blob: 4630d2f726a74c66b5708baee53507b9fc6d12b5 [file] [log] [blame]
Root Cause of Errata: incompatible
Library(s) Affected: libsvn_wc
Function(s) Affected: svn_wc_entry
New Behavior in: 1.7
Related Issues: n/a
== Details of Previous Behavior ==
When a working copy directory is being constructed, based on a *copy*,
then it will transiently report its URL (via entry->url) as matching
that of the copyfrom_url. The correct behavior should have been to
report its intended location in the repository when the newly-added
(-copied) directory is committed. By the time svn_wc_add3() completes,
as part of the svn_client_{copy,move}5() ... wc_to_wc_copy() ... call
chain, the URL will have been rewritten properly (see the call to
svn_wc__do_update_cleanup in svn_wc_add3).
Only Subversion has control during this copy operation. It is possible
that an API user will never see this transient state.
== Details of New Behavior ==
In version 1.7, the new working copy format does not have a way to
store an intended URL that is *different* from the location specified
or implied by its parent. In this case, the URL of the directory being
copied will always report its correct, intended location, rather than
that of the copyfrom URL.
As noted above, it may be possible that an API user will never see
this different behavior in the entry->url value.
== Rationale for Change ==
We do not have a way to model the transient reporting of an incorrect
URL. Because that transient value is *incorrect*, and because the
window of the (previous) behavior is narrow, it appears that the
change in behavior will not have an impact on API consumers.
== Impact on API Users ==
It appears there will be no to minimal impact on consumers of the
Subversion API.
Internally to libsvn_wc, some calls to svn_wc_ensure_adm3() are aware
of this erroneous behavior and pass the copyfrom URL as the "expected"
URL of the entry. We can maintain backwards compatibility in the
ensure_adm interface by recognizing that the URL-matching behavior is
being used as an assertion. By relaxing the assertion, the test will
still be able to pass while keeping its original purpose: ensuring the
directory is prepared as a working copy directory for the given
repository directory.
The assertion will be satisfied if one of the following is true:
* entry->url matches the provided URL (previous behavior)
* entry->copyfrom_url matches the provided URL
-- this condition is seen in certain cases where the source has
already recorded a copyfrom_url
* entry->url is a child of the passed repository root URL and
entry->uuid matches the passed UUID
-- children of a copied subroot do not record the copyfrom_url, so
it is not always available for verification. in this situation,
all we can do is to verify that the specified directory is from
the requested repository
This relaxed assertion behavior *does* mean that if an API user is
relying on svn_wc_ensure_adm3() to raise an error for a mismatched
directory, then it will NOT see that error in all cases.
### an alternate fix may be to keep svn_wc_ensure_adm3() strict, but
change the callers which are operating during this transitional
period to use a different mechanism. since Subversion is supposed
to be the only code in control, this may be possible.
### hmmm. need to examine svn_wc_add3() in detail. it fixes the URLs
before returning, so the question becomes at what point does this
transitional (bad, previous) behavior start? is that within
svn_wc_add3() and, thus, never visible to a caller. are there
other API entry points that would expose that behavior to API
users? if NOT, then yes: keep ensure_adm3 strict, and only change
the (internal) operation of add3.
### note that wc-ng could end up rewriting svn_wc_add3() anyways. but
we still need to determine whether and when the transitory state
begins to determine the exposure to API users.