blob: e0f42ae611ee7773bd2eaaa63e5a45dd9becf029 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The ViewCVS Group. All Rights Reserved.
# By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth in
# the LICENSE.html file which can be found at the top level of the ViewCVS
# distribution or at
# Contact information:
# Greg Stein, PO Box 760, Palo Alto, CA, 94302
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is being maintained as part of the ViewCVS project.
# Information is available at:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
import string
# note: this will raise an ImportError if it isn't available. the rcsparse
# package will recognize this and switch over to the default parser.
from mx import TextTools
import common
# for convenience
_tt = TextTools
_idchar_list = map(chr, range(33, 127)) + map(chr, range(160, 256))
#_idchar_list.remove('.') leave as part of 'num' symbol
_idchar = string.join(_idchar_list, '')
_idchar_set = _tt.set(_idchar)
_onechar_token_set = _tt.set(':;')
_not_at_set = _tt.invset('@')
_T_TOKEN = 30
_E_COMPLETE = 100 # ended on a complete token
_E_TOKEN = 110 # ended mid-token
_E_STRING_SPAN = 130 # ended within a string
_E_STRING_END = 140 # ended with string-end ('@') (could be mid-@@)
_SUCCESS = +100
_EOF = 'EOF'
# continuation of a token over a chunk boundary
_c_token_table = (
(_T_TOKEN, _tt.AllInSet, _idchar_set),
class _mxTokenStream:
# the algorithm is about the same speed for any CHUNK_SIZE chosen.
# grab a good-sized chunk, but not too large to overwhelm memory.
# note: we use a multiple of a standard block size
CHUNK_SIZE = 192 * 512 # about 100k
# CHUNK_SIZE = 5 # for debugging, make the function grind...
def __init__(self, file):
self.rcsfile = file
self.tokens = [ ]
self.partial = None
self.string_end = None
def _parse_chunk(self, buf, start=0):
"Get the next token from the RCS file."
buflen = len(buf)
assert start < buflen
# construct a tag table which refers to the buffer we need to parse.
table = (
# ignore whitespace. with or without whitespace, move to the next rule.
(None, _tt.AllInSet, _tt.whitespace_set, +1),
(_E_COMPLETE, _tt.EOF + _tt.AppendTagobj, _tt.Here, +1, _SUCCESS),
# accumulate token text and exit, or move to the next rule.
(_UNUSED, _tt.AllInSet + _tt.AppendMatch, _idchar_set, +2),
(_E_TOKEN, _tt.EOF + _tt.AppendTagobj, _tt.Here, -3, _SUCCESS),
# single character tokens exit immediately, or move to the next rule
(_UNUSED, _tt.IsInSet + _tt.AppendMatch, _onechar_token_set, +2),
(_E_COMPLETE, _tt.EOF + _tt.AppendTagobj, _tt.Here, -5, _SUCCESS),
# if this isn't an '@' symbol, then we have a syntax error (go to a
# negative index to indicate that condition). otherwise, suck it up
# and move to the next rule.
(_T_STRING_START, _tt.Is + _tt.AppendTagobj, '@'),
(None, _tt.Is, '@', +4, +1),
(buf, _tt.Is, '@', +1, -1),
(_T_STRING_END, _tt.Skip + _tt.AppendTagobj, 0, 0, +1),
(_E_STRING_END, _tt.EOF + _tt.AppendTagobj, _tt.Here, -10, _SUCCESS),
(_E_STRING_SPAN, _tt.EOF + _tt.AppendTagobj, _tt.Here, +1, _SUCCESS),
# suck up everything that isn't an AT. go to next rule to look for EOF
(buf, _tt.AllInSet, _not_at_set, 0, +1),
# go back to look for double AT if we aren't at the end of the string
(_E_STRING_SPAN, _tt.EOF + _tt.AppendTagobj, _tt.Here, -6, _SUCCESS),
success, taglist, idx = _tt.tag(buf, table, start)
if not success:
### need a better way to report this error
raise common.RCSIllegalCharacter()
assert idx == buflen
# pop off the last item
last_which = taglist.pop()
i = 0
tlen = len(taglist)
while i < tlen:
if taglist[i] == _T_STRING_START:
j = i + 1
while j < tlen:
if taglist[j] == _T_STRING_END:
s = _tt.join(taglist, '', i+1, j)
del taglist[i:j]
tlen = len(taglist)
taglist[i] = s
j = j + 1
assert last_which == _E_STRING_SPAN
s = _tt.join(taglist, '', i+1)
del taglist[i:]
self.partial = (_T_STRING_SPAN, [ s ])
i = i + 1
# figure out whether we have a partial last-token
if last_which == _E_TOKEN:
self.partial = (_T_TOKEN, [ taglist.pop() ])
elif last_which == _E_COMPLETE:
elif last_which == _E_STRING_SPAN:
assert self.partial
assert last_which == _E_STRING_END
self.partial = (_T_STRING_END, [ taglist.pop() ])
self.tokens = taglist
def _set_end(self, taglist, text, l, r, subtags):
self.string_end = l
def _handle_partial(self, buf):
which, chunks = self.partial
if which == _T_TOKEN:
success, taglist, idx = _tt.tag(buf, _c_token_table)
if not success:
