blob: 318a12775277b5dd649c4b1c5aca968c6c2adddd [file] [log] [blame]
The SVN Vision meeting will be held on March 24-26 at the GooglePlex
in NYC. This is a preliminary agenda; feel free to hack it at will.
The general plan is to discuss stuff on March 24, 25, and then spend the
morning of March 26 putting the results together in order to present to dev@.
Most of the anticipated attendees have afternoon flights on March 26, so we'll
then bid each other farewell until Berlin in June.
Potential topics for discussion:
* Feedback from users we've talked to
* What is the new Vision for Subversion?
* Beyond Subversion 1.7 -- a high-level roadmap proposal
* How do we encourage additional investment (of time, talent, and treasure)?
* Subversion 2.0 (the Elephant in the Room)
Other non-vision-related stuff, if time allows (or perhaps after hours):
Stuff Hyrum would like to talk about:
* Why is merge slow (compared to $OTHER_SYSTEM)?
- Is it endemic to Subversion's architecture, or can it be fixed?
* Some musing on FS library design (hopefully with the insight of
Mr. Jon Trowbridge).
Some stuff Mike would like to talk about:
* Improve feature negotiation between repos and client (by way of server)
- Get repos-dictated config here, too?
* Consider dropping back-end feature parity requirement/goal.
- Consider improving the backends independently (why should
the world wait on obliterate suppport or anything else)
* Consider looking into new, more flexible backend designs.