blob: 8ed687c2482e2d315db6ebe07b7a66dfd0daa40d [file] [log] [blame]
* props.c : routines for fetching DAV properties
* ====================================================================
* Copyright (c) 2000-2002 CollabNet. All rights reserved.
* This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
* you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
* are also available at
* If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
* newer version instead, at your option.
* This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
* individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision
* history and logs, available at
* ====================================================================
#include <apr_pools.h>
#include <apr_tables.h>
#include <apr_strings.h>
#include <apr_want.h>
#include <ne_basic.h>
#include <ne_props.h>
#include <ne_xml.h>
#include "svn_error.h"
#include "svn_delta.h"
#include "svn_ra.h"
#include "svn_path.h"
#include "ra_dav.h"
/* some definitions of various properties that may be fetched */
const ne_propname svn_ra_dav__vcc_prop = {
"DAV:", "version-controlled-configuration"
const ne_propname svn_ra_dav__checked_in_prop = {
"DAV:", "checked-in"
typedef struct {
ne_xml_elmid id;
const char *name;
int is_property; /* is it a property, or part of some structure? */
} elem_defn;
static const elem_defn elem_definitions[] =
/* DAV elements */
{ ELEM_checked_in, SVN_RA_DAV__PROP_CHECKED_IN, 0 },
{ ELEM_vcc, SVN_RA_DAV__PROP_VCC, 0 },
{ ELEM_version_name, SVN_RA_DAV__PROP_VERSION_NAME, 1 },
/* SVN elements */
{ ELEM_baseline_relpath, SVN_RA_DAV__PROP_BASELINE_RELPATH, 1 },
{ 0 }
static const struct ne_xml_elm neon_descriptions[] =
/* DAV elements */
{ "DAV:", "baseline-collection", ELEM_baseline_coll, NE_XML_CDATA },
{ "DAV:", "checked-in", ELEM_checked_in, 0 },
{ "DAV:", "collection", ELEM_collection, NE_XML_CDATA },
{ "DAV:", "href", NE_ELM_href, NE_XML_CDATA },
{ "DAV:", "resourcetype", ELEM_resourcetype, 0 },
{ "DAV:", "version-controlled-configuration", ELEM_vcc, 0 },
{ "DAV:", "version-name", ELEM_version_name, NE_XML_CDATA },
/* SVN elements */
{ SVN_PROP_PREFIX, "baseline-relative-path", ELEM_baseline_relpath,
{ NULL }
typedef struct {
/* PROPS: URL-PATH -> RESOURCE (const char * -> svn_ra_dav_resource_t *) */
apr_hash_t *props;
apr_pool_t *pool;
ne_propfind_handler *dph;
} prop_ctx_t;
/* when we begin a checkout, we fetch these from the "public" resources to
steer us towards a Baseline Collection. we fetch the resourcetype to
verify that we're accessing a collection. */
static const ne_propname starting_props[] =
{ "DAV:", "version-controlled-configuration" },
{ SVN_PROP_PREFIX, "baseline-relative-path" },
{ "DAV:", "resourcetype" },
{ NULL }
/* when speaking to a Baseline to reach the Baseline Collection, fetch these
properties. */
static const ne_propname baseline_props[] =
{ "DAV:", "baseline-collection" },
{ "DAV:", "version-name" },
{ NULL }
/* look up an element definition. may return NULL if the elem is not
recognized. */
static const elem_defn *defn_from_id(ne_xml_elmid id)
const elem_defn *defn;
for (defn = elem_definitions; defn->name != NULL; ++defn)
if (id == defn->id)
return defn;
return NULL;
static void *create_private(void *userdata, const char *url)
prop_ctx_t *pc = userdata;
struct uri parsed_url;
char *url_path;
svn_ra_dav_resource_t *r = apr_pcalloc(pc->pool, sizeof(*r));
apr_size_t len;
svn_string_t my_url;
svn_stringbuf_t *url_str; = url;
my_url.len = strlen(url);
url_str = svn_path_uri_decode(&my_url, pc->pool);
r->pool = pc->pool;
/* parse the PATH element out of the URL
Note: mod_dav does not (currently) use an absolute URL, but simply a
server-relative path (i.e. this uri_parse is effectively a no-op).
