],"Time Shift":[""],"Overlay a timeseries from a relative time period. 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Between 0 and 1.":[""],"Zoom":[""],"Zoom level of the map":[""],"Default latitude":[""],"Latitude of default viewport":[""],"Default longitude":[""],"Longitude of default viewport":[""],"Live render":[""],"Points and clusters will update as viewport is being changed":[""],"RGB Color":[""],"The color for points and clusters in RGB":[""],"Ranges":[""],"Ranges to highlight with shading":[""],"Range labels":[""],"Labels for the ranges":[""],"Markers":[""],"List of values to mark with triangles":[""],"Marker labels":[""],"Labels for the markers":[""],"Marker lines":[""],"List of values to mark with lines":[""],"Marker line labels":[""],"Labels for the marker lines":[""],"Slice ID":[""],"The id of the active slice":[""],"Cache Timeout (seconds)":[""],"The number of seconds before expiring the cache":[""],"Order by entity id":[""],"Important! 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Note that only columns checked as \"filterable\" will show up on this list.":[""],"Heatmap Options":[""],"Horizon":[""],"Points":[""],"Labelling":[""],"Visual Tweaks":[""],"Viewport":[""],"Longitude":[""],"Column containing longitude data":[""],"Latitude":[""],"Column containing latitude data":[""],"Cluster label aggregator":[""],"Aggregate function applied to the list of points in each cluster to produce the cluster label.":[""],"Tooltip":[""],"Show a tooltip when hovering over points and clusters describing the label":[""],"One or many controls to group by. If grouping, latitude and longitude columns must be present.":[""],"Event definition":[""],"Additional meta data":[""],"Column containing entity ids":[""],"e.g., a \"user id\" column":[""],"Column containing event names":[""],"Event count limit":[""],"The maximum number of events to return, equivalent to number of rows":[""],"Meta data":[""],"Select any columns for meta data inspection":[""],"The server could not be reached. You may want to verify your connection and try again.":[""],"An unknown error occurred. 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Only roles with the permission 'metric access on XXX (the name of this metric)' are allowed to access this metric":["Est-ce-que l'accès à cette métrique est restraint à certains rôles. Seuls les rôles avec la permission 'accès à la métrique XXX (le nom de cette métrique) sont autorisés à accéder à cette métrique"],"Verbose Name":["Nom explicite"],"JSON":["JSON"],"Druid Datasource":["Données Druid"],"Warning Message":[""],"List Druid Cluster":["Lister les clusters Druid"],"Show Druid Cluster":["Monter les cluster Druid"],"Add Druid Cluster":["Ajouter un cluster Druid"],"Edit Druid Cluster":["Éditer une cluster Druid"],"Cluster":["Cluster"],"Coordinator Host":["Hôte du coordinator"],"Coordinator Port":["Port du coordinator"],"Coordinator Endpoint":["Endpoint du coordinator"],"Broker Host":["Hôte du Broker"],"Broker Port":["Port du Broker"],"Broker Endpoint":["Endpoint du Broker"],"Druid Clusters":["Clusters Druid"],"Sources":["Sources"],"List Druid Datasource":["Lister les dources de données Druid"],"Show Druid Datasource":["Montrer les sources de données Druid"],"Add Druid Datasource":["Ajouter une source de données Druid"],"Edit Druid Datasource":["Éditer une source de données Druid"],"The list of slices associated with this table. 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If you enter `7 days ago`, the distinct list of values in the filter will be populated based on the distinct value over the past week":["Expression temporelle à utiliser comme un prédicat pour récupérer les valeurs distinctes pour remplir le filtre. S'applique uniquement quand `Activier le filtre` est coché. Si vous entrez `7 days ago`, les listes de valeurs distinctes dans le filtre seront remplies en se basant sur les valeurs distinctes trouvées la semaine passée"],"Whether to populate the filter's dropdown in the explore view's filter section with a list of distinct values fetched from the backend on the fly":["Faut-il remplir à la volée les choix du filtre de la section filtre de la page d'exploration avec la