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Functions to reproduce the post-processing of data on text charts.
Some text-based charts (pivot tables and t-test table) perform
post-processing of the data in Javascript. When sending the data
to users in reports we want to show the same data they would see
on Explore.
In order to do that, we reproduce the post-processing in Python
for these chart types.
from io import StringIO
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
import pandas as pd
from superset.utils.core import (
def get_column_key(label: Tuple[str, ...], metrics: List[str]) -> Tuple[Any, ...]:
Sort columns when combining metrics.
MultiIndex labels have the metric name as the last element in the
tuple. We want to sort these according to the list of passed metrics.
parts: List[Any] = list(label)
metric = parts[-1]
parts[-1] = metrics.index(metric)
return tuple(parts)
def pivot_df( # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-arguments, too-many-statements, too-many-branches
df: pd.DataFrame,
rows: List[str],
columns: List[str],
metrics: List[str],
aggfunc: str = "Sum",
transpose_pivot: bool = False,
combine_metrics: bool = False,
show_rows_total: bool = False,
show_columns_total: bool = False,
apply_metrics_on_rows: bool = False,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
metric_name = f"Total ({aggfunc})"
if transpose_pivot:
rows, columns = columns, rows
# to apply the metrics on the rows we pivot the dataframe, apply the
# metrics to the columns, and pivot the dataframe back before
# returning it
if apply_metrics_on_rows:
rows, columns = columns, rows
axis = {"columns": 0, "rows": 1}
axis = {"columns": 1, "rows": 0}
# pivot data; we'll compute totals and subtotals later
if rows or columns:
df = df.pivot_table(
# if there's no rows nor columns we have a single value; update
# the index with the metric name so it shows up in the table
df.index = pd.Index([*df.index[:-1], metric_name], name="metric")
# if no rows were passed the metrics will be in the rows, so we
# need to move them back to columns
if columns and not rows:
df = df.stack().to_frame().T
df = df[metrics]
df.index = pd.Index([*df.index[:-1], metric_name], name="metric")
# combining metrics changes the column hierarchy, moving the metric
# from the top to the bottom, eg:
# ('SUM(col)', 'age', 'name') => ('age', 'name', 'SUM(col)')
if combine_metrics and isinstance(df.columns, pd.MultiIndex):
# move metrics to the lowest level
new_order = [*range(1, df.columns.nlevels), 0]
df = df.reorder_levels(new_order, axis=1)
# sort columns, combining metrics for each group
decorated_columns = [(col, i) for i, col in enumerate(df.columns)]
grouped_columns = sorted(
decorated_columns, key=lambda t: get_column_key(t[0], metrics)
indexes = [i for col, i in grouped_columns]
df = df[df.columns[indexes]]
elif rows:
# if metrics were not combined we sort the dataframe by the list
# of metrics defined by the user
df = df[metrics]
# compute fractions, if needed
if aggfunc.endswith(" as Fraction of Total"):
total = df.sum().sum()
df = df.astype(total.dtypes) / total
elif aggfunc.endswith(" as Fraction of Columns"):
total = df.sum(axis=axis["rows"])
df = df.astype(total.dtypes).div(total, axis=axis["columns"])
elif aggfunc.endswith(" as Fraction of Rows"):
total = df.sum(axis=axis["columns"])
df = df.astype(total.dtypes).div(total, axis=axis["rows"])
# convert to a MultiIndex to simplify logic
if not isinstance(df.index, pd.MultiIndex):
df.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([(str(i),) for i in df.index])
if not isinstance(df.columns, pd.MultiIndex):
df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([(str(i),) for i in df.columns])
if show_rows_total:
# add subtotal for each group and overall total; we start from the
# overall group, and iterate deeper into subgroups
groups = df.columns
for level in range(df.columns.nlevels):
subgroups = {group[:level] for group in groups}
for subgroup in subgroups:
slice_ = df.columns.get_loc(subgroup)
subtotal = pivot_v2_aggfunc_map[aggfunc](df.iloc[:, slice_], axis=1)
depth = df.columns.nlevels - len(subgroup) - 1
total = metric_name if level == 0 else "Subtotal"
subtotal_name = tuple([*subgroup, total, *([""] * depth)])
# insert column after subgroup
df.insert(int(slice_.stop), subtotal_name, subtotal)
if rows and show_columns_total:
# add subtotal for each group and overall total; we start from the
# overall group, and iterate deeper into subgroups
groups = df.index
for level in range(df.index.nlevels):
subgroups = {group[:level] for group in groups}
for subgroup in subgroups:
slice_ = df.index.get_loc(subgroup)
subtotal = pivot_v2_aggfunc_map[aggfunc](
df.iloc[slice_, :].apply(pd.to_numeric), axis=0
depth = df.index.nlevels - len(subgroup) - 1
total = metric_name if level == 0 else "Subtotal" = tuple([*subgroup, total, *([""] * depth)])
# insert row after subgroup
df = pd.concat(
[df[: slice_.stop], subtotal.to_frame().T, df[slice_.stop :]]
# if we want to apply the metrics on the rows we need to pivot the
# dataframe back
if apply_metrics_on_rows:
df = df.T
return df
def list_unique_values(series: pd.Series) -> str:
List unique values in a series.
return ", ".join(set(str(v) for v in pd.Series.unique(series)))
pivot_v2_aggfunc_map = {
"Count": pd.Series.count,
"Count Unique Values": pd.Series.nunique,
"List Unique Values": list_unique_values,
"Sum": pd.Series.sum,
"Average": pd.Series.mean,
"Median": pd.Series.median,
"Sample Variance": lambda series: pd.series.var(series) if len(series) > 1 else 0,
"Sample Standard Deviation": (
lambda series: pd.series.std(series) if len(series) > 1 else 0,
"Minimum": pd.Series.min,
"Maximum": pd.Series.max,
"First": lambda series: series[:1],
"Last": lambda series: series[-1:],
"Sum as Fraction of Total": pd.Series.sum,
"Sum as Fraction of Rows": pd.Series.sum,
"Sum as Fraction of Columns": pd.Series.sum,
"Count as Fraction of Total": pd.Series.count,
"Count as Fraction of Rows": pd.Series.count,
"Count as Fraction of Columns": pd.Series.count,
def pivot_table_v2(df: pd.DataFrame, form_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> pd.DataFrame:
Pivot table v2.
if form_data.get("granularity_sqla") == "all" and DTTM_ALIAS in df:
del df[DTTM_ALIAS]
return pivot_df(
rows=form_data.get("groupbyRows") or [],
columns=form_data.get("groupbyColumns") or [],
metrics=[get_metric_name(m) for m in form_data["metrics"]],
aggfunc=form_data.get("aggregateFunction", "Sum"),
apply_metrics_on_rows=form_data.get("metricsLayout") == "ROWS",
def pivot_table(df: pd.DataFrame, form_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> pd.DataFrame:
Pivot table (v1).
if form_data.get("granularity") == "all" and DTTM_ALIAS in df:
del df[DTTM_ALIAS]
# v1 func names => v2 func names
func_map = {
"sum": "Sum",
"mean": "Average",
"min": "Minimum",
"max": "Maximum",
"std": "Sample Standard Deviation",
"var": "Sample Variance",
return pivot_df(
rows=form_data.get("groupby") or [],
columns=form_data.get("columns") or [],
metrics=[get_metric_name(m) for m in form_data["metrics"]],
aggfunc=func_map.get(form_data.get("pandas_aggfunc", "sum"), "Sum"),
post_processors = {
"pivot_table": pivot_table,
"pivot_table_v2": pivot_table_v2,
def apply_post_process(
result: Dict[Any, Any], form_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> Dict[Any, Any]:
form_data = form_data or {}
viz_type = form_data.get("viz_type")
if viz_type not in post_processors:
return result
post_processor = post_processors[viz_type]
for query in result["queries"]:
if query["result_format"] == ChartDataResultFormat.JSON:
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(query["data"])
elif query["result_format"] == ChartDataResultFormat.CSV:
df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(query["data"]))
raise Exception(f"Result format {query['result_format']} not supported")
processed_df = post_processor(df, form_data)
query["colnames"] = list(processed_df.columns)
query["indexnames"] = list(processed_df.index)
query["coltypes"] = extract_dataframe_dtypes(processed_df)
query["rowcount"] = len(processed_df.index)
# Flatten hierarchical columns/index since they are represented as
# `Tuple[str]`. Otherwise encoding to JSON later will fail because
# maps cannot have tuples as their keys in JSON.
processed_df.columns = [
" ".join(str(name) for name in column).strip()
if isinstance(column, tuple)
else column
for column in processed_df.columns
processed_df.index = [
" ".join(str(name) for name in index).strip()
if isinstance(index, tuple)
else index
for index in processed_df.index
if query["result_format"] == ChartDataResultFormat.JSON:
query["data"] = processed_df.to_dict()
elif query["result_format"] == ChartDataResultFormat.CSV:
buf = StringIO()
query["data"] = buf.getvalue()
return result