blob: 9e542c90a0f2cbbe7c96f40263f44644fa32ca7e [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# routines that actually run the svn client.
# Subversion is a tool for revision control.
# See for more information.
# ====================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2001 Collabnet. All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at
# If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
# newer version instead, at your option.
import os.path, shutil, string, re, sys
import main, tree # general svntest routines in this module.
# Used by every test, so that they can run independently of
# one another. The first time it's run, it executes 'svnadmin' to
# create a repository and then 'svn imports' the greek tree.
# Thereafter, every time this routine is called, it recursively copies
# the `pristine repos' to a new location.
def guarantee_greek_repository(path):
"""Guarantee that a local svn repository exists at PATH, containing
nothing but the greek-tree at revision 1."""
if path == main.pristine_dir:
print "ERROR: attempt to overwrite the pristine repos! Aborting."
# If there's no pristine repos, create one.
if not os.path.exists(main.pristine_dir):
# dump the greek tree to disk.
[[x[0], x[1]] for x in main.greek_tree])
# build a URL for doing an import.
url = main.test_area_url + '/' + main.pristine_dir
# import the greek tree, using l:foo/p:bar
### todo: svn should not be prompting for auth info when using
### repositories with no auth/auth requirements
output, errput = main.run_svn(None, 'import',
'--username', main.wc_author,
'--password', main.wc_passwd,
'-m', 'Log message for revision 1.',
url, main.greek_dump_dir)
# check for any errors from the import
if len(errput):
print "Errors during initial 'svn import':"
print errput
# verify the printed output of 'svn import'.
lastline = string.strip(output.pop())
cm = re.compile ("(Committed|Imported) revision [0-9]+.")
match = (lastline)
if not match:
print "ERROR: import did not succeed, while creating greek repos."
print "The final line from 'svn import' was:"
print lastline
output_tree = tree.build_tree_from_commit(output)
output_list = []
path_list = [x[0] for x in main.greek_tree]
for apath in path_list:
item = [ os.path.join(".", apath), None, {}, {'verb' : 'Adding'}]
expected_output_tree = tree.build_generic_tree(output_list)
if tree.compare_trees(output_tree, expected_output_tree):
print "ERROR: output of import command is unexpected."
# Now that the pristine repos exists, copy it to PATH.
if os.path.exists(path):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)):
shutil.copytree(main.pristine_dir, path)
if os.path.exists(main.current_repo_dir):
os.symlink(os.path.basename(path), main.current_repo_dir)
# Subversion Actions
# These are all routines that invoke 'svn' in particular ways, and
# then verify the results by comparing expected trees with actual
# trees.
# For all the functions below, the OUTPUT_TREE and DISK_TREE args need
# to be created by feeding carefully constructed lists to
# tree.build_generic_tree(). A STATUS_TREE can be built by
# hand, or by editing the tree returned by get_virginal_status_list().
def run_and_verify_checkout(URL, wc_dir_name, output_tree, disk_tree,
singleton_handler_a = None,
a_baton = None,
singleton_handler_b = None,
b_baton = None):
"""Checkout the the URL into a new directory WC_DIR_NAME.
The subcommand output will be verified against OUTPUT_TREE,
and the working copy itself will be verified against DISK_TREE.
tree.compare_trees - see that function's doc string for more details.
Return 0 if successful."""
# Remove dir if it's already there.
# Checkout and make a tree of the output, using l:foo/p:bar
### todo: svn should not be prompting for auth info when using
### repositories with no auth/auth requirements
output, errput = main.run_svn (None, 'co',
'--username', main.wc_author,
'--password', main.wc_passwd,
URL, '-d', wc_dir_name)
mytree = tree.build_tree_from_checkout (output)
# Verify actual output against expected output.
if tree.compare_trees (mytree, output_tree):
return 1
# Create a tree by scanning the working copy
mytree = tree.build_tree_from_wc (wc_dir_name)
# Verify expected disk against actual disk.
if tree.compare_trees (mytree, disk_tree,
singleton_handler_a, a_baton,
singleton_handler_b, b_baton):
return 1
return 0
def run_and_verify_update(wc_dir_name,
output_tree, disk_tree, status_tree,
singleton_handler_a = None,
a_baton = None,
singleton_handler_b = None,
b_baton = None,
check_props = 0,
"""Update WC_DIR_NAME into a new directory WC_DIR_NAME. *ARGS are
any extra optional args to the update subcommand.
