blob: 176ed7e59613cdaa7019bbac3e40872c2e26ab9d [file] [log] [blame]
import React, { CSSProperties, useMemo } from 'react';
const MESSAGE_STYLES: CSSProperties = { maxWidth: 800 };
const TITLE_STYLES: CSSProperties = { fontSize: 16, fontWeight: 'bold', paddingBottom: 8 };
const BODY_STYLES: CSSProperties = { fontSize: 14 };
const MIN_WIDTH_FOR_BODY = 250;
'No results were returned for this query. If you expected results to be returned, ensure any filters are configured properly and the datasource contains data for the selected time range.';
const generateContainerStyles: (
height: number | string,
width: number | string,
) => CSSProperties = (height: number | string, width: number | string) => ({
alignItems: 'center',
display: 'flex',
flexDirection: 'column',
justifyContent: 'center',
padding: 16,
textAlign: 'center',
type Props = {
className?: string;
height: number | string;
id?: string;
width: number | string;
const NoResultsComponent = ({ className, height, id, width }: Props) => {
const containerStyles = useMemo(() => generateContainerStyles(height, width), [height, width]);
// render the body if the width is auto/100% or greater than 250 pixels
const shouldRenderBody = typeof width === 'string' || width > MIN_WIDTH_FOR_BODY;
return (
title={shouldRenderBody ? undefined : BODY_STRING}
<div style={MESSAGE_STYLES}>
<div style={TITLE_STYLES}>No Results</div>
{shouldRenderBody && <div style={BODY_STYLES}>{BODY_STRING}</div>}
export default NoResultsComponent;