blob: 8c2a219a5e1de3aa8c048b0caf678f9ecc7a906d [file] [log] [blame]
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<title>Merge Tracking Design</title>
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<div class="h1">
<h1>Merge Tracking Design</h1>
<p style="color: red">*** UNDER CONSTRUCTION ***</p>
<p>Subversion's <a href="index.html">merge tracking</a> uses a layered
design, with the user-visible operations based primarily on the
information from the <a href="#merge-history">merge history</a>.</p>
<li><a href="#merge-history">Merge History</a></li>
<li><a href="#data-structures">Data Structures</a></li>
<li>Merge Operations (TODO)</li>
<li><a href="#audit-operations">Audit Operations</a></li>
<li>Other Operations (TODO)</li>
<div class="h2" id="merge-history">
<h2>Merge History</h2>
<p>Or, <em>Tracking What Revisions Have Been Merged Where</em>
provides the information used by Subversion's merge tracking-related
capabilities (history sensitive merging, etc.). The design is based
on Dan Berlin's <a
and subsequent edits.</p>
<div class="h3">
<p>The goal of the Merge History portion of the design is to track the
information needed by the operations outlined by the majority of the
<a href="requirements.html">use cases</a> (e.g. the revision numbers
being merged by a merge operation), and keeping this information in
the right places as various operations (<code>copy</code>,
<code>delete</code>, <code>add</code>, etc.) are performed. This
portion of the design does <em>not</em> encompass the operations
<p>The goals:</p>
<li>To be able to track this down to what files in a working copy
and be able to determine what files have had what revisions merged
into them.</li>
<li>To not need to contact the server more than we already do now to
determine which revisions have been merged in a file or directory
(e.g. some contact is acceptable, asking the server about each file is
<li>To be able to edit merge information in a human-readable form.</li>
<li>For the information to be stored in a space efficient manner,
and to be able to determine the revisions merged into a given
file/director in a time efficient manner.</li>
<li>Still getting a conservatively correct answer (not worse than
what we have now) when no merge info is available.</li>
<li>To be able to collect, transmit, and keep this information up to
date as much as possible on the client side.</li>
<li>To be able to index this information in the future order to
answer queries.</li>
<p>Non-goals for <em>the 1.5 design</em> include:</p>
<li>Doing actual <a href="func-spec.html#as-merge">history sensitive
merging</a>. Subversion does not yet have sufficient support for
creation of fully accurate changeset graphs, which are necessary to
handle cyclic merging (e.g. of so-called "reflected"
revisions, also known as repeated bi-directional mergeing). For
details on this problem (caused by lack of tracking of multiple
parents for a change), see <a
>this discussion thread</a>, and especially <a
>this follow-up</a>.</li>
<li>Curing cancer (aka being all things to all people).</li>
</div> <!-- goals -->
<div class="h3" id="storage">
<h3>Information Storage</h3>
<p>The first question that many people ask is "where should we store
the merge information?" (what we store will be covered next). A merge
history property, named <code>SVN_PROP_MERGEINFO</code>
(e.g. <code>svn:mergeinfo</code>) stored in directory and file
properties. Each will store the <em>full</em>, <em>complete</em> list
of current merged-in changes, as far as it knows. This ensures that
the merge algorithm and other consumers do not have to walk back
through old revisions in order to compute a complete list of merge
information for a path.</p>
<p>Directly merged into the item means changes from any merge that
have affected this path, which includes merges into parents,
grandparents, etc., that had some affect on the path.</p>
<p>Doing this storage of complete information at each point makes
manual editing safe, because the changes to a path's merge info are
localized to that path.</p>
<p>However, as a space optimization, if the information on a
sub-directory or file is exactly the same as the merge information for
its parent directory, it <em>may</em> be elided in favor of that
parent information. This eliding may is done on the fly, but could
also be done during a postpass (e.g. a <code>svnadmin
mergeinfo-optimize</code>). Eliding information means that an
implementation may have to walk parent directories in order to gather
information about merge info (however, this may have been necessary
anyways). It is expected that directory trees are not that deep, and
the lookup of merge info properties quick enough (due to indexing,
etc.), to make this eliding not affect performance too much.</p>
<p>Eliding will never affect the semantics of merge information, as it
should only be performed in the case when it was exactly the same, and
if it was exactly the same, it could not have had an effect on the
merge results.</p>
<p>Any path may have merge info attached to it.</p>
<p>The way we choose which path's merge info to use in case of
conflicts involves a simple system of inheritance <a
href="#merge-history-footnotes">[1]</a>, where the "most specific"
place wins. This means that if the property is set on a file, that
completely overrides the directory level properties for the directory
containing the file. Non-inheritable merge info can be set on
directories, signifying that the merge info applies only to the
directory but not its children.</p>
<p>The way we choose which to store to depends on how much and where
