blob: f62673385ef705541c43ec181ddae74e915a91e7 [file] [log] [blame]
Outstanding Use of svn_wc__node_walk_children()
These are known consumers of svn_wc__node_walk_children(), which we'd
ideally like to eliminate altogether from the codebase in favor of
less ... one-at-a-time approaches.
svn_client_add_to_changelist() - Apply a changelist to a tree (up
to specified depth), on file nodes only, and possibly only those
matching one of a specified set of changelists. Needs to notify
per-path, and differently based on whether the file has a
pre-existing changelist association or is a directory (skipped),
svn_client_remove_from_changelists() - Clear changelist assignments
from a tree (up to specified depth), possibly only for nodes
matching one of a specified set of changelists. Needs to notify
per-path for those files (only) from which changelist
associations were removed.
svn_client_get_changelists() - Drive callback to report all
changelist associations in a tree up to a specified depth.
crawl_entries() - Crawl a tree (up to specified depth) driving an
svn_info_receiver_t callback. The current implementation not
only uses the svn_wc__node_walk_children() interface, but the
callback it drives peeks back into the WC database many, many
times per node.
set_props_cb() - Crawl a tree (up to specified depth) setting a
property name/value pair on each item therein (possibly restricted
to those which match one of a specified set of changelists).
Needs to notify on a per-path basis.