blob: 99d2e57706cf97770f3ff1d748a526a79291db86 [file] [log] [blame]
"Show the Subversion 'blame' annotation for the current file, in a narrow
" window to the left of it.
" 'gb' or ':Blame'
" To get rid of it, close or delete the annotation buffer.
" If the source file buffer has unsaved changes, these aren't noticed and
" the annotations won't align properly. Should either warn or preferably
" annotate the actual buffer contents rather than the last saved version.
" When annotating the same source file again, it creates a new annotation
" buffer. It should re-use the existing one if it still exists.
"Possible enhancements:
" When invoked on a revnum in a Blame window, re-blame same file up to the
" previous revision.
" Dynamically synchronize when edits are made to the source file.
:function s:svnBlame()
let line = line(".")
setlocal nowrap
" create a new window at the left-hand side
aboveleft 18vnew
" blame, ignoring white space changes
%!svn blame -x-w "#"
setlocal nomodified readonly buftype=nofile nowrap winwidth=1
setlocal nonumber
if has('&relativenumber') | setlocal norelativenumber | endif
" return to original line
exec "normal " . line . "G"
" synchronize scrolling, and return to original window
setlocal scrollbind
wincmd p
setlocal scrollbind
:map gb :call <SID>svnBlame()<CR>
:command Blame call s:svnBlame()