blob: a3dd432e4f3771beb7ae9482c910069d526a29da [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import date
from functools import wraps
from typing import Any, Callable, DefaultDict, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
from urllib import parse
import msgpack
import pyarrow as pa
import simplejson as json
from flask import g, request
from import models as ab_models
from import User
from flask_babel import _
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
import superset.models.core as models
from superset import app, dataframe, db, result_set, viz
from superset.connectors.connector_registry import ConnectorRegistry
from superset.errors import ErrorLevel, SupersetError, SupersetErrorType
from superset.exceptions import (
from superset.extensions import cache_manager, security_manager
from superset.legacy import update_time_range
from superset.models.core import Database
from superset.models.dashboard import Dashboard
from superset.models.slice import Slice
from superset.models.sql_lab import Query
from superset.typing import FormData
from superset.utils.core import QueryStatus, TimeRangeEndpoint
from superset.utils.decorators import stats_timing
from superset.viz import BaseViz
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
stats_logger = app.config["STATS_LOGGER"]
if not app.config["ENABLE_JAVASCRIPT_CONTROLS"]:
REJECTED_FORM_DATA_KEYS = ["js_tooltip", "js_onclick_href", "js_data_mutator"]
def bootstrap_user_data(user: User, include_perms: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]:
if user.is_anonymous:
return {}
payload = {
"username": user.username,
"firstName": user.first_name,
"lastName": user.last_name,
"isActive": user.is_active,
"createdOn": user.created_on.isoformat(),
if include_perms:
roles, permissions = get_permissions(user)
payload["roles"] = roles
payload["permissions"] = permissions
return payload
def get_permissions(
user: User,
) -> Tuple[Dict[str, List[List[str]]], DefaultDict[str, Set[str]]]:
if not user.roles:
raise AttributeError("User object does not have roles")
roles = defaultdict(list)
permissions = defaultdict(set)
for role in user.roles:
permissions_ = security_manager.get_role_permissions(role)
for permission in permissions_:
if permission[0] in ("datasource_access", "database_access"):
roles[].append([permission[0], permission[1]])
return roles, permissions
def get_viz(
form_data: FormData,
datasource_type: str,
datasource_id: int,
force: bool = False,
force_cached: bool = False,
) -> BaseViz:
viz_type = form_data.get("viz_type", "table")
datasource = ConnectorRegistry.get_datasource(
datasource_type, datasource_id, db.session
viz_obj = viz.viz_types[viz_type](
datasource, form_data=form_data, force=force, force_cached=force_cached
return viz_obj
def loads_request_json(request_json_data: str) -> Dict[Any, Any]:
return json.loads(request_json_data)
except (TypeError, json.JSONDecodeError):
return {}
def get_form_data( # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
slice_id: Optional[int] = None, use_slice_data: bool = False
) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Optional[Slice]]:
form_data: Dict[str, Any] = {}
# chart data API requests are JSON
request_json_data = (
if request.is_json and "queries" in request.json
else None
request_form_data = request.form.get("form_data")
request_args_data = request.args.get("form_data")
if request_json_data:
if request_form_data:
parsed_form_data = loads_request_json(request_form_data)
# some chart data api requests are form_data
queries = parsed_form_data.get("queries")
if isinstance(queries, list):
# request params can overwrite the body
if request_args_data:
# Fallback to using the Flask globals (used for cache warmup) if defined.
if not form_data and hasattr(g, "form_data"):
form_data = getattr(g, "form_data")
url_id = request.args.get("r")
if url_id:
saved_url = db.session.query(models.Url).filter_by(id=url_id).first()
if saved_url:
url_str = parse.unquote_plus(
saved_url.url.split("?")[1][10:], encoding="utf-8"
url_form_data = loads_request_json(url_str)
# allow form_date in request override saved url
form_data = url_form_data
form_data = {k: v for k, v in form_data.items() if k not in REJECTED_FORM_DATA_KEYS}
# When a slice_id is present, load from DB and override
# the form_data from the DB with the other form_data provided
slice_id = form_data.get("slice_id") or slice_id
slc = None
# Check if form data only contains slice_id, additional filters and viz type
valid_keys = ["slice_id", "extra_filters", "adhoc_filters", "viz_type"]
valid_slice_id = all(key in valid_keys for key in form_data)
# Include the slice_form_data if request from explore or slice calls
# or if form_data only contains slice_id and additional filters
if slice_id and (use_slice_data or valid_slice_id):
slc = db.session.query(Slice).filter_by(id=slice_id).one_or_none()
if slc:
slice_form_data = slc.form_data.copy()
form_data = slice_form_data
if app.config["SIP_15_ENABLED"]:
form_data["time_range_endpoints"] = get_time_range_endpoints(
form_data, slc, slice_id
return form_data, slc
def add_sqllab_custom_filters(form_data: Dict[Any, Any]) -> Any:
SQLLab can include a "filters" attribute in the templateParams.
The filters attribute is a list of filters to include in the
request. Useful for testing templates in SQLLab.
data = json.loads(
if isinstance(data, dict):
params_str = data.get("templateParams")
if isinstance(params_str, str):
params = json.loads(params_str)
if isinstance(params, dict):
filters = params.get("_filters")
if filters:
form_data.update({"filters": filters})
except (TypeError, json.JSONDecodeError):
data = {}
def get_datasource_info(
datasource_id: Optional[int], datasource_type: Optional[str], form_data: FormData
) -> Tuple[int, Optional[str]]:
Compatibility layer for handling of datasource info
datasource_id & datasource_type used to be passed in the URL
directory, now they should come as part of the form_data,
This function allows supporting both without duplicating code
:param datasource_id: The datasource ID
:param datasource_type: The datasource type, i.e., 'druid' or 'table'
:param form_data: The URL form data
:returns: The datasource ID and type
:raises SupersetException: If the datasource no longer exists
datasource = form_data.get("datasource", "")
if "__" in datasource:
datasource_id, datasource_type = datasource.split("__")
# The case where the datasource has been deleted
if datasource_id == "None":
datasource_id = None
if not datasource_id:
raise SupersetException(
_("The dataset associated with this chart no longer exists")
datasource_id = int(datasource_id)
return datasource_id, datasource_type
def apply_display_max_row_limit(
sql_results: Dict[str, Any], rows: Optional[int] = None
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Given a `sql_results` nested structure, applies a limit to the number of rows
`sql_results` here is the nested structure coming out of sql_lab.get_sql_results, it
contains metadata about the query, as well as the data set returned by the query.
This method limits the number of rows adds a `displayLimitReached: True` flag to the
:param sql_results: The results of a sql query from sql_lab.get_sql_results
:returns: The mutated sql_results structure
display_limit = rows or app.config["DISPLAY_MAX_ROW"]
if (
and sql_results["status"] == QueryStatus.SUCCESS
and display_limit < sql_results["query"]["rows"]
sql_results["data"] = sql_results["data"][:display_limit]
sql_results["displayLimitReached"] = True
return sql_results
def get_time_range_endpoints(
form_data: FormData, slc: Optional[Slice] = None, slice_id: Optional[int] = None
) -> Optional[Tuple[TimeRangeEndpoint, TimeRangeEndpoint]]:
Get the slice aware time range endpoints from the form-data falling back to the SQL
database specific definition or default if not defined.
Note under certain circumstances the slice object may not exist, however the slice
ID may be defined which serves as a fallback.
When SIP-15 is enabled all new slices will use the [start, end) interval. If the
grace period is defined and has ended all slices will adhere to the [start, end)
:param form_data: The form-data
:param slc: The slice
:param slice_id: The slice ID
:returns: The time range endpoints tuple
if (
and >= app.config["SIP_15_GRACE_PERIOD_END"]
return (TimeRangeEndpoint.INCLUSIVE, TimeRangeEndpoint.EXCLUSIVE)
endpoints = form_data.get("time_range_endpoints")
if (slc or slice_id) and not endpoints:
_, datasource_type = get_datasource_info(None, None, form_data)
except SupersetException:
return None
if datasource_type == "table":
if not slc:
slc = db.session.query(Slice).filter_by(id=slice_id).one_or_none()
if slc and slc.datasource:
endpoints = slc.datasource.database.get_extra().get(
if not endpoints:
endpoints = app.config["SIP_15_DEFAULT_TIME_RANGE_ENDPOINTS"]
if endpoints:
start, end = endpoints
return (TimeRangeEndpoint(start), TimeRangeEndpoint(end))
return (TimeRangeEndpoint.INCLUSIVE, TimeRangeEndpoint.EXCLUSIVE)
# see all dashboard components type in
# /superset-frontend/src/dashboard/util/componentTypes.js
def get_dashboard_extra_filters(
slice_id: int, dashboard_id: int
) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
session = db.session()
dashboard = session.query(Dashboard).filter_by(id=dashboard_id).one_or_none()
# is chart in this dashboard?
if (
dashboard is None
or not dashboard.json_metadata
or not dashboard.slices
or not any([slc for slc in dashboard.slices if == slice_id])
return []
# does this dashboard have default filters?
json_metadata = json.loads(dashboard.json_metadata)
default_filters = json.loads(json_metadata.get("default_filters", "null"))
if not default_filters:
return []
# are default filters applicable to the given slice?
filter_scopes = json_metadata.get("filter_scopes", {})
layout = json.loads(dashboard.position_json or "{}")
if (
isinstance(layout, dict)
and isinstance(filter_scopes, dict)
and isinstance(default_filters, dict)
return build_extra_filters(layout, filter_scopes, default_filters, slice_id)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
return []
def build_extra_filters( # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-nested-blocks
layout: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]],
filter_scopes: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]],
default_filters: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[Any]]],
slice_id: int,
) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
extra_filters = []