The subcommand output will be verified against OUTPUT_TREE, and the
working copy itself will be verified against DISK_TREE. If optional
STATUS_OUTPUT_TREE is given, then 'svn status' output will be
compared. (This is a good way to check that revision numbers were
bumped.) SINGLETON_HANDLER_A and SINGLETON_HANDLER_B will be passed to
tree.compare_trees - see that function's doc string for more details.
If CHECK_PROPS is set, then disk comparison will examine props.
Return 0 if successful."""
# Update and make a tree of the output.
output, errput = main.run_svn (None, 'up', wc_dir_name, *args)
mytree = tree.build_tree_from_checkout (output)
# Verify actual output against expected output.
if tree.compare_trees (mytree, output_tree):
return 1
# Create a tree by scanning the working copy
mytree = tree.build_tree_from_wc (wc_dir_name, check_props)
# Verify expected disk against actual disk.
if tree.compare_trees (mytree, disk_tree,
singleton_handler_a, a_baton,
singleton_handler_b, b_baton):
return 1
# Verify via 'status' command too, if possible.
if status_tree:
if run_and_verify_status(wc_dir_name, status_tree):
return 1
return 0
def run_and_verify_commit(wc_dir_name, output_tree, status_output_tree,
error_re_string = None,
singleton_handler_a = None,
a_baton = None,
singleton_handler_b = None,
b_baton = None,
"""Commit and verify results within working copy WC_DIR_NAME,
sending ARGS to the commit subcommand.
The subcommand output will be verified against OUTPUT_TREE. If
optional STATUS_OUTPUT_TREE is given, then 'svn status' output will
be compared. (This is a good way to check that revision numbers
were bumped.)
If ERROR_RE_STRING is None, the commit must not exit with error. If
ERROR_RE_STRING is a string, the commit must exit with error, and
the error message must match regular expression ERROR_RE_STRING.
tree.compare_trees - see that function's doc string for more
details. Return 0 if successful."""
# Commit.
output, errput = main.run_svn(error_re_string, 'ci', '-m', '"log msg"',*args)
if (error_re_string):
rm = re.compile(error_re_string)
for line in errput:
match =
if match:
return 0
return 1
# Else not expecting error:
# Remove the final output line, and verify that the commit succeeded.
lastline = ""
if len(output):
lastline = string.strip(output.pop())
cm = re.compile("(Committed|Imported) revision [0-9]+.")
match =
if not match:
print "ERROR: commit did not succeed."
print "The final line from 'svn ci' was:"
print lastline
return 1
# The new 'final' line in the output is either a regular line that
# mentions {Adding, Deleting, Sending, ...}, or it could be a line
# that says "Transmitting file data ...". If the latter case, we
# want to remove the line from the output; it should be ignored when
# building a tree.
if len(output):
lastline = output.pop()
tm = re.compile("Transmitting file data.+")
match =
if not match:
# whoops, it was important output, put it back.
# Convert the output into a tree.
expected_tree = tree.build_tree_from_commit (output)
# Verify actual output against expected output.
if tree.compare_trees (expected_tree, output_tree):
return 1
# Verify via 'status' command too, if possible.
if status_output_tree:
if run_and_verify_status(wc_dir_name, status_output_tree):
return 1
return 0
# This function always passes '-q' to the status command, which
# suppresses the printing of any unversioned or nonexistent items.
def run_and_verify_status(wc_dir_name, output_tree,
singleton_handler_a = None,
a_baton = None,
singleton_handler_b = None,
b_baton = None):
"""Run 'status' on WC_DIR_NAME and compare it with the
be passed to tree.compare_trees - see that function's doc string for
more details.
