blob: 1d0d81faaf2cf55fd4dfc76561f6fe222fb71069 [file] [log] [blame]
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"""Migrate num_period_compare and period_ratio_type
Revision ID: 3dda56f1c4c6
Revises: bddc498dd179
Create Date: 2018-07-05 15:19:14.609299
# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
import datetime
import json
import isodate
from alembic import op
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, Text
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from superset import db
from superset.utils.date_parser import parse_human_timedelta
revision = "3dda56f1c4c6"
down_revision = "bddc498dd179"
Base = declarative_base()
class Slice(Base):
__tablename__ = "slices"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
datasource_type = Column(String(200))
params = Column(Text)
comparison_type_map = {"factor": "ratio", "growth": "percentage", "value": "absolute"}
db_engine_specs_map = {
"second": "PT1S",
"minute": "PT1M",
"5 minute": "PT5M",
"10 minute": "PT10M",
"half hour": "PT0.5H",
"hour": "PT1H",
"day": "P1D",
"week": "P1W",
"week_ending_saturday": "P1W",
"week_start_sunday": "P1W",
"week_start_monday": "P1W",
"week_starting_sunday": "P1W",
"P1W/1970-01-03T00:00:00Z": "P1W",
"1969-12-28T00:00:00Z/P1W": "P1W",
"month": "P1M",
"quarter": "P0.25Y",
"year": "P1Y",
def isodate_duration_to_string(obj):
if obj.tdelta:
if not obj.months and not obj.years:
return format_seconds(obj.tdelta.total_seconds())
raise Exception("Unable to convert: {0}".format(obj))
if obj.months % 12 != 0:
months = obj.months + 12 * obj.years
return "{0} months".format(months)
return "{0} years".format(obj.years + obj.months // 12)
def timedelta_to_string(obj):
if obj.microseconds:
raise Exception("Unable to convert: {0}".format(obj))
elif obj.seconds:
return format_seconds(obj.total_seconds())
elif obj.days % 7 == 0:
return "{0} weeks".format(obj.days // 7)
return "{0} days".format(obj.days)
def format_seconds(value):
periods = [("minute", 60), ("hour", 3600), ("day", 86400), ("week", 604800)]
for period, multiple in periods:
if value % multiple == 0:
value //= multiple
period = "second"
return "{0} {1}{2}".format(value, period, "s" if value > 1 else "")
def compute_time_compare(granularity, periods):
if not granularity:
return None
# convert old db_engine_spec granularity to ISO duration
if granularity in db_engine_specs_map:
granularity = db_engine_specs_map[granularity]
obj = isodate.parse_duration(granularity) * periods
except isodate.isoerror.ISO8601Error:
# if parse_human_timedelta can parse it, return it directly
delta = "{0} {1}{2}".format(periods, granularity, "s" if periods > 1 else "")
obj = parse_human_timedelta(delta)
if obj:
return delta
raise Exception("Unable to parse: {0}".format(granularity))
if isinstance(obj, isodate.duration.Duration):
return isodate_duration_to_string(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, datetime.timedelta):
return timedelta_to_string(obj)
def upgrade():
bind = op.get_bind()
session = db.Session(bind=bind)
for chart in session.query(Slice):
params = json.loads(chart.params or "{}")
if not params.get("num_period_compare"):
num_period_compare = int(params.get("num_period_compare"))
granularity = (
if chart.datasource_type == "druid"
else params.get("time_grain_sqla")
time_compare = compute_time_compare(granularity, num_period_compare)
period_ratio_type = params.get("period_ratio_type") or "growth"
comparison_type = comparison_type_map[period_ratio_type.lower()]
params["time_compare"] = [time_compare]
params["comparison_type"] = comparison_type
chart.params = json.dumps(params, sort_keys=True)
def downgrade():
bind = op.get_bind()
session = db.Session(bind=bind)
for chart in session.query(Slice):
params = json.loads(chart.params or "{}")
if "time_compare" in params or "comparison_type" in params:
params.pop("time_compare", None)
params.pop("comparison_type", None)
chart.params = json.dumps(params, sort_keys=True)