blob: 77d113224a3bd21739dea14f218df6e73e9dcdae [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# testing "svn log"
# Subversion is a tool for revision control.
# See for more information.
# ====================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2000-2001 CollabNet. All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at
# If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
# newer version instead, at your option.
# General modules
import string, sys, re, os
# Our testing module
import svntest
# The Plan:
# Get a repository, commit about 6 or 7 revisions to it, each
# involving different kinds of operations. Make sure to have some
# add, del, mv, cp, as well as file modifications, and make sure that
# some files are modified more than once.
# Give each commit a recognizeable log message. Test all combinations
# of -r options, including none. Then test with -v, which will
# (presumably) show changed paths as well.
# Globals
# These variables are set by guarantee_repos_and_wc().
max_revision = 0 # Highest revision in the repos
# What separates log msgs from one another in raw log output.
msg_separator = '------------------------------------' \
+ '------------------------------------\n'
# (abbreviation)
path_index = svntest.actions.path_index
# Utilities
def guarantee_repos_and_wc(sbox):
"Make a repos and wc, commit max_revision revs. Return 0 on success."
global max_revision
return 1
wc_path = sbox.wc_dir
# Now we have a repos and wc at revision 1.
was_cwd = os.getcwd ()
os.chdir (wc_path)
# Set up the paths we'll be using most often.
iota_path = os.path.join ('iota')
mu_path = os.path.join ('A', 'mu')
B_path = os.path.join ('A', 'B')
omega_path = os.path.join ('A', 'D', 'H', 'omega')
pi_path = os.path.join ('A', 'D', 'G', 'pi')
rho_path = os.path.join ('A', 'D', 'G', 'rho')
alpha_path = os.path.join ('A', 'B', 'E', 'alpha')
beta_path = os.path.join ('A', 'B', 'E', 'beta')
psi_path = os.path.join ('A', 'D', 'H', 'psi')
epsilon_path = os.path.join ('A', 'C', 'epsilon')
# Do a varied bunch of commits. No copies yet, we'll wait till Ben
# is done for that.
# Revision 2: edit iota
svntest.main.file_append (iota_path, "2")
svntest.main.run_svn (None, 'ci', '-m', "Log message for revision 2")
svntest.main.run_svn (None, 'up')
# Revision 3: edit A/D/H/omega, A/D/G/pi, A/D/G/rho, and A/B/E/alpha
svntest.main.file_append (omega_path, "3")
svntest.main.file_append (pi_path, "3")
svntest.main.file_append (rho_path, "3")
svntest.main.file_append (alpha_path, "3")
svntest.main.run_svn (None, 'ci', '-m', "Log message for revision 3")
svntest.main.run_svn (None, 'up')
# Revision 4: edit iota again, add A/C/epsilon
svntest.main.file_append (iota_path, "4")
svntest.main.file_append (epsilon_path, "4")
svntest.main.run_svn (None, 'add', epsilon_path)
svntest.main.run_svn (None, 'ci', '-m', "Log message for revision 4")
svntest.main.run_svn (None, 'up')
# Revision 5: edit A/C/epsilon, delete A/D/G/rho
svntest.main.file_append (epsilon_path, "5")
svntest.main.run_svn (None, 'rm', rho_path)
svntest.main.run_svn (None, 'ci', '-m', "Log message for revision 5")
svntest.main.run_svn (None, 'up')
# Revision 6: prop change on A/B, edit A/D/H/psi
svntest.main.run_svn (None, 'ps', 'blue', 'azul', B_path)
svntest.main.file_append (psi_path, "6")
svntest.main.run_svn (None, 'ci', '-m', "Log message for revision 6")
svntest.main.run_svn (None, 'up')
# Revision 7: edit A/mu, prop change on A/mu
svntest.main.file_append (mu_path, "7")
svntest.main.run_svn (None, 'ps', 'red', 'burgundy', mu_path)
svntest.main.run_svn (None, 'ci', '-m', "Log message for revision 7")
svntest.main.run_svn (None, 'up')
# Revision 8: edit iota yet again, re-add A/D/G/rho
svntest.main.file_append (iota_path, "8")
svntest.main.file_append (rho_path, "8")
svntest.main.run_svn (None, 'add', rho_path)
svntest.main.run_svn (None, 'ci', '-m', "Log message for revision 8")
svntest.main.run_svn (None, 'up')
# Revision 9: edit A/B/E/beta, delete A/B/E/alpha
svntest.main.file_append (beta_path, "9")
svntest.main.run_svn (None, 'rm', alpha_path)
svntest.main.run_svn (None, 'ci', '-m', "Log message for revision 9")
svntest.main.run_svn (None, 'up')
max_revision = 9
# Restore.
os.chdir (was_cwd)
# Let's run 'svn status' and make sure the working copy looks
# exactly the way we think it should. Start with a generic
# greek-tree-list, where every local and repos revision is at 9.
status_list = svntest.actions.get_virginal_status_list(wc_path, '9')
# remove A/B/E/alpha, add A/C/epsilon
status_list.pop(path_index(status_list, os.path.join(wc_path, alpha_path)))
status_list.append([os.path.join(wc_path, epsilon_path), None, {},
{'status' : '_ ',
'wc_rev' : '9',
'repos_rev' : '9'}])
# props exist on A/B and A/mu
status_list[path_index(status_list, os.path.join(wc_path, B_path))][3]['status'] = "__"
status_list[path_index(status_list, os.path.join(wc_path, mu_path))][3]['status'] = "__"
# Convert the list into a real tree.
expected_status_tree = svntest.tree.build_generic_tree(status_list)
# Run 'svn st -uv' and compare the actual results with our tree.
return svntest.actions.run_and_verify_status(wc_path, expected_status_tree)
# For errors seen while parsing log data.
class SVNLogParseError(Exception):
def __init__ (self, args=None):
self.args = args
def parse_log_output(log_lines):
"""Return a log chain derived from LOG_LINES.
A log chain is a list of hashes; each hash represents one log
message, in the order it appears in LOG_LINES (the first log
message in the data is also the first element of the list, and so
Each hash contains the following keys/values:
'revision' ===> number
'author' ===> string
'date' ===> string
'msg' ===> string (the log message itself)
If LOG_LINES contains changed-path information, then the hash
also contains
'paths' ===> list of strings
# Here's some log output to look at while writing this function:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# rev 5: kfogel | Tue 6 Nov 2001 17:18:19 | 1 line
# Log message for revision 5.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# rev 4: kfogel | Tue 6 Nov 2001 17:18:18 | 1 line
# Log message for revision 4.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# rev 3: kfogel | Tue 6 Nov 2001 17:18:17 | 1 line
# Log message for revision 3.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# rev 2: kfogel | Tue 6 Nov 2001 17:18:16 | 1 line
# Log message for revision 2.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# rev 1: foo | Tue 6 Nov 2001 15:27:57 | 1 line
# Log message for revision 1.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Regular expression to match the header line of a log message, with
# these groups: (revision number), (author), (date), (num lines).
header_re = re.compile ('^rev ([0-9]+): ' \
+ '([^|]*) \| ([^|]*) \| ([0-9]+) lines?')
# The log chain to return.
chain = []
this_item = None
while 1:
this_line = log_lines.pop (0)
except IndexError:
return chain
match = (this_line)
if match and match.groups ():
this_item = {}
this_item['revision'] =
this_item['author'] =
this_item['date'] =
lines = string.atoi (( (4)))
# Eat the expected blank line.
log_lines.pop (0)
### todo: we don't parse changed-paths yet, since Subversion
### doesn't output them. When it does, they'll appear here,
### right after the header line, and then there'll be a blank
### line between them and the msg.
# Accumulate the log message
msg = ''
for line in log_lines[0:lines]:
msg += line
del log_lines[0:lines]
elif this_line == msg_separator:
if this_item:
this_item['msg'] = msg
chain.append (this_item)
else: # if didn't see separator now, then something's wrong
raise SVNLogParseError, "trailing garbage after log message"
return chain
def check_log_chain (chain, start, end):
"""Verify that log chain CHAIN contains the right log messages for
revisions START to END (see documentation for parse_log_output() for
more about log chains.)
Return 0 if the log chain's messages run from revision START to END
with no gaps, and that each log message is one line of the form
'Log message for revision N'
where N is the revision number of that commit. Also verify that
author and date are present and look sane, but don't check them too
Return 1 if anything looks wrong.
if start > end:
step = -1
step = 1
for expect_rev in range (start, end + step, step):
log_item = chain.pop (0)
saw_rev = string.atoi (log_item['revision'])
date = log_item['date']
author = log_item['author']
msg = log_item['msg']
# The most important check is that the revision is right:
if expect_rev != saw_rev: return 1
# Check that author and date look at least vaguely right:
author_re = re.compile ('[a-zA-Z]+')
date_re = re.compile ('[0-9]+')
if (not (author)): return 1
if (not (date)): return 1
# Check that the log message looks right:
msg_re = re.compile ('Log message for revision ' + `saw_rev`)
if (not (msg)): return 1
### todo: need some multi-line log messages mixed in with the
### one-liners. Easy enough, just make the prime revisions use REV
### lines, and the rest use 1 line, or something, so it's
### predictable based on REV.
return 0
# Tests
def plain_log(sbox):
"'svn log', no args, top of wc."
if guarantee_repos_and_wc(sbox):
return 1
result = 0
was_cwd = os.getcwd()
output, errput = svntest.main.run_svn (None, 'log')
if errput:
os.chdir (was_cwd)
return 1
log_chain = parse_log_output (output)
if check_log_chain (log_chain, max_revision, 1):
os.chdir (was_cwd)
return 1
os.chdir (was_cwd)
return 0
def versioned_log_message(sbox):
"'svn commit -F foo' when foo is a versioned file"
return 1
was_cwd = os.getcwd ()
os.chdir (sbox.wc_dir)
iota_path = os.path.join ('iota')
mu_path = os.path.join ('A', 'mu')
log_path = os.path.join ('A', 'D', 'H', 'omega')
svntest.main.file_append (iota_path, "2")
# try to check in a change using a versioned file as your log entry.
stdout_lines, stderr_lines = svntest.main.run_svn (1, 'ci', '-F', log_path)
# make sure we failed.
if (len(stderr_lines) <= 0):
os.chdir (was_cwd)
return 1
# force it. should not produce any errors.
stdout_lines, stderr_lines = \
svntest.main.run_svn (None, 'ci', '-F', log_path, '--force')
if (len(stderr_lines) != 0):
os.chdir (was_cwd)
return 1
svntest.main.file_append (mu_path, "2")
# try the same thing, but specifying the file to commit explicitly.
stdout_lines, stderr_lines = \
svntest.main.run_svn (1, 'ci', '-F', log_path, mu_path)
# make sure it failed.
if (len(stderr_lines) <= 0):
os.chdir (was_cwd)
return 1
# force it... should succeed.
stdout_lines, stderr_lines = \
svntest.main.run_svn (None, 'ci', '-F', log_path, '--force', mu_path)
if (len(stderr_lines) != 0):
os.chdir (was_cwd)
return 1
os.chdir (was_cwd)
return 0
# Run the tests
# list all tests here, starting with None:
test_list = [ None,
if __name__ == '__main__':
### End of file.
# local variables:
# eval: (load-file "../../../../tools/dev/svn-dev.el")
# end: