blob: b47cc1cfd3e25319ffcc6197d90edca7b248297d [file] [log] [blame]
/* eslint-disable camelcase */
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import React, { ReactNode, ReactText, ReactElement } from 'react';
import { QueryFormData, DatasourceType } from '@superset-ui/core';
import sharedControls from './shared-controls';
import sharedControlComponents from './shared-controls/components';
export type Metric = {
metric_name: string;
verbose_name?: string;
label?: string;
description?: string;
warning_text?: string;
expression?: string;
is_certified?: boolean;
certified_by?: string | null;
certification_details?: string | null;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
type AnyDict = Record<string, any>;
interface Action {
type: string;
interface AnyAction extends Action, AnyDict {}
export type SharedControls = typeof sharedControls;
export type SharedControlAlias = keyof typeof sharedControls;
export type SharedControlComponents = typeof sharedControlComponents;
/** ----------------------------------------------
* Input data/props while rendering
* ---------------------------------------------*/
export interface ColumnMeta extends AnyDict {
column_name: string;
groupby?: string;
verbose_name?: string;
description?: string;
expression?: string;
is_dttm?: boolean;
type?: string;
filterable?: boolean;
export interface DatasourceMeta {
id: number;
type: DatasourceType;
columns: ColumnMeta[];
metrics: Metric[];
column_format: Record<string, string>;
verbose_map: Record<string, string>;
main_dttm_col: string;
// eg. ['["ds", true]', 'ds [asc]']
order_by_choices?: [string, string][] | null;
time_grain_sqla?: string;
granularity_sqla?: string;
datasource_name: string | null;
description: string | null;
export interface ControlPanelState {
form_data: QueryFormData;
datasource: DatasourceMeta | null;
controls: ControlStateMapping;
* The action dispather will call Redux `dispatch` internally and return what's
* returned from `dispatch`, which by default is the original or another action.
export interface ActionDispatcher<ARGS extends unknown[], A extends Action = AnyAction> {
(...args: ARGS): A;
* Mapping of action dispatchers
export interface ControlPanelActionDispatchers {
setDatasource: ActionDispatcher<[DatasourceMeta]>;
* Additional control props obtained from `mapStateToProps`.
export type ExtraControlProps = AnyDict;
// Ref:superset-frontend/src/explore/store.js
export type ControlState<T = ControlType, O extends SelectOption = SelectOption> = ControlConfig<
> &
export interface ControlStateMapping {
[key: string]: ControlState;
// Ref: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlPanelsContainer.jsx
export interface ControlPanelsContainerProps extends AnyDict {
actions: ControlPanelActionDispatchers;
controls: ControlStateMapping;
exportState: AnyDict;
form_data: QueryFormData;
/** ----------------------------------------------
* Config for a chart Control
* ---------------------------------------------*/
// Ref: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/index.js
export type InternalControlType =
| 'AnnotationLayerControl'
| 'BoundsControl'
| 'CheckboxControl'
| 'CollectionControl'
| 'ColorMapControl'
| 'ColorPickerControl'
| 'ColorSchemeControl'
| 'DatasourceControl'
| 'DateFilterControl'
| 'FixedOrMetricControl'
| 'HiddenControl'
| 'SelectAsyncControl'
| 'SelectControl'
| 'SliderControl'
| 'SpatialControl'
| 'TextAreaControl'
| 'TextControl'
| 'TimeSeriesColumnControl'
| 'ViewportControl'
| 'VizTypeControl'
| 'MetricsControl'
| 'AdhocFilterControl'
| 'FilterBoxItemControl'
| keyof SharedControlComponents; // expanded in `expandControlConfig`
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
export type ControlType = InternalControlType | React.ComponentType<any>;
export type TabOverride = 'data' | 'customize' | boolean;
* Control config specifying how chart controls appear in the control panel, all
* these configs will be passed to the UI component for control as props.
* - type: the control type, referencing a React component of the same name
* - label: the label as shown in the control's header
* - description: shown in the info tooltip of the control's header
* - default: the default value when opening a new chart, or changing visualization type
* - renderTrigger: a bool that defines whether the visualization should be re-rendered
* when changed. This should `true` for controls that only affect the rendering (client side)
* and don't affect the query or backend data processing as those require to re run a query
* and fetch the data
* - validators: an array of functions that will receive the value of the component and
* should return error messages when the value is not valid. The error message gets
* bubbled up to the control header, section header and query panel header.
* - warning: text shown as a tooltip on a warning icon in the control's header
* - error: text shown as a tooltip on a error icon in the control's header
* - mapStateToProps: a function that receives the App's state and return an object of k/v
* to overwrite configuration at runtime. This is useful to alter a component based on
* anything external to it, like another control's value. For instance it's possible to
* show a warning based on the value of another component. It's also possible to bind
* arbitrary data from the redux store to the component this way.