# The start of this buffer was not a token. So the end of the
# prior buffer was a complete token.
self.tokens.insert(0, string.join(chunks, ''))
assert len(taglist) == 1 and taglist[0][0] == _T_TOKEN \
and taglist[0][1] == 0 and taglist[0][2] == idx
if idx == len(buf):
# The whole buffer was one huge token, so we may have a
# partial token again.
# Note: this modifies the list of chunks in self.partial
# consumed the whole buffer
return len(buf)
# got the rest of the token.
self.tokens.insert(0, string.join(chunks, ''))
# no more partial token
self.partial = None
return idx
if which == _T_STRING_END:
if buf[0] != '@':
self.tokens.insert(0, string.join(chunks, ''))
return 0
start = 1
start = 0
self.string_end = None
string_table = (
(None, _tt.Is, '@', +3, +1),
(_UNUSED, _tt.Is + _tt.AppendMatch, '@', +1, -1),
(self._set_end, _tt.Skip + _tt.CallTag, 0, 0, _SUCCESS),
(None, _tt.EOF, _tt.Here, +1, _SUCCESS),
# suck up everything that isn't an AT. move to next rule to look
# for EOF
(_UNUSED, _tt.AllInSet + _tt.AppendMatch, _not_at_set, 0, +1),
# go back to look for double AT if we aren't at the end of the string
(None, _tt.EOF, _tt.Here, -5, _SUCCESS),
success, unused, idx = _tt.tag(buf, string_table,
start, len(buf), chunks)
# must have matched at least one item
assert success
if self.string_end is None:
assert idx == len(buf)
self.partial = (_T_STRING_SPAN, chunks)
elif self.string_end < len(buf):
self.partial = None
self.tokens.insert(0, string.join(chunks, ''))
self.partial = (_T_STRING_END, chunks)
return idx
def _parse_more(self):
buf =
if not buf:
return _EOF
if self.partial:
idx = self._handle_partial(buf)
if idx is None:
return _CONTINUE
if idx < len(buf):
self._parse_chunk(buf, idx)
return _CONTINUE
def get(self):
return self.tokens.pop()
except IndexError:
while not self.tokens:
action = self._parse_more()
if action == _EOF:
return None
return self.tokens.pop()
# _get = get
# def get(self):
token = self._get()
print 'T:', `token`
return token
def match(self, match):
if self.tokens:
token = self.tokens.pop()
if token != match:
raise RuntimeError, ('Unexpected parsing error in RCS file.\n'
'Expected token: %s, but saw: %s'
% (match, token))
token = self.get()
if token != match:
raise RuntimeError, ('Unexpected parsing error in RCS file.\n'
'Expected token: %s, but saw: %s'
% (match, token))
def unget(self, token):
def mget(self, count):
"Return multiple tokens. 'next' is at the end."
while len(self.tokens) < count:
action = self._parse_more()
if action == _EOF:
### fix this
raise RuntimeError, 'EOF hit while expecting tokens'
result = self.tokens[-count:]
del self.tokens[-count:]
return result
class Parser(common._Parser):
stream_class = _mxTokenStream