liste des valeurs distinctes répérées depuis le backend"],"Redirects to this endpoint when clicking on the datasource from the datasource list":["Redirige à cet endpoint quand on clique sur la source de données depuis la liste des sources de données"],"Associated Slices":["Slices associés"],"Data Source":["Source de données"],"Owner":["Propriétaire"],"Is Hidden":["Est caché"],"Enable Filter Select":["Activer le filtre de sélection"],"Default Endpoint":["Endpoint par défaut"],"Time Offset":["Décalage du temps"],"Cache Timeout":["Cache timeout"],"Druid Datasources":["Sources de données Druid"],"Scan New Datasources":[""],"Refresh Druid Metadata":["Rafraichir les méta-données de Druid"],"Datetime column not provided as part table configuration and is required by this type of chart":["Colonne Datetime non fournie dans la configuration alors qu'elle est requise pour ce type de graphique"],"Empty query?":[""],"Metric '{}' is not valid":["Métrique '{}' invalide"],"Table [{}] doesn't seem to exist in the specified database, couldn't fetch column information":[""],"List Columns":["Lister les colonnes"],"Show Column":["Montrer les colonnes"],"Add Column":["Ajouter une colonne"],"Edit Column":["Éditer une colonne"],"Whether to make this column available as a [Time Granularity] option, column has to be DATETIME or DATETIME-like":["Faut-il que cette colonne soit accessible comme une option [Time Granularity], la colonne doit être DATETIME ou d'un format équivalent"],"The data type that was inferred by the database. It may be necessary to input a type manually for expression-defined columns in some cases. In most case users should not need to alter this.":["Le type de donnée inféré par la base de données. Il peut être nécessaire de le rentrer manuellement pour les colonnes définissant des expressions dans certains cas. Dans la plupart des cas il n'est pas nécessaire de le modifier"],"Expression":["Expression"],"Is temporal":["Est temporel"],"Datetime Format":["Format Datetime"],"Database Expression":["Expression de la base de données"],"List Metrics":["Lister les métriques"],"Show Metric":["Montrer les métriques"],"Add Metric":["Ajouter une métrique"],"Edit Metric":["Éditer la métrique"],"SQL Expression":["Expression SQL"],"D3 Format":["Format D3"],"Is Restricted":["Est restreint"],"List Tables":["Lister les tables"],"Show Table":["Montrer les tables"],"Add Table":["Ajouter une table"],"Edit Table":["Éditer la table"],"Name of the table that exists in the source database":["Nom de la table qui existe dans la base de données source"],"Schema, as used only in some databases like Postgres, Redshift and DB2":["Schéma, utilisé uniquement dans certaines bases de données comme Postgres, Redshift et DB2"],"This fields acts a Superset view, meaning that Superset will run a query against this string as a subquery.":["Ces champs agissent comme une vue Superset, i.e. Superset va lancer une requête pour cette expression comme une sous-requête"],"Predicate applied when fetching distinct value to populate the filter control component. Supports jinja template syntax. Applies only when `Enable Filter Select` is on.":["Prédicat appliqué à la récupération des valeurs distinctes pour remplir le filtre de contrôle des composants. Supporte la syntaxe Jinja. S'applique uniquement si `Activer le filtre` est coché."],"Redirects to this endpoint when clicking on the table from the table list":["Redirige à cet endpoint quand on clique sur la table depuis la liste des tables"],"Changed By":["Modifié par"],"Database":["Base de données"],"Last Changed":["Dernière modification"],"Schema":["Schéma"],"Offset":["Décalage"],"Table Name":["Nom de la table"],"Fetch Values Predicate":["Récupérer les valeurs des prédicats"],"Main Datetime Column":["Colonne Datetime principale"],"Table [{}] could not be found, please double check your database connection, schema, and table name":["La table [{}] n'a pu être trouvée, vérifiez à nouveau votre la connexion à votre base de données, le schéma et le nom de la table"],"The table was created. As part of this two phase configuration process, you should now click the edit button by the new table to configure it.":["La table