blob: 86430907131d6b00ea85e2850975f4a4439b85ff [file] [log] [blame]
Call graphs of the use of the WC-1 temporary text base path.
This is to help us eliminate the use of this path and replace it with a more
encapsulated way of referring to the new text base, as part of migration to a
WC-NG pristine text store.
This call graph shows all the routes by which the WC-1 temporary text base
path is obtained, and the extent to which it is propagated, within a commit.
|^[T] | [T] Terminates here
wc_to_repos_copy() |^[M] |
| |^ | [M] Multiple files
svn_client__do_commit() |
[N] |^ | [N] Not when caller is
|^ | wc_to_repos_copy()
|^ |
|^ |
|^ +---+
|^ |
svn_wc_transmit_text_deltas3() |
[N] |^ |
svn_wc__internal_transmit_text_deltas() |
[N] |^ |
|^ |
|^ { svn_wc_process_committed_queue2() }
|^ { svn_wc_process_committed4() }
|^ |
|^ svn_wc__process_committed_internal()
|^ |
|^ process_committed_leaf()
|^ |^ |v
|^ |^ svn_wc__wq_add_postcommit()
|^ |^ *v
|^ |^ *v
|^ |^ *v
|^ |^ *v
|^ |^ *v
|^ |^ *v
|^ |^ run_postcommit()
|^ |^ |v
|^ |^ log_do_committed()
|^ |^ |v
|^ |^ install_committed_file()
|^ |^ |v
|^ |^ |v
svn_wc__text_base_deterministic_tmp_path() svn_wc__sync_text_base()
|^ |v
|^ [initialization] svn_io_rename()
|^ | + svn_io_set_file_read_only()
|^ make_adm_subdir()
|^ |^
This call graph shows all the uses of a WC-1 temporary text base path
within the update editor.
repos_to_wc_copy() merge_file_added()
| |
| +-------------+
| |
svn_wc_add_repos_file4() { svn_wc_get_update_editor4() }
|^ |v { svn_wc_get_switch_editor4() }
|^ |v | [1]
|^ |v |
|^ |v make_editor()
|^ |v * [1]
|^ |v *
|^ |v *
|^ |v *
|^ |v ______ UPDATE/SWITCH EDITOR _____
|^ |v | |
|^ |v | add_file_with_history()
|^ |v | |^ v
|^ |v apply_textdelta() |^ v
|^ |v [2] |^ v |^ FB->copied_text_base
|^ |v |^ v |^ v
|^ |v |^ v |^ v
|^ |v |^ HB->work_abspath |^ (to apply_textdelta
|^ |v |^ v |^ and close_file
|^ |v |^ v |^ and merge_file)
|^ |v |^ window_handler() [3] |^ [5]
|^ |v |^ v |^
|^ |v |^ v |^
|^ |v |^ FB->new_text_base_abspath |^
|^ |v |^ v |^
|^ |v |^ v |^
|^ +---+ |^ close_file() [4] |^
|^ |v |^ |v |^
|^ install_text_base() |^ |v |^
|^ (see below) |^ |v |^
|^ |^ |v |^
|^ +-------------+ |v |^
+----------+ |^ +---------------------------------------+
|^ |^ |^ |v
svn_wc__open_writable_base() |v
|^ |v
svn_wc__db_temp_wcroot_tempdir() |v
f/b svn_stream_open_unique() |v
|v |v |v |v
+--------+ |v |v +--------+
|v +--+ +--+ |v
|v |v |v |v
svn_wc__internal_\ |v |v |v |v
versioned_file_modcheck() |v |v |v
|v | |v |v |v
svn_stream_open_readonly() | |v |v |v
| |v |v |v
compare_and_verify() |v |v |v
|v |v |v
svn_wc__loggy_copy() |v |v
|v |v
svn_wc__internal_merge() |v
+ svn_wc__loggy_set_readonly()
All callers are shown if any are shown, except for deprecated wrappers.
|,+---+ indicates function calling (downwards).
* * * * indicates transfer of control, not by direct function call.
^,v,<,> indicates passing of the tmp text base path.
{ ... } indicates a group of functions that all call the same sub-function.
[T] Propagation terminates here.
[1] These just return an editor that points to
update_editor.c:apply_textdelta(). Calls to the editor are not shown.
[2] apply_textdelta() puts tmp text base path in HB->work_abspath only.
[3] window_handler() copies HB->work_abspath to
HB->fb->new_text_base_abspath when it is finished. (It writes data to
a stream, not to the path.) That is the only use of HB->work_abspath.
[4] close_file() passes FB->new_text_base_abspath to merge_file(). That
is the only use of FB->new_text_base_abspath.
[5] FB->copied_text_base is used in apply_textdelta(), close_file() and
merge_file(), but not in the same way as FB->new_text_base_abspath is
used by them which is the flow shown on the diagram.
The goal is to move to a WC-NG method of installing a new text base. This
will require writing the new text base to a temporary location that is
determined by the new pristine store and may not necessarily have a
deterministic path.
There are two high-level operations that install a new text base.
1. Commit
2. Update/switch
The commit operation (1) is the one of primary interest, as it has a gap
in its data flow whereby the part of it that creates a temporary file does
not pass the name (or any other handle) of the file through to the part of
it that later needs to use this file. Instead it depends on being able
deterministically to derive the path to the temporary file from the path
to the working file.
The update/switch operation (2) obtains a temporary file path once and
passes that path to all places where it needs to use it, which is sane.
The path need not be deterministic, it just needs to be atomically movable
into the final pristine location.
The commit operation is totally independent from the update/switch
operation: they could use completely different methods of locating and
storing the temporary text base.
A third high level operation, the WC-to-repository copy, involves a commit
but does not save a temporary text base file nor install a new text-base.
Preferred Direction For Commit (1):
As soon as all the content is written to the temp file, move it fully into
the pristine store, named by its checksum. Then later, in
install_committed_file(), make that pristine text become "this node's
base" by writing its checksum into the node's entry in the DB.
To achieve this, we need to create a data flow of the text base id (its
SHA-1 checksum) from the transmit-text-deltas part of the commit to the
install-committed-file part of the commit.
A text base that gets replaced and is then unused must be deleted from the
store at some point, but not necessarily as soon as it becomes unused.
The method of installing a new text base should use the Work Queue in such
a way as to enable unused text bases to be deleted without risk of
deleting a temporary text base that is about to go live.
The initial scheme for removing unused text bases must be simple and
reliable. Probably this will involve deleting each unreferenced text base
as soon as it becomes unreferenced.
Additional Changes Wanted:
* svn_wc__db_global_commit() should be OUTSIDE the Work Queue.
* "transmit_text_delta function is bogus and should go"
"API gap between transmit and the commit finalization. The dataflow and
*assumptions* made are ridiculous, creating offhand dependencies across
the codebase."
* update/switch should use the new pristine store