blob: 23461f8ca018393f34a900c436823f5029436b75 [file] [log] [blame]
if test "$#" != 1; then
echo "ERROR ($0): not enough arguments. Must supply SOURCE-DIR."
exit 1
# Make sure checkout-test binary exists
if [ ! -x ./checkout-test ]; then
echo "Error: can't find checkout-test executable"
exit 1
# First get rid of any remnants of the last run.
rm -rf this a
for num in 1 2; do
rm -rf ${num}/this
# Check out all the deltas.
# for num in 1 2; do
# echo ./checkout-test checkout-${num}.delta ${num}/this/is/a/test/dir
# ./checkout-test checkout-${num}.delta ${num}/this/is/a/test/dir
# done
./checkout-test ${TEST_DELTA} this
# That's it. Right now, we test by inspecting them by hand.