blob: e69194f50f70561a432c7f77d0149b13d25bfc07 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import json
import re
import urllib
from datetime import datetime
from re import Pattern
from typing import Any, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
import pandas as pd
from apispec import APISpec
from apispec.ext.marshmallow import MarshmallowPlugin
from deprecation import deprecated
from flask_babel import gettext as __
from marshmallow import fields, Schema
from marshmallow.exceptions import ValidationError
from sqlalchemy import column, types
from sqlalchemy.engine.base import Engine
from sqlalchemy.engine.reflection import Inspector
from sqlalchemy.sql import sqltypes
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
from superset import sql_parse
from superset.constants import PASSWORD_MASK, TimeGrain
from superset.databases.schemas import encrypted_field_properties, EncryptedString
from superset.databases.utils import make_url_safe
from superset.db_engine_specs.base import BaseEngineSpec, BasicPropertiesType
from superset.db_engine_specs.exceptions import SupersetDBAPIConnectionError
from superset.errors import SupersetError, SupersetErrorType
from superset.exceptions import SupersetException
from superset.sql_parse import Table
from superset.utils import core as utils
from superset.utils.hashing import md5_sha_from_str
from import bigquery
from google.oauth2 import service_account
dependencies_installed = True
except ModuleNotFoundError:
dependencies_installed = False
import pandas_gbq
can_upload = True
except ModuleNotFoundError:
can_upload = False
from superset.models.core import Database # pragma: no cover
"Access Denied: Project (?P<project_name>.+?): User does not have "
+ " permission in project (?P<project>.+?)"
'Table name "(?P<table>.*?)" missing dataset while no default '
"dataset is set in the request"
r"Unrecognized name: (?P<column>.*?) at \[(?P<location>.+?)\]"
r"bigquery error: 404 Not found: Dataset (?P<dataset>.*?):"
r"(?P<schema>.*?) was not found in location"
SYNTAX_ERROR_REGEX = re.compile(
'Syntax error: Expected end of input but got identifier "(?P<syntax_error>.+?)"'
ma_plugin = MarshmallowPlugin()
class BigQueryParametersSchema(Schema):
credentials_info = EncryptedString(
metadata={"description": "Contents of BigQuery JSON credentials."},
query = fields.Dict(required=False)
class BigQueryParametersType(TypedDict):
credentials_info: dict[str, Any]
query: dict[str, Any]
class BigQueryEngineSpec(BaseEngineSpec): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
"""Engine spec for Google's BigQuery
As contributed by @mxmzdlv on issue #945"""
engine = "bigquery"
engine_name = "Google BigQuery"
max_column_name_length = 128
disable_ssh_tunneling = True
parameters_schema = BigQueryParametersSchema()
default_driver = "bigquery"
sqlalchemy_uri_placeholder = "bigquery://{project_id}"
# BigQuery doesn't maintain context when running multiple statements in the
# same cursor, so we need to run all statements at once
run_multiple_statements_as_one = True
allows_hidden_cc_in_orderby = True
supports_catalog = True
raw_connections bypass the sqlalchemy-bigquery query execution context and deal with
raw dbapi connection directly.
If this value is not set, the default value is set to 1, as described here,
The default value of 5000 is derived from the sqlalchemy-bigquery.
arraysize = 5000
_date_trunc_functions = {
_time_grain_expressions = {
None: "{col}",
") AS {type})",
") AS {type})",
"5*60 * DIV(UNIX_SECONDS(CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP)), 5*60)"
") AS {type})",
"10*60 * DIV(UNIX_SECONDS(CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP)), 10*60)"
") AS {type})",
"15*60 * DIV(UNIX_SECONDS(CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP)), 15*60)"
") AS {type})",
"30*60 * DIV(UNIX_SECONDS(CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP)), 30*60)"
") AS {type})",
TimeGrain.HOUR: "{func}({col}, HOUR)",
TimeGrain.DAY: "{func}({col}, DAY)",
TimeGrain.WEEK: "{func}({col}, WEEK)",
TimeGrain.WEEK_STARTING_MONDAY: "{func}({col}, ISOWEEK)",
TimeGrain.MONTH: "{func}({col}, MONTH)",
TimeGrain.QUARTER: "{func}({col}, QUARTER)",
TimeGrain.YEAR: "{func}({col}, YEAR)",
custom_errors: dict[Pattern[str], tuple[str, SupersetErrorType, dict[str, Any]]] = {
"Unable to connect. Verify that the following roles are set "
'on the service account: "BigQuery Data Viewer", '
'"BigQuery Metadata Viewer", "BigQuery Job User" '
"and the following permissions are set "
'"bigquery.readsessions.create", '
'The table "%(table)s" does not exist. '
"A valid table must be used to run this query.",
__('We can\'t seem to resolve column "%(column)s" at line %(location)s.'),
'The schema "%(schema)s" does not exist. '
"A valid schema must be used to run this query."