you merge, and will be covered in the semantics.</p>
<p>The reasoning for this system is to avoid having to either copy
info everywhere, or crawl everywhere, in order to determine which
revisions have been applied. At the same time, we want to be space
and time efficient, so we can't just store the entire revision list
<p>As for what is stored:</p>
<p>A survey of the community shows a slight preference for a human
editable storage format along the lines of how
<code></code> stores its merge info (e.g. path name and
list of revisions). Binary storage of such information would buy, on
average, a 2-3 byte decrease per revision/range in size over ASCII <a
href="#merge-history-footnotes">[2]</a>, while making it not directly
<p>The revisions we have merged <em>into</em> something are
represented as a path, a colon, and then a comma separated revision
list, containing one or more revision or revision ranges. Revision
range end and beginning points are separated by "-".</p>
<div class="h4" id="merge-info-grammar">
<th align="left">Token</th>
<th align="left">Definition</th>
<td>(revisionrange | REVISION)"*"?</td>
<td>revisioneelement (COMMA revisioneelement)*</td>
<td>PATHNAME COLON rangelist</td>
<td>revisionline (NEWLINE revisionline)*</td>
</div> <!-- merge-info-grammar -->
<p>This merge history ("top"), existing on a path specifies all the
changes that have ever been merged into this object (file, dir or
repo) within this repository. It specifies the sources of the merges,
(and thus two or more pathnames may be required to represent one
source object at different revisions due to renaming).</p>
<p>The optional "*" following a revisionelement token signifies a
non-inheritable revision/revision range.</p>
<p>This list will <em>not</em> be stored in a canonicalized minimal
form for a path (e.g. it may contain single revision numbers that
could fall into ranges). This is chiefly because the benefit of such
a canonical format -- which is slightly easier for visual
<em>comparison</em>, but not indexing -- is outweighed by the fact
that generating a canonical form may require groveling through a lot
of information to determine what that minimal canonical form is. In
particular, it may be that the revision list "5,7,9" is, in minimal
canonical form, "5-9", because 6 and 8 do not have any affect on the
path name that 5 and 9 are from. Canonicalization could be done as a
server side post pass because the information is stored in
<p>Note that this revision format will not scale on its own if you
have a list of million revisions. None will easily. However, because
it is stored in properties, one can change the WC and FS backends to
simply do something different with this single property if they wanted
to. Given the rates of change of various very active repositories,
this will not be a problem we need to solve for many many years.</p>
<p>The payload of <code>SVN_PROP_MERGEINFO</code> will be duplicated
in an index separate from the FS which is created during
<code>svnadmin create</code>, or on-demand for a pre-existing
repository which has started using Subversion 1.5. This index will
support fast querying, be populated during a merge or <code>svnadmin
load</code>, and cough up its contents as needed during API calls.
The contents of <code>SVN_PROP_MERGEINFO</code> is stored redundantly
in index (to the FS). Dan Berlin has prototyped a simple index using
sqlite3. David James later proposed a more normalized schema design,
some of the features of which may become useful for implementing Merge
Tracking functionality in a more performant manner.</p>
</div> <!-- storage -->
<div class="h3">
<h3>Information Updating</h3>
<p>Each operation you can perform may update or copy the merge info
associated with a path.</p>
<p><code>svn add</code>: No change to merge info.</p>
<p><code>svn delete</code>: No direct change to merge info
(indirectly, because the props go away, so does the merge info for the
<p><code>svn copy</code>: Makes a full copy of any explicit merge info
from the source path to the destination path. Also adds "implied"
merge info from the source path.</p>
<p><code>svn rename</code>: Same as <code>svn copy</code>.</p>
<p><code>svn merge</code>: Adds or subtracts to the merge info,
according to the following:</p>
<li>Where to store the info:
<li>If the merge target is a single file, the merge info goes to
the property <code>SVN_PROP_MERGEINFO</code> set on that file.</li>
<li>If the merge target is a directory, the merge info goes to the
property <code>SVN_PROP_MERGEINFO</code> set on the shallowest
directory of the merge (e.g. the topmost directory affected by the
merge) that will require different info than the info already set
on other directories.</li>
The last clause of rule 2 is only meant to handle cherry picking and
multiple merges. In the case that people repeatedly merge the same
tree into the same tree, the information will end up only on the
shallowest directory of the merge. If changes are selectively
applied (e.g. all changes are applied to every directory but one),
the information will be on the shallowest common ancestor of all
those directories, <em>as well</em> as information being placed on
the directory where the changes are not applied, so that it will
override the information from that shallow directory. See cherry
picking example for more details. Besides selective application,
apply changes that affect some directory, and then applying
different changes to subdirectories of that directory, will also
produce merge info on multiple directories in a given path.
<li>What info is stored:
<li>If you are merging in reverse, revisions are subtracted from
the revision lines, but we never write out anti-revisions. Thus,
if you subtract all the merged revisions, you just get an empty
list, and if you do a reverse merge from there, you still get an
empty list.</li>
<li>If you are merging forward, the revision(s) you are merging is
added to the range list in sorted order (such that all revisions
and revision ranges in the list are monotonically increasing from
left to right).</li>
<li>The path (known as PATHNAME in the grammar) used as the key to
determine which revision line to change is the sub-directory path
being merged from, relative to the repo root, with the repo URL
stripped from it.</li>
In the case that we are merging changes that themselves contain
merge info, the merge info properties must be merged. The effect of
this is that indirect merge info becomes direct merge info as it is
integrated as part of the merge info now set on the property. The
way this merge is performed is to merge the revision lists for each
identical pathname, and to copy the rest. Blocking of merges and
how this affects this information is not covered in this design.
The indirect info merging is *in addition* to specifying the merge
that we are now doing. See the repeated merge with indirect info
example for an example.
<p>Thus a merge of revisions 1-9 from would produce "/trunk:1-9"</p>
<p>Cross-repo merging is a bridge we can cross if we ever get there :).</p>
</div> <!-- h3 -->
<div class="h3">
<div class="h4">
<h4>Repeated merge</h4>
<p>(I have assumed no renames here, and that all directories were
added in rev 1, for simplicity. The pathname will never change, this
should not cause any issues that need examples.)</p>
<p>Assume trunk has 9 revisions, 1-9.</p>
<p>A merge of /trunk into /branches/release will produce the merge
info "/trunk: 1-9".</p>
<p>Assume trunk now has 6 additional revisions, 14-18.</p>
<p>A merge of /trunk into /branches/release should only merge 14-18
and produce the merge info "/trunk: 1-9,14-18". This merge info will
be placed on /branches/release.</p>
<p>(Note the canonical minimal form of the above would be 1-18, as
9-14 do not affect that path. This is also an acceptable answer, as
is any variant that represents the same information.)</p>
</div> <!-- h4 -->
<div class="h4">
<h4>Repeated merge with indirect info</h4>
<p>Assume the repository is in the state it would be after the
"Repeated merge" example. Assume additionally, we now have a branch
/branches/next-release, with revisions 20-24 on it.</p>
<p>We wish to merge /branches/release into /branches/next-release.</p>
<p>A merge of /branches/release into /branches/next-release will produce
the merge info:</p>
"/branches/release: 1-24
<p>This merge info will be placed on /branches/next-release.</p>
<p>Note that the merge information about merges *to* /branches/release
has been added to our merge info.</p>
<p>A future merge of /trunk into /branches/next-release, assuming no
new revisions on /trunk, will merge nothing.</p>
</div> <!-- h4 -->
<div class="h4">
<h4>Cherry picking a change to a file</h4>
<p>Assume the repository is in the state it would be after the
"Repeated merge with indirect info" example.</p>
<p>Assume we have revision 25 on /trunk, which affects /trunk/foo.c
and /trunk/foo/bar/bar.c</p>
<p>We wish to merge the portion of change affecting /trunk/foo.c</p>
<p>A merge of revision 25 of /trunk/foo.c into /branches/release/foo.c
will produce the merge info:</p>
This merge information will be placed on /branches/release/foo.c
<p>All other merge information will still be intact on
/branches/release (ie there is information on /branches/release's
<p>(The cherry picking one directory case is the same as file, with
files replaced with directories, hence i have not gone through the
</div> <!-- h4 -->
<div class="h4">
<h4>Merging changes into parents and then merging changes into
<p>Assume the repository is in the state it would be after the
"Repeated merge with indirect info" example. Assume we have revision
25 on /trunk, which affects /trunk/foo Assume we have revision 26 on
/trunk, which affects /trunk/foo/baz We wish to merge revision 25 into
/branches/release/foo, and merge revision 26 into
<p>A merge of revision 25 of /trunk/foo into /branches/release/foo will
produce the merge info:</p>
<p>This merge information will be placed on /branches/release/foo</p>
<p>A merge of revision 26 of /trunk/foo/baz into
/branches/release/foo/baz will produce the merge info:</p>
<p>This merge information will be placed on
<p>Note that if you instead merge revision 26 of /trunk/foo into
/branches/release/foo, you will get the same effect, but the merge
info will be:</p>
<p>This merge information will be placed on /branches/releases/foo</p>
<p>Both are different "spellings" of the same merge information, and
future merges should produce the same result with either merge info
(one is of course, more space efficient, and transformation of one to
the other could be done on the fly or as a postpass, if desired).</p>
<p>All other merge information will still be intact on
/branches/release (e.g. there is information on /branches/release's
</div> <!-- h4 -->
</div> <!-- h3 -->
<div class="h3" id="merge-history-faq">
<p class="question">What happens if someone commits a merge with a
non-merge tracking client?</p>
<p class="answer">It simply means the next time you merge, you may
receive conflicts that you would have received if you were using a
non-history-sensitive client.</p>
<p class="question">What happens if the merge history is not there?</p>
<p class="answer">The same thing that happens if the merge history is
not there now.</p>
<p class="question">Are there many different "spellings" of the same
merge info?</p>
<p class="answer">Yes. Depending on the URLs and target you specify
for merges, I believe it is possible to end up with merge info in
different places, or with slightly different revision lines that have
the same semantic effect (e.g. info like /trunk:1-9 vs
/trunk:1-8\n/trunk/bar:9 when revision 9 on /trunk only
affected /trunk/bar), so you can end up with merge info in different
places, even though the semantic result will be the same in all
<p class="question">Can we do history sensitive WC-to-WC merges
without contacting the server?</p>
<p class="answer">No. But you probably couldn't anyway without
<em>all</em> repo merge data stored locally.</p>
<p class="question">What happens if a user edits merge history
<p class="answer">They get the results specified by their merge
<p class="question">What happens if a user manually edits a file and
unmerges a revision (e.g. not using a "reverse merge" command), but
doesn't update the merge info to match?</p>
<p class="answer">The merge info will believe the change has still
been merged. This is a similar effect to performing a <a
href="requirements.html#manual-merge">manual merge</a>.</p>
<p class="question">What happens if I <code>svn
move</code>/<code>rename</code> a directory, and then merge it
<p class="answer">This doesn't change history, only the future, thus
we will simply add the merge info for that directory as if it was a
new directory. We will not do something like attempt to modify all
merge info to specify the new directory, as that would be wrong.</p>
<p class="question">I don't think only that copying info on <code>svn
copy</code> is correct. What if you copy a dir with merge info into a
dir where the dir has merge info -- won't it get the info wrong
<div class="answer">
<p>No. Let's say you have:</p>
a/foo (merge info: /trunk:5-9
a/branches/bar (merge info: /trunk:1-4)
<p>If you copy a/foo into a/branches/bar, we now have:</p>
a/branches/bar (merge info: /trunk:1-4)
a/branches/bar/foo (merge info: /trunk:5-9)
<p>This is strictly correct. The only changes which have been merged
into a/branches/bar/foo, are still 5-9. The only changes which have
been merged into /branches/bar are 1-4. No merges have been performed
by your copy, only copies have been performed. If you perform a merge
of revisions 1-9 into bar, the results one would expect that the
history sensitive merge algorithm will skip revisions 5-9 for
a/branches/bar/foo, and skip revisions 1-4 for a/branches/bar. The
above information gives the algorithm the information necessary to do
So if you want to argue svn copy has the wrong merge info semantics,
it's not because of the above, AFAIK :)</p>
</div> <!-- merge-history-faq -->
<div class="h3" id="merge-history-footnotes">
<li>This is not going to be a full blown design for property
inheritance, nor should this design depend on such a system being
<li>Assuming 4 byte revision numbers, and repos with revisions
numbering in the hundreds of thousands. You could do slightly
better by variable length encoding of integers, but even that will
generally be 4 bytes for hundreds of thousands of revs. Thus, we
have strings like "102341" vs 4 byte numbers, meaning you save about
2 bytes for a 4 byte integer. Range lists in binary would need a
distinguisher from single revisions, adding a single bit to both
(meaning you'd get 31 bit integers), and thus, would require 8 bytes
per range vs 12 bytes per range. While 30% is normally nothing to
sneeze at space wise, it's also not significantly more efficient in
time, as most of the time will not be spent parsing revision lists,
but doing something with them. The space efficiency therefore does
not seem to justify the cost you pay in not making them easily
</div> <!-- merge-history-footnotes -->
</div> <!-- merge-history -->
<div class="h2" id="data-structures">
<h2>Data Structures</h2>
<p>Merge Tracking is implemented using a few simple data
<dt>merge info</dt>
