blob: cd42c543ebcf98acd20c0c80a0fae14e99685f29 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
# $HeadURL$
# $LastChangedDate$
# $LastChangedBy$
# $LastChangedRevision$
$| = 1;
use strict;
use CGI 2.89;
use CGI::Carp 1.24 qw(fatalsToBrowser carpout);
use vars qw($query);
# Get a CGI object now and send the HTTP headers out immediately so
# that anything else printed will appear in the output, including
# compile errors.
$query = CGI->new;
print $query->header('text/plain');
# Protect the PATH environmental variable for safe system calls.
$ENV{PATH} = '/usr/bin:/bin';
# Configuration settings.
# The location of the svn program.
my $svn = '/opt/i386-linux/subversion/bin/svn';
# The location of the script.
my $svn_load_dirs = '/export/home2/svn/bin/';
# The source directory.
my $source_dirname = '/export/home2/svn/public_html/www-devel/webdav';
# The target directory.
my $target_dirname = '/export/home1/apache/htdocs/www';
# The URL for the Subversion repository.
my $repos_base_uri = 'file:///export/home2/svn/repos-www/trunk';
# Verbosity level.
my $opt_verbose = 1;
my @opt_verbose = $opt_verbose ? (qw(-v)) : ();
# Use this version of die instead of Perl's die so that messages are
# sent to STDOUT instead of STDERR so that the browser can see them.
# Otherwise, messages would be sent to Apache's error_log.
sub my_die ($@)
print "@_\n" if @_;
exit 1;
# For permissions information, print my actual and effective UID and
# GID.
if ($opt_verbose)
my $real_uid = getpwuid($<) || $<;
my $effective_uid = getpwuid($>) || $>;
my $real_gid = getgrgid($() || $(;
my $effective_gid = getgrgid($)) || $);
print "My real uid is $real_uid and my effective uid is $effective_uid.\n";
print "My real gid is $real_gid and my effective gid is $effective_gid.\n";
# Check the configuration settings.
-e $source_dirname
or my_die "$0: source directory `$source_dirname' does not exist.\n";
-d _
or my_die "$0: source directory `$source_dirname' is not a directory.\n";
-e $target_dirname
or my_die "$0: target directory `$target_dirname' does not exist.\n";
-d _
or my_die "$0: target directory `$target_dirname' is not a directory.\n";
# Since the path to svn and depends upon the local
# installation preferences, check that the required programs exist to
# insure that the administrator has set up the script properly.
my $ok = 1;
foreach my $program ($svn, $svn_load_dirs)
if (-e $program)
unless (-x $program)
print "$0: required program `$program' is not executable, ",
"edit $0.\n";
$ok = 0;
print "$0: required program `$program' does not exist, edit $0.\n";
$ok = 0;
exit 1 unless $ok;
# Check that the svn base URL works by running svn log on it.
&read_from_process($svn, 'log', $repos_base_uri);
# Determine the authentication username for commit privileges.
# Untaint the REMOTE_USER environmental variable.
my $username;
if (defined $ENV{REMOTE_USER})
($username) = $ENV{REMOTE_USER} =~ m/(\w+)/;
unless (defined $username and length $username)
my_die "$0: REMOTE_USER set to `$ENV{REMOTE_USER}' but no valid ",
"string extracted from it.\n";
my_die "$0: the REMOTE_USER environmental variable is not set.\n";
if ($opt_verbose)
print "I am logged in as `$username'.\n";
# Load the source directory into Subversion.
print "Now syncing Subversion repository with source directory.\n\n";
'-svn_username', $username,
'-p', '/opt/i386-linux/installed/svn_load_dirs_property_table.cfg',
$source_dirname) == 0
or my_die "$0: system failed. Quitting.\n";
print "\nNow syncing target directory with Subversion repository.\n\n";
chdir $target_dirname
or my_die "$0: chdir `$target_dirname' failed: $!\n";
my_system($svn, 'update', '.') == 0
or my_die "$0: system failed. Quitting.\n";
print "\nTarget directory successfully updated to mirror source directory.\n";
exit 0;
# Start a child process safely without using /bin/sh.
sub safe_read_from_pipe
unless (@_)
croak "$0: safe_read_from_pipe passed no arguments.\n";
if ($opt_verbose)
print "Running @_\n";
my $pid = open(SAFE_READ, '-|');
unless (defined $pid)
my_die "$0: cannot fork: $!\n";
unless ($pid)
open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT")
or my_die "$0: cannot dup STDOUT: $!\n";
or my_die "$0: cannot exec `@_': $!\n";
my @output;
while (<SAFE_READ>)
push(@output, $_);
my $result = $?;
my $exit = $result >> 8;
my $signal = $result & 127;
my $cd = $result & 128 ? "with core dump" : "";
if ($signal or $cd)
print "$0: pipe from `@_' failed $cd: exit=$exit signal=$signal\n";
if (wantarray)
return ($result, @output);
return $result;
# Use safe_read_from_pipe to start a child process safely and exit the
# script if the child failed for whatever reason.
sub read_from_process
unless (@_)
croak "$0: read_from_process passed no arguments.\n";
my ($status, @output) = &safe_read_from_pipe(@_);
if ($status)
my_die "$0: @_ failed with this output:\n", join("\n", @output), "\n";
return @output;
# Run system() and print warnings on system's return values.
sub my_system
unless (@_)
confess "$0: my_system passed incorrect number of arguments.\n";
if ($opt_verbose)
print "Running @_\n";
my $result = system(@_);
if ($result == -1)
print "$0: system(@_) call itself failed: $!\n";
elsif ($result)
my $exit_value = $? >> 8;
my $signal_num = $? & 127;
my $dumped_core = $? & 128;
my $message = "$0: system(@_) exited with status $exit_value";
if ($signal_num)
$message .= " caught signal $signal_num";
if ($dumped_core)
$message .= " and dumped core";
print "$message\n";