"Please check your query for syntax errors at or near "
'"%(syntax_error)s". Then, try running your query again.'
def convert_dttm(
cls, target_type: str, dttm: datetime, db_extra: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> Optional[str]:
sqla_type = cls.get_sqla_column_type(target_type)
if isinstance(sqla_type, types.Date):
return f"CAST('{}' AS DATE)"
if isinstance(sqla_type, types.TIMESTAMP):
return f"""CAST('{dttm.isoformat(timespec="microseconds")}' AS TIMESTAMP)"""
if isinstance(sqla_type, types.DateTime):
return f"""CAST('{dttm.isoformat(timespec="microseconds")}' AS DATETIME)"""
if isinstance(sqla_type, types.Time):
return f"""CAST('{dttm.strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f")}' AS TIME)"""
return None
def fetch_data(
cls, cursor: Any, limit: Optional[int] = None
) -> list[tuple[Any, ...]]:
data = super().fetch_data(cursor, limit)
# Support type BigQuery Row, introduced here PR #4071
if data and type(data[0]).__name__ == "Row":
data = [r.values() for r in data] # type: ignore
return data
def _mutate_label(label: str) -> str:
BigQuery field_name should start with a letter or underscore and contain only
alphanumeric characters. Labels that start with a number are prefixed with an
underscore. Any unsupported characters are replaced with underscores and an
md5 hash is added to the end of the label to avoid possible collisions.
:param label: Expected expression label
:return: Conditionally mutated label
label_hashed = "_" + md5_sha_from_str(label)
# if label starts with number, add underscore as first character
label_mutated = "_" + label if re.match(r"^\d", label) else label
# replace non-alphanumeric characters with underscores
label_mutated = re.sub(r"[^\w]+", "_", label_mutated)
if label_mutated != label:
# add first 5 chars from md5 hash to label to avoid possible collisions
label_mutated += label_hashed[:6]
return label_mutated
def _truncate_label(cls, label: str) -> str:
"""BigQuery requires column names start with either a letter or
underscore. To make sure this is always the case, an underscore is prefixed
to the md5 hash of the original label.
:param label: expected expression label
:return: truncated label
return "_" + md5_sha_from_str(label)
def normalize_indexes(cls, indexes: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
Normalizes indexes for more consistency across db engines
:param indexes: Raw indexes as returned by SQLAlchemy
:return: cleaner, more aligned index definition
normalized_idxs = []
# Fixing a bug/behavior observed in pybigquery==0.4.15 where
# the index's `column_names` == [None]
# Here we're returning only non-None indexes
for ix in indexes:
column_names = ix.get("column_names") or []
ix["column_names"] = [col for col in column_names if col is not None]
if ix["column_names"]:
return normalized_idxs
def get_indexes(
database: "Database",
inspector: Inspector,
table_name: str,
schema: Optional[str],
) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
Get the indexes associated with the specified schema/table.
:param database: The database to inspect
:param inspector: The SQLAlchemy inspector
:param table_name: The table to inspect
:param schema: The schema to inspect
:returns: The indexes
return cls.normalize_indexes(inspector.get_indexes(table_name, schema))
def extra_table_metadata(
cls, database: "Database", table_name: str, schema_name: Optional[str]
) -> dict[str, Any]:
indexes = database.get_indexes(table_name, schema_name)
if not indexes:
return {}
partitions_columns = [
index.get("column_names", [])
for index in indexes
if index.get("name") == "partition"
cluster_columns = [
index.get("column_names", [])
for index in indexes
if index.get("name") == "clustering"
return {
"partitions": {"cols": partitions_columns},
"clustering": {"cols": cluster_columns},
def epoch_to_dttm(cls) -> str:
return "TIMESTAMP_SECONDS({col})"
def epoch_ms_to_dttm(cls) -> str:
return "TIMESTAMP_MILLIS({col})"
def df_to_sql(
database: "Database",
table: Table,
df: pd.DataFrame,
to_sql_kwargs: dict[str, Any],
) -> None:
Upload data from a Pandas DataFrame to a database.