a été créée. Pour la deuxième partie de la configuration vous devez cliquer sur le bouton édition de la nouvelle table"],"Tables":["Tables"],"Profile":["Profil"],"Logout":["Déconnexion"],"Login":["Connexion"],"Record Count":["Nombre d'enregistrements"],"No records found":["Aucun enregistrement trouvé"],"Import":["Importation"],"No Access!":["Pas l'accès !"],"You do not have permissions to access the datasource(s): %(name)s.":["Vous n'avez pas les permissions pour accéder à(aux) source(s) : %(name)s."],"Request Permissions":["Besoin de permissions"],"Welcome!":["Bienvenue ! "],"Test Connection":["Test de connexion"],"Manage":["Gestion"],"Datasource %(name)s already exists":["La source de données %(name)s existe déjà"],"json isn't valid":["Le json n'est pas valide"],"Delete":["Effacer"],"Delete all Really?":["Vraiment tout effacer ?"],"This endpoint requires the `all_datasource_access` permission":["Cet endpoint nécessite la permission `all_datasource_access`"],"The datasource seems to have been deleted":["La source de données semble avoir été effacée"],"The access requests seem to have been deleted":["L'accée à cette requête semble avoir été effacé"],"The user seems to have been deleted":["L'utilisateur semble avoir été effacé"],"You don't have access to this datasource":["Vous n'avez pas l'accès à cette source de données"],"This view requires the database %(name)s or `all_datasource_access` permission":["Cette page nécessite la permission à la base %(name)s ou `all_datasource_access`"],"This endpoint requires the datasource %(name)s, database or `all_datasource_access` permission":["Cet endpoint nécessite la permission à la source de données %(name)s, à la base de données ou `all_datasource_access`"],"List Databases":["Lister les bases de données"],"Show Database":["Montrer les bases de données"],"Add Database":["Ajouter une base de données"],"Edit Database":["Éditer la base de données"],"Expose this DB in SQL Lab":["Expose cette BDD dans SQL Lab"],"Allow users to run synchronous queries, this is the default and should work well for queries that can be executed within a web request scope (<~1 minute)":["Autorise les utilisateurs à lancer des requêtes synchrones, il s'agit de la configuration par défaut qui devrait fonctionner correctement pour des reqêtes exécutables depuis le web (<~1 minute)"],"Allow users to run queries, against an async backend. This assumes that you have a Celery worker setup as well as a results backend.":["Autorise les utilisateurs à lancer des requêtes sur un backend asynchrone. Suppose que vous ayez un worker Celery réglé comme un results backend"],"Allow CREATE TABLE AS option in SQL Lab":["Autorise l'option CREATE TABLE AS dans SQL Lab"],"Allow users to run non-SELECT statements (UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, ...) in SQL Lab":["Autorise les utilisateurs à lancer des expression non-SELECT (UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, etc.) dans SQL Lab"],"When allowing CREATE TABLE AS option in SQL Lab, this option forces the table to be created in this schema":["Quand l'option autoriser CREATE TABLE AS dans SQL Lab est cochée, force la table a être créée dans le schéma"],"All the queries in Sql Lab are going to be executed on behalf of currently authorized user.":[""],"Expose in SQL Lab":["Exposer dans SQL Lab"],"Allow CREATE TABLE AS":["Autoriser CREATE TABLE AS"],"Allow DML":["Autoriser DML"],"CTAS Schema":["Schéma CTAS"],"Creator":["Créateur"],"SQLAlchemy URI":["URI SQLAlchemy"],"Extra":["Extra"],"Allow Run Sync":["Autoriser le lancement synchrone"],"Allow Run Async":["Autoriser le lancement asynchrone"],"Impersonate queries to the database":[""],"Import Dashboards":["Importer des tableaux de bords"],"User":["Utilisateur"],"User Roles":["Rôles utilisateurs"],"Database URL":["URL de la base de données"],"Roles to grant":["Röles à donner"],"Created On":["Créé le"],"Access requests":["Requêtes d'accès"],"Security":["Sécurité"],"List Slices":["Lister les slices"],"Show Slice":["Montrer les slices"],"Add Slice":["Ajouter un slice"],"Edit Slice":["Éditer le slice"],"These parameters are generated dynamically when clicking the save or overwrite button