blob: 00599c05c81159ecab331491e65bf13fcf265d7c [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any
from dateutil.parser import isoparse
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
from marshmallow import fields, pre_load, Schema, ValidationError
from marshmallow.validate import Length
from superset.exceptions import SupersetMarshmallowValidationError
from superset.utils import json
get_delete_ids_schema = {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "integer"}}
get_export_ids_schema = {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "integer"}}
openapi_spec_methods_override = {
"get": {"get": {"summary": "Get a dataset detail information"}},
"get_list": {
"get": {
"summary": "Get a list of datasets",
"description": "Gets a list of datasets, use Rison or JSON query "
"parameters for filtering, sorting, pagination and "
" for selecting specific columns and metadata.",
"info": {"get": {"summary": "Get metadata information about this API resource"}},
def validate_python_date_format(dt_format: str) -> bool:
if dt_format in ("epoch_s", "epoch_ms"):
return True
dt_str =
except ValueError as ex:
raise ValidationError([_("Invalid date/timestamp format")]) from ex
return True
class DatasetColumnsPutSchema(Schema):
id = fields.Integer(required=False)
column_name = fields.String(required=True, validate=Length(1, 255))
type = fields.String(allow_none=True)
advanced_data_type = fields.String(
validate=Length(1, 255),
verbose_name = fields.String(allow_none=True, metadata={Length: (1, 1024)})
description = fields.String(allow_none=True)
expression = fields.String(allow_none=True)
extra = fields.String(allow_none=True)
filterable = fields.Boolean()
groupby = fields.Boolean()
is_active = fields.Boolean(allow_none=True)
is_dttm = fields.Boolean(allow_none=True, dump_default=False)
python_date_format = fields.String(
allow_none=True, validate=[Length(1, 255), validate_python_date_format]
uuid = fields.UUID(allow_none=True)
class DatasetMetricsPutSchema(Schema):
id = fields.Integer()
expression = fields.String(required=True)
description = fields.String(allow_none=True)
extra = fields.String(allow_none=True)
metric_name = fields.String(required=True, validate=Length(1, 255))
metric_type = fields.String(allow_none=True, validate=Length(1, 32))
d3format = fields.String(allow_none=True, validate=Length(1, 128))
currency = fields.String(allow_none=True, required=False, validate=Length(1, 128))
verbose_name = fields.String(allow_none=True, metadata={Length: (1, 1024)})
warning_text = fields.String(allow_none=True)
uuid = fields.UUID(allow_none=True)
class DatasetPostSchema(Schema):
database = fields.Integer(required=True)
catalog = fields.String(allow_none=True, validate=Length(0, 250))
schema = fields.String(allow_none=True, validate=Length(0, 250))
table_name = fields.String(required=True, allow_none=False, validate=Length(1, 250))
sql = fields.String(allow_none=True)
owners = fields.List(fields.Integer())
is_managed_externally = fields.Boolean(allow_none=True, dump_default=False)
external_url = fields.String(allow_none=True)
normalize_columns = fields.Boolean(load_default=False)
always_filter_main_dttm = fields.Boolean(load_default=False)
class DatasetPutSchema(Schema):
table_name = fields.String(allow_none=True, validate=Length(1, 250))
database_id = fields.Integer()
sql = fields.String(allow_none=True)
filter_select_enabled = fields.Boolean(allow_none=True)
fetch_values_predicate = fields.String(allow_none=True, validate=Length(0, 1000))
catalog = fields.String(allow_none=True, validate=Length(0, 250))
schema = fields.String(allow_none=True, validate=Length(0, 255))
description = fields.String(allow_none=True)
main_dttm_col = fields.String(allow_none=True)
normalize_columns = fields.Boolean(allow_none=True, dump_default=False)
always_filter_main_dttm = fields.Boolean(load_default=False)
offset = fields.Integer(allow_none=True)
default_endpoint = fields.String(allow_none=True)
cache_timeout = fields.Integer(allow_none=True)
is_sqllab_view = fields.Boolean(allow_none=True)
template_params = fields.String(allow_none=True)
owners = fields.List(fields.Integer())
columns = fields.List(fields.Nested(DatasetColumnsPutSchema))
metrics = fields.List(fields.Nested(DatasetMetricsPutSchema))
extra = fields.String(allow_none=True)
is_managed_externally = fields.Boolean(allow_none=True, dump_default=False)
external_url = fields.String(allow_none=True)
def handle_error(
error: ValidationError,
data: dict[str, Any],
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Return SIP-40 error.
