blob: bf65f8a62415daa37f70e2fcbe01a70d0cf05330 [file] [log] [blame]
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Datasources include\nboth databases and druid clusters. The data is expected to be organized in the following hierarchy:`}</p>\n <pre><code {...{\n \"parentName\": \"pre\"\n }}>{`├──databases\n| ├──database_1\n| | ├──table_1\n| | | ├──columns\n| | | | ├──column_1\n| | | | ├──column_2\n| | | | └──... (more columns)\n| | | └──metrics\n| | | ├──metric_1\n| | | ├──metric_2\n| | | └──... (more metrics)\n| | └── ... (more tables)\n| └── ... (more databases)\n└──druid_clusters\n ├──cluster_1\n | ├──datasource_1\n | | ├──columns\n | | | ├──column_1\n | | | ├──column_2\n | | | └──... (more columns)\n | | └──metrics\n | | ├──metric_1\n | | ├──metric_2\n | | └──... (more metrics)\n | └── ... (more datasources)\n └── ... (more clusters)\n`}</code></pre>\n <h3 {...{\n \"id\": \"exporting-datasources-to-yaml\"\n }}>{`Exporting Datasources to YAML`}</h3>\n <p>{`You can print your current datasources to stdout by running:`}</p>\n <pre><code {...{\n \"parentName\": \"pre\"\n }}>{`superset export_datasources\n`}</code></pre>\n <p>{`To save your datasources to a file run:`}</p>\n <pre><code {...{\n \"parentName\": \"pre\"\n }}>{`superset export_datasources -f <filename>\n`}</code></pre>\n <p>{`By default, default (null) values will be omitted. Use the -d flag to include them. If you want back\nreferences to be included (e.g. a column to include the table id it belongs to) use the -b flag.`}</p>\n <p>{`Alternatively, you can export datasources using the UI:`}</p>\n <ol>\n\n <li {...{\n \"parentName\": \"ol\"\n }}>{`Open `}\n <strong {...{\n \"parentName\": \"li\"\n }}>{`Sources -> Databases`}</strong>\n {` to export all tables associated to a single or multiple databases.\n(`}\n <strong {...{\n \"parentName\": \"li\"\n }}>{`Tables`}</strong>\n {` for one or more tables, `}\n <strong {...{\n \"parentName\": \"li\"\n }}>{`Druid Clusters`}</strong>\n {` for clusters, `}\n <strong {...{\n \"parentName\": \"li\"\n }}>{`Druid Datasources`}</strong>\n {` for\ndatasources)`}</li>\n\n\n <li {...{\n \"parentName\": \"ol\"\n }}>{`Select the items you would like to export.`}</li>\n\n\n <li {...{\n \"parentName\": \"ol\"\n }}>{`Click `}\n <strong {...{\n \"parentName\": \"li\"\n }}>{`Actions -> Export`}</strong>\n {` to YAML`}</li>\n\n\n <li {...{\n \"parentName\": \"ol\"\n }}>{`If you want to import an item that you exported through the UI, you will need to nest it inside\nits parent element, e.g. a database needs to be nested under databases a table needs to be nested\ninside a database element.`}</li>\n\n </ol>\n <p>{`In order to obtain an `}\n <strong {...{\n \"parentName\": \"p\"\n }}>{`exhaustive list of all fields`}</strong>\n {` you can import using the YAML import run:`}</p>\n <pre><code {...{\n \"parentName\": \"pre\"\n }}>{`superset export_datasource_schema\n`}</code></pre>\n <p>{`As a reminder, you can use the `}\n <inlineCode {...{\n \"parentName\": \"p\"\n }}>{`-b`}</inlineCode>\n {` flag to include back references.`}</p>\n <h3 {...{\n \"id\": \"importing-datasources-from-yaml\"\n }}>{`Importing Datasources from YAML`}</h3>\n <p>{`In order to import datasources from a YAML file(s), run:`}</p>\n <pre><code {...{\n \"parentName\": \"pre\"\n }}>{`superset import_datasources -p <path or filename>\n`}</code></pre>\n <p>{`If you supply a path all files ending with `}\n <strong {...{\n \"parentName\": \"p\"\n }}>{`yaml`}</strong>\n {` or `}\n <strong {...{\n \"parentName\": \"p\"\n }}>{`yml`}</strong>\n {` will be parsed. You can apply\nadditional flags (e.g. to search the supplied path recursively):`}</p>\n <pre><code {...{\n \"parentName\": \"pre\"\n }}>{`superset import_datasources -p <path> -r\n`}</code></pre>\n <p>{`The sync flag `}\n <strong {...{\n \"parentName\": \"p\"\n }}>{`-s`}</strong>\n {` takes parameters in order to sync the supplied elements with your file. Be\ncareful this can delete the contents of your meta database. Example:`}</p>\n <pre><code {...{\n \"parentName\": \"pre\"\n }}>{`superset import_datasources -p <path / filename> -s columns,metrics\n`}</code></pre>\n <p>{`This will sync all metrics and columns for all datasources found in the `}\n <inlineCode {...{\n \"parentName\": \"p\"\n }}>{`<path /filename>`}</inlineCode>\n {` in the\nSuperset meta database. This means columns and metrics not specified in YAML will be deleted. If you\nwould add tables to columns,metrics those would be synchronised as well.`}</p>\n <p>{`If you don’t supply the sync flag (`}\n <strong {...{\n \"parentName\": \"p\"\n }}>{`-s`}</strong>\n {`) importing will only add and update (override) fields.\nE.g. you can add a verbose_name to the column ds in the table random_time_series from the example\ndatasets by saving the following YAML to file and then running the `}\n <strong {...{\n \"parentName\": \"p\"\n }}>{`import_datasources`}</strong>\n {` command.`}</p>\n <pre><code {...{\n \"parentName\": \"pre\"\n }}>{`databases:\n- database_name: main\n tables:\n - table_name: random_time_series\n columns:\n - column_name: ds\n verbose_name: datetime\n`}</code></pre>\n\n </MDXLayout>;\n}\n;\nMDXContent.isMDXComponent = true;\n "],"sourceRoot":""}