* - tabOverride: set to 'data' if you want to force a renderTrigger to show up on the `Data`
tab, or 'customize' if you want it to show up on that tam. Otherwise sections with ALL
`renderTrigger: true` components will show up on the `Customize` tab.
* - visibility: a function that uses control panel props to check whether a control should
* be visibile.
export interface BaseControlConfig<
T extends ControlType = ControlType,
O extends SelectOption = SelectOption,
V = unknown
> extends AnyDict {
type: T;
label?: ReactNode;
description?: ReactNode;
default?: V;
renderTrigger?: boolean;
validators?: ControlValueValidator<T, O, V>[];
warning?: ReactNode;
error?: ReactNode;
// override control panel state props
mapStateToProps?: (state: ControlPanelState, control: this) => ExtraControlProps;
visibility?: (props: ControlPanelsContainerProps) => boolean;
export interface ControlValueValidator<
T = ControlType,
O extends SelectOption = SelectOption,
V = unknown
> {
(value: V, state: ControlState<T, O>): boolean | string;
/** --------------------------------------------
* Additional Config for specific control Types
* --------------------------------------------- */
type SelectOption = AnyDict | string | [ReactText, ReactNode];
type SelectControlType =
| 'SelectControl'
| 'SelectAsyncControl'
| 'MetricsControl'
| 'FixedOrMetricControl'
| 'AdhocFilterControl'
| 'FilterBoxItemControl';
// via react-select/src/filters
interface FilterOption<T extends SelectOption> {
label: string;
value: string;
data: T;
// Ref: superset-frontend/src/components/Select/SupersetStyledSelect.tsx
export interface SelectControlConfig<
O extends SelectOption = SelectOption,
T extends SelectControlType = SelectControlType
> extends BaseControlConfig<T, O> {
clearable?: boolean;
freeForm?: boolean;
multi?: boolean;
valueKey?: string;
labelKey?: string;
options?: O[];
optionRenderer?: (option: O) => ReactNode;
valueRenderer?: (option: O) => ReactNode;
filterOption?: ((option: FilterOption<O>, rawInput: string) => Boolean) | null;
export type SharedControlConfig<
T extends InternalControlType = InternalControlType,
O extends SelectOption = SelectOption
> = T extends SelectControlType ? SelectControlConfig<O, T> : BaseControlConfig<T>;
/** --------------------------------------------
* Custom controls
* --------------------------------------------- */
export type CustomControlConfig<P = {}> = BaseControlConfig<React.ComponentType<P>> &
// two run-time properties from superset-frontend/src/explore/components/Control.jsx
Omit<P, 'onChange' | 'hovered'>;
// Catch-all ControlConfig
// - if T is known control types, return SharedControlConfig,
// - if T is object, assume a CustomComponent
// - otherwise assume it's a custom component control
export type ControlConfig<
T = AnyDict,
O extends SelectOption = SelectOption
> = T extends InternalControlType
? SharedControlConfig<T, O>
: T extends object
? CustomControlConfig<T> // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
: CustomControlConfig<any>;
/** ===========================================================
* Chart plugin control panel config
* ========================================================= */
export type SharedSectionAlias =
| 'annotations'
| 'colorScheme'
| 'datasourceAndVizType'
| 'druidTimeSeries'
| 'sqlaTimeSeries'
| 'NVD3TimeSeries';
export interface OverrideSharedControlItem<A extends SharedControlAlias = SharedControlAlias> {
name: A;
override: Partial<SharedControls[A]>;
export type CustomControlItem = {
name: string;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
config: BaseControlConfig<any, any, any>;
// use ReactElement instead of ReactNode because `string`, `number`, etc. may
// interfere with other ControlSetItem types
export type ExpandedControlItem = CustomControlItem | ReactElement | null;
export type ControlSetItem = SharedControlAlias | OverrideSharedControlItem | ExpandedControlItem;
export type ControlSetRow = ControlSetItem[];
// Ref:
// - superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlPanelsContainer.jsx
// - superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlPanelSection.jsx
export interface ControlPanelSectionConfig {
label: ReactNode;
description?: ReactNode;
expanded?: boolean;
tabOverride?: TabOverride;
controlSetRows: ControlSetRow[];
export interface ControlPanelConfig {
controlPanelSections: ControlPanelSectionConfig[];
controlOverrides?: ControlOverrides;
sectionOverrides?: SectionOverrides;
onInit?: (state: ControlStateMapping) => void;
export type ControlOverrides = {
[P in SharedControlAlias]?: Partial<SharedControls[P]>;
export type SectionOverrides = {
[P in SharedSectionAlias]?: Partial<ControlPanelSectionConfig>;
export default {};