(void) uri_parse(url_str->data, &parsed_url, NULL);
url_path = apr_pstrdup(pc->pool, parsed_url.path);
/* clean up trailing slashes from the URL */
len = strlen(url_path);
if (len > 1 && url_path[len - 1] == '/')
url_path[len - 1] = '\0';
r->url = url_path;
/* the properties for this resource */
r->propset = apr_hash_make(pc->pool);
/* store this resource into the top-level hash table */
apr_hash_set(pc->props, url_path, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING, r);
return r;
static int add_to_hash(void *userdata, const ne_propname *pname,
const char *value, const ne_status *status)
svn_ra_dav_resource_t *r = userdata;
const char *name;
name = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, pname->nspace, pname->name, NULL);
value = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, value);
/* ### woah... what about a binary VALUE with a NULL character? */
apr_hash_set(r->propset, name, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING, value);
return 0;
static void process_results(void *userdata, const char *uri,
const ne_prop_result_set *rset)
/* prop_ctx_t *pc = userdata; */
svn_ra_dav_resource_t *r = ne_propset_private(rset);
/* ### should use ne_propset_status(rset) to determine whether the
* ### PROPFIND failed for the properties we're interested in. */
(void) ne_propset_iterate(rset, add_to_hash, r);
static int validate_element(void *userdata, ne_xml_elmid parent, ne_xml_elmid child)
switch (parent)
case NE_ELM_prop:
switch (child)
case ELEM_baseline_coll:
case ELEM_baseline_relpath:
case ELEM_checked_in:
case ELEM_resourcetype:
case ELEM_vcc:
case ELEM_version_name:
return NE_XML_VALID;
/* some other, unrecognized property */
case ELEM_baseline_coll:
case ELEM_checked_in:
case ELEM_vcc:
if (child == NE_ELM_href)
return NE_XML_VALID;
return NE_XML_DECLINE; /* not concerned with other types */
case ELEM_resourcetype:
if (child == ELEM_collection)
return NE_XML_VALID;
return NE_XML_DECLINE; /* not concerned with other types (### now) */
static int start_element(void *userdata, const struct ne_xml_elm *elm,
const char **atts)
prop_ctx_t *pc = userdata;
svn_ra_dav_resource_t *r = ne_propfind_current_private(pc->dph);
switch (elm->id)
case ELEM_collection:
r->is_collection = 1;
case ELEM_baseline_coll:
case ELEM_checked_in:
case ELEM_vcc:
/* each of these contains a DAV:href element that we want to process */
r->href_parent = elm->id;
/* nothing to do for these */
return 0;
static int end_element(void *userdata, const struct ne_xml_elm *elm,
const char *cdata)
prop_ctx_t *pc = userdata;
svn_ra_dav_resource_t *r = ne_propfind_current_private(pc->dph);
const char *name;
if (elm->id == NE_ELM_href)
/* use the parent element's name, not the href */
const elem_defn *parent_defn = defn_from_id(r->href_parent);
name = parent_defn ? parent_defn->name : NULL;
/* if name == NULL, then we don't know about this DAV:href. leave name
NULL so that we don't store a property. */
const elem_defn *defn = defn_from_id(elm->id);
/* if this element isn't a property, then skip it */
if (defn == NULL || !defn->is_property)
return 0;
name = defn->name;
if (name != NULL)
apr_hash_set(r->propset, name, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING,
apr_pstrdup(pc->pool, cdata));
return 0;
svn_error_t * svn_ra_dav__get_props(apr_hash_t **results,
ne_session *sess,
const char *url,
int depth,
const char *label,
const ne_propname *which_props,
apr_pool_t *pool)
ne_xml_parser *hip;
int rv;
prop_ctx_t pc = { 0 };
svn_string_t my_url;
svn_stringbuf_t *url_str;
ne_request *req;
int status_code; = url;
my_url.len = strlen(url);
url_str = svn_path_uri_encode(&my_url, pool);
pc.pool = pool;
pc.props = apr_hash_make(pc.pool);
pc.dph = ne_propfind_create(sess, url_str->data, depth);
ne_propfind_set_private(pc.dph, create_private, &pc);
hip = ne_propfind_get_parser(pc.dph);
ne_xml_push_handler(hip, neon_descriptions,
validate_element, start_element, end_element, &pc);
req = ne_propfind_get_request(pc.dph);
if (label != NULL)
/* get the request pointer and add a Label header */
ne_add_request_header(req, "Label", label);
if (which_props)
rv = ne_propfind_named(pc.dph, which_props, process_results, &pc);
rv = ne_propfind_allprop(pc.dph, process_results, &pc);
status_code = ne_get_status(req)->code;
if (rv != NE_OK)
const char *msg = apr_psprintf(pool, "PROPFIND of %s", url_str->data);
return svn_ra_dav__convert_error(sess, msg, rv, pool);
if (404 == status_code)
return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_RA_PROPS_NOT_FOUND, 0, NULL, pool,
"Failed to fetch props for '%s'", url_str->data);
*results = pc.props;
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
svn_error_t * svn_ra_dav__get_props_resource(svn_ra_dav_resource_t **rsrc,
ne_session *sess,
const char *url,
const char *label,
const ne_propname *which_props,
apr_pool_t *pool)
apr_hash_t *props;
char * url_path = apr_pstrdup(pool, url);
int len = strlen(url);
/* Clean up any trailing slashes. */
if (len > 1 && url[len - 1] == '/')
url_path[len - 1] = '\0';
SVN_ERR( svn_ra_dav__get_props(&props, sess, url_path, NE_DEPTH_ZERO,
label, which_props, pool) );
/* ### HACK. We need to have the client canonicalize paths, get rid
of double slashes and such. This check is just a check against
non-SVN servers; in the long run we want to re-enable this. */
if (1 || label != NULL)
/* pick out the first response: the URL requested will not match
* the response href. */
apr_hash_index_t *hi = apr_hash_first(pool, props);
if (hi)
void *ent;
apr_hash_this(hi, NULL, NULL, &ent);
*rsrc = ent;
*rsrc = apr_hash_get(props, url_path, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING);
if (*rsrc == NULL)
/* ### hmmm, should have been in there... */
return svn_error_createf(APR_EGENERAL, 0, NULL, pool,
"failed to find label \"%s\" for url \"%s\"",
label, url_path);
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
svn_error_t * svn_ra_dav__get_one_prop(const svn_string_t **propval,
ne_session *sess,
const char *url,
const char *label,
const ne_propname *propname,
apr_pool_t *pool)
svn_ra_dav_resource_t *rsrc;
ne_propname props[2] = { { 0 } };
const char *name;
const char *value;
svn_string_t *sv;
props[0] = *propname;
SVN_ERR( svn_ra_dav__get_props_resource(&rsrc, sess, url, label, props,
pool) );
name = apr_pstrcat(pool, propname->nspace, propname->name, NULL);
value = apr_hash_get(rsrc->propset, name, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING);
if (value == NULL)
/* ### need an SVN_ERR here */
return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_RA_PROPS_NOT_FOUND, 0, NULL, pool,
"%s was not present on the resource.", name);
/* ### hmm. we can't deal with embedded NULLs right now... */
sv = apr_palloc(pool, sizeof(*sv));
sv->data = value;
sv->len = strlen(value);
*propval = sv;
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
svn_error_t *svn_ra_dav__get_baseline_info(svn_boolean_t *is_dir,
svn_string_t *bc_url,
svn_string_t *bc_relative,
svn_revnum_t *latest_rev,
ne_session *sess,
const char *url,
svn_revnum_t revision,
apr_pool_t *pool)
svn_ra_dav_resource_t *rsrc;
const char *vcc;
struct uri parsed_url;
svn_string_t *my_bc_url, *my_bc_relative;
const char *lopped_path = "";
/* ### we may be able to replace some/all of this code with an
### expand-property REPORT when that is available on the server. */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------
Fetch the following properties from the given URL (or, if URL no
longer exists in HEAD, get the properties from the nearest
still-existing parent resource):
*) DAV:version-controlled-configuration so that we can reach the
baseline information.
*) svn:baseline-relative-path so that we can find this resource
within a Baseline Collection. If we need to search up parent
directories, then the relative path is this property value
*plus* any trailing components we had to chop off.
*) DAV:resourcetype so that we can identify whether this resource
is a collection or not -- assuming we never had to search up
parent directories.
