blob: 27fcd1eef0ea78a7174f5b1bc8f62be38ba7ff97 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
from superset.commands.exceptions import (
class DatabaseNotFoundValidationError(ValidationError):
Marshmallow validation error for database does not exist
def __init__(self) -> None:
super().__init__(_("Database does not exist"), field_name="database")
class DashboardNotFoundValidationError(ValidationError):
Marshmallow validation error for dashboard does not exist
def __init__(self) -> None:
super().__init__(_("Dashboard does not exist"), field_name="dashboard")
class ChartNotFoundValidationError(ValidationError):
Marshmallow validation error for chart does not exist
def __init__(self) -> None:
super().__init__(_("Chart does not exist"), field_name="chart")
class ReportScheduleAlertRequiredDatabaseValidationError(ValidationError):
Marshmallow validation error for report schedule alert missing database field
def __init__(self) -> None:
super().__init__(_("Database is required for alerts"), field_name="database")
class ReportScheduleRequiredTypeValidationError(ValidationError):
Marshmallow type validation error for report schedule missing type field
def __init__(self) -> None:
super().__init__(_("Type is required"), field_name="type")
class ReportScheduleChartOrDashboardValidationError(ValidationError):
Marshmallow validation error for report schedule accept exlusive chart or dashboard
def __init__(self) -> None:
super().__init__(_("Choose a chart or dashboard not both"), field_name="chart")
class ChartNotSavedValidationError(ValidationError):
Marshmallow validation error for charts that haven't been saved yet
def __init__(self) -> None:
_("Please save your chart first, then try creating a new email report."),
class DashboardNotSavedValidationError(ValidationError):
Marshmallow validation error for dashboards that haven't been saved yet
def __init__(self) -> None:
"Please save your dashboard first, then try creating a new email report."
class ReportScheduleInvalidError(CommandInvalidError):
message = _("Report Schedule parameters are invalid.")
class ReportScheduleBulkDeleteFailedError(DeleteFailedError):
message = _("Report Schedule could not be deleted.")
class ReportScheduleCreateFailedError(CreateFailedError):
message = _("Report Schedule could not be created.")
class ReportScheduleUpdateFailedError(CreateFailedError):
message = _("Report Schedule could not be updated.")
class ReportScheduleNotFoundError(CommandException):
message = _("Report Schedule not found.")
class ReportScheduleDeleteFailedError(CommandException):
message = _("Report Schedule delete failed.")
class PruneReportScheduleLogFailedError(CommandException):
message = _("Report Schedule log prune failed.")
class ReportScheduleScreenshotFailedError(CommandException):
message = _("Report Schedule execution failed when generating a screenshot.")
class ReportScheduleCsvFailedError(CommandException):
message = _("Report Schedule execution failed when generating a csv.")
class ReportScheduleDataFrameFailedError(CommandException):
message = _("Report Schedule execution failed when generating a dataframe.")
class ReportScheduleExecuteUnexpectedError(CommandException):
message = _("Report Schedule execution got an unexpected error.")
class ReportSchedulePreviousWorkingError(CommandException):
message = _("Report Schedule is still working, refusing to re-compute.")
class ReportScheduleWorkingTimeoutError(CommandException):
message = _("Report Schedule reached a working timeout.")
class ReportScheduleNameUniquenessValidationError(ValidationError):
Marshmallow validation error for Report Schedule name and type already exists
def __init__(self) -> None:
super().__init__([_("Name must be unique")], field_name="name")
class ReportScheduleCreationMethodUniquenessValidationError(CommandException):
status = 409
message = "Resource already has an attached report."
class AlertQueryMultipleRowsError(CommandException):
message = _("Alert query returned more then one row.")
class AlertValidatorConfigError(CommandException):
message = _("Alert validator config error.")
class AlertQueryMultipleColumnsError(CommandException):
message = _("Alert query returned more then one column.")
class AlertQueryInvalidTypeError(CommandException):
message = _("Alert query returned a non-number value.")
class AlertQueryError(CommandException):
message = _("Alert found an error while executing a query.")
class AlertQueryTimeout(CommandException):
message = _("A timeout occurred while executing the query.")
class ReportScheduleScreenshotTimeout(CommandException):
message = _("A timeout occurred while taking a screenshot.")
class ReportScheduleCsvTimeout(CommandException):
message = _("A timeout occurred while generating a csv.")
class ReportScheduleDataFrameTimeout(CommandException):
message = _("A timeout occurred while generating a dataframe.")
class ReportScheduleAlertGracePeriodError(CommandException):
message = _("Alert fired during grace period.")
class ReportScheduleAlertEndGracePeriodError(CommandException):
message = _("Alert ended grace period.")
class ReportScheduleNotificationError(CommandException):
message = _("Alert on grace period")
class ReportScheduleSelleniumUserNotFoundError(CommandException):
message = _("Report Schedule sellenium user not found")
class ReportScheduleStateNotFoundError(CommandException):
message = _("Report Schedule state not found")
class ReportScheduleUnexpectedError(CommandException):
message = _("Report schedule unexpected error")
class ReportScheduleForbiddenError(ForbiddenError):
message = _("Changing this report is forbidden")
class ReportSchedulePruneLogError(CommandException):
message = _("An error occurred while pruning logs ")