<dd>An <code>apr_hash_t</code> mapping merge source paths to a range
<dt>range list</dt>
<dd>An <code>apr_array_header_t</code> containing
<code>svn_merge_range_t *</code> elements.</dd>
<dd>A revision range, modelled using a <code>start</code> and
<code>end</code> <code>svn_revnum_t</code>, which are identical if
the range consists of only a single revision.</dd>
</div> <!-- data-structures -->
<div class="h2" id="conflict-resolution">
<h2>Conflict Resolution</h2>
<p>The <a href="func-spec.html#conflict-resolution">functional
specification</a> and the <a href="../svn_1.5_releasenotes.html">1.5
release notes</a> detail the command-line client behavior and conflict
resolution API.</p>
</div> <!-- conflict-resolution -->
<div class="h2" id="audit-operations">
<h2>Audit Operations</h2>
<p>As outlined in the
<a href="requirements.html#auditing">requirements and use cases</a>, merge
tracking auditting is the ability to report information about merge
operations. It consists of three sections:</p>
<li>Changeset Merge Availability (TODO)</li>
<li>Find Changeset (TODO)</li>
<li><a href="#commutative-reporting">Commutative Author and Revision
<div class="h3" id="commutative-reporting">
<h3>Commutative Author and Revision Reporting</h3>
<p>Most of the logic for reporting will live in <code>libsvn_repos</code>, with
appropriate changes to the API and additional parameters exposed to the client
through the RA layer. We are looking at an API which takes one or more paths
and a revision (range?), and returns the merge info which was added or removed
in that revision. For the 'blame' case, we may also need to include some type
of line number parameter, the handling of which is going to get ugly, since our
FS isn't based on a weave.</p>
<p>Existing functions of interest are <code>svn_repos_fs_get_mergeinfo()</code>
and <code>svn_fs_merge_info__get_mergeinfo()</code>.</p>
<div class="h4" id="audit-log">
<h4><code>svn log</code> Implementation</h4>
<p>Prior to merge tracking, log messages had a linear relationship to one
another. That is, the only information gleaned from the order in which a
message was returned was where the revision number of that message fell in
relation to the revision numbers of messages preceding and succeeding it.</p>
<p>The introduction of merge tracking changes that paradigm. Log messages
for independent revisions are still linearly related as before, but log
messages for merging revisions now have children. These children are log
messages for the revisions which have been merged, and they may in turn
also have children.</p>
<p>The result is a tree structure which the repository layer builds as it
collects log message information. This tree structure then gets serialized
and marshaled back to the client, which can then rebuilt the tree if needed.
Additionally, less information needs to be explicitly given, as the tree
structure itself implies revision relationships.
<p>We currently use the <code>svn_log_message_receiver_t</code> interface
to return log messages between application layers. To enable communication
of the tree structure, we add another parameter, <code>child_count</code>.
When <code>child_count</code> is zero, the node is a leaf node. When
<code>child_count</code> is greater than zero, the node is an interior node,
with the given number of children. These children may also have children and
indicate such by their own <code>child_count</code> parameters. Children
are returned in-band through the receiver interface immediately following their
parents. Consumers of this API can be aware of the number of children and
rebuild the tree, or pass the values farther up the application stack. In
effect, this method implements a preorder traversal of the log message tree.</p>
<p>(For convenience, we may want to consolidate all the data parameters of
<code>svn_log_message_receiver_t</code> into a single structure.)</p>
<p>A revision, R, is considered a <em>merging revision</em> if the mergeinfo
for any path for which the log was requested changed between R and R-1. The
difference in the mergeinfo, both added revisions and removed revisions,
between R and R-1 indicates the revisions which are children of R.</p>
<p>The exception for this is the case of a copy which is the creation of a
branch. When a branch is created, the mergeinfo for R-1 is empty, and the
mergeinfo for R is 1:R-1. In this case, the revision should not be considered
a merging revision, and none of the revisions R:R-1 should be shown as R's
</div> <!-- audit-log -->
<div class="h4" id="audit-blame">
<h4><code>svn blame</code> Implementation</h4>
<p>Even though the command line client doesn't consume both the original
author and revision and the merging author and revision, the blame API should
provide both for use by other clients.</p>
</div> <!-- audit-blame -->
</div> <!-- commutative-reporting -->
</div> <!-- audit-operations -->
</div> <!-- h1 -->