/* Split the url into it's component pieces (schema, host, path,
etc). We want the path part. */
uri_parse (url, &parsed_url, NULL);
/* ### do we want to optimize the props we fetch, based on what the
### user has requested? i.e. omit resourcetype when is_dir is NULL
### and omit relpath when bc_relative is NULL. */
/* Try to get the starting_props from the public url. If the
resource no longer exists in HEAD, we'll get a failure. That's
fine: just keep removing components and trying to get the
starting_props from parent directories. */
svn_error_t *err;
svn_stringbuf_t *path_s = svn_stringbuf_create (parsed_url.path, pool);
while (! svn_path_is_empty (path_s))
err = svn_ra_dav__get_props_resource(&rsrc, sess, path_s->data,
NULL, starting_props, pool);
if (! err)
break; /* found an existing parent! */
if (err->apr_err != SVN_ERR_RA_REQUEST_FAILED)
return err; /* found a _real_ error */
/* else... lop off the basename and try again. */
lopped_path = svn_path_join (lopped_path,
svn_path_basename (path_s->data, pool),
svn_path_remove_component (path_s);
if (svn_path_is_empty (path_s))
/* entire URL was bogus; not a single part of it exists in
the repository! */
return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_RA_ILLEGAL_URL, 0, NULL, pool,
"No part of path '%s' was found in"
"repository HEAD.", parsed_url.path);
vcc = apr_hash_get(rsrc->propset, SVN_RA_DAV__PROP_VCC, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING);
if (vcc == NULL)
/* ### better error reporting... */
/* ### need an SVN_ERR here */
return svn_error_create(APR_EGENERAL, 0, NULL, pool,
"The VCC property was not found on the "
/* Allocate our own bc_relative path. */
my_bc_relative = svn_string_create ("", pool);
const char *relative_path;
relative_path = apr_hash_get(rsrc->propset,
if (relative_path == NULL)
/* ### better error reporting... */
/* ### need an SVN_ERR here */
return svn_error_create(APR_EGENERAL, 0, NULL, pool,
"The relative-path property was not "
"found on the resource.");
/* don't forget to tack on the parts we lopped off in order
to find the VCC... */
my_bc_relative->data = svn_path_join (relative_path, lopped_path, pool);
my_bc_relative->len = strlen(my_bc_relative->data);
/* if they want the relative path (could be, they're just trying to find
the baseline collection), then return it */
if (bc_relative != NULL)
bc_relative->data = my_bc_relative->data;
bc_relative->len = my_bc_relative->len;
/* shortcut: no need to do more work if the data isn't needed. */
if (bc_url == NULL && latest_rev == NULL && is_dir == NULL)
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------
We have the Version Controlled Configuration (VCC). From here, we
need to reach the Baseline for specified revision.
If the revision is SVN_INVALID_REVNUM, then we're talking about
the HEAD revision. We have one extra step to reach the Baseline:
*) Fetch the DAV:checked-in from the VCC; it points to the Baseline.
If we have a specific revision, then we use a Label header when
fetching props from the VCC. This will direct us to the Baseline
with that label (in this case, the label == the revision number).
From the Baseline, we fetch the following properties:
*) DAV:baseline-collection, which is a complete tree of the Baseline
(in SVN terms, this tree is rooted at a specific revision)
*) DAV:version-name to get the revision of the Baseline that we are
querying. When asking about the HEAD, this tells us its revision.
if (revision == SVN_INVALID_REVNUM)
/* Fetch the latest revision */
const svn_string_t *baseline;
/* Get the Baseline from the DAV:checked-in value, then fetch its
DAV:baseline-collection property. */
/* ### should wrap this with info about rsrc==VCC */
SVN_ERR( svn_ra_dav__get_one_prop(&baseline, sess, vcc, NULL,
&svn_ra_dav__checked_in_prop, pool) );
/* ### do we want to optimize the props we fetch, based on what the
### user asked for? i.e. omit version-name if latest_rev is NULL */
SVN_ERR( svn_ra_dav__get_props_resource(&rsrc, sess,
baseline->data, NULL,
baseline_props, pool) );
/* Fetch a specific revision */
char label[20];
/* ### send Label hdr, get DAV:baseline-collection [from the baseline] */
apr_snprintf(label, sizeof(label), "%ld", revision);
/* ### do we want to optimize the props we fetch, based on what the
### user asked for? i.e. omit version-name if latest_rev is NULL */
SVN_ERR( svn_ra_dav__get_props_resource(&rsrc, sess, vcc, label,
baseline_props, pool) );
/* rsrc now points at the Baseline. We will checkout from the
DAV:baseline-collection. The revision we are checking out is in
DAV:version-name */
/* Allocate our own copy of bc_url regardless. */
my_bc_url = svn_string_create ("", pool);
my_bc_url->data = apr_hash_get(rsrc->propset,
if (my_bc_url->data == NULL)
/* ### better error reporting... */
/* ### need an SVN_ERR here */
return svn_error_create(APR_EGENERAL, 0, NULL, pool,
"DAV:baseline-collection was not present "
"on the baseline resource.");
my_bc_url->len = strlen(my_bc_url->data);
/* maybe return bc_url to the caller */
if (bc_url != NULL)
bc_url->data = my_bc_url->data;
bc_url->len = my_bc_url->len;
if (latest_rev != NULL)
const char *vsn_name;
vsn_name = apr_hash_get(rsrc->propset,
if (vsn_name == NULL)
/* ### better error reporting... */
/* ### need an SVN_ERR here */
return svn_error_create(APR_EGENERAL, 0, NULL, pool,
"DAV:version-name was not present on the "
"baseline resource.");
*latest_rev = SVN_STR_TO_REV(vsn_name);
if (is_dir != NULL)
/* query the DAV:resourcetype of the full, assembled URL. */
char *full_bc_url = svn_path_join(my_bc_url->data,
SVN_ERR( svn_ra_dav__get_props_resource(&rsrc, sess, full_bc_url,
NULL, starting_props, pool));
*is_dir = rsrc->is_collection;
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
svn_error_t *
svn_ra_dav__do_check_path(svn_node_kind_t *kind,
void *session_baton,
const char *path,
svn_revnum_t revision)
svn_ra_session_t *ras = session_baton;
svn_stringbuf_t *url = svn_stringbuf_create (ras->url, ras->pool);
svn_error_t *err;
svn_boolean_t is_dir;
/* ### For now, using svn_ra_dav__get_baseline_info() works because
we only have three possibilities: dir, file, or none. When we
add symlinks, we will need to do something different. Here's one
way described by Greg Stein:
That is a PROPFIND (Depth:0) for the DAV:resourcetype property.
You can use the svn_ra_dav__get_one_prop() function to fetch
it. If the PROPFIND fails with a 404, then you have
svn_node_none. If the resulting property looks like:
Then it is a collection (directory; svn_node_dir). Otherwise,
it is a regular resource (svn_node_file).
The harder part is parsing the resourcetype property. "Proper"
parsing means treating it as an XML property and looking for
the DAV:collection element in there. To do that, however, means
that get_one_prop() can't be used. I think there may be some
Neon functions for parsing XML properties; we'd need to
look. That would probably be the best approach. (an alternative
is to use apr_xml_* parsing functions on the returned string;
get back a DOM-like thing, and look for the element).
/* If we were given a relative path to append, append it. */
if (path)
svn_path_add_component_nts(url, path);
err = svn_ra_dav__get_baseline_info(&is_dir,
if (err == SVN_NO_ERROR)
if (is_dir)
*kind = svn_node_dir;
*kind = svn_node_file;
else /* some error, read the comment below */
/* ### This is way too general. We should only convert the
* error to `svn_node_none' if we're sure that's what the error
* means; for example, the test used to be this
* (err && (err->apr_err == SVN_ERR_RA_PROPS_NOT_FOUND))
* which seemed reasonable...
* However, right now svn_ra_dav__get_props() returns a generic
* error when the entity doesn't exist. It's APR_EGENERAL or
* something like that, and ne_get_status(req)->code == 500, not
* 404. I don't know whether this is something that can be
* improved just in that function, or if the server will need to
* be more descriptive about the error. Greg, thoughts?
*kind = svn_node_none;
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
return err;
* local variables:
* eval: (load-file "../../tools/dev/svn-dev.el")
* end: */