Calls `pandas_gbq.DataFrame.to_gbq` which requires `pandas_gbq` to be installed.
Note this method does not create metadata for the table.
:param database: The database to upload the data to
:param table: The table to upload the data to
:param df: The dataframe with data to be uploaded
:param to_sql_kwargs: The kwargs to be passed to pandas.DataFrame.to_sql` method
if not can_upload:
raise SupersetException(
"Could not import libraries needed to upload data to BigQuery."
if not table.schema:
raise SupersetException("The table schema must be defined")
to_gbq_kwargs = {}
with cls.get_engine(database) as engine:
to_gbq_kwargs = {
"destination_table": str(table),
# Add credentials if they are set on the SQLAlchemy dialect.
if creds := engine.dialect.credentials_info:
] = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info(creds)
# Only pass through supported kwargs.
supported_kwarg_keys = {"if_exists"}
for key in supported_kwarg_keys:
if key in to_sql_kwargs:
to_gbq_kwargs[key] = to_sql_kwargs[key]
pandas_gbq.to_gbq(df, **to_gbq_kwargs)
def _get_client(cls, engine: Engine) -> Any:
Return the BigQuery client associated with an engine.
if not dependencies_installed:
raise SupersetException(
"Could not import libraries needed to connect to BigQuery."
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info(
return bigquery.Client(credentials=credentials)
def estimate_query_cost(
database: "Database",
schema: str,
sql: str,
source: Optional[utils.QuerySource] = None,
) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
Estimate the cost of a multiple statement SQL query.
:param database: Database instance
:param schema: Database schema
:param sql: SQL query with possibly multiple statements
:param source: Source of the query (eg, "sql_lab")
extra = database.get_extra() or {}
if not cls.get_allow_cost_estimate(extra):
raise SupersetException("Database does not support cost estimation")
parsed_query = sql_parse.ParsedQuery(sql)
statements = parsed_query.get_statements()
costs = []
for statement in statements:
processed_statement = cls.process_statement(statement, database)
costs.append(cls.estimate_statement_cost(processed_statement, database))
return costs
def get_catalog_names(
database: "Database",
inspector: Inspector,
) -> list[str]:
Get all catalogs.
In BigQuery, a catalog is called a "project".
engine: Engine
with database.get_sqla_engine_with_context() as engine:
client = cls._get_client(engine)
projects = client.list_projects()
return sorted(project.project_id for project in projects)
def get_allow_cost_estimate(cls, extra: dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
return True
def estimate_statement_cost(cls, statement: str, cursor: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
with cls.get_engine(cursor) as engine:
client = cls._get_client(engine)
job_config = bigquery.QueryJobConfig(dry_run=True)
query_job = client.query(
) # Make an API request.
# Format Bytes.
# TODO: Humanize in case more db engine specs need to be added,
# this should be made a function outside this scope.
byte_division = 1024
if hasattr(query_job, "total_bytes_processed"):
query_bytes_processed = query_job.total_bytes_processed
if query_bytes_processed // byte_division == 0:
byte_type = "B"
total_bytes_processed = query_bytes_processed
elif query_bytes_processed // (byte_division**2) == 0:
byte_type = "KB"
total_bytes_processed = round(query_bytes_processed / byte_division, 2)
elif query_bytes_processed // (byte_division**3) == 0:
byte_type = "MB"
total_bytes_processed = round(
query_bytes_processed / (byte_division**2), 2
byte_type = "GB"
total_bytes_processed = round(
query_bytes_processed / (byte_division**3), 2
return {f"{byte_type} Processed": total_bytes_processed}
return {}
def query_cost_formatter(
cls, raw_cost: list[dict[str, Any]]
) -> list[dict[str, str]]:
return [{k: str(v) for k, v in row.items()} for row in raw_cost]
def build_sqlalchemy_uri(
parameters: BigQueryParametersType,
encrypted_extra: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> str:
query = parameters.get("query", {})
query_params = urllib.parse.urlencode(query)
if encrypted_extra:
credentials_info = encrypted_extra.get("credentials_info")
if isinstance(credentials_info, str):
credentials_info = json.loads(credentials_info)
project_id = credentials_info.get("project_id")
if not encrypted_extra:
raise ValidationError("Missing service credentials")
if project_id:
return f"{cls.default_driver}://{project_id}/?{query_params}"
raise ValidationError("Invalid service credentials")
def get_parameters_from_uri(
uri: str,
encrypted_extra: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> Any:
value = make_url_safe(uri)
# Building parameters from encrypted_extra and uri
if encrypted_extra:
# ``value.query`` needs to be explicitly converted into a dict (from an
# ``immutabledict``) so that it can be JSON serialized
return {**encrypted_extra, "query": dict(value.query)}
raise ValidationError("Invalid service credentials")
def mask_encrypted_extra(cls, encrypted_extra: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]:
if encrypted_extra is None:
return encrypted_extra
config = json.loads(encrypted_extra)
except (json.JSONDecodeError, TypeError):
return encrypted_extra
config["credentials_info"]["private_key"] = PASSWORD_MASK
except KeyError:
return json.dumps(config)
def unmask_encrypted_extra(
cls, old: Optional[str], new: Optional[str]
) -> Optional[str]:
Reuse ``private_key`` if available and unchanged.