# do not apply filters if chart is not in filter's scope or chart is immune to the
# filter.
for filter_id, columns in default_filters.items():
filter_slice = db.session.query(Slice).filter_by(id=filter_id).one_or_none()
filter_configs: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
if filter_slice:
filter_configs = (
json.loads(filter_slice.params or "{}").get("filter_configs") or []
scopes_by_filter_field = filter_scopes.get(filter_id, {})
for col, val in columns.items():
if not val:
current_field_scopes = scopes_by_filter_field.get(col, {})
scoped_container_ids = current_field_scopes.get("scope", ["ROOT_ID"])
immune_slice_ids = current_field_scopes.get("immune", [])
for container_id in scoped_container_ids:
if slice_id not in immune_slice_ids and is_slice_in_container(
layout, container_id, slice_id
# Ensure that the filter value encoding adheres to the filter select
# type.
for filter_config in filter_configs:
if filter_config["column"] == col:
is_multiple = filter_config["multiple"]
if not is_multiple and isinstance(val, list):
val = val[0]
elif is_multiple and not isinstance(val, list):
val = [val]
"col": col,
"op": "in" if isinstance(val, list) else "==",
"val": val,
return extra_filters
def is_slice_in_container(
layout: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], container_id: str, slice_id: int
) -> bool:
if container_id == "ROOT_ID":
return True
node = layout[container_id]
node_type = node.get("type")
if node_type == "CHART" and node.get("meta", {}).get("chartId") == slice_id:
return True
if node_type in CONTAINER_TYPES:
children = node.get("children", [])
return any(
is_slice_in_container(layout, child_id, slice_id) for child_id in children
return False
def is_owner(obj: Union[Dashboard, Slice], user: User) -> bool:
""" Check if user is owner of the slice """
return obj and user in obj.owners
def check_resource_permissions(check_perms: Callable[..., Any],) -> Callable[..., Any]:
A decorator for checking permissions on a request using the passed-in function.
def decorator(f: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]:
def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
# check if the user can access the resource
check_perms(*args, **kwargs)
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return decorator
def check_explore_cache_perms(_self: Any, cache_key: str) -> None:
Loads async explore_json request data from cache and performs access check
:param _self: the Superset view instance
:param cache_key: the cache key passed into /explore_json/data/
:raises SupersetSecurityException: If the user cannot access the resource
cached = cache_manager.cache.get(cache_key)
if not cached:
raise CacheLoadError("Cached data not found")
check_datasource_perms(_self, form_data=cached["form_data"])
def check_datasource_perms(
_self: Any,
datasource_type: Optional[str] = None,
datasource_id: Optional[int] = None,
**kwargs: Any
) -> None:
Check if user can access a cached response from explore_json.
This function takes `self` since it must have the same signature as the
the decorated method.
:param datasource_type: The datasource type, i.e., 'druid' or 'table'
:param datasource_id: The datasource ID
:raises SupersetSecurityException: If the user cannot access the resource
form_data = kwargs["form_data"] if "form_data" in kwargs else get_form_data()[0]
datasource_id, datasource_type = get_datasource_info(
datasource_id, datasource_type, form_data
except SupersetException as ex:
raise SupersetSecurityException(
if datasource_type is None:
raise SupersetSecurityException(
message=_("Could not determine datasource type"),
viz_obj = get_viz(
except NoResultFound:
raise SupersetSecurityException(
message=_("Could not find viz object"),
def check_slice_perms(_self: Any, slice_id: int) -> None:
Check if user can access a cached response from slice_json.
This function takes `self` since it must have the same signature as the
the decorated method.
:param slice_id: The slice ID
:raises SupersetSecurityException: If the user cannot access the resource
form_data, slc = get_form_data(slice_id, use_slice_data=True)
if slc and slc.datasource:
viz_obj = get_viz(
except NoResultFound:
raise SupersetSecurityException(
message="Could not find viz object",
def _deserialize_results_payload(
payload: Union[bytes, str], query: Query, use_msgpack: Optional[bool] = False
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
logger.debug("Deserializing from msgpack: %r", use_msgpack)
if use_msgpack:
with stats_timing(
"sqllab.query.results_backend_msgpack_deserialize", stats_logger
ds_payload = msgpack.loads(payload, raw=False)
with stats_timing("sqllab.query.results_backend_pa_deserialize", stats_logger):
pa_table = pa.deserialize(ds_payload["data"])
except pa.ArrowSerializationError:
raise SerializationError("Unable to deserialize table")
df = result_set.SupersetResultSet.convert_table_to_df(pa_table)
ds_payload["data"] = dataframe.df_to_records(df) or []
db_engine_spec = query.database.db_engine_spec
all_columns, data, expanded_columns = db_engine_spec.expand_data(
ds_payload["selected_columns"], ds_payload["data"]
{"data": data, "columns": all_columns, "expanded_columns": expanded_columns}
return ds_payload
with stats_timing("sqllab.query.results_backend_json_deserialize", stats_logger):
return json.loads(payload)
def get_cta_schema_name(
database: Database, user: ab_models.User, schema: str, sql: str
) -> Optional[str]:
func: Optional[Callable[[Database, ab_models.User, str, str], str]] = app.config[
if not func:
return None
return func(database, user, schema, sql)