blob: 565b0b0a195faefc37fa96608263034f3b3a6242 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Migrate merge history from's
# format to Subversion 1.5's format.
# ====================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 CollabNet. All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at
# If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
# newer version instead, at your option.
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at
# ====================================================================
# $HeadURL$
# $LastChangedDate$
# $LastChangedBy$
# $LastChangedRevision$
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '.*', DeprecationWarning)
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning)
import sys
import os
import sre
import getopt
import urllib
my_getopt = getopt.gnu_getopt
except AttributeError:
my_getopt = getopt.getopt
import svn.core
import svn.fs
import svn.repos
except ImportError as e:
"ERROR: Unable to import Subversion's Python bindings: '%s'\n" \
"Hint: Set your PYTHONPATH environment variable, or adjust your " \
"PYTHONSTARTUP\nfile to point to your Subversion install " \
"location's svn-python directory.\n" % e)
# Convenience shortcut.
mergeinfo2str = svn.core.svn_mergeinfo_to_string
# Pretend we have boolean data types for older Python versions.
True = 1
False = 0
def usage_and_exit(error_msg=None):
"""Write usage information and exit. If ERROR_MSG is provide, that
error message is printed first (to stderr), the usage info goes to
stderr, and the script exits with a non-zero status. Otherwise,
usage info goes to stdout and the script exits with a zero status."""
progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
stream = error_msg and sys.stderr or sys.stdout
if error_msg:
stream.write("ERROR: %s\n\n" % error_msg)
stream.write("""Usage: %s REPOS_PATH [PATH_PREFIX...] [OPTIONS]
%s --help
Migrate merge history from's format to Subversion 1.5's
format, stopping as soon as merge history is encountered for a
directory tree.
PATH_PREFIX defines the repository paths to examine for merge history
to migrate. If none are listed, the repository's root is examined.
--help (-h, -?) Show this usage message.
--dry-run Don't actually commit the results of the migration.
--naive-mode Perform naive (faster, less accurate) migration.
--verbose (-v) Show more informative output.
%s /path/to/repos trunk branches tags
""" % (progname, progname, progname))
sys.exit(error_msg and 1 or 0)
class Migrator:
"Migrates merge history."
def __init__(self):
self.repos_path = None
self.path_prefixes = None
self.verbose = False
self.dry_run = False
self.naive_mode = False
self.fs = None
def log(self, message, only_when_verbose=True):
if only_when_verbose and not self.verbose:
def run(self):
self.repos =
self.fs = svn.repos.fs(self.repos)
revnum = svn.fs.youngest_rev(self.fs)
root = svn.fs.revision_root(self.fs, revnum)
# Validate path prefixes, retaining path calculations performed in
# the process.
leading_paths = []
for path_prefix in self.path_prefixes:
path = "/".join(path_prefix[:-1])
if svn.fs.check_path(root, path) != svn.core.svn_node_dir:
raise Exception("Repository path '%s' is not a directory" % path)
for i in range(0, len(self.path_prefixes)):
prefix = self.path_prefixes[i]
self.process_dir(root, revnum, leading_paths[i],
prefix[len(prefix) - 1] + ".*")
def flatten_prop(self, propval):
return '\\n'.join(propval.split('\n'))
def process_dir(self, root, revnum, dir_path, pattern=None):
"Recursively process children of DIR_PATH."
dirents = svn.fs.dir_entries(root, dir_path)
for name in dirents.keys():
if not dirents[name].kind == svn.core.svn_node_dir:
if pattern is None or sre.match(pattern, name):
if dir_path == "":
child_path = name
child_path = "%s/%s" % (dir_path, name)
self.log("Examining path '%s' for conversion" % (child_path))
if not self.convert_path_history(root, revnum, child_path):
self.process_dir(root, revnum, child_path)
def convert_path_history(self, root, revnum, path):
"Migrate the merge history for PATH at ROOT at REVNUM."
### Bother to handle any pre-existing, inherited svn:mergeinfo?
# Retrieve existing Subversion 1.5 mergeinfo.
mergeinfo_prop_val = svn.fs.node_prop(root, path,
if mergeinfo_prop_val is not None:
self.log("Discovered pre-existing Subversion mergeinfo of '%s'" \
% (self.flatten_prop(mergeinfo_prop_val)))
# Retrieve's merge history meta data, and roll it into
# Subversion 1.5 mergeinfo.
integrated_prop_val = svn.fs.node_prop(root, path, "svnmerge-integrated")
if integrated_prop_val is not None:
self.log("Discovered mergeinfo of '%s'" \
% (self.flatten_prop(integrated_prop_val)))
### LATER: We handle svnmerge-blocked by converting it into
### svn:mergeinfo, until revision blocking becomes available in
### Subversion's core.
blocked_prop_val = svn.fs.node_prop(root, path, "svnmerge-blocked")
if blocked_prop_val is not None:
self.log("Discovered blocked revisions of '%s'" \
% (self.flatten_prop(blocked_prop_val)))
# Convert property values into real mergeinfo structures.
svn_mergeinfo = None
if mergeinfo_prop_val is not None:
svn_mergeinfo = svn.core.svn_mergeinfo_parse(mergeinfo_prop_val)
integrated_mergeinfo = self.svnmerge_prop_to_mergeinfo(integrated_prop_val)
blocked_mergeinfo = self.svnmerge_prop_to_mergeinfo(blocked_prop_val)
# Add our various bits of stored mergeinfo together.
new_mergeinfo = self.mergeinfo_merge(svn_mergeinfo, integrated_mergeinfo)
new_mergeinfo = self.mergeinfo_merge(new_mergeinfo, blocked_mergeinfo)
if new_mergeinfo is not None:
self.log("Combined mergeinfo is '%s'" \
% (self.flatten_prop(mergeinfo2str(new_mergeinfo))))
# Unless we're doing a naive migration (or we've no, or only
# empty, mergeinfo anyway), start trying to cleanup after
#'s history-ignorant initialization.
if not self.naive_mode and new_mergeinfo:
# We begin by subtracting the natural history of the merge
# target from its own mergeinfo.
rev = svn.fs.revision_root_revision(root)
implicit_mergeinfo = self.get_natural_history(path, rev)
self.log("Subtracting natural mergeinfo of '%s'" \
% (self.flatten_prop(mergeinfo2str(implicit_mergeinfo))))
new_mergeinfo = svn.core.svn_mergeinfo_remove(implicit_mergeinfo,
self.log("Remaining mergeinfo is '%s'" \
% (self.flatten_prop(mergeinfo2str(new_mergeinfo))))
# Unfortunately, tends to initialize using oft-bogus
# revision ranges like 1-SOMETHING when the merge source didn't
# even exist in r1. So if the natural history of a branch
# begins in some revision other than r1, there's still going to
# be cruft revisions left in NEW_MERGEINFO after subtracting the
# natural history. So, we also examine the natural history of
# the merge sources, and use that as a filter for the explicit
# mergeinfo we've calculated so far.
self.log("Filtering mergeinfo by reconstruction from source history ...")
filtered_mergeinfo = {}
for source_path, ranges in new_mergeinfo.items():
### If by some chance it is the case that /path:RANGE1 and
### /path:RANGE2 a) represent different lines of history, and
### b) were combined into /path:RANGE1+RANGE2 (due to the
### ranges being contiguous), we'll foul this up. But the
### chances are preeeeeeeetty slim.
for range in ranges:
source_history = self.get_natural_history(source_path,
range.start + 1)
self.log("... adding '%s'" \
% (self.flatten_prop(mergeinfo2str(source_history))))
filtered_mergeinfo = \
except svn.core.SubversionException as e:
if not (e.apr_err == svn.core.SVN_ERR_FS_NOT_FOUND
or e.apr_err == svn.core.SVN_ERR_FS_NO_SUCH_REVISION):
self.log("... done.")
new_mergeinfo = filtered_mergeinfo
# Turn our to-be-written mergeinfo back into a property value.
new_mergeinfo_prop_val = None
if new_mergeinfo is not None:
new_mergeinfo_prop_val = mergeinfo2str(new_mergeinfo)
# If we need to change the value of the svn:mergeinfo property or
# delete any svnmerge-* properties, let's do so.
if (new_mergeinfo_prop_val != mergeinfo_prop_val) \
or (integrated_prop_val is not None) \
or (blocked_prop_val is not None):
# If this not a dry-run, begin a transaction in which we'll
# manipulate merge-related properties. Open the transaction root.
if not self.dry_run:
txn = svn.fs.begin_txn2(self.fs, revnum, 0)
root = svn.fs.txn_root(txn)
# Manipulate the merge history.
if new_mergeinfo_prop_val != mergeinfo_prop_val:
# Run the final version of the new svn:mergeinfo through the
# parser to ensure it is in canonical form, e.g. no overlapping
# or unordered rangelists, see
mergeinfo = svn.core.svn_mergeinfo_parse(new_mergeinfo_prop_val)
new_mergeinfo_prop_val = mergeinfo2str(mergeinfo)
self.log("Queuing change of %s to '%s'"
if not self.dry_run:
svn.fs.change_node_prop(root, path, svn.core.SVN_PROP_MERGEINFO,
# Remove old property values.
if integrated_prop_val is not None:
self.log("Queuing removal of svnmerge-integrated")
if not self.dry_run:
svn.fs.change_node_prop(root, path, "svnmerge-integrated", None)
if blocked_prop_val is not None:
self.log("Queuing removal of svnmerge-blocked")
if not self.dry_run:
svn.fs.change_node_prop(root, path, "svnmerge-blocked", None)
# Commit the transaction containing our property manipulation.
self.log("Committing the transaction containing the above changes")
if not self.dry_run:
conflict, new_revnum = svn.fs.commit_txn(txn)
if conflict:
raise Exception("Conflict encountered (%s)" % conflict)
self.log("Migrated merge history on '%s' in r%d"
% (path, new_revnum), False)
self.log("Migrated merge history on '%s' in r???" % (path), False)
return True
# No merge history to manipulate.
self.log("No merge history on '%s'" % (path))
return False
def svnmerge_prop_to_mergeinfo(self, svnmerge_prop_val):
"""Parse svnmerge-* property value SVNMERGE_PROP_VAL (which uses
any whitespace for delimiting sources and stores source paths
URI-encoded) into Subversion mergeinfo."""
if svnmerge_prop_val is None:
return None
# First we convert the svnmerge prop value into an svn:mergeinfo
# prop value, then we parse it into mergeinfo.
sources = svnmerge_prop_val.split()
svnmerge_prop_val = ''
for source in sources:
pieces = source.split(':')
if not (len(pieces) == 2 and pieces[1]):
pieces[0] = urllib.unquote(pieces[0])
svnmerge_prop_val = svnmerge_prop_val + '%s\n' % (':'.join(pieces))
return svn.core.svn_mergeinfo_parse(svnmerge_prop_val or '')
def mergeinfo_merge(self, mergeinfo1, mergeinfo2):
"""Like svn.core.svn_mergeinfo_merge(), but preserves None-ness."""
if mergeinfo1 is None and mergeinfo2 is None:
return None
if mergeinfo1 is None:
return mergeinfo2
if mergeinfo2 is None:
return mergeinfo1
return svn.core.svn_mergeinfo_merge(mergeinfo1, mergeinfo2)
def get_natural_history(self, path, rev,
"""Return the natural history of PATH in REV, between OLDEST_REV
and REV, as mergeinfo. If OLDEST_REV is svn.core.SVN_INVALID_REVNUM,
all of PATH's history prior to REV will be returned.
(Adapted from Subversion's svn_client__get_history_as_mergeinfo().)"""
location_segments = []
def _allow_all(root, path, pool):
return 1
def _segment_receiver(segment, pool):
svn.repos.node_location_segments(self.repos, path, rev, rev, oldest_rev,
_segment_receiver, _allow_all)
# Ensure oldest-to-youngest ordering of revision ranges.
location_segments.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.range_start, b.range_start))
# Translate location segments into merge sources and ranges.
mergeinfo = {}
for segment in location_segments:
if segment.path is None:
source_path = '/' + segment.path
path_ranges = mergeinfo.get(source_path, [])
range = svn.core.svn_merge_range_t()
range.start = max(segment.range_start - 1, 0)
range.end = segment.range_end
range.inheritable = 1
mergeinfo[source_path] = path_ranges
return mergeinfo
def set_path_prefixes(self, prefixes):
"Decompose path prefixes into something meaningful for comparison."
self.path_prefixes = []
for prefix in prefixes:
prefix_components = []
parts = prefix.split("/")
for i in range(0, len(parts)):
def main():
opts, args = my_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "vh?",
["verbose", "dry-run", "naive-mode", "help"])
usage_and_exit("Unable to process arguments/options")
migrator = Migrator()
# Process arguments.
if len(args) >= 1:
migrator.repos_path = svn.core.svn_path_canonicalize(args[0])
if len(args) >= 2:
path_prefixes = args[1:]
# Default to the root of the repository.
path_prefixes = [ "" ]
usage_and_exit("REPOS_PATH argument required")
# Process options.
for opt, value in opts:
if opt == "--help" or opt in ("-h", "-?"):
elif opt == "--verbose" or opt == "-v":
migrator.verbose = True
elif opt == "--dry-run":
migrator.dry_run = True
elif opt == "--naive-mode":
migrator.naive_mode = True
usage_and_exit("Unknown option '%s'" % opt)
if __name__ == "__main__":