if old is None or new is None:
return new
old_config = json.loads(old)
new_config = json.loads(new)
except (TypeError, json.JSONDecodeError):
return new
if "credentials_info" not in new_config:
return new
if "private_key" not in new_config["credentials_info"]:
return new
if new_config["credentials_info"]["private_key"] == PASSWORD_MASK:
new_config["credentials_info"]["private_key"] = old_config[
return json.dumps(new_config)
def get_dbapi_exception_mapping(cls) -> dict[type[Exception], type[Exception]]:
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from google.auth.exceptions import DefaultCredentialsError
return {DefaultCredentialsError: SupersetDBAPIConnectionError}
def validate_parameters(
properties: BasicPropertiesType, # pylint: disable=unused-argument
) -> list[SupersetError]:
return []
def parameters_json_schema(cls) -> Any:
Return configuration parameters as OpenAPI.
if not cls.parameters_schema:
return None
spec = APISpec(
title="Database Parameters",
spec.components.schema(cls.__name__, schema=cls.parameters_schema)
return spec.to_dict()["components"]["schemas"][cls.__name__]
def select_star( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
database: "Database",
table_name: str,
engine: Engine,
schema: Optional[str] = None,
limit: int = 100,
show_cols: bool = False,
indent: bool = True,
latest_partition: bool = True,
cols: Optional[list[dict[str, Any]]] = None,
) -> str:
Remove array structures from `SELECT *`.
BigQuery supports structures and arrays of structures, eg:
author STRUCT<name STRING, email STRING>
trailer ARRAY<STRUCT<key STRING, value STRING>>
When loading metadata for a table each key in the struct is displayed as a
separate pseudo-column, eg:
- author
- trailer
- trailer.key
- trailer.value
When generating the `SELECT *` statement we want to remove any keys from
structs inside an array, since selecting them results in an error. The correct
select statement should look like this:
Selecting `trailer.key` or `trailer.value` results in an error, as opposed to
selecting ``, since they are keys in a structure inside an array.
This method removes any array pseudo-columns.
if cols:
# For arrays of structs, remove the child columns, otherwise the query
# will fail.
array_prefixes = {
col["name"] for col in cols if isinstance(col["type"], sqltypes.ARRAY)
cols = [
for col in cols
if "." not in col["name"]
or col["name"].split(".")[0] not in array_prefixes
return super().select_star(
def _get_fields(cls, cols: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> list[Any]:
Label columns using their fully qualified name.
BigQuery supports columns of type `struct`, which are basically dictionaries.
When loading metadata for a table with struct columns, each key in the struct
is displayed as a separate pseudo-column, eg:
author STRUCT<name STRING, email STRING>
Will be shown as 3 columns:
- author
If we select those fields:
SELECT `author`, `author`.`name`, `author`.`email` FROM table
The resulting columns will be called "author", "name", and "email", This may
result in a clash with other columns. To prevent that, we explicitly label
the columns using their fully qualified name, so we end up with "author",
"author__name" and "author__email", respectively.
return [column(c["name"]).label(c["name"].replace(".", "__")) for c in cols]
def parse_error_exception(cls, exception: Exception) -> Exception:
return Exception(str(exception).splitlines()[0].strip())
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
# If for some reason we get an exception, for example, no new line
# We will return the original exception
return exception