in the explore view. This JSON object is exposed here for reference and for power users who may want to alter specific parameters.":["Ces paramètres sont généré dynamiquement quand vous cliquez sur Sauvegarder ou forcer dans la page d'exploration. Cet objet JSON est exposé ici comme une référence et pour les experts qui voudraient modifier des paramètres"],"Duration (in seconds) of the caching timeout for this slice.":["Durée (en secondes) pour le caching timout de ce slice"],"Last Modified":["Dernière modification"],"Owners":["Propriétaires"],"Parameters":["Paramètres"],"Slice":["Slice"],"List Dashboards":["Lister les tableaux de bords"],"Show Dashboard":["Montrer les tableaux de bords"],"Add Dashboard":["Ajouter un tableau de bord"],"Edit Dashboard":["Éditer le tableau de bord"],"This json object describes the positioning of the widgets in the dashboard. It is dynamically generated when adjusting the widgets size and positions by using drag & drop in the dashboard view":["Cet objet JSON décrit la position des widgets dans le tableau de bord. Il est généré dynamiquement quand on ajuste la taille ou la position des widgets"],"The css for individual dashboards can be altered here, or in the dashboard view where changes are immediately visible":["Le css pour certains tableaux de bords peut être modifié ici, ou dans la page tableaux de bords pour que les changement soient visibles immédiatement"],"To get a readable URL for your dashboard":["Pour avoir une URL lisible pour votre tableau de bord"],"This JSON object is generated dynamically when clicking the save or overwrite button in the dashboard view. It is exposed here for reference and for power users who may want to alter specific parameters.":["Ce JSON a été généré automatiquement quand vous avez cliqué sur sauvegarder ou forcer dans la page des tableaux de bords. Il est exposé ici comme une référence et pour les experts qui voudraient modifier des paramètres"],"Owners is a list of users who can alter the dashboard.":["Propriétaires est une liste d'utilisateurs qui peuvent modifier le tableau de bord"],"Dashboard":["Tableau de bord"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Position JSON":["JSON des positions"],"JSON Metadata":["JSON des méta-données"],"Underlying Tables":["Tables sous-jacentes"],"Export":["Exporter"],"Export dashboards?":["Exporter les tableaux de bords ?"],"Action":["Action"],"dttm":["dttm"],"Action Log":["Journaux d'actions"],"Access was requested":["Accès demandé"],"%(user)s was granted the role %(role)s that gives access to the %(datasource)s":["%(user)s a obtenu le rôle %(role)s qui donne accès à %(datasource)s"],"Role %(r)s was extended to provide the access to the datasource %(ds)s":["Le rôle %(r)s a été étendu pour donner l'accès à la source de données %(ds)s"],"You have no permission to approve this request":["Vous n'avez pas les permission pour approuver cette requête"],"Malformed request. slice_id or table_name and db_name arguments are expected":["Requête malformée. Les arguments slice_id ou table_name et db_name sont attendus"],"Slice %(id)s not found":["Slice %(id)s non trouvé"],"Table %(t)s wasn't found in the database %(d)s":["Table %(t)s pas trouvée dans la base de données %(d)s"],"Can't find User '%(name)s', please ask your admin to create one.":["Impossible de trouver l'utilisateur '%(name)s', demandez à votre administrateur de le créer."],"Can't find DruidCluster with cluster_name = '%(name)s'":["Impossible de trouver le DruidCluster avec cluster_name = '%(name)s"],"Query record was not created as expected.":["L'enregistrement de la reqête n'a pas été créé comme prévu."],"Template Name":["Nom du template"],"CSS Templates":["Templates CSS"],"SQL Editor":["Éditeur SQL"],"SQL Lab":["SQL Lab"],"Query Search":["Requêter"],"Status":["Status"],"Start Time":["Date de début"],"End Time":["Date de fin"],"Queries":["Requêtes"],"List Saved Query":["Liste des requêtes sauvegardées"],"Show Saved Query":["Montrer les requếtes sauvagardées"],"Add Saved Query":["Ajouter une requête sauvegardée"],"Edit Saved Query":["Éditer la requête sauvegardée"],"Pop Tab Link":[""],"Changed on":[""],"Saved Queries":["Requêtes sauvegardées"]}}}