blob: aefff4af8f18460d8c40880a2538624567be04bd [file] [log] [blame]
import { scaleLinear } from 'd3-scale';
import { interpolateHcl, interpolateNumber, piecewise, quantize } from 'd3-interpolate';
import ColorScheme, { ColorSchemeConfig } from './ColorScheme';
export interface SequentialSchemeConfig extends ColorSchemeConfig {
isDiverging?: boolean;
export default class SequentialScheme extends ColorScheme {
isDiverging: boolean;
constructor(config: SequentialSchemeConfig) {
const { isDiverging = false } = config;
this.isDiverging = isDiverging;
* Return a linear scale with a new domain interpolated from the input domain
* to match the number of elements in the color scheme
* because D3 continuous scale uses piecewise mapping between domain and range.
* This is a common use-case when the domain is [min, max]
* and the palette has more than two colors.
* @param domain domain of the scale
* @param modifyRange Set this to true if you don't want to modify the domain and
* want to interpolate range to have the same number of elements with domain instead.
createLinearScale(domain: number[] = [0, 1], modifyRange = false) {
const scale = scaleLinear<string>().interpolate(interpolateHcl).clamp(true);
return modifyRange || domain.length === this.colors.length
? scale.domain(domain).range(this.getColors(domain.length))
: scale
.domain(quantize(piecewise(interpolateNumber, domain), this.colors.length))
* Get colors from this scheme
* @param numColors number of colors to return.
* Will interpolate the current scheme to match the number of colors requested
* @param extent The extent of the color range to use.
* For example [0.2, 1] will rescale the color scheme
* such that color values in the range [0, 0.2) are excluded from the scheme.
getColors(numColors = this.colors.length, extent: number[] = [0, 1]): string[] {
if (numColors === this.colors.length && extent[0] === 0 && extent[1] === 1) {
return this.colors;
const piecewiseScale: (t: number) => string = piecewise(interpolateHcl, this.colors);
const adjustExtent = scaleLinear().range(extent).clamp(true);
return quantize<string>(t => piecewiseScale(adjustExtent(t) as number), numColors);