raise SupersetMarshmallowValidationError(error, data)
class DatasetDuplicateSchema(Schema):
base_model_id = fields.Integer(required=True)
table_name = fields.String(required=True, allow_none=False, validate=Length(1, 250))
class DatasetRelatedChart(Schema):
id = fields.Integer()
slice_name = fields.String()
viz_type = fields.String()
class DatasetRelatedDashboard(Schema):
id = fields.Integer()
json_metadata = fields.Dict()
slug = fields.String()
title = fields.String()
class DatasetRelatedCharts(Schema):
count = fields.Integer(metadata={"description": "Chart count"})
result = fields.List(
metadata={"description": "A list of dashboards"},
class DatasetRelatedDashboards(Schema):
count = fields.Integer(metadata={"description": "Dashboard count"})
result = fields.List(
metadata={"description": "A list of dashboards"},
class DatasetRelatedObjectsResponse(Schema):
charts = fields.Nested(DatasetRelatedCharts)
dashboards = fields.Nested(DatasetRelatedDashboards)
class ImportV1ColumnSchema(Schema):
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def fix_extra(self, data: dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
Fix for extra initially being exported as a string.
if isinstance(data.get("extra"), str):
data["extra"] = json.loads(data["extra"])
return data
column_name = fields.String(required=True)
extra = fields.Dict(allow_none=True)
verbose_name = fields.String(allow_none=True)
is_dttm = fields.Boolean(dump_default=False, allow_none=True)
is_active = fields.Boolean(dump_default=True, allow_none=True)
type = fields.String(allow_none=True)
advanced_data_type = fields.String(allow_none=True)
groupby = fields.Boolean()
filterable = fields.Boolean()
expression = fields.String(allow_none=True)
description = fields.String(allow_none=True)
python_date_format = fields.String(allow_none=True)
class ImportV1MetricSchema(Schema):
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def fix_extra(self, data: dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
Fix for extra initially being exported as a string.
if isinstance(data.get("extra"), str):
data["extra"] = json.loads(data["extra"])
return data
metric_name = fields.String(required=True)
verbose_name = fields.String(allow_none=True)
metric_type = fields.String(allow_none=True)
expression = fields.String(required=True)
description = fields.String(allow_none=True)
d3format = fields.String(allow_none=True)
currency = fields.String(allow_none=True, required=False)
extra = fields.Dict(allow_none=True)
warning_text = fields.String(allow_none=True)
class ImportV1DatasetSchema(Schema):
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def fix_extra(self, data: dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
Fix for extra initially being exported as a string.
if isinstance(data.get("extra"), str):
extra = data["extra"]
data["extra"] = json.loads(extra) if extra.strip() else None
except ValueError:
data["extra"] = None
return data
table_name = fields.String(required=True)
main_dttm_col = fields.String(allow_none=True)
description = fields.String(allow_none=True)
default_endpoint = fields.String(allow_none=True)
offset = fields.Integer()
cache_timeout = fields.Integer(allow_none=True)
schema = fields.String(allow_none=True)
sql = fields.String(allow_none=True)
params = fields.Dict(allow_none=True)
template_params = fields.Dict(allow_none=True)
filter_select_enabled = fields.Boolean()
fetch_values_predicate = fields.String(allow_none=True)
extra = fields.Dict(allow_none=True)
uuid = fields.UUID(required=True)
columns = fields.List(fields.Nested(ImportV1ColumnSchema))
metrics = fields.List(fields.Nested(ImportV1MetricSchema))
version = fields.String(required=True)
database_uuid = fields.UUID(required=True)
data = fields.URL()
is_managed_externally = fields.Boolean(allow_none=True, dump_default=False)
external_url = fields.String(allow_none=True)
normalize_columns = fields.Boolean(load_default=False)
always_filter_main_dttm = fields.Boolean(load_default=False)
class GetOrCreateDatasetSchema(Schema):
table_name = fields.String(required=True, metadata={"description": "Name of table"})
database_id = fields.Integer(
required=True, metadata={"description": "ID of database table belongs to"}
catalog = fields.String(
validate=Length(0, 250),
metadata={"description": "The catalog the table belongs to"},
schema = fields.String(
validate=Length(0, 250),
metadata={"description": "The schema the table belongs to"},
template_params = fields.String(
metadata={"description": "Template params for the table"}
normalize_columns = fields.Boolean(load_default=False)
always_filter_main_dttm = fields.Boolean(load_default=False)
class DatasetCacheWarmUpRequestSchema(Schema):
db_name = fields.String(
metadata={"description": "The name of the database where the table is located"},
table_name = fields.String(
metadata={"description": "The name of the table to warm up cache for"},
dashboard_id = fields.Integer(
"description": "The ID of the dashboard to get filters for when warming cache"
extra_filters = fields.String(
metadata={"description": "Extra filters to apply when warming up cache"}
class DatasetCacheWarmUpResponseSingleSchema(Schema):
chart_id = fields.Integer(
metadata={"description": "The ID of the chart the status belongs to"}
viz_error = fields.String(
metadata={"description": "Error that occurred when warming cache for chart"}
viz_status = fields.String(
metadata={"description": "Status of the underlying query for the viz"}
class DatasetCacheWarmUpResponseSchema(Schema):
result = fields.List(
"description": "A list of each chart's warmup status and errors if any"