Return 0 on success."""
output, errput = main.run_svn (None, 'status', '-v', '-u', '-q', wc_dir_name)
mytree = tree.build_tree_from_status (output)
# Verify actual output against expected output.
if (singleton_handler_a or singleton_handler_b):
if tree.compare_trees (mytree, output_tree,
singleton_handler_a, a_baton,
singleton_handler_b, b_baton):
return 1
if tree.compare_trees (mytree, output_tree):
return 1
return 0
# A variant of previous func, but doesn't pass '-q'. This allows us
# to verify unversioned or nonexistent items in the list.
def run_and_verify_unquiet_status(wc_dir_name, output_tree,
singleton_handler_a = None,
a_baton = None,
singleton_handler_b = None,
b_baton = None):
"""Run 'status' on WC_DIR_NAME and compare it with the
be passed to tree.compare_trees - see that function's doc string for
more details.
Return 0 on success."""
output, errput = main.run_svn (None, 'status', '-v', '-u', wc_dir_name)
mytree = tree.build_tree_from_status (output)
# Verify actual output against expected output.
if (singleton_handler_a or singleton_handler_b):
if tree.compare_trees (mytree, output_tree,
singleton_handler_a, a_baton,
singleton_handler_b, b_baton):
return 1
if tree.compare_trees (mytree, output_tree):
return 1
return 0
# Other general utilities
# This allows a test to *quickly* bootstrap itself.
def make_repo_and_wc(test_name):
"""Create a fresh repository and checkout a wc from it.
The repo and wc directories will both be named TEST_NAME, and
repsectively live within the global dirs 'general_repo_dir' and
'general_wc_dir' (variables defined at the top of this test
suite.) Return 0 on success, non-zero on failure."""
# Where the repos and wc for this test should be created.
wc_dir = os.path.join(main.general_wc_dir, test_name)
repo_dir = os.path.join(main.general_repo_dir, test_name)
# Create (or copy afresh) a new repos with a greek tree in it.
# make url for checkout
url = main.test_area_url + '/' + main.current_repo_dir
# Generate the expected output tree.
output_list = []
path_list = [x[0] for x in main.greek_tree]
for path in path_list:
item = [ os.path.join(wc_dir, path), None, {}, {'status' : 'A '} ]
expected_output_tree = tree.build_generic_tree(output_list)
# Generate an expected wc tree.
expected_wc_tree = tree.build_generic_tree(main.greek_tree)
# Do a checkout, and verify the resulting output and disk contents.
return run_and_verify_checkout(url, wc_dir,
# Duplicate a working copy or other dir.
def duplicate_dir(wc_name, wc_copy_name):
"""Copy the working copy WC_NAME to WC_COPY_NAME. Overwrite any
existing tree at that location."""
if os.path.exists(wc_copy_name):
shutil.copytree(wc_name, wc_copy_name)
# A generic starting state for the output of 'svn status'.
# Returns a list of the form:
# [ ['wc_dir', None, {}, {'status':'_ ',
# 'wc_rev':'1',
# 'repos_rev':'1'}],
# ['wc_dir/A', None, {}, {'status':'_ ',
# 'wc_rev':'1',
# 'repos_rev':'1'}],
# ['wc_dir/A/mu', None, {}, {'status':'_ ',
# 'wc_rev':'1',
# 'repos_rev':'1'}],
# ... ]
def get_virginal_status_list(wc_dir, rev):
"""Given a WC_DIR, return a list describing the expected 'status'
output of an up-to-date working copy at revision REV. (i.e. the
repository and working copy files are all at REV).
WARNING: REV is a string, not an integer. :)
The list returned is suitable for passing to
output_list = [[wc_dir, None, {},
{'status' : '_ ',
'wc_rev' : rev,
'repos_rev' : rev}]]
path_list = [x[0] for x in main.greek_tree]
for path in path_list:
item = [os.path.join(wc_dir, path), None, {},
{'status' : '_ ',
'wc_rev' : rev,
'repos_rev' : rev}]
return output_list
# Ben sez: this is -proof- that we really want a hash of SVNTreeNodes
# when we do a future rewrite. :-)
# Convenience routine for treating our list format like a pseudo-hash
def path_index(list, path):
"Return the index of PATH in our standard list-format"
for item in list:
if item[0] == path:
return list.index(item)
return None
# Cheap administrative directory locking
def lock_admin_dir(wc_dir):
"Lock a SVN administrative directory"
path = os.path.join(wc_dir, main.get_admin_name(), 'lock')
main.file_append(path, "stop looking!")
### End of file.
# local variables:
# eval: (load-file "../../../../tools/dev/svn-dev.el")
# end: