blob: a4b18d9864501cf49249df91e3e617fdac05cabc [file] [log] [blame]
* config_file.c : parsing configuration files
* ====================================================================
* Copyright (c) 2000-2002 CollabNet. All rights reserved.
* This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
* you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
* are also available at
* If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
* newer version instead, at your option.
* This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
* individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision
* history and logs, available at
* ====================================================================
#include <apr_want.h>
#include <apr_lib.h>
#include "config_impl.h"
#include "svn_io.h"
#include "svn_types.h"
/* File parsing context */
typedef struct parse_context_t
/* This config struct and file */
svn_config_t *cfg;
const char *file;
/* The file descriptor */
FILE *fd;
/* The current line in the file */
int line;
/* Temporary strings, allocated from the temp pool */
svn_stringbuf_t *section;
svn_stringbuf_t *option;
svn_stringbuf_t *value;
/* Temporary pool parsing */
apr_pool_t *pool;
} parse_context_t;
/* Eat chars from FD until encounter non-whitespace, newline, or EOF.
Set *PCOUNT to the number of characters eaten, not counting the
last one, and return the last char read (the one that caused the
break). */
static APR_INLINE int
skip_whitespace (FILE* fd, int *pcount)
int ch = getc (fd);
int count = 0;
while (ch != EOF && ch != '\n' && apr_isspace (ch))
ch = getc (fd);
*pcount = count;
return ch;
/* Skip to the end of the line (or file). Returns the char that ended
the line; the char is either EOF or newline. */
static APR_INLINE int
skip_to_eoln (FILE *fd)
int ch = getc (fd);
while (ch != EOF && ch != '\n')
ch = getc (fd);
return ch;
/* Parse a single option value */
static svn_error_t *
parse_value (int *pch, parse_context_t *ctx)
svn_error_t *err = SVN_NO_ERROR;
svn_boolean_t end_of_val = FALSE;
int ch;
/* Read the first line of the value */
svn_stringbuf_setempty (ctx->value);
for (ch = getc (ctx->fd); /* last ch seen was ':' or '=' in parse_option. */
ch != EOF && ch != '\n';
ch = getc (ctx->fd))
const char char_from_int = ch;
svn_stringbuf_appendbytes (ctx->value, &char_from_int, 1);
/* Leading and trailing whitespace is ignored. */
svn_stringbuf_strip_whitespace (ctx->value);
/* Look for any continuation lines. */
for (;;)
if (ch == EOF || end_of_val)
if (!ferror (ctx->fd))
/* At end of file. The value is complete, there can't be
any continuation lines. */
svn_config_set (ctx->cfg, ctx->section->data,
ctx->option->data, ctx->value->data);
int count;
ch = skip_whitespace (ctx->fd, &count);
switch (ch)
case '\n':
/* The next line was empty. Ergo, it can't be a
continuation line. */
end_of_val = TRUE;
case EOF:
/* This is also an empty line. */
end_of_val = TRUE;
if (count == 0)
/* This line starts in the first column. That means
it's either a section, option or comment. Put
the char back into the stream, because it doesn't
belong to us. */
ungetc (ch, ctx->fd);
end_of_val = TRUE;
/* This is a continuation line. Read it. */
svn_stringbuf_appendbytes (ctx->value, " ", 1);
for (;
ch != EOF && ch != '\n';
ch = getc (ctx->fd))
const char char_from_int = ch;
svn_stringbuf_appendbytes (ctx->value,
&char_from_int, 1);
/* Trailing whitespace is ignored. */
svn_stringbuf_strip_whitespace (ctx->value);
*pch = ch;
return err;
/* Parse a single option */
static svn_error_t *
parse_option (int *pch, parse_context_t *ctx)
svn_error_t *err = SVN_NO_ERROR;
int ch;
svn_stringbuf_setempty (ctx->option);
for (ch = *pch; /* Yes, the first char is relevant. */
ch != EOF && ch != ':' && ch != '=' && ch != '\n';
ch = getc (ctx->fd))
const char char_from_int = ch;
svn_stringbuf_appendbytes (ctx->option, &char_from_int, 1);
if (ch != ':' && ch != '=')
ch = EOF;
err = svn_error_createf (SVN_ERR_MALFORMED_FILE,
0, NULL, ctx->pool,
"%s:%d: Option must end with ':' or '='",
ctx->file, ctx->line);
/* Whitespace around the name separator is ignored. */
svn_stringbuf_strip_whitespace (ctx->option);
err = parse_value (&ch, ctx);
*pch = ch;
return err;
/* Read chars until enounter ']', then skip everything to the end of
* the line. Set *PCH to the character that ended the line (either
* newline or EOF), and set CTX->section to the string of characters
* seen before ']'.
* This is meant to be called immediately after reading the '[' that
* starts a section name.
static svn_error_t *
parse_section_name (int *pch, parse_context_t *ctx)
svn_error_t *err = SVN_NO_ERROR;
int ch;
svn_stringbuf_setempty (ctx->section);
for (ch = getc (ctx->fd);
ch != EOF && ch != ']' && ch != '\n';
ch = getc (ctx->fd))
const char char_from_int = ch;
svn_stringbuf_appendbytes (ctx->section, &char_from_int, 1);
if (ch != ']')
ch = EOF;
err = svn_error_createf (SVN_ERR_MALFORMED_FILE,
0, NULL, ctx->pool,
"%s:%d: Section header must end with ']'",
ctx->file, ctx->line);
/* Everything from the ']' to the end of the line is ignored. */
ch = skip_to_eoln (ctx->fd);
if (ch != EOF)
*pch = ch;
return err;
svn_error_t *
svn_config__sys_config_path (const char **path_p,
const char *fname,
apr_pool_t *pool)
#ifdef SVN_WIN32
/* ### See
for more on how this will be done. */
*path_p = NULL;
#else /* ! SVN_WIN32 */
/* No reason to use svn's path lib here; we know what the separator
is in this case. */
if (fname)
*path_p = apr_psprintf (pool, "%s/%s", SVN_CONFIG__SYS_DIRECTORY, fname);
#endif /* SVN_WIN32 */
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
svn_error_t *
svn_config__user_config_path (const char **path_p,
const char *fname,
apr_pool_t *pool)
apr_status_t apr_err;
apr_uid_t uid;
apr_gid_t gid;
char *username;
char *homedir;
/* ### See
for details on how to make this function meaningful under Win32.
Most likely strategy is to divide it into Win32 and non-Win32
sections, as with svn_config__user_config_path() above. */
/* This code requires APR_HAS_USER to be defined. Does anyone not
define it? Apparently even Win32 does, though functions about
users may or may not return useful results there. */
*path_p = NULL;
apr_err = apr_current_userid (&uid, &gid, pool);
if (apr_err)
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
apr_err = apr_get_username (&username, uid, pool);
if (apr_err)
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
apr_err = apr_get_home_directory (&homedir, username, pool);
if (apr_err)
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
/* ### Any compelling reason to use svn's path lib here? */
if (fname)
*path_p = apr_psprintf
(pool, "%s/%s/%s", homedir, SVN_CONFIG__USR_DIRECTORY, fname);
*path_p = apr_psprintf
(pool, "%s/%s", homedir, SVN_CONFIG__USR_DIRECTORY);
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
/*** Exported interfaces. ***/
svn_error_t *
svn_config__parse_file (svn_config_t *cfg, const char *file,
svn_boolean_t must_exist)
svn_error_t *err = SVN_NO_ERROR;
parse_context_t ctx;
int ch, count;
/* "Why," you ask yourself, "is he using stdio FILE's instead of
apr_file_t's?" The answer is simple: newline translation. For
all that it has an APR_BINARY flag, APR doesn't do newline
translation in files. The only portable way I know to get
translated text files is to use the standard stdio library. */
FILE *fd = fopen (file, "rt");
if (fd == NULL)
if (errno != ENOENT)
return svn_error_createf (SVN_ERR_BAD_FILENAME,
errno, NULL, cfg->pool,
"Can't open config file \"%s\"", file);
else if (must_exist && errno == ENOENT)
return svn_error_createf (SVN_ERR_BAD_FILENAME,
errno, NULL, cfg->pool,
"Can't find config file \"%s\"", file);
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
ctx.cfg = cfg;
ctx.file = file;
ctx.fd = fd;
ctx.line = 1;
ctx.pool = svn_pool_create (cfg->pool);
ctx.section = svn_stringbuf_create("", ctx.pool);
ctx.option = svn_stringbuf_create("", ctx.pool);
ctx.value = svn_stringbuf_create("", ctx.pool);
ch = skip_whitespace (fd, &count);
switch (ch)
case '[': /* Start of section header */
if (count == 0)
err = parse_section_name (&ch, &ctx);
ch = EOF;
err = svn_error_createf (SVN_ERR_MALFORMED_FILE,
0, NULL, ctx.pool,
"%s:%d: Section header"
" must start in the first column",
file, ctx.line);
case '#': /* Comment */
if (count == 0)
ch = skip_to_eoln(fd);
ch = EOF;
err = svn_error_createf (SVN_ERR_MALFORMED_FILE,
0, NULL, ctx.pool,
"%s:%d: Comment"
" must start in the first column",
file, ctx.line);
case '\n': /* Empty line */
case EOF: /* End of file or read error */
if (svn_stringbuf_isempty (ctx.section))
ch = EOF;
err = svn_error_createf (SVN_ERR_MALFORMED_FILE,
0, NULL, ctx.pool,
"%s:%d: Section header expected",
file, ctx.line);
else if (count != 0)
ch = EOF;
err = svn_error_createf (SVN_ERR_MALFORMED_FILE,
0, NULL, ctx.pool,
"%s:%d: Option expected",
file, ctx.line);
err = parse_option (&ch, &ctx);
while (ch != EOF);
if (ferror (fd))
err = svn_error_createf (-1, /* FIXME: Wrong error code. */
errno, NULL, ctx.pool,
"%s:%d: Read error", file, ctx.line);
svn_pool_destroy (ctx.pool);
fclose (fd);
return err;
svn_error_t *
svn_config_ensure (apr_pool_t *pool)
const char *path;
enum svn_node_kind kind;
apr_status_t apr_err;
svn_error_t *err;
/* Ensure that the config directory exists. */
SVN_ERR (svn_config__user_config_path (&path, NULL, pool));
if (! path)
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
SVN_ERR (svn_io_check_path (path, &kind, pool));
if (kind == svn_node_none)
apr_err = apr_dir_make (path, APR_OS_DEFAULT, pool);
if (! APR_STATUS_IS_SUCCESS (apr_err))
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
else if (kind != svn_node_dir)
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
/* Else, there's a configuration directory. */
/* If we get errors trying to do things below, just stop and return
success. There's no _need_ to init a config directory if
something's preventing it. */
/* Ensure that the `README' file exists. */
SVN_ERR (svn_config__user_config_path
(&path, SVN_CONFIG__USR_README_FILE, pool));
if (! path) /* highly unlikely, since a previous call succeeded */
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
err = svn_io_check_path (path, &kind, pool);
if (err)
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
if (kind == svn_node_none)
apr_file_t *f;
const char *contents =
"This directory holds run-time configuration information for Subversion\n"
"clients. The configuration files all share the same syntax, but you\n"
"should examine a particular file to learn what configuration\n"
"directives are valid for that file.\n"
"The syntax is standard INI format:"
" - Empty lines, and lines starting with '#', are ignored.\n"
" The first significant line in a file must be a section header.\n"
" - A section starts with a section header, which must start in\n"
" the first column:\n"
" [section-name]\n"
" - An option, which must always appear within a section, is a pair\n"
" (name, value). There are two valid forms for defining an\n"
" option, both of which must start in the first column:\n"
" name: value\n"
" name = value\n"
" Whitespace around the separator (:, =) is optional.\n"
" - Section and option names are case-insensitive, but case is\n"
" preserved.\n"
" - An option's value may be broken into several lines. The value\n"
" continuation lines must start with at least one whitespace.\n"
" Trailing whitespace in the previous line, the newline character\n"
" and the leading whitespace in the continuation line is compressed\n"
" into a single space character.\n"
" - All leading and trailing whitespace around a value is trimmed,\n"
" but the whitespace within a value is preserved, with the\n"
" exception of whitespace around line continuations, as\n"
" described above.\n"
" - When a value is a list, it is comma-separated. Again, the\n"
" whitespace around each element of the list is trimmed.\n"
#if 0 /* expansion not implemented yet */
" - Option values may be expanded within a value by enclosing the\n"
" option name in parentheses, preceded by a percent sign:\n"
" %(name)\n"
" The expansion is performed recursively and on demand, during\n"
" svn_option_get. The name is first searched for in the same\n"
" section, then in the special [DEFAULTS] section. If the name\n"
" is not found, the whole %(name) placeholder is left\n"
" unchanged.\n"
" Any modifications to the configuration data invalidate all\n"
" previously expanded values, so that the next svn_option_get\n"
" will take the modifications into account.\n"
#endif /* 0 */
"Configuration data in the Windows registry\n"
"On Windows, configuration data may also be stored in the registry. The\n"
"functions svn_config_read and svn_config_merge will read from the\n"
"registry when passed file names of the form:\n"
" REGISTRY:<hive>/path/to/config-key\n"
"The REGISTRY: prefix must be in upper case. The <hive> part must be\n"
"one of:\n"
"The values in config-key represent the options in the [DEFAULTS] section."
"The keys below config-key represent other sections, and their values\n"
"represent the options. Only values of type REG_SZ will be used; other\n"
"values, as well as the keys' default values, will be ignored.\n"
"File locations\n"
"Typically, Subversion uses two config directories, one for site-wide\n"
" /etc/subversion/proxies\n"
" /etc/subversion/config\n"
" /etc/subversion/hairstyles\n"
" -- or --\n"
" REGISTRY:HKLM\\Software\\\\Subversion\\Proxies\n"
" REGISTRY:HKLM\\Software\\\\Subversion\\Config\n"
" REGISTRY:HKLM\\Software\\\\Subversion\\Hairstyles\n"
"and one for per-user configuration:\n"
" ~/.subversion/proxies\n"
" ~/.subversion/config\n"
" ~/.subversion/hairstyles\n"
" -- or --\n"
" REGISTRY:HKCU\\Software\\\\Subversion\\Proxies\n"
" REGISTRY:HKCU\\Software\\\\Subversion\\Config\n"
" REGISTRY:HKCU\\Software\\\\Subversion\\Hairstyles\n"
apr_err = apr_file_open (&f, path,
if (APR_STATUS_IS_SUCCESS (apr_err))
apr_err = apr_file_write_full (f, contents, strlen (contents), NULL);
if (apr_err)
return svn_error_createf (apr_err, 0, NULL, pool,
"writing config file `%s'", path);
apr_err = apr_file_close (f);
if (apr_err)
return svn_error_createf (apr_err, 0, NULL, pool,
"closing config file `%s'", path);
/* Ensure that the `proxies' file exists. */
SVN_ERR (svn_config__user_config_path
(&path, SVN_CONFIG__USR_PROXY_FILE, pool));
if (! path) /* highly unlikely, since a previous call succeeded */
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
err = svn_io_check_path (path, &kind, pool);
if (err)
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
if (kind == svn_node_none)
apr_file_t *f;
const char *contents =
"### This file determines which proxy servers to use, if\n"
"### any, when contacting a remote repository.\n"
"### The commented-out examples below are intended only to\n"
"### demonstrate how to use this file; any resemblance to\n"
"### actual servers, living or dead, is entirely\n"
"### coincidental.\n"
"### In this section, the URL of the repository you're\n"
"### trying to access is matched against the patterns on\n"
"### the right. If a match is found, the proxy info is\n"
"### taken from the section with the corresponding name.\n"
"# [groups]\n"
"# group1 = *\n"
"# othergroup =\n"
"### Information for the first group:\n"
"# [group1]\n"
"# host =\n"
"# port = 80\n"
"# username = blah\n"
"# password = doubleblah\n"
"### Information for the second group:\n"
"# [othergroup]\n"
"# host =\n"
"# port = 9000\n"
"# No username and password, so use the defaults below.\n"
"### If there is a `default' section, then anything not set\n"
"### by a specifically matched group is taken from the\n"
"### defaults. Thus, if you go through the same proxy\n"
"### server to reach every site on the Internet, you\n"
"### probably just want to put that server's information in\n"
"### the `default' section and not bother with `groups' or\n"
"### any other sections.\n"
"### \n"
"### If you go through a proxy for all but a few sites, you can\n"
"### list those exceptions under `no_proxy', see below. This only\n"
"### overrides defaults, not explicitly matched proxies.\n"
"# [default]\n"
"# no_proxy = *,\n"
"# host =\n"
"# port = 7000\n"
"# username = defaultusername\n"
"# password = defaultpassword\n";
apr_err = apr_file_open (&f, path,
if (APR_STATUS_IS_SUCCESS (apr_err))
apr_err = apr_file_write_full (f, contents, strlen (contents), NULL);
if (apr_err)
return svn_error_createf (apr_err, 0, NULL, pool,
"writing config file `%s'", path);
apr_err = apr_file_close (f);
if (apr_err)
return svn_error_createf (apr_err, 0, NULL, pool,
"closing config file `%s'", path);
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
* local variables:
* eval: (load-file "../../tools/dev/svn-dev.el")
* end: